
Daily Ooos: Thursday, February 8


The Loopy-O
Guess who is celebrating a birthday today?
Happy Birthday to Momma O!!
Ona has a thread for us to send Vicki birthday wishes. That's why I am running a little behind, I spent way more time than necessary looking at silly GIFs.
(peeked at the clock, running more than a little behind :oops:)

I finally figured out how to edit one of the lesson plan templates and made it my own. There were way too many tables and sections that I'd need for a short homeschool lesson so I tweaked all of that and wrote up the actual plan. I thoroughly enjoy creating lesson plans. At that stage, it is all wonderful and idealistic (and certain to go belly up at some point). But when it is still on paper, they are lovely. :cloud9: Tee-hee! Lauren loved the idea and is using it next week for part of the HS session. This weekend looks to be incredible weather for February and I'm helping a Maple Sugaring Group on Sat and hiking on Sunday. Can't get better than that.

I am cleaning this afternoon for my friend and have so much to get organized around the house. I started a LO yesterday and hope I can squeeze in some more time to work on it at some point today.



The Loopy-O
@vickyday Yup, it was just me and Whisky in bed last night LOL Gary's restless legs/etc have revved up again and being unable to move his legs due to two dogs on top of him is not so fun.
All 4 of us would take Nystatin tablets -- now that I think of it, LLMD doesn't have Gary or me on them. I wonder if we should be.
Anyway-- I hope that you and Mark are doing much better and were able to get to the church service.

@bcgal00 I am really glad to hear that you and D are going to give therapy a try. Lots of good thoughts sent to you both. I think is it very hard for men to lose their identity when they retire. Women too but sociologically speaking, men are more likely to be tied to their job as an identity than women. I wonder if that will move more evenly with women since the last generation is becoming more equal in their roles as breadwinners, caretakers, and all of the other stereotypes that are ingrained with the Boomers and Gen X.

Anyway this ^^ is why I am running late-- I lose my train(s) of thought and type it all out in a strange stream of consciousness LOL!

Back to Rae-- :D Vicky is going to warn you about pickleball but have a great time and be careful. Hope you got some awesome photos at the park and one of the owl too!

@BrightEyes Glad to hear that you are only getting rain, no snow. My fingers are crossed that it stays that way.
LOL at you watching the DVDs you own! Gary was watching Taxi reruns on TV and I told him that we have a box set of DVDs- no commercials ;)
I keep hoping that Gary's bout of Lyme will be over soon as well, but it's been going since 2003-2004. Yup- 20 years :(

@taxed4ever So wonderful that you had company with Linda on Tues and your group hike yesterday! Did you get to see any neat wildlife?

@Cherylndesigns It makes me happy that you are eating and "good" food too. So important.
Non-pet parents will always say -- Why don't you lock your door, tell your pets to stay off the bed?
As. IF! :rotfl:
LMBO at Ava makign the video for you! Can she send it to my mom? My mom is always saying she doesn't understand how to make the air fryer work. Hers is a gloried toaster oven, the same as mine, so it's really not that hard. Hahahah!!!



Love my O Family!
Guess who is celebrating a birthday today?
Happy Birthday to Momma O!!
Ona has a thread for us to send Vicki birthday wishes. That's why I am running a little behind, I spent way more time than necessary looking at silly GIFs.
(peeked at the clock, running more than a little behind :oops:)

I finally figured out how to edit one of the lesson plan templates and made it my own. There were way too many tables and sections that I'd need for a short homeschool lesson so I tweaked all of that and wrote up the actual plan. I thoroughly enjoy creating lesson plans. At that stage, it is all wonderful and idealistic (and certain to go belly up at some point). But when it is still on paper, they are lovely. :cloud9: Tee-hee! Lauren loved the idea and is using it next week for part of the HS session. This weekend looks to be incredible weather for February and I'm helping a Maple Sugaring Group on Sat and hiking on Sunday. Can't get better than that.

I am cleaning this afternoon for my friend and have so much to get organized around the house. I started a LO yesterday and hope I can squeeze in some more time to work on it at some point today.

So glad you have a job that gets you back into your teaching element! :beatingheart::heartpumpred::heartpumppink:


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Yup, it was just me and Whisky in bed last night LOL Gary's restless legs/etc have revved up again and being unable to move his legs due to two dogs on top of him is not so fun.
All 4 of us would take Nystatin tablets -- now that I think of it, LLMD doesn't have Gary or me on them. I wonder if we should be.
Anyway-- I hope that you and Mark are doing much better and were able to get to the church service.

@bcgal00 I am really glad to hear that you and D are going to give therapy a try. Lots of good thoughts sent to you both. I think is it very hard for men to lose their identity when they retire. Women too but sociologically speaking, men are more likely to be tied to their job as an identity than women. I wonder if that will move more evenly with women since the last generation is becoming more equal in their roles as breadwinners, caretakers, and all of the other stereotypes that are ingrained with the Boomers and Gen X.

Anyway this ^^ is why I am running late-- I lose my train(s) of thought and type it all out in a strange stream of consciousness LOL!

Back to Rae-- :D Vicky is going to warn you about pickleball but have a great time and be careful. Hope you got some awesome photos at the park and one of the owl too!

@BrightEyes Glad to hear that you are only getting rain, no snow. My fingers are crossed that it stays that way.
LOL at you watching the DVDs you own! Gary was watching Taxi reruns on TV and I told him that we have a box set of DVDs- no commercials ;)
I keep hoping that Gary's bout of Lyme will be over soon as well, but it's been going since 2003-2004. Yup- 20 years :(

@taxed4ever So wonderful that you had company with Linda on Tues and your group hike yesterday! Did you get to see any neat wildlife?

@Cherylndesigns It makes me happy that you are eating and "good" food too. So important.
Non-pet parents will always say -- Why don't you lock your door, tell your pets to stay off the bed?
As. IF! :rotfl:
LMBO at Ava makign the video for you! Can she send it to my mom? My mom is always saying she doesn't understand how to make the air fryer work. Hers is a gloried toaster oven, the same as mine, so it's really not that hard. Hahahah!!!

Yes, we made it to church! It was wonderful! I didn't do any hugging or hand shaking, just to be sure I wasn't still capable of spreading anything! And Mark, not being a talker, talked for 30 minutes to everyone after the services! We pick up an older woman on the way to church and after about 15 minutes she and I decided it was time to go to the car and sit and wait on him, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
In an hour I am meeting Mark at the auto repair shop so the engine light can be checked out. We have been driving the car and it has been operating just fine. So, we are just praying it is a fluke that got messed up with the oil mishap a couple of weeks ago! We do know that the car is burning/using oil somehow. Yet there have never been any oil puddles under the car. Who knows! It is a 2013 vehicle and has almost 150,000 miles on it, so it is probably like me.....just getting old, LOL!

The Nystatin has made a slight improvement in the white tongue, but I just took the last dose of antibiotic this morning from the COVID protocol, so I am hoping that NOW I will really begin to see results! I know the white coating is affecting my taste!

While Mark and I are out with the car, we are going to do lunch. I had made plans to spend the day with Ilene, forgetting we were taking care of the car today. So I had to cancel with her which disappointed her. I'm hoping the guy at the auto repair finds out quickly that the engine light is just something we are going to have to deal with and we can get the car back later today. Then I will plan on getting together with Ilene tomorrow. Her other great grand baby the was due has come. A little girl. So she added a boy and a girl to her quiver! She is so happy! You'd think she was the new momma!

After Mark brings me back from the car trip and lunch I will be working in laundry and that is about all I have planned the rest of the day!



It is a cold and dreary day... sky is completely overcast with dark gray clouds. Even though it is 40*F - with the wind it feels more like 30*F! :brrr: No rain yet... but it is in the forecast. Hope the pest control guy gets here before the rain starts. I did remember to put the trash bin out last night - good thing as they showed up just after 7AM. So the bin is back on the side of the house now. It is recycle pick-up day but there it is less than 1/4 full so will wait until 2 weeks from now to put it out. Hope to get my haircut today as it is way too long. It has been 4 months since my last cut!!
@BrightEyes Glad to hear that you are only getting rain, no snow. My fingers are crossed that it stays that way.
LOL at you watching the DVDs you own! Gary was watching Taxi reruns on TV and I told him that we have a box set of DVDs- no commercials ;)
I keep hoping that Gary's bout of Lyme will be over soon as well, but it's been going since 2003-2004. Yup- 20 years :(

Yes, Chris... I got sucked into looking at gifs for Vicki's birthday this morning, too!!! Ran out of steam yesterday afternoon and ended up kicking back in the recliner and watched 2 of my DVDs... "Final Countdown" and "The American President". I had seen both of them at the movies but just got them on DVD. Figured I had been start watching them since I spend the money on them! :rotfl::floorlaugh::rotfl:

@vickyday Glad you enjoyed being back at church. Sure hope the engine light is a simple fix.

Just finished uploading LOs of the new releases today.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is so nice to wake up and see some light outside instead of pitch blackness!! Guess the days are finally getting a bit longer! Yesterdays hike was very nice, but a bit muddy after all the rain we have had. I had a nice surprise at the trailhead where we all met up. A very good high school friend that I haven't seen for many years has joined our hiking group!! She moved back to the Island after years of being up North. Her husband passed away from cancer about 8 years ago and she finally decided to move back to be closer to her children and grandchildren. We had a great time chatting and catching up, she was so happy to see me when she pulled up with her carpool. So nice to have another good friend to talk with on our hikes!! Today I finally get my blind installed on my big window in the kitchen, it will be nice to have this job completed! I can't believe how long it has taken to re-order this and it better fit this time or else :rollingpin1:( I love this lady :giggle4:) Oh another surprise yesterday when I came home I saw that the neighbours across the street from us had a for sale sign on their lawn. They have been such wonderful neighbours with the sweetest golden retriever, his name is Finn and he is just a wonderful dog!! You just fall in love with him each time you see him! Darn I hate the thought of them moving! Gary phoned his Dad last night to tell him about it and said it would be the perfect place for them!! We would be right across the street and be here whenever they needed us. I told him he was nuts, they will never move!! (here we go again :crazy:).

@faerywings - So happy that you got your lesson plan all figured out!! You certainly have found the best job ever for yourself!! Enjoy your weekend of being outdoors!! It sounds like it will be a great weekend for you! We did not see any wildlife on our hike yesterday, except for one Blue Heron that we scared away from the beach because we are all so loud and chatty :groupchat:.

@bcgal00 - I am happy that you and D are going to therapy!! I hope he can find his way around retirement! I am afraid that my DH won't handle retirement well either so I won't encourage it. Sending you lots of love and hope that you will both be ok!! :flower:

@vickyday - Ha Ha about your Mark being so chatty after church! My DH is the same, he would talk your ear off if you let him! Hope that the issue with you car is all fixed up today, too bad you had to cancel with Ilene but I am sure you will get together again soon!

@Cherylndesigns - Nice to hear that you are eating so well!! Hope you get your laundry chores done :laundryline: That Ava!! What a great helper she is!! If I had an airfryer I would ask you to send along the video LOL.

@BrightEyes - We cross posted today, sounds chilly for you today! 4 months since you have had a haircut?? It will feel so good to get it done! That reminds me I need to get my recycling out to the curb today also :takingouttrash:.

Off to get another cup of coffee and then open up photoshop to start a layout this morning. It might take me all day to decide which challenge I want to do :giggle4: :cowwaving:


Love my O Family!
It is a cold and dreary day... sky is completely overcast with dark gray clouds. Even though it is 40*F - with the wind it feels more like 30*F! :brrr: No rain yet... but it is in the forecast. Hope the pest control guy gets here before the rain starts. I did remember to put the trash bin out last night - good thing as they showed up just after 7AM. So the bin is back on the side of the house now. It is recycle pick-up day but there it is less than 1/4 full so will wait until 2 weeks from now to put it out. Hope to get my haircut today as it is way too long. It has been 4 months since my last cut!!

Yes, Chris... I got sucked into looking at gifs for Vicki's birthday this morning, too!!! Ran out of steam yesterday afternoon and ended up kicking back in the recliner and watched 2 of my DVDs... "Final Countdown" and "The American President". I had seen both of them at the movies but just got them on DVD. Figured I had been start watching them since I spend the money on them! :rotfl::floorlaugh::rotfl:

@vickyday Glad you enjoyed being back at church. Sure hope the engine light is a simple fix.

Just finished uploading LOs of the new releases today.
And, guess what? When I started the car to take it to the shop.....no engine light! HA! We still dropped it off for the mechanic to check out. He did hear an exhaust leak, so maybe that will be the only thing needing fixed.....crossing fingers!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... It is so nice to wake up and see some light outside instead of pitch blackness!! Guess the days are finally getting a bit longer! Yesterdays hike was very nice, but a bit muddy after all the rain we have had. I had a nice surprise at the trailhead where we all met up. A very good high school friend that I haven't seen for many years has joined our hiking group!! She moved back to the Island after years of being up North. Her husband passed away from cancer about 8 years ago and she finally decided to move back to be closer to her children and grandchildren. We had a great time chatting and catching up, she was so happy to see me when she pulled up with her carpool. So nice to have another good friend to talk with on our hikes!! Today I finally get my blind installed on my big window in the kitchen, it will be nice to have this job completed! I can't believe how long it has taken to re-order this and it better fit this time or else :rollingpin1:( I love this lady :giggle4:) Oh another surprise yesterday when I came home I saw that the neighbours across the street from us had a for sale sign on their lawn. They have been such wonderful neighbours with the sweetest golden retriever, his name is Finn and he is just a wonderful dog!! You just fall in love with him each time you see him! Darn I hate the thought of them moving! Gary phoned his Dad last night to tell him about it and said it would be the perfect place for them!! We would be right across the street and be here whenever they needed us. I told him he was nuts, they will never move!! (here we go again :crazy:).

@faerywings - So happy that you got your lesson plan all figured out!! You certainly have found the best job ever for yourself!! Enjoy your weekend of being outdoors!! It sounds like it will be a great weekend for you! We did not see any wildlife on our hike yesterday, except for one Blue Heron that we scared away from the beach because we are all so loud and chatty :groupchat:.

@bcgal00 - I am happy that you and D are going to therapy!! I hope he can find his way around retirement! I am afraid that my DH won't handle retirement well either so I won't encourage it. Sending you lots of love and hope that you will both be ok!! :flower:

@vickyday - Ha Ha about your Mark being so chatty after church! My DH is the same, he would talk your ear off if you let him! Hope that the issue with you car is all fixed up today, too bad you had to cancel with Ilene but I am sure you will get together again soon!

@Cherylndesigns - Nice to hear that you are eating so well!! Hope you get your laundry chores done :laundryline: That Ava!! What a great helper she is!! If I had an airfryer I would ask you to send along the video LOL.

@BrightEyes - We cross posted today, sounds chilly for you today! 4 months since you have had a haircut?? It will feel so good to get it done! That reminds me I need to get my recycling out to the curb today also :takingouttrash:.

Off to get another cup of coffee and then open up photoshop to start a layout this morning. It might take me all day to decide which challenge I want to do :giggle4: :cowwaving:
Oh, how nice that your HS friend is now a member of your hiking group! You will be a big encouragement to her, I am sure!
Mark is not usually very chatty. That is why I was so surprised when I was actually the first one to go to the car for a change, LOL!
Believe it or not.....no engine light today! Doesn't it figure?! But we dropped the car off anyway for the mechanic to look at. He heard an exhaust leak, so, hopefully that will be the only thing wrong!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I watched the bucks this morning, gently butting antlers and jumping around. I had to research the behavior b/c I knew it was not rutting season, so what did this mean. Seems that they were probably playing. No owls seen on the hike yesterday but I did see a bird I'd not seen before, a boreal chickadee. I really enjoy chatting with the group leaders on our hikes, they teach us so much about the wildlife, they are so knowledgeable. So far I've been to 4 fantastic parks for birding and more to come.

I'll get Remi out to the dog park this afternoon and then tonight is pub night for the locals, I think its a big group going tonight, about 20 of us. It'll be good for us to get out and socialize together.

@faerywings Sounds like you are keeping busy and enjoying the job.

@vickyday Hope the engine light isn't anything serious. Enjoy the lunch outing.

@BrightEyes It always feels so good to get a haircut.

@taxed4ever How nice to have an old friend join the hiking group, having moved back to town.

Time for another coffee and maybe scrap a page. I have been watching Not Dead Yet with Gina Rodriguez. I really like it. Season two just started so I am binging season 1.

HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I watched the bucks this morning, gently butting antlers and jumping around. I had to research the behavior b/c I knew it was not rutting season, so what did this mean. Seems that they were probably playing. No owls seen on the hike yesterday but I did see a bird I'd not seen before, a boreal chickadee. I really enjoy chatting with the group leaders on our hikes, they teach us so much about the wildlife, they are so knowledgeable. So far I've been to 4 fantastic parks for birding and more to come.

I'll get Remi out to the dog park this afternoon and then tonight is pub night for the locals, I think its a big group going tonight, about 20 of us. It'll be good for us to get out and socialize together.

@faerywings Sounds like you are keeping busy and enjoying the job.

@vickyday Hope the engine light isn't anything serious. Enjoy the lunch outing.

@BrightEyes It always feels so good to get a haircut.

@taxed4ever How nice to have an old friend join the hiking group, having moved back to town.

Time for another coffee and maybe scrap a page. I have been watching Not Dead Yet with Gina Rodriguez. I really like it. Season two just started so I am binging season 1.

