Don't mind me, I am keeping my eye out for Spring
31 More Days!!
That photo makes me smile. Love the green grass and I can't wait to see some green grass at my house. I'd better not hold my breath because even after the snow melts, my "lawn" is usually more mud than lawn on a good day. What can you do? Grass won't grow and the little bits of grass and weeds that do grow get ripped up from the dogs. As long as I have my flowers and herbs and yes, weeds-I am a happy lady.
I feel like my spring countdown got me thinking about spring cleaning. I cannot wait for that big to hit me too. I did some cleaning yesterday but nothing beats having the windows open and the house feeling fresh.
I can't remember if I said anything to you but I doubt it, under the circumstances, I'm not surprised. *winks* -- my mom told me on Christmas Eve that she is ready to get a pacemaker. (Hmm, wonder why I didn't mention that? Was anything else happening on Christmas here? hah. ) We have chatted about it a little bit since then but yesterday she called me when she got him from her kidney Dr. Last week she saw her regular cardiologist and they are both 100% onboard for her to do this. She is giving herself another week to gear up to make the appt with the pacemaker Dr but this is the closest she has been to do it. I offered to go with her to any appts and I hope she takes me up on that. I just think she is going to *feel* so much better once it is done. Once her heart works better, it will take pressure off of her kidneys. Once her kidneys are better, she will be able to eat a better variety of foods- which will give her more energy.
Today I am off to my friend's to clean and then I need to catch up on some stuff at the O. We are more than halfway through February (*cheers wildly*) and I have to get loose ends done soon.
HAGD! xo
31 More Days!!
That photo makes me smile. Love the green grass and I can't wait to see some green grass at my house. I'd better not hold my breath because even after the snow melts, my "lawn" is usually more mud than lawn on a good day. What can you do? Grass won't grow and the little bits of grass and weeds that do grow get ripped up from the dogs. As long as I have my flowers and herbs and yes, weeds-I am a happy lady.
I feel like my spring countdown got me thinking about spring cleaning. I cannot wait for that big to hit me too. I did some cleaning yesterday but nothing beats having the windows open and the house feeling fresh.
I can't remember if I said anything to you but I doubt it, under the circumstances, I'm not surprised. *winks* -- my mom told me on Christmas Eve that she is ready to get a pacemaker. (Hmm, wonder why I didn't mention that? Was anything else happening on Christmas here? hah. ) We have chatted about it a little bit since then but yesterday she called me when she got him from her kidney Dr. Last week she saw her regular cardiologist and they are both 100% onboard for her to do this. She is giving herself another week to gear up to make the appt with the pacemaker Dr but this is the closest she has been to do it. I offered to go with her to any appts and I hope she takes me up on that. I just think she is going to *feel* so much better once it is done. Once her heart works better, it will take pressure off of her kidneys. Once her kidneys are better, she will be able to eat a better variety of foods- which will give her more energy.
Today I am off to my friend's to clean and then I need to catch up on some stuff at the O. We are more than halfway through February (*cheers wildly*) and I have to get loose ends done soon.
HAGD! xo