
Daily Ooos: Thursday, December 21


The Loopy-O
Ho ho ho!!

The days are ticking down rapidly, aren't they? Poor Gary- I freaked the you know what outta him yesterday. I was going through the next few nights' dinners and said that we'd be at my parents on Sunday.
"What's Sunday?"
"Christmas Eve, you dolt!" Sidenote: I didn't say- you dolt. But seriously, dude?
Then I asked, Why do you think I have been going crazy around here?
Gary: Multiple reasons, it's what you do.

Fair point.

Everything is still an utter chaotic mess but I think that tomorrow afternoon, the majority of the mess will be under control. Semi-control. Partial control. Maybe.

We are taking Jaida to her post-op appt and her physical therapy appt this afternoon. We should be able to get rid of the donut and sling. That will make taking her outside a lot easier. As for the PT stuff, I hope they have suggestions for us to get through that brick head of hers. Stubborn, stubborn dog. But I love her.

Sam made my heart completely melt yesterday. She sent me a slew of photos of Scott with her sister's kids. Sara got a Santa Suit and asked him to wear it for pics with the kiddos. And he did! He looked so happy doing it too which cracked me up because there would be *no way* he'd do that for me. LOL!
The other ones, their exes, had been on my mind the last few days. :sick: I guess it is that time of year. Anyway, I told her how awful it was they went through what they did but how this part of it turned out for the best. And it really did. ♥
I have Sara's permission to scrap the photos as long as I blur the babies' faces. Sam suggested that I ask Scott for permission too. Not a chance. I never asked him permission before, not going to start now especially since there is a good chance he'd say no Bwuahahaha!

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Your morning getting your "kids" up and out of bed sounds as chaotic as mine was with J! LOL!
What a mess with the shower but how sweet that SIL fixed it up for you. I bet they are very happy to give you a hand when they can.
Good to mention the page to the library right away. Something similar happened to my mom and the library made her replace it-- full price. She couldn't even get the book from Amazon. She was mad!
Still can't get over how quickly you read. Wow!

@vickyday It might go downhill a little after Abby turns 13 but it will pick back up as she gets older. My kids still enjoy spending time with all of their grandparents.
How funny that Ilene was Abby's teacher and I love that she is an honorary Grandma.
Good luck with PT today, please don't be as stubborn as Jaida when you are there. Make sure you ask about ice or heat for when you get back home too.

@taxed4ever I know that feeling when you wake up exhausted because you were running around willy-nilly in your sleep LOL
Hope you slept better and more restful last night.
Of course, you had to include Sophia for the place cards. I would have done the same. :)
I saw the recipes you added, thank you so much!!

@bcgal00 I am not surprised that your gut is a mess. Hope that some good clean food and the probiotics do the trick as well as the new inhaler. How is D feeling?
Remi must be thrilled to be out and about and making new friends.


The Loopy-O
Had to post that quickly, gary and I are looking at driving maps to get to the animal hospital. Just east of the place, there are still major road closures and flooding. We should be ok, maybe a little more traffic but no detours. Whew.

@Cherylndesigns I adore A Christmas Story. That coat scene is hysterical. One year Scott bought tennis balls for the dogs, wrapped a bunch of gifts, and left them on a chair. Whisky took *only* the pack of tennis balls and unwrapped them LOL!
You must be so relieved every time Chuck likes a meal :D

I am sorry that my posting here has been so sporadic and odd(er). Next week things will be better! xoxoxo


Love my O Family!
And besides.
Ho ho ho!!

The days are ticking down rapidly, aren't they? Poor Gary- I freaked the you know what outta him yesterday. I was going through the next few nights' dinners and said that we'd be at my parents on Sunday.
"What's Sunday?"
"Christmas Eve, you dolt!" Sidenote: I didn't say- you dolt. But seriously, dude?
Then I asked, Why do you think I have been going crazy around here?
Gary: Multiple reasons, it's what you do.

Fair point.

Everything is still an utter chaotic mess but I think that tomorrow afternoon, the majority of the mess will be under control. Semi-control. Partial control. Maybe.

We are taking Jaida to her post-op appt and her physical therapy appt this afternoon. We should be able to get rid of the donut and sling. That will make taking her outside a lot easier. As for the PT stuff, I hope they have suggestions for us to get through that brick head of hers. Stubborn, stubborn dog. But I love her.

Sam made my heart completely melt yesterday. She sent me a slew of photos of Scott with her sister's kids. Sara got a Santa Suit and asked him to wear it for pics with the kiddos. And he did! He looked so happy doing it too which cracked me up because there would be *no way* he'd do that for me. LOL!
The other ones, their exes, had been on my mind the last few days. :sick: I guess it is that time of year. Anyway, I told her how awful it was they went through what they did but how this part of it turned out for the best. And it really did. ♥
I have Sara's permission to scrap the photos as long as I blur the babies' faces. Sam suggested that I ask Scott for permission too. Not a chance. I never asked him permission before, not going to start now especially since there is a good chance he'd say no Bwuahahaha!

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!
..And besides.....it's a mom prerogative to be able to scrap her son WITHOUT permission, LOL! And post it for the whole WORLD to see!
LOVED Gary's response to you! It IS what you do! :floorlaugh:
Maybe Jaida will settle down once all of the extra contraptions are off of her!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Your morning getting your "kids" up and out of bed sounds as chaotic as mine was with J! LOL!
What a mess with the shower but how sweet that SIL fixed it up for you. I bet they are very happy to give you a hand when they can.
Good to mention the page to the library right away. Something similar happened to my mom and the library made her replace it-- full price. She couldn't even get the book from Amazon. She was mad!
Still can't get over how quickly you read. Wow!

@vickyday It might go downhill a little after Abby turns 13 but it will pick back up as she gets older. My kids still enjoy spending time with all of their grandparents.
How funny that Ilene was Abby's teacher and I love that she is an honorary Grandma.
Good luck with PT today, please don't be as stubborn as Jaida when you are there. Make sure you ask about ice or heat for when you get back home too.

@taxed4ever I know that feeling when you wake up exhausted because you were running around willy-nilly in your sleep LOL
Hope you slept better and more restful last night.
Of course, you had to include Sophia for the place cards. I would have done the same. :)
I saw the recipes you added, thank you so much!!

@bcgal00 I am not surprised that your gut is a mess. Hope that some good clean food and the probiotics do the trick as well as the new inhaler. How is D feeling?
Remi must be thrilled to be out and about and making new friends.
I'm a little nervous about the PT today. Probably because I don't know what to expect and what part of the injured body it is actually for, LOL! Especially since he told me there was no need for PT on the back because it would heal itself in time! :waiting:
Yes, all of my grands willingly give me hugs when we gather.....so far! I hope that never changes!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
I'm a little nervous about today's PT. Probably because I don't really know what it is for since the doc told me no PT was needed on the back since it would basically heal itself! Maybe something to help the slipped disk?
Anywho.....afterwards I am going to Ilene's for taco soup. I hope my tummy is up to it. It surely is a nervous wreck right now! I also want to give her the Baby Shower scrapbook that arrived yesterday. It looks pretty good! They are having their Christmas gathering this weekend so Ilene will be able to pass it on to the little mommy.

Other than that, Abby went home yesterday for Youth Group at her church and today they are getting packed up and ready to take their trip north for the Christmas with the other grandma. She will probably come back for a few days next week.

Hopefully I will be able to get started on my December monthly review pages tonight.....finally! Instead of going with ALL of Anna's products I'm going to mix it up with some things I just got from Jenn and After Midnight's FWP.

OK, gotta get ready to go!
HAGD! :grouphugyay::waving1


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I completely messed up what day it is LOL. I could have sworn it was Friday and I told D I would be heading out for a hair trim this morning. Then tomorrow I would be calling to place our Xmas day dinner for pickup. Then...I realized I was off by a day, it is only Thurs LOL. I think I'll get Remi out to the dog park this afternoon before running a few errands. We are warming up to mid 40's today and tomorrow so I want Remi to get out to play in the snow before it starts melting. Other than a dusting, no snow is forecasted for the next week or so.

The steroid inhaler isn't helping yet but hopefully soon. I am looking forward to the day I can breath without all the wheezing and crackling in my chest and not be so fatigued.

I've been unpacking little bits here and there. This is the most unorganized unpacking I've ever experienced (b/c the movers decided what goes into each box). But my kitchen is functional. I have another 3 boxes for charity, it sure gets easier to purge the more I do it. D and I went to Marks yesterday for winter boots and he got the most expensive boots he has ever bought but got a 30% discount. These will keep his feet warm and dry, even in the coldest weather here. I got a nice pair of short boots with a really good ice grip sole (for dog walking). Since we aren't exchanging Xmas gifts, these were gifts to ourselves, which I'm happy with. I'll also go out on boxing day (Dec 26) and see what is at the mall, might be able to pick up a few things for the house.

@faerywings I bet you'll have fun scrapping the pics of Scott and the kids. D is feeling ok, healing as expected. He was getting tired yesterday after our errands and came home to have a nap but then was fine the rest of the evening.

@vickyday Hope the PT goes well. Strange how you thought none was needed and then they set up an appt for you. Hope it's beneficial.

I'm getting a peppermint tea now and will take my probiotic. I can still only handle a bit of coffee in the morning and then my stomach starts acting up. I have sure cut down on my coffee consumption since moving and am ok with it so my new routine will only include 2-3 cups for the day (not the 7-8 I would normally have). HAGD everyone.


