
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, February 19


The Loopy-O
Hey hey hey! How is the O-Fam? I am going to try my best to not complain today. :tape:
I feel like all I do is grumble and moan about the weather and/or about my health.

The good news for today is that Gary and Scott are going food shopping. I was going to go with Gary but he thinks that much walking will do me in. Scott doesn't have classes on Thurs so he offered to go with Gary. Sweet!

OMG- Gary literally just walked into my room and said "Do you know how much Lyme sucks?"
(Answer: ding ding ding... Yes!)
I had to read the line up there^^ to him about me and trying to not complain about Lyme :rofl: I have said this before but I really don't know if it is a blessing or a curse that we all have this.:decision:

Not much today again. I am going to make the chicken and wild rice soup that I had posted a while ago. I am looking forward to that. I have to go and dig up the post here where I wrote the changes that I made to the recipe itself b/c I don't remember what I did. :noidea:

My other plan for today is to pop some popcorn and throw it at my tv screen every time a commercial comes on for FL, or the Caribbean, they are *killing* me!!!! (was that complaining? Hope not!)

QOTD What scrapping software do you use? What other ones have you used in the past and what would you like to use someday?

Right now I used Photoshop CS5. I started out many many moons ago Creative Keepsakes Scrapbook Designer, and then learned PS. I also scrapped with ACDSee's Photo Editor when I worked with them. I guess at some point I would like to upgrade to a newer PS, but ATM, there is no need, as I barely use all of what is in CS5 LOL


The Loopy-O
OMG! Phyllis- that is crazy about the fireball! I am with you- would have loved to see it but probably freaked out too.
Hope that you had a nice day. I finished The Tudors, so now I need to find something new to occupy my time.

Trudy- Have you read Joe Hill? He is Stephen King's son. How cool that you did the Color Challenge with those pics. I am going to have to check that out later.

Shar- so, so sorry to hear about the rain. Oh did I smirk a little bit there? LOL
I am so with you and Phyllis about typos on official papers. There was one that I noticed recently and it drove me crazy. I know that I type miserably, but just b/c you have Spell Check, it doesn't mean that you don't proof read. Ugh!
Beautiful photos and it is so nice to see "green" and not white/brown/grey dirty snow.

Nancy-- all good by you?
Hope that everyone has a fab day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning I missed yesterday but for a great reason as it was the NJ Devils season ticket holder event where we got to meet players and they graciously autographed. I had fun as I had them sign several of my hockey scrap pages. It was run in a totally absurd way. Told every rep that was there what I thought about the new system. I figure at my age what can they do to me. LOL. They had gotten complaints about long lines and the new way did not do away with the lines. But now that I have reflected on what made me angry is was lack of choice. They decided whose autographs I should get I did not get to select and that is what made me the maddest. Every time I write about my hockey problems I laugh as I know I really have no problem but just a minor annoyance. My team did defeat the Sabres in a shoot out so that was good. It has been a great hockey week as Monday was open practice, Tuesday was game they won and yesterday autographs. Both my son and daughter came with me so that was fun. It was nice as they both had the day off. My dentist appointment went well. Monday I felt bad for my DH and there was a water pipe that broke at his Journal Square stop and all the passengers were forced off and the whole building was shut down. My son went and picked him up. But what a hassle the weather is causing. I did get out yesterday and walk but doubtful I will walk until the weekend. But I will have to walk tomorrow as I have a cut and color appointment and a game. Saturday night is a game too. Then next week I have games Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Busy.

Chris you can complain anytime you want. It is not easy dealing with this weather as you are trying to heal. That was good of Scott to go grocery shopping. It is good for boys and men to learn to shop for food.

Phylis I am so glad to hear that my recommendation about Jaime in Outlander was a good one. And Dougal is perfect too. I also like Murtagh more in the TV show that in the book. I am sorry there is not place to walk in you area.

