
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, February 26


The Loopy-O
I cannot believe that we are really coming up on the last few days of February. Boy oh boy, I *cannot* wait to see this month go.

I have to make this one quick since I have to get ready for Max to come over and me to get him off to school.

Then I am kind of "off" for the day. Let's see what today brings, beyond boredom and snow showers.:rofl:

QOTD What is your boredom buster? When I am bored, I end up wasting way to much time on the internet. Unfortunately that makes me even more bored then aggravated with myself that I wasted so much time doing nothing. :ranger:
Anyone relate to that?:)


Good morning Chris. It's just you and me. I woke up at 3:30 and my brain turned on. I'm so not having fun with my new Photoshop stuff. One of the things I just cannot believe they have "improved," is the Straighten Tool. In PS CC it doesn't get rid of the excess when it straightens the photo! You have to use the crop tool and manually get rid of it! What a giant leap backwards. I use the Straighten Tool ALL THE TIME, so this just doubled the work for me. They have a ton of new 3D tools that I will NEVER.USE. And I didn't realize that you had to import all your photos into Lightroom in order to edit there.

I'm thinking that for my purposes, CS 5, Camera Raw editing, and The Bridge are a better match. I'm glad I have 30 days to make a decision.

LATER: I just found a You Tube video that explained it to me in language I understand. What it seems to me is that the Straighten Tool in CC is redundant. Using the Crop Tool in conjunction with the Straighten Option on the tool bar accomplishes what I want...a straightening AND the discarding (cropping) of the excess pixels. I guess I should have known that it would somehow do what I wanted it to!

Today two or three gals from our church are going to go visit another young gal. She doesn't drive, and lives in an apartment...2 little girls under 4...husband who works 12 hours a day...she's going stir-crazy. We're taking lunch. We'll spend part of the time with her, then hopefully she will get out on her own for an hour or so...go for a walk, or a few blocks away to a shopping area...just some time alone outside the apartment. I remember those days with 2 or 3 little ones all day every day (I could drive, but didn't have a car). It wears ya out! We're going to try to make this a regular thing. She has bouts of serious depression, so we're hoping to ease her burden a little.

My best INSTANT boredom buster is probably getting outside and going for a walk. I know. Impossible for you and so many others right now. But a walk with my camera (iPhone) gets me out of myself. With all the "toys" and hobbies in my life, I honestly feel GUILTY for EVER expressing feelings of boredom. Another good thing to do is volunteer to hang out with my youngest GD for awhile and give her parents (or the nanny...yes, they have a nanny) a break. That's a win-win-win activity. When all else fails, a trip to Costco......LOL

I hope you can just enjoy your low-key day, and not feel bored.
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The Loopy-O
Good morning Sharon and everyone else!
Back for a few minutes before I either A. Go off running or B. Collapse. If I know myself it will be A first, then B.

Sharon- I hope that you can keep on working out the bugs with the new program. It is so hard to have such a steep learning curve but I know you can do it!

From yesterday:
Phyllis- did you make it through the day without being too grumpy? I hope so! I am watching snow flurries (hope that is all they are!) and trying to stay positive.
Nope, no lifting for me. Every time I tried reaching for something Gary glared and stopped me.
Cait has an appt with her guidance counselor today to finalize the scheduling. She is planning on dropping the Math class-- College Prep Math or some other BS. It is basically how to prep for Placement tests. Stupid. *eye roll* The teacher is the same guy she has now for Algebra 2 and she likes him as a person, but can't follow him when he teaches. She is going to be a Pre K /Elem Teacher so she really doesn't need this math. If it is only going to be a source of stress, I say Drop It!

There was one website that had a smash-the-computer smilie and it was funny!

Nancy- oh you are a good mom! Heated seats-- swoon!!!
Hope your Devils won again!

Sharon- hope you had a wonderful visit with Clara. My mom is going through major withdrawals with my kids.
Seeing now that you had a nice time after the warm-up with Clara. Those apples sound yummy!I like to eat Gala apples and ginger golds. But most others, not so much. I did eat a red delicious while I was in the hospital but I was so drugged up I probably didn't notice the mushiness.:p

Coffee Smilie-- : tea : without the spaces :tea:

Trudy- I hope that it didn't rain too much yesterday. Please feel free to share your spring photos and stories with me-- it will give me hope that at some point (maybe by August?) we will see grass again.

Jean- so funny about your 2nd cousin sitting next to you! I hope that you get together and share family stories soon.
I was hoping that there would be something about Cait being grandfathered out of the science requirement but her G Counselor went crazy trying to find another way. No luck.

