
Daily Ooos: Thursday, January 18


The Loopy-O
Help me please, I hate this cold weather! This is me every time I need to take Jaida outside:

Now add a leash in one hand and a sling supporting her back legs in the other. Toss in a lot of ice on the driveway that has a decent incline. My goodness, it takes up hours of my day just taking the dogs to go potty. Good thing I love 'em ♥
I kept trying to scrape up the ice and packed snow yesterday since the ice melt isn't doing all that much to get through to the blacktop. I don't know how the Midwest deals with this on a regular winter day. I'm such a baby when it comes to the snow. And guess what's happening tomorrow? Yup-- more snow.
I am ready to hibernate for the next few months.

I had another one of those days that got away from me. I was almost out of dog treats so I made a batch of them in the afternoon which took up the bulk of the day. W makes me LMBO every time I do this. She must know the smell and sits and watches my every move. The second they come out of the oven, she runs into the kitchen and I have to tell her she needs to wait until they cool off LOL

I'm cleaning for my friend this morning and then who knows what will happen this afternoon? Tonight, I am making mashed potatoes in the IP. Scott is coming for dinner so I wanted to make something to show him how cool it is. Cait was at his house for dinner last night, she misses him a lot so this is nice for everyone.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
I forgot to mention that I spent a bunch of time texting/emailing the family- my FIL has Covid now and we decided to postpone the Murder Party that was next week. I'm kind of relieved, I was not ready at all. Plus I was supposed to go to my mom's tomorrow to work on some banking but since I can't (snow), I'll do that on Tuesday now that day is open. *blinks*
Around and around she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

@vickyday Hope that the weather and your throat are doing better today.
How disappointing that your grandson can't see some of the sites. Teenagers are :crazy: the way they dress!
Any luck figuring out and fixing whatever was up with your computer?

@Cherylndesigns That is my hope for my dad too, that he gets cleared by the GP/cardiologist for the repair surgery. He is 85 and I know he was concerned that his age would be a concern. But the guy can't even get a coat on and off without help, let alone sleep without pain.
Safe travels for Steph. The way this winter weather is, I guess if there is a clear window, she has to take it. I can only imagine what a big help she has been to you.

@BrightEyes uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Computer problems really stink. I hope that you can get a new one and that you don't have too much stuff to re-download.

My nephew lives and works in DC- he is in the Capital and he *loves* it. The on-again-off-again shutdowns are a PITB because his office never knows what's happening but aside from that, he truly enjoys what he is doing.

@LSlycord So glad that you took your lunch break! Now -- make sure that you keep doing that. Muah!:lovey3:

@taxed4ever How much snow did you end up with? I bet it bugged your Gary to no end to not being able to be out here shoveling with you. Was he able to make it to the dr appt?
I call Jaida the bionic dog and I think she and my dad are in a competition for the title. They'd better stop right now for both of their sakes. (and my credit card!). My dad has one hip and one shoulder already replaced, this will be shoulder #2. Jaida had both knees done *knocks wood that this is over* :giggle4:

Cheryl, I am sure you are glad to have Steph stay a little longer. ♥
And water!! How fantastic to have water!! :cheer:

Woot!! That's awesome news about the computer Kay! Even if it dies again (hope not!) you'll have everything that you need backed up. Whew!

it's awesome to end this on a good note!


Love my O Family!
Help me please, I hate this cold weather! This is me every time I need to take Jaida outside:

Now add a leash in one hand and a sling supporting her back legs in the other. Toss in a lot of ice on the driveway that has a decent incline. My goodness, it takes up hours of my day just taking the dogs to go potty. Good thing I love 'em ♥
I kept trying to scrape up the ice and packed snow yesterday since the ice melt isn't doing all that much to get through to the blacktop. I don't know how the Midwest deals with this on a regular winter day. I'm such a baby when it comes to the snow. And guess what's happening tomorrow? Yup-- more snow.
I am ready to hibernate for the next few months.

I had another one of those days that got away from me. I was almost out of dog treats so I made a batch of them in the afternoon which took up the bulk of the day. W makes me LMBO every time I do this. She must know the smell and sits and watches my every move. The second they come out of the oven, she runs into the kitchen and I have to tell her she needs to wait until they cool off LOL

I'm cleaning for my friend this morning and then who knows what will happen this afternoon? Tonight, I am making mashed potatoes in the IP. Scott is coming for dinner so I wanted to make something to show him how cool it is. Cait was at his house for dinner last night, she misses him a lot so this is nice for everyone.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
I'm sorry, but I had to giggle at your emoji! You are as wide as you are tall, LOL! One move and you may topple over! I can't believe with all of our rain and cold that we have somehow managed NOT to get any snow! I would love one good snow just for pictures sake! Then it can melt and go away!


Love my O Family!
I forgot to mention that I spent a bunch of time texting/emailing the family- my FIL has Covid now and we decided to postpone the Murder Party that was next week. I'm kind of relieved, I was not ready at all. Plus I was supposed to go to my mom's tomorrow to work on some banking but since I can't (snow), I'll do that on Tuesday now that day is open. *blinks*
Around and around she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

@vickyday Hope that the weather and your throat are doing better today.
How disappointing that your grandson can't see some of the sites. Teenagers are :crazy: the way they dress!
Any luck figuring out and fixing whatever was up with your computer?

@Cherylndesigns That is my hope for my dad too, that he gets cleared by the GP/cardiologist for the repair surgery. He is 85 and I know he was concerned that his age would be a concern. But the guy can't even get a coat on and off without help, let alone sleep without pain.
Safe travels for Steph. The way this winter weather is, I guess if there is a clear window, she has to take it. I can only imagine what a big help she has been to you.

@BrightEyes uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Computer problems really stink. I hope that you can get a new one and that you don't have too much stuff to re-download.

My nephew lives and works in DC- he is in the Capital and he *loves* it. The on-again-off-again shutdowns are a PITB because his office never knows what's happening but aside from that, he truly enjoys what he is doing.

@LSlycord So glad that you took your lunch break! Now -- make sure that you keep doing that. Muah!:lovey3:

@taxed4ever How much snow did you end up with? I bet it bugged your Gary to no end to not being able to be out here shoveling with you. Was he able to make it to the dr appt?
I call Jaida the bionic dog and I think she and my dad are in a competition for the title. They'd better stop right now for both of their sakes. (and my credit card!). My dad has one hip and one shoulder already replaced, this will be shoulder #2. Jaida had both knees done *knocks wood that this is over* :giggle4:

Cheryl, I am sure you are glad to have Steph stay a little longer. ♥
And water!! How fantastic to have water!! :cheer:

Woot!! That's awesome news about the computer Kay! Even if it dies again (hope not!) you'll have everything that you need backed up. Whew!

it's awesome to end this on a good note!
COVID is gonna be the death of all of us! Hope it isn't a serious case for your FIL! Glad the postponement gives you more time, however!
My throat is the same today. It clears up throughout the day so I am figuring I must be breathing with my mouth open at night or something. It is still very cold, but I'm going out anyway! Actually already been out!
I'm still waiting to hear from Mac App. I'm afraid to do anything. I'm just not familiar enough with a Mac to be messing around on my own! As long as I have PSE15 on the older laptop I'll be OK!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning to All,
Been out already on this below freezing morning with lots of sunshine! Had to go and pick up my grocery order. Came back to the house and put it away and then went back to the P.O. to mail some stationery to my 81 year old aunt. She is the last sibling of my father's so I want to keep in touch and she mentioned she was about out of stationery the last time she wrote. She is living in an assisted living facility. I need to plan on seeing her when the weather clears up.