Trudy I loved that video link. Those sisters are too funny. I can't believe that Boston lost to the Oilers. Boston needs a good kick in the rear end.

Shar your photos are beautiful. I love just going for photo walks. I did that yesterday as I had to go downtown to pick up so medicine. There were lots of mallards and geese in the river. How nice to have so good weather. Hope the rain holds off so they get in their golf.

QOTD - I use Photoshop elements. I have thought about upgrading to the full Photoshop but I barely use what elements has and since I am not designing I will stay with PSE.

QOTD - I don't have a favorite author I just like reading. I do like Steven King but I find I don't like scary so much anymore, I like Leon Uris (Exodus). I find I like authors where the stories change but the characters stay the same so I do like the Outlander author.

Have a great day all.


Well-Known Member
BRRRR!!! can i just DELETE FRBRUARY???
it's TWO DEGREES here!! going down to -14* tonight. another day at home, no doubt. i can't think of a good reason for going out there!!

Chris, glad the guys are getting in some supermarket time. i made my DH come with me for THE FIRST TIME a few weeks ago, and he didn't know what was going on. had NO experience with scanning stuff. bitch all you want to about your health and the weather! i think we can all relate. except Trudy and Shar, who think they're SO COOL because they have cherry blossoms in February!! :rofl:

Nancy, your enthusiasm for hockey knows no bounds! i am always amazed at how you are able to carry such a passion for something. it was great that you got to tell the power that be what you think was wrong about the new system. i guess telling you which autographs you are ALLOWED to get is just a way of them spreading out the crowd and making sure that no player feels badly hecause his line is short!

Shar, GORGEOUS pix. it's so nice to see grass! how's the scarf coming? how long do you think it will take you to finish?

Trudy, i loved seeing and hearing those sisters synchronized swimming! three crazy Italian ladies. what fun watching their interaction. thanks for the pasta recipe. i would LOVE it, but my husband is not a fan of onions, and there are a LOT of onions in that recipe!

QOTD: i forgot to say which is my favorite author the other day. i don't think i have one! i hop all over the place with my reading. and as far as what program i use to scrap: since i'm not scrapping these days, i would have to say NONE on that. i think my PSE is #8.

i think i have to do a giant wipe-down of the family room, since the wood stove has been going full-blast for weeks and weeks and weeks. when you open up the firebox to put wood in it, some tiny ash invariable excapes. if i let it go for much longer, the family room will resemble Pompeii.

OK. off i go to do Thursday. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! Well its :rain: again for us today, but the weekend is looking pretty good again. I know, I know you would all like to kick Sharon and I in the butt
, really this is not our fault! The Pineapple express is to blame

Chris - Never worry about if you are complaining or not, we all have to vent and we realize that you have every right to be a bit bitchy!! What with Lyme, surgery, bad weather and everything else, its a wonder you have any hair left on your head!! I would have pulled all of mine out by now
No I have no read Joe Hill, but I will put him on my list. I haven't been doing any reading since I arrived back home. My last book was "The Lost Symbol" a Dan Brown book. It was just ok.

Nancy - You are right the Bruins do need a good kick in the A$%!! What a sad, sad performance last night!! Hubby was so mad that he just went straight to bed after the game without saying a single word!! I did not dare comment :becky: Sounds like you are going to be one very busy hockey fan over the next while!! Enjoy!

Phylis - Sorry that you are stuck inside yet again today, but like you say there is no good reason to go out in that kind of weather!! Too bad your hubby would not like the pasta recipe it really is a very good one and I mince the onions so much you don't even know they are in there, just the great flavour! What did you end up making for him? As for being so cool??? Well I have a bad feeling that we are really going to pay for all of this mild spring like, but WAY TOO EARLY weather!


Shar and Jean. Hope your morning is going well!!

QOTD - I use Photoshop CS6, love it and all that it can do, but do not utilize it as much as I should! Upgraded to this version when I got my new iMac so I think this will have to last me for many years!!

