
Daily Ooos: Thursday, January 25


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-Fam!

We are now entering the stage of melting snow and ice and creating mud. I am not going to complain about the temps, I much prefer 47* and rain/mud than 12* and sunshine. It was (semi) pleasant walking with Jaida at 5.30 am in the rain. I keep thinking that I should get some reflective tape on her leash. There are solar-activated panels on the leash handle but considering they are in the dark overnight, they don't light up. They will when I take her out after dinner but not in the morning. There are very few cars out that early and I'd see them coming. Thank goodness because I let J walk in the middle of the road as long as she is using her leg.
Also good news- she is using her leg more than not. She still hops when she first stands up but then it seems to loosen up. She tried running around the stairs yesterday and I felt bad for her and W when I made them stop.

Yesterday's homeschool session went much much better than the last time I was there. We went out searching for animal tracks in the snow and watched the patterns of ice and water flowing in the stream. We went to one of the fire spots and used farro rods to see if we could light a fire. The kids were having a blast making sparks with the rods. I never heard of them before so it was neat for me too. The kids were starting to get cold so we brought them back inside and did some nature Mad Libs and made paper out of an egg carton. That was also super fun :p

Gary was feeling really awful yesterday before I left so I wasn't sure if he was going to be up for making dinner- his penne and vodka is better than what you get in restaurants. I was over the moon when I walked in the door and the house smelled amazing! Cait's been crazy busy at work, this week is the start of the Spring Semester and all hell breaks loose. She was just as happy to come inside and be handed a slice of Italian bread dipped in vodka sauce.

I am catching up on some housework this morning and then cleaning for my friend this afternoon--all while feeling relief for the warmer weather.
However long it lasts!


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord I hope that you think of me when you enjoy your coffee and warm weather on the lanai. *G*
Is your insurance giving you a hard time about your surgery *already*??? :rollingpin1:
Good luck getting your file restored if that is even possible.

@BrightEyes I hate those nights of disturbed sleep and crazy dreams. Was it any better last night? Wow, that's incredible that you have had your car a year and only 1000 miles.
Big hugs to you and your sister :hug3:

@vickyday Hope that you and Mark had a nice cozy lunch together.
ITA checkbooks- Bleck!!!
I'm not sure how to put this into words so bear with me. I am glad that you said that you were in a blue mood and bummed with Cheryl's news. It hit me very hard as well and sometimes, I thought that I shouldn't be, don't have the "right" to be. I'm not glad that you were sad but I am relieved that I'm not alone in feeling grief for Cheryl and her family. I felt the same way when Rae and her family went through this with Bailey. I sobbed on Caitlyn's shoulder and then felt ridiculous.
But you ladies are so important to me.
Does any of that make sense?

@EvelynD2 Soooo nice to see you here! How have you been feeling, are you getting your energy back?
Thanks for the support about aging parents. I know that everyone goes through it. It's been hard the last couple of years with both of mine and I tend to ignore it (lalala) so when it catches me off guard, I get slammed with a ton of bricks.

@taxed4ever how was your visit with the ILs? If you were Facetimeing Heather and the boys, I am guessing they didn't have school again? Does Heather have any hair attached to her head or has she ripped it all out? LOL!

@Cherylndesigns If your girls say that you should scrap, I think that's a great idea too- it will keep your mind busy and I know it helps you a lot to be creative. Thinking of all of you and sending love.

Vicky-- *fingers crossed that the car problems are over*


Love my O Family!
Hey there, O-Fam!

We are now entering the stage of melting snow and ice and creating mud. I am not going to complain about the temps, I much prefer 47* and rain/mud than 12* and sunshine. It was (semi) pleasant walking with Jaida at 5.30 am in the rain. I keep thinking that I should get some reflective tape on her leash. There are solar-activated panels on the leash handle but considering they are in the dark overnight, they don't light up. They will when I take her out after dinner but not in the morning. There are very few cars out that early and I'd see them coming. Thank goodness because I let J walk in the middle of the road as long as she is using her leg.
Also good news- she is using her leg more than not. She still hops when she first stands up but then it seems to loosen up. She tried running around the stairs yesterday and I felt bad for her and W when I made them stop.

Yesterday's homeschool session went much much better than the last time I was there. We went out searching for animal tracks in the snow and watched the patterns of ice and water flowing in the stream. We went to one of the fire spots and used farro rods to see if we could light a fire. The kids were having a blast making sparks with the rods. I never heard of them before so it was neat for me too. The kids were starting to get cold so we brought them back inside and did some nature Mad Libs and made paper out of an egg carton. That was also super fun :p

Gary was feeling really awful yesterday before I left so I wasn't sure if he was going to be up for making dinner- his penne and vodka is better than what you get in restaurants. I was over the moon when I walked in the door and the house smelled amazing! Cait's been crazy busy at work, this week is the start of the Spring Semester and all hell breaks loose. She was just as happy to come inside and be handed a slice of Italian bread dipped in vodka sauce.