Today is Ilene's 84th birthday so I am going to pick her up in about 1/2 hour and take her to lunch. Mark has wanted to go to lunch the last 2 days but since I didn't feel well I told him I would take a raincheck. Today will be the day for the raincheck. So I will pick up Ilene and go to his work to pick him up and we all will go to lunch. Then I'll drop him back at work and go to Ilene's for the day.

Still no word from the Mac App people where I bought my PSE2023 and the "save for web" function is still not working. I don't know enough about my hand-me-down Mac from my son to even begin to know how to uninstall and reinstall! I would surely mess something up on my own, LOL!

OK, gotta get ready to go and get Ilene.
Have a great day!


Morning, all. I held my breath this morning when I turned on DH's computer... YES... it is working! Heard from another scrapper that she had the same thing (black screen then finally got the updating screen) with her computer when it up-dated!! It is a relief to know that others had the same thing happen. Now I am not quite as concerned about my computer. Needless to say... my stress level was off-the-charts and due to that, I skipped taking my BP as I was sure it high all day!!! I hate the idea of getting a new computer and having to transfer everything over to it. My family computer gaurs don't live here any more. OH... I just remembered that DS#1 and his wife will be coming for a visit in early March!!! Perfect opportunity to get him to help me find a new computer and get things moved over to it. He was the head of the IT dept at his old job!!! :bowdown3: Hmmmm ... I will give him a 'heads-up' and let him do a bit of research before he gets here. :yesss: He is always asking if he can help in any way... perfect job for him. :woohoo:

Went to the library yesterday afternoon and picked up a book on hold plus 2 other books from the "new books" area plus 1 from adult section. There are 2 other 'on-hold' books in transit from the main library. They should be in either today or tomorrow. Started reading the one "Dragon Keeper" by Robin Hobbs.. and am not sure I will finish it. I am looking for a new sci/fi series but don't think this will be one I want... <sigh> Skipped over to a mystery "The Raging Storm" by Ann Cleeves and I am about half way through it. At least it is holding my attention!! Also picked up the latest Tom Clancy book "Command and Control" and "Blood and Ice" by Robert Masello.


@faerywings I was LOL over the emoji! I can just see you bundled up like that as you take the dogs out!!! :rotfl:
So sorry your dad needs a shoulder replacement and hope that he gets it done ASAP. And your FIL with Covid!! Wise to postpone the "Murder" get together until every one is well. And I had to LOL over the dog sitting and watching you as you made the dog treats!!! Yep, it must be he smells them.

@vickyday Glad you feel up to going out to lunch with Ilene and your DH. Sounds like a delightful day in store for you.

@Cherylndesigns WATER...so glad that it is back running again!!! 4 days is a long time to be without it! Sounds like you have a lot of chores to catch up on now that you have water again.

@LSlycord Nice to hear you are back at work again. I bet Syd is anxiously awaiting when you can go up to visit with her so she can see you are doing fine.

Need some more :coffeedrinker:and get back to :busy1: and catch up on some scrapping.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... We are sitting at a balmy zero this morning and I had a really great sleep last night for a change. So hope that I can have a productive day today. The driveway is all cleared and all the neighbours and their kids were out in snow most of the day. We got about 7 inches of snow and the kids were having a blast making snowmen, forts and using their toboggans! So fun to watch! It was funny watching our neighbour use my Gary's snowblower, he was like a kid with a new toy and most of the neighbours benefited from it LOL. I think he was disappointed when the batteries were all used up ( we have numerous batteries) and he had to bring it back to our garage. I got my exercise in shovelling the stairs and keeping the newly fallen snow off the driveway during the day, it felt really good to be outside in the fresh air. I got a page finished for a pre-release and hope to work on another today. I am without a vehicle again today as DH is back to work, but still needs my CRV to get there. I will phone my favourite craft store owner today and find out if she a couple of things that I am needing and if she does I will get them either tomorrow or on Saturday. DH did manage to get to his appointment and got his staples removed, he feels so much better now that those staples are not pulling at his skin anymore. Dr. said that he is healing nicely and was happy with his recovery. Hooray!!

