
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, December 6


The Loopy-O
Yup, I am here. I survived The Mall. Somehow my 70 yo mom, who has gout seemed to make it through better than I did. I was in bed by 7.30 and Istill need more sleep. :sleep:

I have a crazybusy day in the kitchen. I have to get started on making the products that I can right now for the baskets and order the supplies I need for the rest. That means my kitchen needs a deep clean before I can even get started, since it has to be as sterile as possible.

In fact, I am going to run and get showered, I am babysitting at 7 am, so I should be ready to roll before that.

Love and hugs and peace to all.
Happy Caffeine!!!

Good morning all! Craziness here. Had a soccer board meeting last night. Get off work at 4:45, run to pick up Sydney at daycare, run to pick up Shaun at other daycare, tell them that we need to eat at McD's because that is all we have time for. Board meeting at our house at 6. Last person left at 8. Started the homework drill. And before you know, it's starting all over again. Wasn't there a song? Is that all there is?

Oh well, to the shower for me! HOping that you all have great days!
hahaa! and then there was that movie, "Groundhog Day," Linda!! i always have to look FAST or i miss you zooming by! :bolt:

glad you survived the Mall, Chris. i'm trying to decide whether or not i feel like going over to one of our local Malls for lunch and a walk-through.... probably not. i am SO done wth everything that i don't have ONE SINGLE GIFT to buy, wrap, mail or even think about. this is so odd. maybe i'll drive over to my SIL and BIL's business and give them their gift. (they have no kids, so THEY get the gift. 6 bottles of various wines. once you have kids in our system, only the KIDS get the gifts.)

had to build a fire in the wood stove this a.m. it's COLD again. i hate fire-building. it's a mess and the wood brings spiders into the house. and it requires TENDING. i'm pretty done with wanting to TEND anything at this point in my life. well, it's going to be 50 degrees again in a few days, so no fire THAT day, at least.

have a Happy Thursday! is it just me, or is December zooming by already??
or is that LINDA!? :rofl:
Morning girlies.. Had fun last night at our Christmas party for the Hardware Store. Most fun was the bus ride!! Lots of laughs and giggles!! Supper was great at Raymond's a Chinese food place in Victoria. Hockey game not so great, Victoria got spanked they lost 7-2 to Vancouver. Oh well, everyone had fun and now up early for a 4hr. shift today. Three more parties to go, yikes hope I can keep up!!

Chris - Would love to see you at work on your faery gifts!! Bet your kitchen smells fabulous! Have fun with the babysitting today too!

LindaS- Oh my, your schedule makes my head spin!! :der: Don't know how you manage to keep up the pace!! Hope today isn't quite so hectic for you!!

Phylis - I am so envious of you that you have your Christmas shopping, wrapping and mailing all done. I am getting the last of my cards done this weekend and hopefully presents out in the mail no later than Monday. Sure hope that the postal service has hired extra help to get these things to their destination in time!! Braving the mall today might not be that great of an idea, the crowds are growing Uggh!!

Off to start breakfast and get this morning over with so I can come back here and catch up on things!! Looking forward to a quiet afternoon, I hope!! Have a great one everyone! :wave:
glad you survived the mall expedition Chris!

Phyllis--I am right there with you. I don't want to tend to anything either. Must be the age.

Heading out of town for work today. Had planned to leave at 8AM but it is so foggy and the visibility is zero--thought I would put it off for a half an hour or so. Crazy drivers in the fog!

My last meeting today is at 4PM so I hope to be out of there by 5:30 and then head home. Should be home by 8PM.

Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning I finally got my flu shot yesterday. Should have done it earlier but at least it is done. I just finished up my week 48 page and that means that I only have 4 more weeks - wow this year has gone so fast. Cold this morning and going to be cold all day. But my hubby got up early and made French toast. Yummy!

Chris glad your mall day was a success. Sounds like your house is going to smell so good!

Have a great day!
Popping in to say a quick hello again. Really having a hard time, very overwhelmed and close to tears., Hope it is just PMS!

Finishing my 4th mug of coffee and am still exhausted!!!

Have a great day!!!
special EYE-Popping Hugs for Chris this morning!!! I always blame all bad moods/bad feelings/bad attitudes on PMS, so you go, girl!!! :)

Hugs to all this Thursday...it's my home catch-up day!! Lil and I are going to clean and then possible decorate a little more. This year, it's becoming IMPOSSIBLE to get our decorations up. But we will conquer...even if it's just Lil and I doing it!!

love you all!!
Terry, your schedule is TIRING!! that is a LOOOOONNNNGGG day!

Chris, sometimes if you just go ahead and CRY and get it over with, then you can get on with your day. i hope it passes quickly for you.

heading out to deliver the Christmas Booze to my SIL. i'm going to stop somewhere without shelfish for lunch, too. i'll probably end up in my car at Burger King, eating a bunless burger and 10 french fries....
Waiting for haircut, then carwash & then home to exercise. I won a gas card at this am's meeting and then realized it was to a stayion I won't use so I offfered to give it back. More later
I should have just let it go- they said- but you can give it to someone else and I said but if I wouldn't use it in my car, why would I want to give it to someone else- really, it was nice to win, and I will return it and you can give it to someone else. I am fine with that- umm nope- They wanted me to take tokens- but I don't work in that building and they are for the cafeteria in that building. Eventaully they took me to the HR office and are ordering me gas cards to a station where I actually buy gas cause it it on therir list. That is what I get for going to meeting early in the am.