
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 17


The Loopy-O
Yay me. I think the worst of my herxing is over. Until next week, when I on on Tindamax. The fun never ends :pound:

I ended up sticking around the house yesterday. It was probably for the best, on a lot of levels. I wasn't much for other human company.Cait didn't sleep well, so we decided to not go to the early healthy eating workshop. So I did yoga by myself. And the kids and I went to the Farmer's Market in the afternoon. My goal is to buy something that we haven't had before, so this time I bought Rainbow Swiss Chard. It looks pretty with its rainbow stalks. They said that you cook it like any other leafy green so I am going to give that a shot tonight. Next week, I have my eye on these dark purple beans, a variation of a green bean I guess?

Today we have Cait's dr's appt and then some errands to run, and then I am working in the afternoon.

Temptation on Thursday:
I want/need to be outside and soak up the sun!


The Loopy-O
Sara, any luck remembering how to delete that Chrome autofill? I guess I could google it but I think I am too lazy.
I have been hearing about how the polar vortex is keeping the midwest cold. These weather changes are getting weirder and weirder. :(
Huhn, that is interesting about the Airbnb. My MIL did something like that last year but it was through one of her quilt friends. They traded a week in a FL condo for bedquilt. heh.
How did Ben do at the dentist? This is the cool open floor plan one?
That cracks my up about the camera. "kids these days" have a hard time with the concept of film and its limitations.

Nancy- what a treasure to get the family heirlooms. I have some of my grandmothers' silver in my attic. Its not anything I would use or display, but I know that Caitlyn is looking fwd to having her own place and will get some of that.

Phyllis- holy crap, you got zucchini this year??? It seems like every we would complain together about not getting any zucchini. This year, we didn't bother. But that is great that you are getting a lot!!!
Deer Ticks-- *full body shiver*

Trudy- Good for you for sticking up for yourself, and now it is on record that your neighbors are loud and obnoxious. Hope that you had a great day with Mason and that the weather cools off and you get rain (but only at night!)

Love and hugs and happy thoughts!


The Loopy-O
I think I figured it out-- In Chrome, you go to Tools > Clear Browsing History and then select Clear Autofill Form Data.

ETA: Of course, that cleared all of my Autofill... but I guess I can start from scratch :p


Well-Known Member
hiya. making more zucchini bread this morning, since it's only 58 degrees outside and there's no chance of the house getting too hot with the oven on. as i'm doing this, i'm feeling so happy that i have a zucchini muffin recipe that i can eat that uses almond flour. just the SMELL of baking zucchini bread would be really depressing if i didn't have my own alternative to eat! i think there will be lots of zucchini bread making in the weeks ahead. yesterday i just found a few more big-ish zucchini that i had missed. i am loving this!! zuccini at last!!

Chris, glad you're feeling a little better. always a good idea to turn it down a bit when you're feeling bad. and allowing yourself to turn it down a bit. take good care. you know me. i'm thinking the rainbow green stuff sounds suspicious. all i can think of with stuff like that, like KALE, for example, is BITTER! and the colored beans? hmmm. i still can't get those orange tomatoes past my lips. and blue potatoes?? NOOOO!!! :faint2: no doubt, because of the color, they've got some good vitamin action going on. but....

going to Sam's club to stock up on some household stuff today, if i can actually GET there, what with all the construction going on around here. then i'll probably come home and make more zucchini bread to freeze. gotta do some housework, too. and figure out what's for dinner.

enjoy the day. i am liking this 58- degree morning thing! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Quick note. It's not going to look quick because it's long, but I'm copying and pasting. So it is short. :)

(Side note: Chris - I think in the future, you can just try highlighting and then shift + delete or something. I can't remember.)

Dentist. UGH. Here's what happened.

So, I forgot to have him skip breakfast. He ate two frozen choco chip waffles with no syrup. Not a big breakfast, but still…he ate. Oh well. Couldn’t do anything about that. Got him there and the gal took him back saying it would be an hour.

At the two hour mark, I asked the receptionist to check on him. She came out and told me that yes, he had thrown up. She said they had numbed him and were waiting for him to get numb and so the doctor could clear out a few patients and focus 20 minutes just on him.

About 10 minutes later, they came and took me back. Ben was clearly not happy, but he wasn’t awful. He was really ready to go. It’s a big open room with lots of tables and I’m watching the doctor go from kid/family to kid/family. They keep saying she’ll be over to talk to us.

15 minutes later, a hygienist comes over and starts talking to me about a prescription. I finally interrupted and said, what is this even for?? She said, oh to calm him down before the next appointment. She starts talking about the sealant that they put on. (Which was supposed to happen only if he wasn’t gagging too much.) And said they didn’t numb him, etc. I said, wait…I was told he was numbed…they didn’t even do the filling? She said she didn’t even work on Ben it was someone else and that the doctor would be over in a few minutes.

Ten minutes later…right before my self-imposed deadline to walk out the door no matter what….the doctor came over. She spent less than 30 seconds with me. Told me they were going to have him back for the filling. Don’t eat breakfast the next time. Only put one capsule in his food of the medicine. He just gets too nervous, but he tries hard. (At her saying this, Ben starts to well up.)

I was so furious that we left and I didn’t stop to make an appointment. Ben asked if that was it on the way out the door and I made sure to say so that the receptionist heard me that I was too irritated to make another appointment.

So that's the long story. I really need to get going to go to work now. So I will check in later!!!

Hi Phylis, you're making me hungry!


Well-Known Member
oh, Sara. poor kid! poor Mom, too! it sounds like you need another pediatric dentist. this one obviously thinks she's on an assembly line. :rant:


Well-Known Member
Yeah - no kidding! She had 8 kids back there when we were back there. How do you even handle 8 kids with only one doctor?