
Daily Ooos: Thursday, January 11


The Loopy-O
Good morning (possibly!) to you all. I skimmed a little bit from yesterday and it sounded like a lot of you had some chaotic moments. I sure hope that by the time you read this, everything is calmer.

It wasn't calm at work yesterday either. I had to laugh at the end of it. It was one of those days where if something could go upside-down, it did. But despite that, I am excited to be working with Lauren and with the kids. Pre-planning went fine, she was expecting 5 kids. By the time of drop-off, some last-minute registrations came though and she had 9 on the roster. Everything was flooded. Some of the kids weren't wearing snow boots or waterproof shoes and had to go back to the office to dry off. And one girl- let's just say that I have had a few in similar situations and part of you wants to say hey- I can tell you are being a drama queen here and part of you wants to do everything you can to make them feel safe. It's hard :(
Years ago I had a set of twins that if anyone even slightly bumped into them, they would drop to the floor screaming bloody murder. This usually happened when the rest of my class had nap time. They had a lot going on in their family life and I saw the same "vibe" in this person yesterday.
Lauren apologized for the way things played out. I told her, I'd had worse. :D

My biggest challenge is adjusting my physical boundaries. I was used to teaching in classrooms. Outside time was in a tightly controlled playground with very clear rules that had to be adhered to. It's like I have an internal rubber band that when these kids got too far away, my instinct was to bring them back in. My rubber band is much smaller them Lauren's. ;) What was neat and reassuring about it was that afterward, we talked over the session and I brought that up. Lauren and Anne were super supportive of that and said that as I got to know the kids and the property that area/boundary would expand.
I am not scheduled to work until the 24th but I'll either have a training meeting next week or I'll head over there on my own to walk around and look at some of the books and supplies. I am allowed to hike there whenever I want (the trails are private) so I can get used to the layout better. I know they are discussing summer camp already so I hope that I'll be part of that.

This morning is grocery pick up and then house cleaning for my friend. Keeping an eye on J-- she will use her leg when walking slowly but the second she picks up speed, she'll switch to 3 legs. But it is an improvement. Whew!

HAGD! xoxo


Love my O Family!
Good morning (possibly!) to you all. I skimmed a little bit from yesterday and it sounded like a lot of you had some chaotic moments. I sure hope that by the time you read this, everything is calmer.

It wasn't calm at work yesterday either. I had to laugh at the end of it. It was one of those days where if something could go upside-down, it did. But despite that, I am excited to be working with Lauren and with the kids. Pre-planning went fine, she was expecting 5 kids. By the time of drop-off, some last-minute registrations came though and she had 9 on the roster. Everything was flooded. Some of the kids weren't wearing snow boots or waterproof shoes and had to go back to the office to dry off. And one girl- let's just say that I have had a few in similar situations and part of you wants to say hey- I can tell you are being a drama queen here and part of you wants to do everything you can to make them feel safe. It's hard :(
Years ago I had a set of twins that if anyone even slightly bumped into them, they would drop to the floor screaming bloody murder. This usually happened when the rest of my class had nap time. They had a lot going on in their family life and I saw the same "vibe" in this person yesterday.
Lauren apologized for the way things played out. I told her, I'd had worse. :D

My biggest challenge is adjusting my physical boundaries. I was used to teaching in classrooms. Outside time was in a tightly controlled playground with very clear rules that had to be adhered to. It's like I have an internal rubber band that when these kids got too far away, my instinct was to bring them back in. My rubber band is much smaller them Lauren's. ;) What was neat and reassuring about it was that afterward, we talked over the session and I brought that up. Lauren and Anne were super supportive of that and said that as I got to know the kids and the property that area/boundary would expand.
I am not scheduled to work until the 24th but I'll either have a training meeting next week or I'll head over there on my own to walk around and look at some of the books and supplies. I am allowed to hike there whenever I want (the trails are private) so I can get used to the layout better. I know they are discussing summer camp already so I hope that I'll be part of that.

This morning is grocery pick up and then house cleaning for my friend. Keeping an eye on J-- she will use her leg when walking slowly but the second she picks up speed, she'll switch to 3 legs. But it is an improvement. Whew!

HAGD! xoxo
Like anything new, it will take some time to adjust and learn the ropes! You've got this! Good idea to spend some time on the trails on your own to familiarize yourself with the surroundings! Why do there always have to be "those" kids? Sometimes it ruins everything for the rest! But I know lots of kids have rough family lives, too! I hate it for them!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Turns out it was not the fan motor but the igniter. Fan guy is going to install a new one sometime today after Mark and I are done with our dentist appointments.
Still sick to my stomach. I'm wondering if I have another UTI. I was having stomach issues constantly last spring. When I went to the doctor found out I had a UTI. As soon as she started me on antibiotics I felt better! Weird thing is that I have no symptoms I would expect to have with a UTI. Anyway, I may try to get in to see the doctor this afternoon after Fan guy leaves, depending on when he gets here.
Sun is out. It's 27 here at 7:47 but rising to 52 or so this afternoon. 65 in the house this morning, so not too bad!
Gotta run to get ready to leave for the dentist. I will pick Mark up from work on the way to the appointment.


The Loopy-O
@vickyday when I scrolled up, I saw that your furnace is back working but you might need a new one? :thud:
What a crazy day and I can only imagine how much that stress aggravated your stomach. Keep trying those deeeeep breaths!

@BrightEyes what a fun day with your friends, nice to have that before your appt yesterday. I hope that everything went well with the endoscopy. Oh my goodness, 14*! The weather has been 100% wrong-- everywhere.

@bcgal00 awwwww helllll no! -20* Nope. I am not going to ask if that is F or C because either way, it is too darn cold! That Taz cracks me up, I can see him all snuggly and loving the pampering of the paw balm. And then OTOH, trying to keep Remi still long enough to rub it in. Your pups are the best ♥
How amazing for Jen to have the deer right next to the car. That's so awesome!
Stay warm!!

@Cherylndesigns Nothing like getting in the shower and not having enough water.Ugh! Hope that the well/septic situation gets back to normal.
I was supposed to be only shadowing yesterday but I know you won't be surprised that I had to jump right in. ;) While Lauren was talking to the one girl, I had the kids acting out how the wind and rain sounded the night before. I can't help myself hahaah!
I hope that the bad weather blows over and doesn't affect you guys at all.

@taxed4ever Your day really got away from you, didn't it? BTDT as you know. *G*
What a lovely time with your sister and how kind of Gary's boss to come by with wine and a GC! They must want him back in the office as soon as he is ready. Will he be able to go back to regular hours next week or does he need more time off? He'd better behave tomorrow or they will yell at him LOL

@melscrap that monitor is a beauty! How long is it, head to tail? Any idea how old it is? I love the markings!
Thank you for sharing the photo! If you make a suncatcher with the flowers, please let me know what happens.

(You all know that once spring is here and the flowers start to bloom, my freezer is going to be nothing but weird experiments like that!)

Love to all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning! I got a good night's sleep in my own bed last night. Got discharged from the hospital at about 2:00. The TAVR went well. Everything that they hoped for. They can't hear any murmur now and I feel much more energetic...so we can now put the nonsense of the heart behind me for now. I honestly don't think that I had any idea how much that had weighed on me emotionally over the past few years. And I am so glad that I insisted on the TAVR instead of OHS.

Today I am going to create a layout...even if there isn't much mojo. Because I am ready to be back to a "normal" life. So much to catch up on. I'm going to go back and read for a few days and then I'm going to come back in here and do personals!


Well-Known Member
@faerywings how very cool that you got to spend some time at the new job. Do you know how much you will work? Is it kind of as needed? You are so perfect for this. And I saw the pictures of Scott teaching the little kids. Wow has he found his niche! That makes me so happy...not only for him but also for you! Glad that your mom is feeling better but sorry that your dad isn't feeling well. And also sorry about Gary. Is his Lyme acting up again...is that why he restarted the meds?