All of you are reminding me that I really need to get my camera out and start shooting. I never take pictures anymore and it gets harder and harder to scrap!



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... another Fog filled day, but it looks like it will burn off soon. Rainy yesterday, but hard to tell if the sun will make an appearance today or not. Not much happening here today, so I am just as bored as you are Chris!

Chris - I like the new avatar frame, but decided to spruce mine up a bit, do you think I should not have done that? I was kind of hoping that everyone would add a little personal touch to it when I made the template. Let me know what you think. For a short month, February is really dragging isn't it? I hope that you are able to get out and about pretty soon, but you are wise to not push yourself just yet. You will be wishing that you were home doing nothing when life gets back to normal and you are back at work :becky:

Shar - Yes loading all your photos into Lightroom is a pain, but does the new photoshop not have bridge at all?? I still use CS6 and will not update for many years. I just don't think that I will need all the new stuff on Photoshop CC unless I suddenly want to become a cinematographer :becky: I don't think that will ever happen LOL. I have only watched bits and pieces of the lessons as I am recording them and doing other things while they record. I think today I will only tape one lesson, most of the other stuff I will never use. Also I can't Skype with DD and Mason while recording because it only records what is on my Desktop. Sorry that your brain woke you up so darned early!! You must be doing Photoshop lessons in your sleep :becky: Hope you get to sneak in a nap sometime today!!

Hoping to Skype early with DD and Mason today oh and today it is our wedding anniversary. Thirty eight years of married bliss!! Ok well not always blissful we are human after all!! Hubby is taking me out for dinner, so that will be nice not to cook! I hope everyone has a fabulous Thursday :wave:


Yes, Trudy. I still have access to the Bridge, but there is no icon on the tool bar for it. So I pinned it to my task bar. No problem. If I can figure out how to move just the photos I want to Lightroom for editing, I will stick with Bridge. And I hear you. PS seems to be geared toward cinematographers now. Tons of 3D stuff I'll never use. But I DO like the new guide layouts. Since I do most of my scrapping in 8.5 x 11, it will be way easier to divide my page up evenly if I so desire. I'm sure I will discover other goodies to love too.

You ladies all look so professional with your new framed avatars! Gorgeous!


Well-Known Member
Hi - it is lunch time LOL. Had a good talk with my sister. She and I laugh and that makes it so fun. And then had bills to pay so that took a while. My son is not getting his truck after all. A family came in to see about it and they had 3 disabled children who needed the truck. He was not about to keep them from getting the truck so that was sweet of him. They said they will try to find him another truck. My Devils lost to Calgary but that was not unexpected as they have a better record. Got out for a walk yesterday as the temperature was above freezing. That was so nice to be outside. I will walk again today even though it is a bit chiller but I am not giving in to the winter.

Chris hope you still take it easy! Yes drop the math.

Sharon love hearing about Photoshop classes. Makes me more than ever sure that PSE is all I need.

Phylis hope your weather is improving.

Trudy hope the fog was gone quickly!

QOTD I don't get bored but I do at times find ways to just waste my time. Solitare on my iPad.


Well-Known Member
Happy Anniversary, Trudy! I know you'll have a lovely dinner out. Hope it clears up. Very nice template for the avatars. They look great as is, but yours looks swell with a little added.

Sharon, hope you do get in a nap. The new products and all the classes sound really busy so you probably ARE still doing them in your sleep. How nice for you all to give the young mother some help.

Nancy, above freezing? Wonder what that is like. :rofl:

Chris, hope you don't feel too bored and don't overdo. Having been a math kid I hate seeing people steer away from it, but probably still right for Cait.

QOTD: I have so many interests that I don't believe I should ever be bored. But often don't want to do what I'm "supposed" to be doing and goof off and that can become tedious. If I need something soothing to occupy myself, scrapping can be just the thing. Otherwise it would be reading.


Well-Known Member
hiya. just a fast fly-by today. just got home. spent the last 6 hours at a doc's office with Hubby, who was having some skin cancer stuff excised. it takes FOREVER! they cut some out, then you have to wait about an hour until the stuff gets "read", then they keep doing that until they've got it all. so it's cut, wait, cut, wait, cut, wait. other people are there, doing the same as you, so it's all pretty time-consuming. at least we got back home before the SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW started. damn and blast. ENOUGH!! :rant:

QOTD: when i am bored, my trusty BFF, Mr. iPAD, rescues me. i put on a video or audio book or a show from one of the network apps, then putz around doing "something" while the iPad is talking at me. or if there's nothing to putz with, i can sit and read one of the zillion books i have on my iPad, too.

happy day, y'all! Happy Anniversary, Trudy! :becky: