
Daily Ooo's Thursday Jan 15


The Loopy-O
Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies!
How are you all today?
I think most of the top half of the US is freezing our butts off ;)
I am going to have to come visit all of you down South. Soon!

You know how I was raving about my bamboo pants the other day? My mom (she rocks!!) bought me a pair of bamboo socks. Love. Them. I am a bamboo convert! It just seems so ....strange.... that I am wearing bamboo socks and have an awesome bamboo cutting board at the same time. Cutting board? Socks? Panda food? Crazy!!

Sandra-- my fingers are still crossed tight for you and Gabe and your Dad.

Hi Dawn!

ME- traffic -- ugh. How is adsr going?? Who is your partner?

Sally- how are your kitties doing?

*waving to Merkee*

LindaP- thinking calm thoughts for you and your road trip. Hope it is fun, safe and warm! Oh, just read your update LOL- "Interesting" is a good word. LOLOL!

Clara- ITA with the need for happy pills. Lyme causes a lot of mood swings, irritability and OCD. Add that into the other stresses in my life, and I have to call Xanax my friend. I try to take them only at dinner time and start with just halves, but there are some days I just want to crawl out of my skin and those are the days that I need to take one earlier unless I want to rip my head or someone else's head off.
BTW- hope you were able to get some of the chili -- sounds yummy!

Hi Dawn-- hope that you are staying warm too.
And Sandra- Dawn is right, for Rx's you can check to see if any of them are available at Walmart, or any of your drug stores- I think Rite Aid or CVS has a similar program.
If you have a mail order pharmacy plan now, see if you can get your dr to write scrpts for three months and get them filled through that before the ins runs out.
If they really want Gabe, theymight be willing to help pay for COBRA too.
And then there is always the option of hoping he gets another offer that has immediate insurance.
But don't get down- there are a whole bunch of good possibilites out there :)

To stay home today- I am supposed to be working at MIL's. But the weather is crummy- cold and snowy and I don't want to go out of the house. But I need the $
But I also could work from home and make some of that up.
And I know that she wouldn't mind if I cancelled.
But I really could use the $$.....

GAH!!!! Confusion!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just a quick drive by. It's COLD!! -27 this morning at my house, about 6 degrees warmer than that in Pierre in the middle of the state. -39 in the northern part of the state in a place called Aberdeen. Our TV news folks say that is the coldest place in the country today! WooHoo!
The van is started - YAY, the kids are up and moving and we are out of the hotel and off to breakfast with our legislators in about 10 minutes.
Hope y'all have a wonderful day!

Chris - yes "interesting" is a good word:) Story time later.


Well-Known Member
good morning! Will is off to school, but it's snowing... whether it actually sticks and they send the kids home or not I don't know! Gabe and I are really stressing aboutt his job... we've got to think it's a good thing if he made it to the second round of interviews, but the insurance is a big deal... with Will's ADHD we don't know if it'll be considered pre-existing if he loses coverage... and while reading through yesterday's ooo's unfortunately Will's prescription doesn't have a generic and he needs the time-released medication... I do have a 90-supply as we did mail order recently with our current insurance, and he hasn't started on that yet... so it will last for a little while... and I can take him off on weekends to make it last longer... anyway, thanks for the suggestions!

Anyway, not much going on here... hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Brrrrrr!!!!! Linda girl I am freezing right along with you!!! After hearing Aberdeen's temp I am SO glad I don't live there anymore - that is where I went to college. Dang!

We have an outside/stray kitty at our house and I put her in the garage last night. I just couldn't stand to think of her outside like this.

I think I started Jacob back on his regular diet too soon. I just dealt with a diaper blowout that makes me want to start drinking at 9 am. :D

Chris - SO cool! Bamboo socks! I am so curious about bamboo clothes now. I gotta find some to try on. I am all about the comfy! Good luck deciding whether or not to go to MIL's today. :)

Eric leaves on Saturday for a conference in West Virginia for 6 days. I miss him already. :(

Sandra - good luck. That is a tough decision. You never know what an insurance company will consider pre-existing. Hugs.