Well-Known Member
@vickyday it sounds like maybe the furnace won't be too expensive? I hope that is the case...those are always the worst expenses...no joy and unexpected costs. I sure hope that you can find out what is wrong with your stomach and feel better. Spring is just around the corner and you want to feel good!


Yesterday's test went just fine... all is normal and no problem areas!!! :dancing6: That was wonderful news. Had to say the morning started off a bit rocky... my friend fell back asleep and it is a good thing I called her when she had not called to say she was on the way. It is a 30 minute drive from her house to mine and my check-in was only 40 minutes away when I called her. All was okay - we got there 5 minutes after check-in time. We picked up lunch and brought it home with us. After she left I crawled into bed and slept for over 2 hours. Had supper than was back in bed by 7:30 PM and slept until 6 AM. Know that was due to the sedation meds.

@LSlycord So glad that your surgery went well... and that you are back home. I was thinking about you on the 9th. Sounds like you made the right decision to go with the TAVR rather than the OHS. It is so good to have you popping in to let us know how you are doing.

@faerywings I figured you wouldn't help but jump right in to helping on your 1st training session. Once a teacher - always a teacher. Yes, seems like there is always 1 who is a handful. BTW, I meant to say how much I liked the photos of Scott with the kids. As they say... the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree... he has your caring and love of teaching.

@vickyday Sure hope the heater gets fixed quickly. And hope that you don't have to replace it soon! You are wise to get a check for a UTI. Hope the doc can get you on meds so you get to feeling better.

@taxed4ever What a wonderful thing to have Gary's boss and co-workers come over and bring food and GC. Bet they will keep an eye on him when he goes back to work to make sure he doesn't over-do.

@Cherylndesigns oh, no!!! Sorry about the low water pressure. What a shame that the city water lines would have to come under a road to get them to your compound. Yes, we had to let our water run slightly when we lived in the mobile home during cold weather. Hope the pressure gets better.

@bcgal00 I am so glad you enjoyed the first of 'The Others World' books. Yeah, I was the same way - got hooked on reading it and couldn't wait to get the rest of them. Glad to hear that you can get the rest of them from the library. Oh, loved hearing about Jen sitting in her car with a deer right beside it. And... I love seeing the photos of your house and surrounding area. Glad to hear you are almost finished with the unpacking since the move.

@melscrap so good to see you here again!! Wow, what a great photo of the Monitor Lizard! Thanks for sharing it. And you are right... any day with a new book is a good day!

Today will be a laid-back and recover day. Have a pre-release kit I should work with and give some thought to the Feb challenge I will be hosting. Hope everyone has a good day.


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes I am so glad to hear that the endoscopy went well. Going without coffee and food is absolutely the worst! My check-in was at 11:00 and I didn't go into the OR until 1:30. They were going to send me upstairs to my room at 5:00 and I finally asked if they had any food. I hadn't had anything except a sip of water to take meds since 8:30 the night before so I was starting to get grouchy! So glad that you called your friend in time to get over there. That would have been bad!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday when I scrolled up, I saw that your furnace is back working but you might need a new one? :thud:
What a crazy day and I can only imagine how much that stress aggravated your stomach. Keep trying those deeeeep breaths!

@BrightEyes what a fun day with your friends, nice to have that before your appt yesterday. I hope that everything went well with the endoscopy. Oh my goodness, 14*! The weather has been 100% wrong-- everywhere.

@bcgal00 awwwww helllll no! -20* Nope. I am not going to ask if that is F or C because either way, it is too darn cold! That Taz cracks me up, I can see him all snuggly and loving the pampering of the paw balm. And then OTOH, trying to keep Remi still long enough to rub it in. Your pups are the best ♥
How amazing for Jen to have the deer right next to the car. That's so awesome!
Stay warm!!

