
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, January 15:The No Coffee Editioneee


The Loopy-O

It is sooooo unfair!! Why is there a no caffeine rule before surgery??? Why??? :Cry:

So yes, I am here briefly, since I don't have to leave until about 9.15. Might have to leave a bit earlier because the highway we use to get to the hospital is closed, BOTH direction right were we need to get off to the road that the hospital is on. Not one, but two accidents *and* a downed traffic light in between. At least it is not snowing. :pound:
The good thing is that I had worked at the Hospital Day Care Center/Preschool for several years and I know a lot of the back roads from going out and about on my lunch hour. I might not be able to say the road names, but when I see 'em, I'll know 'em.

I think I was able to get most of what I need done all wrapped up. Just have to throw a nightgown and some slippers in my bag (and my ipod, cell phone and ipad-- priorities!)

That is about it from me. The only thing left that I have to say would be to complain about no coffee and no one needs to hear me say more on that. ;)

QOTD How well of a patient will Faery be? Will she do too much or will she finally learn to rest? Take advice and help as need it or be a headstrong and stubborn one?
I'll give you the actual answer some time next week when I most likely overdid it and have no choice but to rest. :rofl:

Love to you all, and thank you all so so so VERY much for good thoughts and prayers.


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- the cold weather does that to me too, it is brutal just opening to door to let the dog outside. I really hope that you got some sleep last night.
Thank you so much, but no need to get on your knees to pray. That sounds painful!
I *think* that is who is reading the Fiery Cross but I can't be totally sure. It sounds like the woman who has done the other ones. Listening to them is so much easier than reading them. I reads the first 3 easily. But the 4th, Drums of Autumn, I don't know if I even finished it. They were just too long and bulky for me to get through. But the audios-- they are perfect.
Did you ever make it out of the house yesterday?

Nancy- eesh, I can't believe that you are still out walking, but so proud of you for doing it. Your LO was great and the recipe looked delish!
I don't use any of the shopping apps either except the digital coupons at Shop Rite. I have a couple of games and some news apps, and any.do- my to-do list app.

Woo hoo Trudy on a great night's sleep. It really is an amazing feeling. That is really crazy about Heather's computer and I bet she is thrilled to have a phone again.

Shar- that sounds like my parents. They never looked at being with my kids and now my nephew as babysitting. It was all fun, hands-on good times.

Jean- 1*-- just too cold. This morning it is 19* and might get up to 30* and the weather forecaster said how it is going to be "warm" 30* is NOT warm!!!! :faint2:
Hope that you had a nice genealogy meeting too.

Time for me to get ready. Love and hugs and many thanks for good thoughts too!


Feeling Owsome at the O!
Thinking of you too! Hope that all goes well!Also hope that you can tame your impatience


Well-Known Member
Chris, it's that damned Mr. Biochemistry again!! i hope DH has a vat of coffee ready for you as soon as you get home. Good luck, kiddo. i am pretty sure that you will NEVER regret this surgery. and i promised knees, so knees it is.:becky: and i swear, if you overdo it after this, i'm coming east to tie you to a chair. i mean it. and warn your family that i'll come and poke them with a stick if they don't treat you like The Queen!! and you. treat YOURSELF like The Queen.

Jean do you do paid genealogy investigations for people?

Trudy, i honestly believe that the answer to most computer probs is to restart. or shut down, unplug your modem, wait for 30 seconds, plug modem back in and turn on the Stupid Machine!! this gives the Little Men who live inside your computer time for a bathroom break.

Shar, my kids never really got the full blast of Grandparents. on both sides there were OTHeR grandkids who lived closer, so they became The Chosen Ones. this never really bothered me, because i CHOSE not to live too close to family. and neither side of the fam's grandparents were that loveydovey or thrilled to babysit in general. so i never asked or expected it.

yeah, i did get outside yesterday. nothing too thrilling. a trip through the junk aisles at TJ Maxx and a visit to the State Store to buy some cheap champagne. today i'm going out again because there is supposed to be SUN at some point!! wow!! and the temps are a bit better, so the air won't hurt my face.

have a Happy Thursday. hope you see the sun. :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... So Dark outside this morning!! We were supposed to get wet snow during the night, but so far none has appeared. That's ok I don't mind when the weather man is wrong with the snow predictions! A day off from swimming today, so perhaps a walk will be in order. Not much else to do today except hang out here with all of my favourite O-zies.

Chris - I will be there beside you today as you have your surgery today!! Holding your hand and sending you all my positive vibes your way!! :hug: please be a good patient and do what you are told!! Hope your hubby has that vat of coffee ready for you!!

Diane - Nice of you to bring Chris that great cup of virtual coffee!! Wish I could make my cappuccino look that way!!

Nickel - Nice to see your smiling face here! You should pop in more often!

Phylis - My kids did not get to see their grandparents too much either, and just like you my husbands parents had the chosen grandson that they still treat like he is a five year old and is now 23?? My parents had so many grandkids, because I am the youngest of 7 children and all those grandkids were all so very special to them. I never felt that they treated any of them any different. However my Mom and Dad always treated us kids all the same too. The way it should be!! Heather has more problems with computers than anyone I know LOL! She did have her computer shut down many times before it actually started working again! :noidea : I think you are right there are little minions in there that need a break now and again! :becky: Glad to hear that the temps are improving and that you might actually see the sun today!!