Well, I'm gonna go work out and then shower. And then scrap! I stopped in at the shop this morning - DROOL city ladies!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, we had a very light dusting of snow here. Nothing like some of you have been having, but it was nice to see a little bit of white on the grass! I had a doctor's appointment this am, and it was so great not to have to wait at all. I was in and out in 15 minutes! Woot.

Chris - ugh, adsr - have not have any real time this week to work on my challenges. deep sigh. i am halfway done with #3 and haven't gotten a chance to start #4 yet. my partner is kehfrog (Karen).

Sandra - praying that everything works out for your all with the job and insurance. second interviews rounds are definitely a good sign - usually only 1-3 people get brought back for the second round.

Linda - I will stop complaining about the cold here. It's REALLY cold where you are. Yikes! I forget - where are you again?

Tali - hope you have a great day. I am laughing out loud about the diaper explosion and drinks at 9 am! Want a margarita? LOL.

Have a great day all! Love you guys!


...loves her some "O"
OMGosh...I'm sooooo Laughing OUT LOUD, TALI!!! That was the best line I've heard in a while!! I have sooo many days where things are going on that make me wanna start drinking at 9am!!!! bwahahahahahah...thanks for the BIG smiles today, hun!!!

Ok...so here's the scoop...

We dropped the cats off, and stayed while our oldest got his shots! (he was really cute!! holding on to the edge of the table while he got his shots...toooo cute!! wish I'da brought my camera!!) So, we go back home and I keep getting these calls from the vet..."it's gonna cost an extra 45$ for this...and it's gonna cost an extra 45$ for that..." THEN at about 11am, I get this call from the nurse and she says Penny (the 1yo) is pregnant and has a hernia...it will cost an extra 45$ for each procedure. OK...This post is not to start a big debate about abortion or anything, but you guys know me. I'm like majorly pro-life, very conservative...I know that this is a cat, but I'm like...kitty abortion...that doesn't sit well with me. So I call Mr Gorgeous, who is in meetings...I text him the issue...he calls me immediately. It doesn't sit well with him either! So I call the nurse back to see if they can take care of the hernia without hurting the pregnancy. omgosh...the doctor himself gets on the phone and says he's already done the hysterectomy and the lump wasn't a hernia. So I say, "is that okay...how should I feel about that cause i'm big time pro-life and I'm not sure what to think!" So he gives me the whole lecture about kitty population (which I understand...which is why we went to the shelter to begin with to get these kitties!!). Then I have to face my kids and explain what happened. It was a really healthy discussion about the difference between people and animals! And we are babying Penny this morning. I feel bad still, but there was nothing I could do, I guess. Noel (2yo) is doing fine! she's a little frisky and we are supposed to keep them calm for the first two weeks...we were like? calm? right!!!! no stairs? so they are kept in our rooms - Penny in mine and Noel in Cora's and Carmel...he has free reign!!!

So then all day yesterday, my kids are all over the place...they were nutso! just as jolly as could be, running around, playing, goofing off, getting sidetracked. I must have told them to do their school like 50 times. So by about 3pm I was nutso! I texted Mr Gorgeous and told him he got a check in the mail and it was time for him to take me out to dinner!!! (the luxury of having a teenager at home!!) SO get this!!! He picks the BEST 5STAR restaurant for us to go to! My absolute favorite steakhouse - Perry's. It is INCREDIBLE!! And Mr Gorgeous is all cute about it. He says stuff like "you're worth it" and "did you like my surprise?" I was all in love all over again!!! THEN he told me the funniest thing!! He said he did it so I could come and tell all of YOU how great he was and if it didn't work out between us, he could come here and find another wife!! LOL!!! That soooooooo cracked me up!! So I'm talkin' him up...just in case!!! ahahahahahahahahah (HE'S MINE!!!)

Aren't I just a case this morning? I am going in 10 mins to work out, so I better wrap this up!!!

Chris!! If you can still do the work from home and get the money, you go, girlie!!! SENDING WARMTH your way!! There's an open invite to come here anytime, darling!!

Sandra, I have this feeling that your situation is going to end up sooo much for the better!! When we switched insurances, it helped our therapy payments even though it didn't look like it at first. Hugs to your whole fam, hun!!

Linda, you drive safe in all that crazy weather!!! wow!!! Can't wait to hear all the stories!!