I am catching up on some housework this morning and then cleaning for my friend this afternoon--all while feeling relief for the warmer weather.
However long it lasts!
I agree! I'll take the warmer temp and rain, too!
Glad your day with the kids was a good one!


Love my O Family!
@LSlycord I hope that you think of me when you enjoy your coffee and warm weather on the lanai. *G*
Is your insurance giving you a hard time about your surgery *already*??? :rollingpin1:
Good luck getting your file restored if that is even possible.

@BrightEyes I hate those nights of disturbed sleep and crazy dreams. Was it any better last night? Wow, that's incredible that you have had your car a year and only 1000 miles.
Big hugs to you and your sister :hug3:

@vickyday Hope that you and Mark had a nice cozy lunch together.
ITA checkbooks- Bleck!!!
I'm not sure how to put this into words so bear with me. I am glad that you said that you were in a blue mood and bummed with Cheryl's news. It hit me very hard as well and sometimes, I thought that I shouldn't be, don't have the "right" to be. I'm not glad that you were sad but I am relieved that I'm not alone in feeling grief for Cheryl and her family. I felt the same way when Rae and her family went through this with Bailey. I sobbed on Caitlyn's shoulder and then felt ridiculous.
But you ladies are so important to me.
Does any of that make sense?

@EvelynD2 Soooo nice to see you here! How have you been feeling, are you getting your energy back?
Thanks for the support about aging parents. I know that everyone goes through it. It's been hard the last couple of years with both of mine and I tend to ignore it (lalala) so when it catches me off guard, I get slammed with a ton of bricks.

@taxed4ever how was your visit with the ILs? If you were Facetimeing Heather and the boys, I am guessing they didn't have school again? Does Heather have any hair attached to her head or has she ripped it all out? LOL!

@Cherylndesigns If your girls say that you should scrap, I think that's a great idea too- it will keep your mind busy and I know it helps you a lot to be creative. Thinking of all of you and sending love.

Vicky-- *fingers crossed that the car problems are over*
It absolutely makes sense! I'm bummed because I know first hand the grief she and her family are feeling.....as does @BrightEyes Kay! And the car problems yesterday just added to the gloomy feelings.....not to mention the rain! That's the reason I scrapped the Rainy Day Feeling page yesterday. I needed to get some of the gloom out of my system!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Well, the car went to church and back last night with no "rattle" sounds at all! No dying in the parking lot of church or at stop signs, either! WOOHOO! Thank You, Lord!

Today I go back to get the results of the bone density test from Tuesday. Oh, did I mention that I found out the day of the test that I am no longer 5'9" tall? She measured me at 5'8".....with my shoes on! So I figure I've shrunk to 5'7 1/2" or there abouts!

It continues to rain today, but it is warm! It is 62 degrees now and even without sun today it is going up to 65! I had straightened my hair for church last Sunday and yesterday it kinked up in the rain! So last night I left it curly, knowing we were still going to have rain the rest of the week and I'll be out in it today!

And, speaking of getting out in the rain, I need to cut this short and get ready to leave.
HAGD to all!

@joyfulheartdesigns Hey, Jenn! We need some weather emojis! I could use an umbrella today! ;)


A real quick in and out this morning. The cold front won't be here until later on this afternoon/evening so I should be able to get the car servicing done before it gets here. I need to pick out 'an armpit' book to take with me to read while the servicing is done. I am in the middle of reading 'The Fairytale' by Steven King - but it is a huge heavy hardback book so need a paperback book to take with me. I must say that 'The Fairytale' is no like any other of Steven King's book... no horror so far and I am halfway through the it.

@Cherylndesigns Yes, I am with your girls... I think that scrapping about Chuck and your life with him might help you. I know that it has helped me deal with the feelings of losing Bill - but also has brought back so many wonderful memoires of the life we shared. I printed the LOs on cardstock and put them in an ring-binder album. Go with your instincts and you will know when and what to scrap. Whether the pages you make are shared with others or kept for you alone, putting the emotions you are feeling on paper may help you deal with them. Yes, widowhood is a lonely road - but you have friends who have walked that path and are here for you - to support you as you walk it. :hug2:

@BrightEyes I hate those nights of disturbed sleep and crazy dreams. Was it any better last night? Wow, that's incredible that you have had your car a year and only 1000 miles.
Big hugs to you and your sister :hug3:

I'm not sure how to put this into words so bear with me. I am glad that you said that you were in a blue mood and bummed with Cheryl's news. It hit me very hard as well and sometimes, I thought that I shouldn't be, don't have the "right" to be. I'm not glad that you were sad but I am relieved that I'm not alone in feeling grief for Cheryl and her family. I felt the same way when Rae and her family went through this with Bailey. I sobbed on Caitlyn's shoulder and then felt ridiculous.
But you ladies are so important to me.
Does any of that make sense?
@faerywings - yes it makes perfect sense. You are not alone in feeling so sad. We are friends with each other and when a friend is hurt, we feel her emotions and also our own. Yes, I shed tears when I read about Chuck's death and when other digi-scrapping friends have lost a loved one. We are a 'family' here and love and care about each other. Never feel ridiculous about those feelings... they are real.


Jenn :)
Good Morning!
Well, the car went to church and back last night with no "rattle" sounds at all! No dying in the parking lot of church or at stop signs, either! WOOHOO! Thank You, Lord!

Today I go back to get the results of the bone density test from Tuesday. Oh, did I mention that I found out the day of the test that I am no longer 5'9" tall? She measured me at 5'8".....with my shoes on! So I figure I've shrunk to 5'7 1/2" or there abouts!

It continues to rain today, but it is warm! It is 62 degrees now and even without sun today it is going up to 65! I had straightened my hair for church last Sunday and yesterday it kinked up in the rain! So last night I left it curly, knowing we were still going to have rain the rest of the week and I'll be out in it today!

And, speaking of getting out in the rain, I need to cut this short and get ready to leave.
HAGD to all!

@joyfulheartdesigns Hey, Jenn! We need some weather emojis! I could use an umbrella today! ;)
I will Google to see if I can find some! And YAY for your car!!! :beatingheart: It sounds like we are having the same weather...it is supposed to get up to 65 here, and we are getting rain all week! I am very thankful for the warmer temps...not looking forward to it getting colder again after the weekend :(


Well-Known Member
@LSlycord I hope that you think of me when you enjoy your coffee and warm weather on the lanai. *G*
Is your insurance giving you a hard time about your surgery *already*??? :rollingpin1:
Good luck getting your file restored if that is even possible.

@BrightEyes I hate those nights of disturbed sleep and crazy dreams. Was it any better last night? Wow, that's incredible that you have had your car a year and only 1000 miles.
Big hugs to you and your sister :hug3:

@vickyday Hope that you and Mark had a nice cozy lunch together.
ITA checkbooks- Bleck!!!
I'm not sure how to put this into words so bear with me. I am glad that you said that you were in a blue mood and bummed with Cheryl's news. It hit me very hard as well and sometimes, I thought that I shouldn't be, don't have the "right" to be. I'm not glad that you were sad but I am relieved that I'm not alone in feeling grief for Cheryl and her family. I felt the same way when Rae and her family went through this with Bailey. I sobbed on Caitlyn's shoulder and then felt ridiculous.
But you ladies are so important to me.
Does any of that make sense?

@EvelynD2 Soooo nice to see you here! How have you been feeling, are you getting your energy back?
Thanks for the support about aging parents. I know that everyone goes through it. It's been hard the last couple of years with both of mine and I tend to ignore it (lalala) so when it catches me off guard, I get slammed with a ton of bricks.

@taxed4ever how was your visit with the ILs? If you were Facetimeing Heather and the boys, I am guessing they didn't have school again? Does Heather have any hair attached to her head or has she ripped it all out? LOL!

@Cherylndesigns If your girls say that you should scrap, I think that's a great idea too- it will keep your mind busy and I know it helps you a lot to be creative. Thinking of all of you and sending love.

Vicky-- *fingers crossed that the car problems are over*
Hey, Chris! I hope you are feeling better this morning. I know it is hard as parents get older. Try to remember to enjoy the times and moments now and don't lose them being sad about the future. I like the saying "Each day is a gift. That's why it's called the present." We went through this with our parents so I completely understand and my heart goes out to you. {{{{HUGS}}}
I see the radiation oncologist next Tuesday to find out the schedule for my radiation. Yesterday was the first day I felt like I had some energy so I'm hoping it's starting to come back. Hopefully my hair will too! :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Another rainy day but at least the fog has lifted and we can see the Lake again! I have been talking with Heather this morning again and she finally has a day without the boys home from school. I am working on a T-Shirt for Hunter today, he wanted a shirt that he could where for pizza day at school, so I came up with this 1.jpghope he likes it! I made it with different colored heat transfer vinyl so it is much more colourful and looks good on the grey long sleeved t-shirt that I bought for him. Of course Mason wants a t-shirt too so I am doing one with a photo of his dog on it and hope to finish that off today as well.