HAGD everyone.
I would love to find a group like that in my area! I love bird watching!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@vickyday Yup, it was just me and Whisky in bed last night LOL Gary's restless legs/etc have revved up again and being unable to move his legs due to two dogs on top of him is not so fun.
All 4 of us would take Nystatin tablets -- now that I think of it, LLMD doesn't have Gary or me on them. I wonder if we should be.
Anyway-- I hope that you and Mark are doing much better and were able to get to the church service.

@bcgal00 I am really glad to hear that you and D are going to give therapy a try. Lots of good thoughts sent to you both. I think is it very hard for men to lose their identity when they retire. Women too but sociologically speaking, men are more likely to be tied to their job as an identity than women. I wonder if that will move more evenly with women since the last generation is becoming more equal in their roles as breadwinners, caretakers, and all of the other stereotypes that are ingrained with the Boomers and Gen X.

Anyway this ^^ is why I am running late-- I lose my train(s) of thought and type it all out in a strange stream of consciousness LOL!

Back to Rae-- :D Vicky is going to warn you about pickleball but have a great time and be careful. Hope you got some awesome photos at the park and one of the owl too!

@BrightEyes Glad to hear that you are only getting rain, no snow. My fingers are crossed that it stays that way.
LOL at you watching the DVDs you own! Gary was watching Taxi reruns on TV and I told him that we have a box set of DVDs- no commercials ;)
I keep hoping that Gary's bout of Lyme will be over soon as well, but it's been going since 2003-2004. Yup- 20 years :(

@taxed4ever So wonderful that you had company with Linda on Tues and your group hike yesterday! Did you get to see any neat wildlife?

@Cherylndesigns It makes me happy that you are eating and "good" food too. So important.
Non-pet parents will always say -- Why don't you lock your door, tell your pets to stay off the bed?
As. IF! :rotfl:
LMBO at Ava makign the video for you! Can she send it to my mom? My mom is always saying she doesn't understand how to make the air fryer work. Hers is a gloried toaster oven, the same as mine, so it's really not that hard. Hahahah!!!

Mine isn't a glorified toaster oven. :lol23:Mine is a Ninja and it's pretty big. I'll see if I can post the video here, but if I can't, I'll email it to you. Ava is so funny.
Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns - Nice to hear that you are eating so well!! Hope you get your laundry chores done :laundryline: That Ava!! What a great helper she is!! If I had an airfryer I would ask you to send along the video LOL.

She's a doll! No matter what, she has the answer. I just asked her to show me how to use it again and she said I'll do better than that, I'll make you a video and you can watch it when you want to use it. I don't know why that thing just eludes me. It's pretty big - it's a Ninja and has lots of bells and whistles on it.

Good afternoon girls.

I've kind of been all over the place today, haven't I? That's kind of the way my head has been for the last few days. And now my cat's gone. He was out all night and it's 1:30 and he hasn't come home. He's always waiting at the back door when I get up. There have been workers here and they're layout pipe so we can get city water - lots of heavy equipment everywhere AND a bobcat was sighted on the property and attacked one of the renter's dogs! I'm afraid I'll never see the little guy again.

We have no water again. They hit some kind of wire to the pump and no water. Roger called me and said that it would be out for a few hours. Joy, joy, joy. Good thing I have several gallon jugs full of water left over from last time. I did get my laundry done last night, but my dishwasher is soon to be full and I can't run that, nor take a shower. Life on the ranch gets a little too "pioneer" sometimes.

Speaking of eating good - Chris @faerywings and Trudy @taxed4ever Adrienne brought me dinner last night. A chicken breast seared with some kind of secret sauce - it was amazing, broccoli and rice. I was eating in my office and Ava and Drake (bf) came in. I put my plate up on top of my work table and while we were in the living room talking, I missed Daisy. She got all the way up on that table top (it's a tall table) and got my plate down and ate EVERYTHING. We don't ever give her "people food" so I figured she's be sick last night, but she wasn't. Yes, Chris @faerywings non pet owners don't understand the letting the animals sleep with you. LOL

I need to get busy - sorry no more personals, but sending my love to all.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
MY CAT CAME HOME!!!!! He was out ALL night and came home this evening - I'm so relieved I cried. I saw his little face in the window of the French doors in the kitchen and I was SO relieved. Daisy was outside and I heard her barking - she saw him before he even got to the doors. I never thought I'd see him again. He looks fine - no problems, no marks, he just did something he'd never done - stayed out all night and half the day. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: AND we have water again!!!:cucumber:dance3dance4