
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, January 8


The Loopy-O
Sabine posted this today: A sad day for freedom How horrible, the news makes me so sad and confused sometimes. OK, most of the time. But the hippie in me hopes that good will come from these tragedies and that we will be able to find peace on this Earth, in my lifetime.
Go out and hug someone today, call a friend and make them laugh. Light a candle, or say a prayer to add goodness and light to the world. Better yet-- do all of them!
Here is my contribution to all of you::grouphug
Love, light, good thoughts and energy coming your way~~~~~~

My mom and I had a nice day yesterday, even though my day got off to a rough start. I got a bill ($500!!!) for the oncologist that I saw last summer for a second opinion on tamoxifen. I know that I called my insurance company beforehand to ask if I needed prior athorization since it was a second opinion. I am sure that I asked about a referral as well because i always get one especially if I am not sure. The billing had been processed and closed by my insurance co, so I am not sure why it wasn't paid. But God knows, I don't have an extra $500 laying around to pay it. So I calles, and was on hold, then gave all my info and am now waiting for the Billing Dept to call me back. :twitch:
And then I read that the House Republicans passed a bill wanting to cut Social Security Disability Benefits by ~20%. :faint:

My phlebitis got a bit worse yesterday, but seems a lot better today, whew!!!!! Gary thought that I should go to the ER yesterday but I simply could not deal and thankfully, I made the right choice. Today I am going to the eye dr to see about those black specks on my eyelid. As I have said before, the medical fun never ends! Wheeeeeeeee!!!!!:pound:

Today is my mom's birthday- she is 73. I am putting that in writing b/c I can never remember! At that rate, I can't remember how old *I* am either!!!
(That could be pure denial on my part tee hee!)

QOTD They say that you are only old as you feel. How old do you feel? My brain says that I should only be in my 20-30's. My body puts me closer to 70!!!

Lots if hugs to all of you.
Gotta go and warm up the car, as it is only about 6* out there right now.


Well-Known Member
good morning - it is cold single digit cold. Yesterday afternoon the wind calmed for a bit and the temps were in the 20s so I did a quick walk. The schools were getting out and if the kids could walk home I figured I could walk too. Got some laundry done and grocery shopping also. Made a turkey meatball stroganoff from the Rachael Ray magazine. Again the boys went back for seconds and my son said it was awesome. You might think that positive reinforcement would be helpful but it is not LOL. My Devils play Boston in Boston tonight. Hopefully we can win - sorry Trudy. Today I am not walking at outside.

Chris so glad your arm is doing better! Happy Birthday to your mom!

Phylis you are right that is a reason to not allow him to drive my car. I am such a push over.

Trudy I do try to go to the store early so I can get it over with! LOL Trudy I am surprised that you cannot find women to golf with. I am not a golf fan but I think I could get into to the walking part. Congrats on the vacation plans. Just talked to my sister and she says it is in the 70s in Phoenix.

Shar loved your ski story. I am always looking for new authors I will look your suggestion up. I am reading the Handmaid's tale. It is good and really thought provoking.

QOTD - from yesterday skiing. I grew up in the desert so did not ski as a kid but when I moved with my DH to Wisconsin we took up cross country skiing. I loved it. I did not want to do downhill as it was too fast and I like to see the scenery. We moved east and then did lots of cross country skiing in Vermont but once we had kids it was too much of an effort to drive that far. I wish I now that I had gotten my sons more involved. My youngest is into snowboarding so that makes me happy.

QOTD - today I feel like I am in my 30s but I can feel when I get up my body is not quite so willing to get out of bed. I liked the 30s as I felt I began to do more on my own.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... trying to spread the love around like Chris suggested!! Positive loving thoughts
here is a group hug for the whole world
well it can't hurt, right?

Chris - Glad your arm is feeling better, ouch on the $500 medical bill!! Hope your insurance is going to cover that! Hope that your Social Security does not get cut!! DD just got a notice that her's is going up by $100 more a month for her child tax credit, it was ridiculously low. Nice that you had a lovely day with your great Mom! Say "Happy Birthday" from me and give her a great big :hug:

Nancy - Brrrr cold for all of you out East! Don't blame you for not going out for a walk in that! I could probably find some ladies to golf with here, but the prices in B.C for golf are very expensive, in Sask. they were very cheap but then so was everything else there. Guess thats the perk for living on the prairie and putting up with 8 months of winter LOL. Sorry not hoping for a win for your Devils tonight, but will be watching this one for sure. DH happy that his Bruins actually won last night! Love that you got to experience cross country skiing , my son is into snow boarding too, as is his wife and now they have both their kids, ages 6 and 4 into downhill skiing! A great way to spend the day with your family and get exercise in the fresh air!! Wish we could have done more of that!

Phylis - No old guys to give heck to in the pool yesterday!! Had a whole lane to myself, guess I must have scared the old boys LOL!! Aren't I mean!! Hope you are keeping nice and warm, nasty weather for all of you! I wish you lived in the Pacific Northwest too!!!

Shar - Looking forward to your water skiing story! Love your Spam photo too!! :pound: I have one recipe that uses spam and its the only time I ever buy it is to make Western Sandwiches. Basically lots of eggs, grated spam, onions and peppers all mixed together and drop by 1/4 cup amounts onto a griddle, serve on toast. Really pretty good actually!

Ok now I am hungry :hungry: and need some breakfast and another cup of coffee
not much going on today, so I might try to clean up my EHD and get rid of a bunch of really old kits from way back, I haven't used them for ages and they are taking up valuable space, so out they go. Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
well. this has been an interesting morning! i was locked out of The O!! and just a few minutes ago, a Miraculous Healing occurred (nothing i did here...) and i got in. cyberspace is inexplicable to me. i do tend to blame stuff like this on the little men who live inside my computer. as good an explanation as any.

so. here's me. looking out on 2 degrees in my back yard and feeding the bottomless maw of the Evil Wood Stove. we ( (Mr. Woodstove and i) are NOT going to be friends at the end of this, i can assure you. i made some cauliflower/cheese soup and had some for lunch, and i think my next move is going to be doing some vacuuming.

Chris, i wrote you an email earlier about not being able to get on the site and in it told you that i hope your arm continues to improve. be vigilant! re: the cut in the SS disability payments: what needs to be done is to weed out those who are collecting benefits and should NOt be. but of course, that's too complicated a proposition for any of our politicians. they've dug us so deeply into stuff like this that it's nearly impossible to back out of the parts that are being misused. i wish you good luck.

Nancy, GOOD that you didn't go out for a walk today! if it's as cold as it is here where you are, your nose would have fallen off!!

Trudy, you must be dreaming nonstop about your vacation! that Spam recipe actually sounds yummy! re: the eggs. are they scrambled? chopped up? it actually sounds like something i could eat. low carb-ish, if i omit the bread. anything with onions and peppers is a hit with me!

Shar, i am really enjoying someone who stopped at the Spam Museum!! that says all i need to know about your sense of humor! :rofl: you sound like you were quite the daredevil on the slopes! better you than me, my girl....

QOTD: i feel as old as i am. i don't ACT as old as i am, but that's something entirely different. :becky:

the murders in Paris have not made me feel like spreading around any love. i don't know WHAT the answer is, but i'm pretty sure that, so far, at least, love hasn't worked.

and with that cheery bit of sunshine, i bid you adieu. :becky:
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