@faerywings - Sounds like your day at work was a good one! How fun to spend time outside looking at the animal tracks! Then even nicer to warm up inside and make some crafts!! You are right in your element with all those kids!! I too have been feeling very sad for Cheryl and her family!! But like Kay said, we are close here at the O and when one of us is hurting the rest of us are also! How nice that your Gary had supper ready for you when you got home from work, my DH did that for me too when I had to work on a weekend or was late getting home from work during the week. Always a nice surprise!! Hope he felling better today!

@Cherylndesigns - I do hope you continue to scrap during this difficult time! I am sure it would be very theraputic for you!! Sending you and your family lots of gentle hugs and love!! :hug1:.

@vickyday - Glad to hear that your car is ok and that the temps have warmed up for you! We continue to have the rain, but at least its not freezing anymore! Had to laugh about your hair going all curly in the rain, that happens to me also, but its not a nice curly its all wonky looking LOL.

@BrightEyes - Hope you find a good paperback to read while your car gets serviced! That is strange that your Stephen King novel isn't a horror novel like he usually writes, well not yet anyway, I will have to check that one out!

@joyfulheartdesigns - How nice to see you here! Yes please on the umbrella smiley that would be awesome!!

@EvelynD2 - Yes you are right about our parents!! I try to be much more patient these days with my DH's parents, it is hard to watch them age and change so much!! I no longer have my parents they both passed many years ago, but I do miss them every single day!! I hope that your radiation goes well and that your hair starts to come in again quickly!! ((((Hugs))))!!

Ok I need some more coffee and then I get my morning chores done! Hope you all have a good day!! :cowwaving:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... Another rainy day but at least the fog has lifted and we can see the Lake again! I have been talking with Heather this morning again and she finally has a day without the boys home from school. I am working on a T-Shirt for Hunter today, he wanted a shirt that he could where for pizza day at school, so I came up with this View attachment 411419hope he likes it! I made it with different colored heat transfer vinyl so it is much more colourful and looks good on the grey long sleeved t-shirt that I bought for him. Of course Mason wants a t-shirt too so I am doing one with a photo of his dog on it and hope to finish that off today as well.

@faerywings - Sounds like your day at work was a good one! How fun to spend time outside looking at the animal tracks! Then even nicer to warm up inside and make some crafts!! You are right in your element with all those kids!! I too have been feeling very sad for Cheryl and her family!! But like Kay said, we are close here at the O and when one of us is hurting the rest of us are also! How nice that your Gary had supper ready for you when you got home from work, my DH did that for me too when I had to work on a weekend or was late getting home from work during the week. Always a nice surprise!! Hope he felling better today!

@Cherylndesigns - I do hope you continue to scrap during this difficult time! I am sure it would be very theraputic for you!! Sending you and your family lots of gentle hugs and love!! :hug1:.

@vickyday - Glad to hear that your car is ok and that the temps have warmed up for you! We continue to have the rain, but at least its not freezing anymore! Had to laugh about your hair going all curly in the rain, that happens to me also, but its not a nice curly its all wonky looking LOL.

@BrightEyes - Hope you find a good paperback to read while your car gets serviced! That is strange that your Stephen King novel isn't a horror novel like he usually writes, well not yet anyway, I will have to check that one out!

@joyfulheartdesigns - How nice to see you here! Yes please on the umbrella smiley that would be awesome!!

@EvelynD2 - Yes you are right about our parents!! I try to be much more patient these days with my DH's parents, it is hard to watch them age and change so much!! I no longer have my parents they both passed many years ago, but I do miss them every single day!! I hope that your radiation goes well and that your hair starts to come in again quickly!! ((((Hugs))))!!

Ok I need some more coffee and then I get my morning chores done! Hope you all have a good day!! :cowwaving:
You are so crafty! Love the pizza shirt!
Yeah, my hair is a frizzy curly when it is rainy/misty out!


Love my O Family!
Well, unfortunately, I found out that I have severe osteoporosis. She wants me to get further labs and X-rays of my neck and upper spine to see if something is going on to cause some of my headaches. Depending on the lab work results, I may have to start taking calcium and double my D3 intake. Osteoporosis PT will begin in February. I did a blog post for my kids HERE if you are interested in facts and figures, LOL!
Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@LSlycord I hope that you think of me when you enjoy your coffee and warm weather on the lanai. *G*
Is your insurance giving you a hard time about your surgery *already*??? :rollingpin1:
Good luck getting your file restored if that is even possible.