Morning, all... and a late morning... I actually slept in until 8:30AM!!! Whoa!!! That could be because I was up at 4AM yesterday and didn't take a nap. I did take the book back to the library yesterday and showed them the missing half-page. They were glad that I pointed it out and put a damaged notice paper strip around it. It came from the other local (main) library. Yes, @faerywings Chris... I do read fast especially when I really like a book and when I am by myself with no distractions. And I do read a LOT. Years ago, when we were at the Navy Training base in Millington for 6 months - the base library used paper cards and wrote down the books you checked out (read)... The guys that worked at the library had a bet going on about the number of books I would read before we transferred. The bet started once I had read 100 books in less than 3 months. They didn't tell me about the bet until I turned in the last books and said we were leaving. I read 267 in the 6 months!! And... I was taking care of our 5 children and my hubby. I would read as soon as I got the kids in bed at night and while DH was studying his course work. I didn't watch TV as it would distract him.

Glad I went to the library early as the rain and blustery winds hit right as I got back home. It rained off and on and even got up to puddles on the patio this morning. We have a break until later on tomorrow before the big storm hits. Glad that DD#1 and SiL left before it hits. I plan on staying home until next week... no point in getting out while it is bad.

Sorry no personals today as the left shoulder and hands are aching.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am late getting in here and again have to make this short. The morning has gotten away from me and now I have to get out the door right away. I have to deliver the pot luck dish that I made for my Gary's lunch gathering, then off to the printers to pick up our calendar, then to the hairdresser to get my cut and color done. At least my hair will be all spiffy and ready for Christmas LOL. One more card to make this afternoon and I am done with the cards at least. SIL and I will go to a couple of shops on the 23 to look for a little something for SIL Sharon for hosting dinner. I think that is everything that I need to do. Heather called this morning to tell me about a house that they are going to look at, keep your fingers crossed that this is one!! Ok I am late but hope to be able to pop in here later today. Have a great day everyone! :xmas-sheep:


Love my O Family!
Sounds like you are feeling better! I
Good morning ladies. I completely messed up what day it is LOL. I could have sworn it was Friday and I told D I would be heading out for a hair trim this morning. Then tomorrow I would be calling to place our Xmas day dinner for pickup. Then...I realized I was off by a day, it is only Thurs LOL. I think I'll get Remi out to the dog park this afternoon before running a few errands. We are warming up to mid 40's today and tomorrow so I want Remi to get out to play in the snow before it starts melting. Other than a dusting, no snow is forecasted for the next week or so.

The steroid inhaler isn't helping yet but hopefully soon. I am looking forward to the day I can breath without all the wheezing and crackling in my chest and not be so fatigued.

I've been unpacking little bits here and there. This is the most unorganized unpacking I've ever experienced (b/c the movers decided what goes into each box). But my kitchen is functional. I have another 3 boxes for charity, it sure gets easier to purge the more I do it. D and I went to Marks yesterday for winter boots and he got the most expensive boots he has ever bought but got a 30% discount. These will keep his feet warm and dry, even in the coldest weather here. I got a nice pair of short boots with a really good ice grip sole (for dog walking). Since we aren't exchanging Xmas gifts, these were gifts to ourselves, which I'm happy with. I'll also go out on boxing day (Dec 26) and see what is at the mall, might be able to pick up a few things for the house.

@faerywings I bet you'll have fun scrapping the pics of Scott and the kids. D is feeling ok, healing as expected. He was getting tired yesterday after our errands and came home to have a nap but then was fine the rest of the evening.

@vickyday Hope the PT goes well. Strange how you thought none was needed and then they set up an appt for you. Hope it's beneficial.

I'm getting a peppermint tea now and will take my probiotic. I can still only handle a bit of coffee in the morning and then my stomach starts acting up. I have sure cut down on my coffee consumption since moving and am ok with it so my new routine will only include 2-3 cups for the day (not the 7-8 I would normally have). HAGD everyone.
Sounds like you are feeling better! So glad!
I know, right? I guess it is because I asked him if walking would help strengthen my back because I know I need to start walking more. These exercises are to strengthen my core which will aid in back pain. We shall see!


Love my O Family!
Good Evening to everyone!
I thought I would give you all a link to the blog post I made for my kids that tells about the Medicare Wellness checkup I had yesterday and the PT of today......if you are interested it is HERE. I guess things could be much worse! :lalala:
Have a good evening!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening.

Dang, I almost missed posting in here today. We can't have that, can we?

I actually started to post when it was morning, then it turned to afternoon and now it's evening. I know because it's dark outside already. I guess it is 5:30. DUH - who needs Daylight Savings Time? I love the darkness at 5:00 PM said nobody ever. :banghead::banghead:

Chris @faerywings A Christmas Story is my all-time favorite and I have to watch it every year. That kid in the coat - he can't even move, then he falls down and can't get back up. The dad in that movie is classic, too. Then they finally end up in the Chinese restaurant because the dogs ate the turkey. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I don't care if I watch any other Christmas movie, but I have to watch that one.

You and Gary bantering cracks me up too. Gary: "What's Sunday" You: "Christmas Eve." "Why do you think I've been going crazy around here?" Gary: "Because that's what you do." BWAHAHA

Hope the appt went well for J and she got out of the collar and sling.

I'm not going to do anymore personals because I don't think I'll ever get this posted if I don't stop now.

Hugs to all and I'll try to be more focused tomorrow. XOXO