
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, January 29: Faery is Cranky Editon


The Loopy-O
Enter at your own risk...

Where do I start in the insanity of my life?
To cut to the core of it, I am tired of being cooped up, Gary and I had a lovely shouting match about me starting to babysit again next week, (man oh man, I don't know which one of s is more stubborn), I HATE tindamax and how it makes me feel...and get this...

I had a small chip in my front tooth for years and then yesterday as I was eating breakfast (cereal! not even anything hard) a chunk came off. Just freaking lovely.
I am so thankful that I was able to afford a basic dental insurance plan this year, so some of it will be covered.
I found a dentist who is local, and called and left a message, and then again a few hours later. I dig around online and see that the office is closed on Wed's so I am going to have to call this morning to see if I can get in. The good news is that it is not painful,but just annoying but I know if I don't get it fixed, it will only get worse.

My tremors were really bad yesterday too, and I managed to convince myself that I had Parkinson's. I know, I am totally bonkers. These tremors have been going on for months and can be a big part of neuro-lyme so really, it is all part of this damn illness.

That is all I got. Cold, (-4*F!!!!), herxing, tried and cranky.
I need chocolate.

Love to all and I hope that you are having better days than I am!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- oh wow, it is soo cold, I hope that if you went out walking, you were bundled up? How was dinner and the devils' game?

Phyllis- Thank you for checking out what the "B-Word" meant. LOL
I can't repeat what Phyllis found out but it wasn't a polite word at all hahahah!!!!!!!! And yes, it makes me laugh even harder today.
How did the window guy estimate go? Hope you didn't :faint:

Trudy- you look awesome in your new avi!!
I can't wait until Outlander makes it to Netflix.

Shar- any new news on the computer? Hope it gets up and running soon.
Isn't it funny how old TV shows seem so cheesy now?

Jenn- I am the same way- I love all of the young adult books too.


Oh Chris. So very sorry for your rough patch. :'( Hope things go better today, and that the tooth issue can be taken care of.

Paul was here last evening, and couldn't believe what a mess my cpu was. Since so much of it was a mystery to me, he thinks it's left over from the switch-over last May when I got this cpu. It confirmed in our minds why PAUL is now our Computer Dude, not the friend who used to help us. But as of this morning, my cpu is backed up. Now we have to reconcile a LOT of duplicate (even triplicate) files, but that can be done when the scrub is finished. Paul is going to try to find me some software that will help us compare files and eliminate redundancy. Dell is sending me a new Windows 8.1 disk, since my cpu came loaded with Windows and there was no disk. I'm hoping to be up and running before I leave for Utah next Thursday (a quickie Pop-Down trip...Dave is staying home).

The good news is that the coconut curry shrimp dinner was a huge hit. We ALL loved it.

The other good news is that I will have a VERY efficient (faster?) computer by the time this is all sorted out. The best news is that I have remained calm and able to sleep at night despite these woes. Something that would NOT have been the case 5 years ago.

I agree. Trudy is looking VERY foxy.

Yes...so many of the old shows are cheesy, but I love them the best...Bob Newhart (either series), Mary Tyler Moore, Perry Mason, All Creatures Great and Small... So clean and uplifting compared to most of today's shows. Just about when I was about to give up on the Mentalist, they've had a few good shows--where Jayne does his old tricks, and the one we saw last night involved a cat--hilarious scene.

Go gently.


Well-Known Member
Chris! drat! :rant: hope you get in to the dentist. just what you need. rats. nuts! and is there an alternative to Tindamax? geez. dunno who was on what side re: the babysitting, but the one who was on the side of NOT babysitting next week is right. now Phylis Mom will stop....

Shar, computer stuff just drives me nuts. that's why i love my Best Friend, Mr. iPad. i hate typing on the thing, but it is beyond reliable. knock on wood, even my desktop PC has been behaving, once i figured out where everything was after the blasted Windows 8 updates and made the thing look as if Windows 8 wasn't even on it. SO much time and work, when changes are made or if things go wrong. i really hate devoting so much time to a machine. i just want to turn the thing on and have it work. and i guess Apple is about as close to that state of things as is available. good luck with all of this. hoping for a quick healing for your machinery.

Nancy, how was your dinner date with DS? how'd the Devils do in the game? i just heard that the Pens lost to Washington. things are not looking good here.

Trudy, whoa! a DOUBLE bed? i don't know how anyone stands it. that generation knew nothing else, so i guess they're used to it. but between snoring and moving around and getting up in the night, how does ANYONE get any sleep in a small bed with company? is the fog still gone? hoping your flight gets out with no trouble.

well, i was supposed to go for a much-needed haircut, but i but i just called to cancel. snow, sleet freezing rain, changing to all rain, then no doubt back to the ice version later on. nope. a haircut isn't worth that hassle. so, ANOTHER day at home. i'm gonna bake a cheesecake (Splenda version) so i have something i can just grab and eat for breakfast. healthy. yeah, i know. i have to get more veggies in my diet and less meat and cheese. i've been going for EASY over the last few years. and living on salami and cheese is easy, but certainly not healthy. on a positive note, the window replacement is gong to cost HALF of what i imagined!! so, that was nice. i'm replacing windows in the house a few at a time. i did two last year to see how they performed during the winter, and they were SO much better than the old windows. much less moisture on the inside during cold weather.

have an ice-free, fog-free, sun-filled day. then tell me where you are, so i can join you there!! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning all... No fog this morning, and the it looks like the sun is going to be out again today! Bad news is that looking at the forecast for where we will be on the first day of our vacation it is calling for RAIN!!! Sure hope the weather guys are wrong for that one! Wouldn't you know it just my luck!

Chris - I'm with Phylis on this
drat, dam it!!! Now you have to deal with a broken tooth too?? The same thing happened to one of my front teeth, the dentist fixed up real good for me and you would never know that I chipped it. Hope you feel better soon, are you sure its ok to mix your pain meds with your lyme meds?? Having the tremors must be scary!! Feel better soon my friend and stay away from babysitting for now!!

Shar - sounds like you have lots of fixing up to do with your computer, sure hope it won't take too long to sort out!! Thanks to you all for the lovely compliment on my new AVI! You ladies are too kind!
I had heard that Microsoft was giving anyone with Windows 8 a free upgrade to Windows 10, now you can all hate Windows 10 for free!!! Sorry, but I do not miss all those upgrades from microsoft I love my Mac!! Glad that the Coconut Shrimp was a big hit! I would have loved to have joined you for that meal!! Paired with a nice Pinot Grigio and I would have been in heaven!! Hopefully you will be back to your normal keyboard soon and those fingers will be flying!!

Phylis - Yes the fog has finally lifted and we are able to see the rest of the neighbourhood again. No more living in the Dark Shadows type of surroundings :becky: Hope you get some warmer temps soon and you can get out for the haircut that you need! But you are right its not worth getting into an accident just for a haircut! You are such a wise woman!
Yummm cheesecake for breakfast, sounds pretty good to me!!

No swimming today, off to downtown to get a few things I need, mascara, refill my prescription and just see what kind of trouble I can get into today. Hope you all have a great Thursday! :wave:


Chris, besides being too taxing on your body generally, when you are taking care of little ones fast/quick movements are often necessary. It is too soon for any quick moves, and you CERTAINLY cannot be LIFTING a child! No babysitting yet. Seriously.