@Cherylndesigns Nothing like getting in the shower and not having enough water.Ugh! Hope that the well/septic situation gets back to normal.
I was supposed to be only shadowing yesterday but I know you won't be surprised that I had to jump right in. ;) While Lauren was talking to the one girl, I had the kids acting out how the wind and rain sounded the night before. I can't help myself hahaah!
I hope that the bad weather blows over and doesn't affect you guys at all.

@taxed4ever Your day really got away from you, didn't it? BTDT as you know. *G*
What a lovely time with your sister and how kind of Gary's boss to come by with wine and a GC! They must want him back in the office as soon as he is ready. Will he be able to go back to regular hours next week or does he need more time off? He'd better behave tomorrow or they will yell at him LOL

@melscrap that monitor is a beauty! How long is it, head to tail? Any idea how old it is? I love the markings!
Thank you for sharing the photo! If you make a suncatcher with the flowers, please let me know what happens.

(You all know that once spring is here and the flowers start to bloom, my freezer is going to be nothing but weird experiments like that!)

Love to all!
Unfortunately furnace isn't fixed yet. Furnace guy has to pick up a new igniter and will install it this afternoon hopefully.


Love my O Family!
Yesterday's test went just fine... all is normal and no problem areas!!! :dancing6: That was wonderful news. Had to say the morning started off a bit rocky... my friend fell back asleep and it is a good thing I called her when she had not called to say she was on the way. It is a 30 minute drive from her house to mine and my check-in was only 40 minutes away when I called her. All was okay - we got there 5 minutes after check-in time. We picked up lunch and brought it home with us. After she left I crawled into bed and slept for over 2 hours. Had supper than was back in bed by 7:30 PM and slept until 6 AM. Know that was due to the sedation meds.

@LSlycord So glad that your surgery went well... and that you are back home. I was thinking about you on the 9th. Sounds like you made the right decision to go with the TAVR rather than the OHS. It is so good to have you popping in to let us know how you are doing.

@faerywings I figured you wouldn't help but jump right in to helping on your 1st training session. Once a teacher - always a teacher. Yes, seems like there is always 1 who is a handful. BTW, I meant to say how much I liked the photos of Scott with the kids. As they say... the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree... he has your caring and love of teaching.

@vickyday Sure hope the heater gets fixed quickly. And hope that you don't have to replace it soon! You are wise to get a check for a UTI. Hope the doc can get you on meds so you get to feeling better.

@taxed4ever What a wonderful thing to have Gary's boss and co-workers come over and bring food and GC. Bet they will keep an eye on him when he goes back to work to make sure he doesn't over-do.

@Cherylndesigns oh, no!!! Sorry about the low water pressure. What a shame that the city water lines would have to come under a road to get them to your compound. Yes, we had to let our water run slightly when we lived in the mobile home during cold weather. Hope the pressure gets better.

@bcgal00 I am so glad you enjoyed the first of 'The Others World' books. Yeah, I was the same way - got hooked on reading it and couldn't wait to get the rest of them. Glad to hear that you can get the rest of them from the library. Oh, loved hearing about Jen sitting in her car with a deer right beside it. And... I love seeing the photos of your house and surrounding area. Glad to hear you are almost finished with the unpacking since the move.

@melscrap so good to see you here again!! Wow, what a great photo of the Monitor Lizard! Thanks for sharing it. And you are right... any day with a new book is a good day!

Today will be a laid-back and recover day. Have a pre-release kit I should work with and give some thought to the Feb challenge I will be hosting. Hope everyone has a good day.
Glad to hear you had good test results! I was able to get a doctor appointment for noon today!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday it sounds like maybe the furnace won't be too expensive? I hope that is the case...those are always the worst expenses...no joy and unexpected costs. I sure hope that you can find out what is wrong with your stomach and feel better. Spring is just around the corner and you want to feel good!
$300 is certainly better than $3,000 or more, for sure!
I was able to get a doctor appointment for noon today.