Tali, still TOTALLY laughing about drinking!! only cause I sooo understand!! heehee...stay warm hun!!

Mary Ellen, congrats on the dr time! i love that when that happens!!! (((hugs)))

AND TO EVERYONE ABOVE THE MASON-DIXON LINE...you are totally invited to stay here...we have a fairly large home; you can sleep in the kids' bunk beds!! heehee...hope you like kitties!!!

love you all!!!


Well-Known Member
well, Gabe is at his interview... it was at 1:00 so he's been there for an hour... he's got another interview in the morning and then I just got him scheduled for one on Monday! so... keep your fingers crossed that one of them pans out!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning...well almost afternoon here!! I actually had work to do today. Patients?? What are those?? Okay so I do take x-rays during the day but they were back to back today. Kinda fun. Totally nothing like the hospital...they are not just back to back but also in line.

Apparently I had one of those days yesterday and didn't even realize it. How great is that. I left my phone at home, which isn't usually an issue except that my dh was trying to get ahold of me and never decided it was important to get my work number. So he just kept calling and my phone just kept ringing at home. So, I finally got ahold of him without realizing he had been trying to reach me and he immediately asked "So how has your day been?" He was kinda laughing when he said it so then he told me about the phone and then said that he went to try out dinner in the crockpot and it was cold. Upon further investigation realized I forgot to plug it in. So, he just plopped it into a pan and simmered it until it was ready. Then I forgot my clothes for my church group and had to wear scrubs (not a big deal) and I forgot to get myself something to eat after work so by the time I got home at 9 I was starving. I forgot a few other things but don't remember what. None of it bothered me but my hubby was sure that I might be having a bad day. Yesterday was a pretty good day. We have an addition to my weds night group. She is much younger than the rest of us and it is kinda fun to watch her and to listen to her take on the bible. It is a bit different from her perspective.

So, it is not too cold here. Sweater weather but definately not snow pants and parka to get your mail weather. I can't even imagine that. Do your schools cancel for cold? When I was in Cleveland a couple of years ago they cancelled school because it was too cold and the kids couldn't stand at the bus stop safely, or something like that.

So, I have gotten my bank account all straightened out and the mistakes have altogether cost me $150. Not quite what I was hoping for but better than if nothing had been returned to me. It just stinks that a bank or military mistake and a simple wrong button pust is going to cost me $150 but I've talked to everyone I can and I don't think there is anything else to do now except say okay and decide whether or not I still want to bank there. It is just so difficult to set up payment stuff through the military and with automatic payment deposit from my work and my husband's second job. I'll figure it out.

OKay, this is getting long so I will do personals in a little bit separately. Ciao!!


Well-Known Member
HI girls!!!!

I have been sooooo MIA lately! I swear I feel like somedays I just turn around and its like 7pm and im cleaning up from dinner and im like um hey where did the day go??? Usually I try to come on here at naptime but lately naptime has been a struggle and when I do get it I have to clean and get laundry done and I run around the house like im a frazzled little exorcist girl with my head spinning around!!! ugh!

Sounds like everyone is dealing with the chilly weather. i know again im the freak but I lovvvve the cold, just something pure about it, I love to ski I love the snow, my husband says its just because I dont have to work outside so maybe he is right but...hey what can you do. Hope all of you warm up....... im sending virtual yummy piping hot starbucks drinks to everyone!!! :p

Have a great day ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
p.s. quick question.......i was looking into blowing up a couple of LO's into 12 x 18 or at least 11 x 14 size and have them framed for a friend as a bday gift. I asked in the forum at artscow and they told me not to do it, I understand about the pixels with the photo and stuff, but i mean my camera is pretty good, anyone have any advice?? this is what artscow said:

The ratio is 2:3, which is different from ratio 1:1 of 12x12. So when printing 12x12 on 11x14 or 12x18, you must adjust them, and the calculation must be very accurate. We do not recommend you to order scrapbook pages with 11x14 or 12x18, and you will have to take your own risk if there is any cut off. Thank you.