Off to work on some AD stuff for the site then heading to get groceries :mmph: why do we have to eat?? :becky: Have a fabulous day everyone! :wave:


Chris, I don't even think the "sir" was a typo! I think it was ignorance--not knowing it should be "surname." But then I AM pretty cynical. Or should that be sin ickle?

Scarf: I'm about half done. But I like having the PROJECT as much as the finished product, so not in any hurry. Maybe it will be done in a couple weeks? Having more fun with it each row.

Phylis, I LOL at the thought of your family room/Pompeii! I'm so sorry about your weather. DD sent me a picture yesterday of snow on the Allegheny, with the temperature superimposed. She was glad to be in Utah, and not suffering the PGH winters any more.

Started with PSE (5, I think). Now use CS5, and don't plan to upgrade. I don't want to use the cloud. If we get to the point where CS5 is no longer supported, I will return to PSE, which, as some of you have said, has more depth than I could ever probe. I moved to CS5 for a few features that PSE did not have at the time (don't know if it does now), particularly CREATING actions. There are some things in PSE I prefer...the photo bin, for one. I should probably just default to PSE, and only open CS5 when I want to make an action. Oh well. I'm used to it now.

Trudy, I LOVED the ladies swimming. What a hoot. I truly did LOL so loud, DH came to see what was so funny.

This morning I signed up for Emil's photography academy! =:O Lots of $$$$, but should be worth it. I watched 3 of his free videos, and just connected with him. This is the iPhoneography class I have been dreaming of. I passed it up last time it was offered because of the cost, but today DH told me to just do it...less than the cost of a month of greens fees! (just under $200) http://iphonephotographyschool.com/join-academy/

I have an absolutely ADORABLE photo of my DGS (the one who gave me the cold), which I plan to scrap today. That's it for me. Maybe a neighborhood walk. (in the rain?)

HAGD everyone.
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Well, ladies, I have done it now! This is what I posted on my Facebook page today!

Me ‘n’ Jethro

I’ll try to make this a gentle lesson from Professor Mom rather than a rant. It will seem harsh and probably insulting to some, and you probably already know all this, and have chosen to ignore it. That’s the scary part to me.

So here goes:

Every time you say “me ‘n’ (fill in a name)” you sound like someone who was raised with The Beverly Hillbillies (Google it).

This pattern of speech has gone viral. I mean that almost literally. It’s like a virus has infected the brains, first of our young people, and now, every generation. I hear it on American television shows (not PBS or BBC yet), and out of the mouths of university-educated people. No matter how much schooling you have had, when you say “me ‘n’ Jethro,” you sound illiterate. This is not a judgment of those who are illiterate. But when you have the blessing of even a middle school education, it seems a shame to deliberately blow it off.

If I were hiring someone to work for me, they would be eliminated from consideration the first time they uttered this speech pattern.

It’s not cute. It’s not funny. It’s either a very bad habit, or deliberately insulting to one’s audience, or laziness. But it sounds like ignorance. I realize it is also a choice, and there will be no jail time for it. And I will continue to love and adore those I love and adore who do it. But I wish for their sakes, and for the sake of the English language, my point would be considered.

In the meantime, me ‘n’ Jethro will pull up our rockin’ chairs on the front porch and light up our corncob pipes. Ol’ Blue may just curl up at my feet while Pa plays us a tune on the harmonica till Granny gets the collard greens fried up.

PS: For the 2 people in America who do NOT know, the proper way to use the phrase is, "Jethro and I" as in Jethro and I will be plowing the north 40 tomorrow. Or as in the following sentence, "Jethro and me:" Granny told Jethro and me that supper was on the table."

Maybe THAT's the problem. We have the ME generation (actually all generations have been self-centered) which would naturally put themselves first!

Am I toast??????
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
ITA with you Sharon! We are butchering the English language and I am probably guilty of doing this myself!!