@faerywings - I love your emoji!!! I looked similar yesterday as I was out shovelling yesterday, but ended up stripping off a layer as I got too warm. Thinking of poor Heather and family today as their area has been hit with a ton of snow and frigid temps -27C boys were home again yesterday, they have missed way too much school!! Sorry to hear that your FIL now has Covid, hope he is not feeling too poorly!! This gives you a bit more time to get ready for the Murder Party though. Enjoy your evening with everyone tonight, hope that the mashed potatoes turn out amazing in the Instant Pot!! You must be so happy that Scott found it for you as a gift for Christmas!! Sending you lots of warm weather vibes today:loveangel:, it really sucks that you have to dress up that way to take the dogs out !! I really do think we all need to head to Mexico and warm up!!

@Cherylndesigns - Is it true??? You have water again?? I sure hope so, you have been without it for way too long!!

@vickyday - Happy Birthday to Ilene!! Please let her know we are all thinking of her on her special day! How nice that you are feeling well enough to go out for lunch with her and your DH today! I hope you have a lovely time! I hope that your Mac IT guys get back to you soon, it really isn't that difficult to uninstall/re-install on a Mac, but I would be nervous about doing it too! I hope that you find out soon if you should tackle it on your own or not.

@BrightEyes - Hooray for not having to get a new computer, just yet anyway! Good plan to talk to your IT DS#1 I bet he can find a perfect new computer for you! I keep thinking that one of these days my old iMac will give out on me and my DS has upgraded and done all he can do with it, so I keep my fingers crossed that it will last me at least one more year .

waving hello :wavinghello:to @bcgal00 and hope that you are out of the deep freeze in your area!! Hope that everyone has a wonderful day today!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

It's almost 40 and sunny going up to 50 today, We still have two cars stuck at the bottom of the hill. Steph's is down there and so is Alyssa's. Alyssa has been walking back and forth to her car to get to work. School has been cancelled, so she doesn't have to worry about that. They're going to try to drive people down to their cars today, in Roger's truck and see if they can get up. Ugh. Chuck's visiting nurse has been trying to get here for a couple of days and she has a smallish car and I told her not to try it. Steph has an SUV with front wheel and hill assist and she can't get hers up. The joys of country living.

Yes, we have water again and Kay @BrightEyes we have lots of chores to catch up on. I got the first load of dirty dishes in the dishwasher last night and Steph emptied it this am and has another load in there. We need to do a load of laundry too. I've had NO water in the kitchen for 4 days, but had a small stream in my bathroom, so I had tried to keep up with a few dishes in there. That's why I laughed about doing dishes in my bathroom. Glad you DS is an IT guy and is coming to visit in March.

Chris @faerywings I don't envy you having to take the dogs out in this, especially J. We're lazy - we have a really long rope for Daisy and keep the end of it in the house, under the French door in the kitchen. I just hook her up and tell her to go potty. She's a runner, so I can't just let her out - she'd be back on the North 40. :runningdog: Her rope is really long, so she can go pretty far on it but can't go running off. I'd love to fence in the backyard but haven't even priced it out yet - I'm sure the rope will have to do. Sorry your party had to be postphoned.

Vicky @vickyday have fun lunching and visiting today.