@BrightEyes I hate those nights of disturbed sleep and crazy dreams. Was it any better last night? Wow, that's incredible that you have had your car a year and only 1000 miles.
Big hugs to you and your sister :hug3:

@vickyday Hope that you and Mark had a nice cozy lunch together.
ITA checkbooks- Bleck!!!
I'm not sure how to put this into words so bear with me. I am glad that you said that you were in a blue mood and bummed with Cheryl's news. It hit me very hard as well and sometimes, I thought that I shouldn't be, don't have the "right" to be. I'm not glad that you were sad but I am relieved that I'm not alone in feeling grief for Cheryl and her family. I felt the same way when Rae and her family went through this with Bailey. I sobbed on Caitlyn's shoulder and then felt ridiculous.
But you ladies are so important to me.
Does any of that make sense?

@EvelynD2 Soooo nice to see you here! How have you been feeling, are you getting your energy back?
Thanks for the support about aging parents. I know that everyone goes through it. It's been hard the last couple of years with both of mine and I tend to ignore it (lalala) so when it catches me off guard, I get slammed with a ton of bricks.

@taxed4ever how was your visit with the ILs? If you were Facetimeing Heather and the boys, I am guessing they didn't have school again? Does Heather have any hair attached to her head or has she ripped it all out? LOL!

@Cherylndesigns If your girls say that you should scrap, I think that's a great idea too- it will keep your mind busy and I know it helps you a lot to be creative. Thinking of all of you and sending love.

Vicky-- *fingers crossed that the car problems are over*
Chris, I don't think they're going to let me get away without scrapping for very many more days. :hug2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns Yes, I am with your girls... I think that scrapping about Chuck and your life with him might help you. I know that it has helped me deal with the feelings of losing Bill - but also has brought back so many wonderful memoires of the life we shared. I printed the LOs on cardstock and put them in an ring-binder album. Go with your instincts and you will know when and what to scrap. Whether the pages you make are shared with others or kept for you alone, putting the emotions you are feeling on paper may help you deal with them. Yes, widowhood is a lonely road - but you have friends who have walked that path and are here for you - to support you as you walk it.

Thanks for your support, Kay. I know you live it and it helps you. I've been getting lots of pictures from other family members, too, some really old "candid shots" that have brought back so many memories. I will probably start scrapping here in the next few days.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning ladies... Another rainy day but at least the fog has lifted and we can see the Lake again! I have been talking with Heather this morning again and she finally has a day without the boys home from school. I am working on a T-Shirt for Hunter today, he wanted a shirt that he could where for pizza day at school, so I came up with this View attachment 411419hope he likes it! I made it with different colored heat transfer vinyl so it is much more colourful and looks good on the grey long sleeved t-shirt that I bought for him. Of course Mason wants a t-shirt too so I am doing one with a photo of his dog on it and hope to finish that off today as well.

@faerywings - Sounds like your day at work was a good one! How fun to spend time outside looking at the animal tracks! Then even nicer to warm up inside and make some crafts!! You are right in your element with all those kids!! I too have been feeling very sad for Cheryl and her family!! But like Kay said, we are close here at the O and when one of us is hurting the rest of us are also! How nice that your Gary had supper ready for you when you got home from work, my DH did that for me too when I had to work on a weekend or was late getting home from work during the week. Always a nice surprise!! Hope he felling better today!

@Cherylndesigns - I do hope you continue to scrap during this difficult time! I am sure it would be very theraputic for you!! Sending you and your family lots of gentle hugs and love!! :hug1:.

@vickyday - Glad to hear that your car is ok and that the temps have warmed up for you! We continue to have the rain, but at least its not freezing anymore! Had to laugh about your hair going all curly in the rain, that happens to me also, but its not a nice curly its all wonky looking LOL.

@BrightEyes - Hope you find a good paperback to read while your car gets serviced! That is strange that your Stephen King novel isn't a horror novel like he usually writes, well not yet anyway, I will have to check that one out!

@joyfulheartdesigns - How nice to see you here! Yes please on the umbrella smiley that would be awesome!!

@EvelynD2 - Yes you are right about our parents!! I try to be much more patient these days with my DH's parents, it is hard to watch them age and change so much!! I no longer have my parents they both passed many years ago, but I do miss them every single day!! I hope that your radiation goes well and that your hair starts to come in again quickly!! ((((Hugs))))!!

Ok I need some more coffee and then I get my morning chores done! Hope you all have a good day!! :cowwaving:
Thanks, Trudy. They're encouraging me to get back to scrapping and I've been receiving lots of new pictures from some friends, but mostly family members. That is giving me extra incentive.