Shar - I did get an empty lane again yesterday! It was so nice and quiet in the pool, I guess all of the New Year's resolution people have left already! Or perhaps they are out with the flu which has been very bad around our area! Hopefully it is not the flu! How was your day with your sweet GD? I bet you had fun! Too funny that your hubby's golf buddy did not get why he would want to spend time with his GD instead of golfing!! I would rather be with my grandkids than do anything!! I miss them all so much!!

Jean - Hope you continue to have warmer temps! How was your genealogy get together? Hope that there were lots of good friends there!!

Off to get my second cup of coffee and breakfast. :sorry: Chris!! Probably some scrapping today and I hope to start a painting that I have been meaning to do for a long, long time. I don't normally paint on canvas, but I had a dream about this one, so I think I should do it! Have a fabulous Thursday everyone! :wave:


Couldn't believe it. I woke up about 4:30 and spent some time on my tablet before falling back asleep again. Thought about Chris, who I know was at the hospital by that time (7:30 NJ time). Then I woke up at 8:15 to find a posting from her on one of my LOs in the gallery. CHRIS!!!!! It wasn't there earlier, I'm pretty sure. So is she (are YOU!!) back online already!????

As to grandparenting...yes...another story! When DH and I had to make the choice as to where we would settle down (& which state boards he would take), we seriously considered San Diego, because of the beautiful climate there (we had lived in Seattle all our lives and were weary of rain). And I had an aunt and cousins there, so we'd have people we belonged to. But both our sets of parents were in Seattle, so we decided to settle back home so our kids would have relationships with their grandparents. Best laid plans..... My mom and step-father barely had contact with them. (I've mentioned before that my mom always thought she was the center of the universe, and these kids took the focus off her.) I can count on one hand with fingers left over how often they "babysat." Dave's parents (mostly his mom, who dictated their life) had another set of grandkids who were The Chosen Ones. Babysitting? Same deal as my folks. I got no help from any of them. In fact, when a new baby came along, they'd make the requisite visit to see it, but expect to be served afternoon coffee and cookies! LOL They never even brought a casserole! Fortunately, I had a grandpa and grandma who showed me what grandparents were supposed to be. And we took to it like rubber duckies to bath water. We're with the guy who said, "If I'd known how wonderful it was going to be, I'd have had grandchildren FIRST!" I swear, I think spending time with my grandchildren and praying for them is the "work" of my latter years. And our Utah grandkids only have us. DSIL's parents have never even met their grandchildren (by their choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even IMAGINE not knowing these precious kids. =:O I don't know who I am sorrier for, the kids or their other grandparents...all they are missing.

Trudy, sounds like your creative juices are flowing. Looking forward to seeing some of your painting. I've given painting a shot or two, but have never really followed through. Hope you get a good swim lane again today.

Phylis, I hope your outing today is frost-free! Our temps may seem warm to you all who are in the midst of that arctic blast, but we have a bone-chilling-DAMP cold. Glad I don't have an outdoor job in winter weather.

Dentist for me today...semi-annual cleaning and Lecture. The only good thing about the dentist is that they don't weigh you.

...but one more slurp of coffee first...in Chris' honor.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar - You are right about the bone chilling damp weather!! I was thinking of you the other night as DH and I were watching "The Killing" on Netflix. It is set in Seattle and in almost every scene it was pouring rain!!!! I thought, they must be freezing cold, although they were all dressed in just light coats and pants. We do not get the rain that you get I don't think and even living just 15 mins from where I grew up the weather is totally different here in the valley. Half the amount of rain and way more sunshine! Funny what a few miles will make in the weather patterns. BTW I feel sorry for the other grandparents who are missing out on all the love and sweetness that you get from grandkids!! That quote is one of my favourites also, although I would love to turn back time and have my kids young again and do it all over, without the bad though :becky:


Well-Known Member
Afternoon, all! Wondering where in the day's process Chris is about now. Hope its over and she's resting.

It is definitely warmer today (20s) and the sun was brilliant for a while. The art supply store is advertising some new pens and I want to get there to buy some. This evening a genealogy related meeting about 40 mins. away. The group meeting yesterday I love. It's at the senior center and we just talk for 2 hours. Tell things we've found, ask questions, share ideas, look things up while we talk. And, yes, nice people.

Phylis, no I don't do paid research. I do help friends, volunteer occasionally, give talks and write articles, and I do genealogy research for the historical society as a volunteer. I still have lots of work to do on both my own and DH's families. Hope you are enjoying better weather today too.

Diane, love that mug for Chris! Wish we could slip it to her.

Trudy, amazing about the pool abandonment, do hope it isn't the flu. Have a good walk instead today. Interesting how DD has all those computer gremlins. Some folks just seems to attract them.

Shar, what family stories. Some of those are the kind I think could be well left out of the family history narrative. Sad we aren't all able to connect. Funny how our own weather may sound better to those who don't have it. I think I might take our snow over your rain.

Chris, zinging you warm, caffeine-filled wishes for NO headache and plenty of rest.