Gotta cut this short - today is the Gallery Standout Blog post and I'm SO not ready. The girls and I going to Walmart later so send vibes that we will not go crazy in there. :banghead:

Hugs to all


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning ladies... We are sitting at a balmy zero this morning and I had a really great sleep last night for a change. So hope that I can have a productive day today. The driveway is all cleared and all the neighbours and their kids were out in snow most of the day. We got about 7 inches of snow and the kids were having a blast making snowmen, forts and using their toboggans! So fun to watch! It was funny watching our neighbour use my Gary's snowblower, he was like a kid with a new toy and most of the neighbours benefited from it LOL. I think he was disappointed when the batteries were all used up ( we have numerous batteries) and he had to bring it back to our garage. I got my exercise in shovelling the stairs and keeping the newly fallen snow off the driveway during the day, it felt really good to be outside in the fresh air. I got a page finished for a pre-release and hope to work on another today. I am without a vehicle again today as DH is back to work, but still needs my CRV to get there. I will phone my favourite craft store owner today and find out if she a couple of things that I am needing and if she does I will get them either tomorrow or on Saturday. DH did manage to get to his appointment and got his staples removed, he feels so much better now that those staples are not pulling at his skin anymore. Dr. said that he is healing nicely and was happy with his recovery. Hooray!!

@faerywings - I love your emoji!!! I looked similar yesterday as I was out shovelling yesterday, but ended up stripping off a layer as I got too warm. Thinking of poor Heather and family today as their area has been hit with a ton of snow and frigid temps -27C boys were home again yesterday, they have missed way too much school!! Sorry to hear that your FIL now has Covid, hope he is not feeling too poorly!! This gives you a bit more time to get ready for the Murder Party though. Enjoy your evening with everyone tonight, hope that the mashed potatoes turn out amazing in the Instant Pot!! You must be so happy that Scott found it for you as a gift for Christmas!! Sending you lots of warm weather vibes today:loveangel:, it really sucks that you have to dress up that way to take the dogs out !! I really do think we all need to head to Mexico and warm up!!

@Cherylndesigns - Is it true??? You have water again?? I sure hope so, you have been without it for way too long!!

@vickyday - Happy Birthday to Ilene!! Please let her know we are all thinking of her on her special day! How nice that you are feeling well enough to go out for lunch with her and your DH today! I hope you have a lovely time! I hope that your Mac IT guys get back to you soon, it really isn't that difficult to uninstall/re-install on a Mac, but I would be nervous about doing it too! I hope that you find out soon if you should tackle it on your own or not.

@BrightEyes - Hooray for not having to get a new computer, just yet anyway! Good plan to talk to your IT DS#1 I bet he can find a perfect new computer for you! I keep thinking that one of these days my old iMac will give out on me and my DS has upgraded and done all he can do with it, so I keep my fingers crossed that it will last me at least one more year .

waving hello :wavinghello:to @bcgal00 and hope that you are out of the deep freeze in your area!! Hope that everyone has a wonderful day today!
Yes, it's true, Trudy! It came back on last night and we were doing the happy dance. 4 days is WAY to long to go without water. :laundry::showering::banana8::banana7:


Well-Known Member
Quick in and out for me today. Jen and I were looking thru the Okotoks Welcome package we received (lots of coupons and business cards). There are a couple of restaurant coupons and discounts for services which we'll use. We are heading out to (hopefully) get our drivers license application done now. We have gone in a few times and never had the proper info they needed so third time is the charm, isn't it? We have a few things with our names and current address so we should be good this time. Then over to get some printer ink. When I get back home I'll get Remi out in the yard for some playtime. It has warmed up a bit but still only -5F. From Sun onward it will be in the 30's so will plan to take Remi to the dog park for a long playtime, she sure needs it. She's handled being indoors this past week really well but I can tell she is antsy, she needs to run.

Gotta get going, D is warming up the car. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. I held my breath this morning when I turned on DH's computer... YES... it is working! Heard from another scrapper that she had the same thing (black screen then finally got the updating screen) with her computer when it up-dated!! It is a relief to know that others had the same thing happen. Now I am not quite as concerned about my computer. Needless to say... my stress level was off-the-charts and due to that, I skipped taking my BP as I was sure it high all day!!! I hate the idea of getting a new computer and having to transfer everything over to it. My family computer gaurs don't live here any more. OH... I just remembered that DS#1 and his wife will be coming for a visit in early March!!! Perfect opportunity to get him to help me find a new computer and get things moved over to it. He was the head of the IT dept at his old job!!! :bowdown3: Hmmmm ... I will give him a 'heads-up' and let him do a bit of research before he gets here. :yesss: He is always asking if he can help in any way... perfect job for him. :woohoo:

Went to the library yesterday afternoon and picked up a book on hold plus 2 other books from the "new books" area plus 1 from adult section. There are 2 other 'on-hold' books in transit from the main library. They should be in either today or tomorrow. Started reading the one "Dragon Keeper" by Robin Hobbs.. and am not sure I will finish it. I am looking for a new sci/fi series but don't think this will be one I want... <sigh> Skipped over to a mystery "The Raging Storm" by Ann Cleeves and I am about half way through it. At least it is holding my attention!! Also picked up the latest Tom Clancy book "Command and Control" and "Blood and Ice" by Robert Masello.
Oh, I'm so glad your computer came back to life! Wonderful that you have a DS who can help out! My son, as smart as he is, only writes code but can't fix a computer!


Love my O Family!
@faerywings I was LOL over the emoji! I can just see you bundled up like that as you take the dogs out!!! :rotfl:
So sorry your dad needs a shoulder replacement and hope that he gets it done ASAP. And your FIL with Covid!! Wise to postpone the "Murder" get together until every one is well. And I had to LOL over the dog sitting and watching you as you made the dog treats!!! Yep, it must be he smells them.

@vickyday Glad you feel up to going out to lunch with Ilene and your DH. Sounds like a delightful day in store for you.

@Cherylndesigns WATER...so glad that it is back running again!!! 4 days is a long time to be without it! Sounds like you have a lot of chores to catch up on now that you have water again.

@LSlycord Nice to hear you are back at work again. I bet Syd is anxiously awaiting when you can go up to visit with her so she can see you are doing fine.

Need some more :coffeedrinker:and get back to :busy1: and catch up on some scrapping.
It really was a delightful day! And so nice to be able to spend time with Ilene. 1st time in about a month or longer!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... We are sitting at a balmy zero this morning and I had a really great sleep last night for a change. So hope that I can have a productive day today. The driveway is all cleared and all the neighbours and their kids were out in snow most of the day. We got about 7 inches of snow and the kids were having a blast making snowmen, forts and using their toboggans! So fun to watch! It was funny watching our neighbour use my Gary's snowblower, he was like a kid with a new toy and most of the neighbours benefited from it LOL. I think he was disappointed when the batteries were all used up ( we have numerous batteries) and he had to bring it back to our garage. I got my exercise in shovelling the stairs and keeping the newly fallen snow off the driveway during the day, it felt really good to be outside in the fresh air. I got a page finished for a pre-release and hope to work on another today. I am without a vehicle again today as DH is back to work, but still needs my CRV to get there. I will phone my favourite craft store owner today and find out if she a couple of things that I am needing and if she does I will get them either tomorrow or on Saturday. DH did manage to get to his appointment and got his staples removed, he feels so much better now that those staples are not pulling at his skin anymore. Dr. said that he is healing nicely and was happy with his recovery. Hooray!!

@faerywings - I love your emoji!!! I looked similar yesterday as I was out shovelling yesterday, but ended up stripping off a layer as I got too warm. Thinking of poor Heather and family today as their area has been hit with a ton of snow and frigid temps -27C boys were home again yesterday, they have missed way too much school!! Sorry to hear that your FIL now has Covid, hope he is not feeling too poorly!! This gives you a bit more time to get ready for the Murder Party though. Enjoy your evening with everyone tonight, hope that the mashed potatoes turn out amazing in the Instant Pot!! You must be so happy that Scott found it for you as a gift for Christmas!! Sending you lots of warm weather vibes today:loveangel:, it really sucks that you have to dress up that way to take the dogs out !! I really do think we all need to head to Mexico and warm up!!