Love my O Family!
Good morning! I got a good night's sleep in my own bed last night. Got discharged from the hospital at about 2:00. The TAVR went well. Everything that they hoped for. They can't hear any murmur now and I feel much more energetic...so we can now put the nonsense of the heart behind me for now. I honestly don't think that I had any idea how much that had weighed on me emotionally over the past few years. And I am so glad that I insisted on the TAVR instead of OHS.

Today I am going to create a layout...even if there isn't much mojo. Because I am ready to be back to a "normal" life. So much to catch up on. I'm going to go back and read for a few days and then I'm going to come back in here and do personals!
So glad it's over and that you are feeling better! Thank the Lord!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It's been a busy morning. Twice I did a quick in and out with the dogs b/c of the cold temps (-20F with wind chill of -40F today). Tomorrow we hit a high of -49F (with wind chill)...yikes. We do love the snow, it is so powdery but prefer the slightly warmer days that we had in Dec. Good thing those really cold temps usually only come once or twice throughout the winter here, for a few days to a week. I got Remi's winter boots yesterday and ordered Taz's which will be ready for pickup today). If they are outside for more than 3-4 min they will need their boots on. Remi got red and Taz got black.

Our new loveseat finally came today (after being delayed 2 wks) and we love it. It is a really good match for the other loveseat. Now we are just waiting for the credenza to come and I want to find a small side table for the dining room and find a brown heavy blanket to protect the couch seats from the dog claws. It's nice that there are not many things I need to get for this house, most things from the other house work well here too.

We will bundle up and head out to the neighborhood pub tonight to meet a few locals. It's nice that everything here is about a 5-10 min drive away.

@faerywings Glad that yesterday went well and yes, I'm sure you'll feel more comfortable as you get settled into the job. How cool to have access to the private hiking trails. How peaceful that will be to wander by yourself and explore.

@vickyday I think it was you that asked about whether I was referring to C or F. It is F for the temps. I am old school, F is what I learned in school. I don't like using celcius. Hope you find out what is wrong and get treated so you'll feel better.

I'd better hop in the shower and head out for the dog boots soon. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,

It's SO windy here - it's 55 and sunny but we have nasty weather coming in. By Saturday: low of 12 degrees and Tues: -4.

I started this at about 12:30 and here I am back at almost 4. Steph ordered me to take a nap today and I did - for over 2 hours. I guess I must have needed it. She told me to take advantage of her being here. It felt SO good. I'm always a little groggy after a nap, but wanted to check in.

SO much to catch up on - I might take a raincheck and try to come back later for personals when I'm not so groggy.



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@vickyday when I scrolled up, I saw that your furnace is back working but you might need a new one? :thud:
What a crazy day and I can only imagine how much that stress aggravated your stomach. Keep trying those deeeeep breaths!

@BrightEyes what a fun day with your friends, nice to have that before your appt yesterday. I hope that everything went well with the endoscopy. Oh my goodness, 14*! The weather has been 100% wrong-- everywhere.

@bcgal00 awwwww helllll no! -20* Nope. I am not going to ask if that is F or C because either way, it is too darn cold! That Taz cracks me up, I can see him all snuggly and loving the pampering of the paw balm. And then OTOH, trying to keep Remi still long enough to rub it in. Your pups are the best ♥
How amazing for Jen to have the deer right next to the car. That's so awesome!
Stay warm!!

@Cherylndesigns Nothing like getting in the shower and not having enough water.Ugh! Hope that the well/septic situation gets back to normal.
I was supposed to be only shadowing yesterday but I know you won't be surprised that I had to jump right in. ;) While Lauren was talking to the one girl, I had the kids acting out how the wind and rain sounded the night before. I can't help myself hahaah!
I hope that the bad weather blows over and doesn't affect you guys at all.