I am going to ask in the help forum also just thought i'd throw it out there.....thanks ladies


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I've been working like a crazy lady both as the mama and the nurse this week and I work again tonight...hopefully the roads will be good for my drive home, it took me an hour last night (usually only 20 mins) with the slick glass that the interstate was.

Today I've made some a little bit of progress on cleaning up the office. Thankfully we still have a few months until we actually need it. Ok Hugs O's. I hope everyone is staying warm, we are hibernating with the wood burning stove.


always chatty at the O!!
Chris - now I want some bamboo clothing. I think I will put that on my wish list. Maybe I can get some for Valentine's Day or something. You think the make bamboo underwear?? I'm just kidding, I don't think I've ever gotten underwear as a gift from my hubby!! I think the only person who has given me underwear as a gift is my mother. Although if it is that soft I bet bamboo underwear would be super comfortable. I'll stick with some socks or pants though for now. Maybe a sweater.

Linda - I hope you had a great field trip. I know I am looking forward to hearing about your "interesting" adventures with teenagers. The last trip I went on in high school resulted in 10 suspensions from drinking. I hope you never have to deal with a trip like that. My poor choir director. She had battled big time to be able to go on the trip because is was in Canada. What do you do with teenagers who are offered alcohol in a restaurant?

Sandra - everything will work itself out. Remember stress only makes stressful situations worse. Although I understand the worry and I would worry also try not to stress about it too horribly because it doesn't help. As far as Will...medical insurances aren't what they used to be and companies are changing all the time so the stuff about pre-existing conditions don't apply like they used to. Will should be covered for his ADHD no matter what company Gabe works for. If you guys are not able to get coverage for a certain amount of time you have a couple of options...cobra. Expensive, but it is coverage. State insurance if you are elligible. And the last one is find out which hospitals and urgent care clinics in your area are non-profit. Most large hospitals are. They usually have some sort of payment assistance so if you need to go in for anything like a bad cough, ear infection, or any of those accute illnesses you could get help with that also. I know the idea of no insurance for awhile sounds scary but there are options. And you might have to just take the hit for Will's medication. Just be prepared and you'll figure it out. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Lots of hugs for you.

Tali - don't drink too much!! EEK!! Those diapers are the worst. I absolutely hate how long it takes little people to get better from sickness. Poor babies!!

ME - I hope you find some time to scrap and just have some ME time. That is cool about the doctor's office.

Sally - that is crazy about the cat. I can understand why that could upset you. It is crazy that they just did it without getting approval and all that. I understand why they do it...but since the kitty doesn't get to choose for iteself you would think the owner would get to decide before they just go doing procedures. But what's done is done I guess. I'm glad you were able to turn it into a positive experience for your kids to learn something from it. Dinner sounds wonderful!!

Kelly - you can definately keep your cold. I hate the cold and like my mild winter that rarely gets to freezing. It sounds like Artscow is talking about stretching the layout. I'm sure it would be fine if you made it in that size. They do cut off the edges a little bit though.

Joslyn - don't work too hard and stay safe on those icy roads.


Well-Known Member
I'm HO-ome! YAY! Got home to frozen pipes - was expecting that. Mr. Sleepyhead (don't know if he's wonderful or crabby yet, he's asleep in his chair) had the heater running under the kitchen sink to thaw things out and the faucet turned on full blast. A few minutes ago the water thawed out and I could hear the water running into the sink! YAY!

The trip was good, the kids were good, the food was not - you know - powdered eggs..... need I say more?

As far as my interesting girl - I don't want to offend anyone so let me preface this by saying I'm pretty conservative - stiff republican I've been called before. I'm used to my district officers having earth tone hair and very few holes in their faces and or toungues. So when the interesting child showed up with purple hair with neon green highlights, a nose piercing, eyebrow peircing, lip pierching and a toungue piercing - she was not quite what I was expecting :) She's got an interesting story - and is a real individual - I mean that in a very complimentary way. She's been in and out of trouble with the law and is getting her life in order. Had been living with one parent who let her just run wild and is now living with the other parent and their new spouse - a little more strict and lots more guidance at this home! She's quite bright, talked literature with me. she's got some goals and a plan for her life. She earned my respect. My students were a little taken aback by her at first but really learned a lot from her. So all in all - a good trip, and interesting!