@Cherylndesigns - Is it true??? You have water again?? I sure hope so, you have been without it for way too long!!

@vickyday - Happy Birthday to Ilene!! Please let her know we are all thinking of her on her special day! How nice that you are feeling well enough to go out for lunch with her and your DH today! I hope you have a lovely time! I hope that your Mac IT guys get back to you soon, it really isn't that difficult to uninstall/re-install on a Mac, but I would be nervous about doing it too! I hope that you find out soon if you should tackle it on your own or not.

@BrightEyes - Hooray for not having to get a new computer, just yet anyway! Good plan to talk to your IT DS#1 I bet he can find a perfect new computer for you! I keep thinking that one of these days my old iMac will give out on me and my DS has upgraded and done all he can do with it, so I keep my fingers crossed that it will last me at least one more year .

waving hello :wavinghello:to @bcgal00 and hope that you are out of the deep freeze in your area!! Hope that everyone has a wonderful day today!
Sounds like your DH is progressing really well after his surgery! YAY!
Yes, it was nice to be out and about today, and especially with Ilene! Poor thing has really been cooped up for a month! And to get to spend the afternoon with her playing our favorite Qwirkle was wonderful!
No word from the IT guy yet, which is aggravating! I may just have to do some research on my own to figure it out!


Love my O Family!
Good morning all.

It's almost 40 and sunny going up to 50 today, We still have two cars stuck at the bottom of the hill. Steph's is down there and so is Alyssa's. Alyssa has been walking back and forth to her car to get to work. School has been cancelled, so she doesn't have to worry about that. They're going to try to drive people down to their cars today, in Roger's truck and see if they can get up. Ugh. Chuck's visiting nurse has been trying to get here for a couple of days and she has a smallish car and I told her not to try it. Steph has an SUV with front wheel and hill assist and she can't get hers up. The joys of country living.

Yes, we have water again and Kay @BrightEyes we have lots of chores to catch up on. I got the first load of dirty dishes in the dishwasher last night and Steph emptied it this am and has another load in there. We need to do a load of laundry too. I've had NO water in the kitchen for 4 days, but had a small stream in my bathroom, so I had tried to keep up with a few dishes in there. That's why I laughed about doing dishes in my bathroom. Glad you DS is an IT guy and is coming to visit in March.

Chris @faerywings I don't envy you having to take the dogs out in this, especially J. We're lazy - we have a really long rope for Daisy and keep the end of it in the house, under the French door in the kitchen. I just hook her up and tell her to go potty. She's a runner, so I can't just let her out - she'd be back on the North 40. :runningdog: Her rope is really long, so she can go pretty far on it but can't go running off. I'd love to fence in the backyard but haven't even priced it out yet - I'm sure the rope will have to do. Sorry your party had to be postphoned.

Vicky @vickyday have fun lunching and visiting today.

Gotta cut this short - today is the Gallery Standout Blog post and I'm SO not ready. The girls and I going to Walmart later so send vibes that we will not go crazy in there. :banghead:

Hugs to all
WOOHOO! So glad the water is back on!
We got to almost 50 today, too!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out for me today. Jen and I were looking thru the Okotoks Welcome package we received (lots of coupons and business cards). There are a couple of restaurant coupons and discounts for services which we'll use. We are heading out to (hopefully) get our drivers license application done now. We have gone in a few times and never had the proper info they needed so third time is the charm, isn't it? We have a few things with our names and current address so we should be good this time. Then over to get some printer ink. When I get back home I'll get Remi out in the yard for some playtime. It has warmed up a bit but still only -5F. From Sun onward it will be in the 30's so will plan to take Remi to the dog park for a long playtime, she sure needs it. She's handled being indoors this past week really well but I can tell she is antsy, she needs to run.

Gotta get going, D is warming up the car. HAGD everyone.
Mark's doberman gets really antsy if he doesn't get to take her down to the woods for a few days, too! Piper LOVES to run!