@taxed4ever Your day really got away from you, didn't it? BTDT as you know. *G*
What a lovely time with your sister and how kind of Gary's boss to come by with wine and a GC! They must want him back in the office as soon as he is ready. Will he be able to go back to regular hours next week or does he need more time off? He'd better behave tomorrow or they will yell at him LOL

@melscrap that monitor is a beauty! How long is it, head to tail? Any idea how old it is? I love the markings!
Thank you for sharing the photo! If you make a suncatcher with the flowers, please let me know what happens.

(You all know that once spring is here and the flowers start to bloom, my freezer is going to be nothing but weird experiments like that!)

Love to all!
No, there's nothing like getting into a trickling shower. I felt bad for Steph, but I guess we're used to not much pressure. I'm getting used to in and out. I wash my hair in the kitchen sink - we have a big farmhouse sink and for some bizarre reason, we always have water pressure there. I can wash my hair lickety split in the kitchen sink. Steph was washing her hair as well as taking a shower. OOPS - country living. :floorlaugh: She was quick to say "oh Mom, that's ok - I don't have that much pressure, either" - she's too kind. LOL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, another animal mishap story. Ava's cat, Harley, was in some kind of accident yesterday. She's an outdoor cat like our Sam. She didn't come home all day yesterday and Ava went out looking for her. Found her under the deck, bleeding from the mouth. She wrapped her in a blanket and took her to one of the "country vets" - Adrienne and I had snuck out and were intown when Ava called me, so we met her at the vet's. He thought that she had been hit by a car, because her chest seemed to be crushed. He pulled a needle out of his pocket and shot her full of pain meds and told Ava to leave her all night.

Miracles of miracles, Harley made it through the night and Ava went to bring her home tonight. The vet isn't sure what happened to her, but it looks like she's going to make it. I'm going up to Ava's tomorrow to see her so I'll have more information.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. It's been a busy morning. Twice I did a quick in and out with the dogs b/c of the cold temps (-20F with wind chill of -40F today). Tomorrow we hit a high of -49F (with wind chill)...yikes. We do love the snow, it is so powdery but prefer the slightly warmer days that we had in Dec. Good thing those really cold temps usually only come once or twice throughout the winter here, for a few days to a week. I got Remi's winter boots yesterday and ordered Taz's which will be ready for pickup today). If they are outside for more than 3-4 min they will need their boots on. Remi got red and Taz got black.

Our new loveseat finally came today (after being delayed 2 wks) and we love it. It is a really good match for the other loveseat. Now we are just waiting for the credenza to come and I want to find a small side table for the dining room and find a brown heavy blanket to protect the couch seats from the dog claws. It's nice that there are not many things I need to get for this house, most things from the other house work well here too.

We will bundle up and head out to the neighborhood pub tonight to meet a few locals. It's nice that everything here is about a 5-10 min drive away.

@faerywings Glad that yesterday went well and yes, I'm sure you'll feel more comfortable as you get settled into the job. How cool to have access to the private hiking trails. How peaceful that will be to wander by yourself and explore.

@vickyday I think it was you that asked about whether I was referring to C or F. It is F for the temps. I am old school, F is what I learned in school. I don't like using celcius. Hope you find out what is wrong and get treated so you'll feel better.

I'd better hop in the shower and head out for the dog boots soon. HAGD everyone.
Yes, it was me that asked! We just touched on celsius in school, just like we only touched using centimeters, etc.
No real results at the doctor's visit today, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
@bcgal00 I can't believe how quickly you have settled in to your new home. It really helps when things are meant to be! Did you really go out in that cold to the pub last night? I would have just snuggled down in some blankets with a book I think. I am apparently not nearly as hearty as I used to be. Stay warm.


Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns how nice that Steph is home. I know that you love having her nearby. This nasty weather is spreading around the country for sure.

And sorry to hear about another animal "mishap". But it sounds like it is a happy outcome! I'm really glad. How is Daisy doing?
Well, stay on the compound and stay warm!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I am so sorry to hear that the doctor didn't give you any answers yesterday. That is so discouraging. I'll be praying that they find something soon.
Thanks! It is frustrating! I can work through a headache, but nausea just has me sitting doing nothing while I have everything to do!