
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, December 18


The Loopy-O
goooOd mOrning and Happy happy Thursday!

Another semi-productive day again yesterday. One basket is completely finished and the others will be done by the weekend. Then maybe, just maybe, I can bake and wrap and clean here. Oh, and I still have to scrap those pages for my BFF and niece for their gifts. I have to do those today in case my printer decided to not work again. I hope that I can send it to Walgreens or Walmart (ugh) if I have to. Not sure of how long that takes, so I hope my printer cooperates.

Off to the Lyme dr today. I don't even know what to tell her. Where to begin. *shrugs* I keep a daily symptom chart, so hopefully she can dig some info out of that. All I can think is how happy I am that I decided to skip my Tindamax week this month. Could you imagine??? I'd be doing this :brick: :frusty: :fish::rant:non stop!!!
When we were in NYC, the cars are all crazy and honking and cutting people off and I said to Caitlyn -- could you imagine me driving in the City on tindamax? She was *horrified* at the idea LOL

Temptation on Thursday:
Go to bed and stay there until Dec 26.

QOTD what is your gift wrapping style? Are you like my mom where there is tissue paper in each box, and the paper is creased and folded perfectly? Or are you more like me where as long as the gift isn't showing anywhere, you are 100% satisfied?
(Sad thing is when I was in college, I worked at Tiffany and Co, in the warehouse, wrapping corporate gifts, where everything had to be *perfect*)

::grouphug to all of you!!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I love cats. I just wish mine hadn't peed so much in the house. Cait is missing her pets so much and wants to get a kitten, but we cannot introduce another one in here, not unless we rip up all of the carpets.
If I could have cloned Merlin, and my puppies of course, I would be happy fur-ever.:D
Listening to Outlander actually makes me move slower b/c I am paying attention to them, but I don't mind since I feel like I am "reading" at the same time.
Here is a pic of one of the butterflies on the website

But the pictures do not do the IRL ones justice.
I am with Mark Twain too... I wish people were more like dogs!!
How did your day with your sis and cleaning go?

Nancy- I love being able to shop local, it is so worth it, like I said yesterday about shopping with Scott.
I am so sorry about your son's friends' loss. I think I told you when you shared the news in Oct that this is what my BFF's first son had. The dr first thought failure to thrive or whatever the term was, then there was no amniotic fluid, then they realized no kidney function. It is truly heartbreaking. Best advice that I can give is to talk tho them about the baby, use his name etc. Worst thing to do is to pretend he doesn't exist.
What channel is outlander on? If we get that channel, I might have to see if I can DVR it for when I am stuck in bed next month.

Trudy- so with you on being MIA, here as well as IRL!
Sorry that your dinner didn't work out, but I bet that having your sisters together will be nice, intimate.
That cookie jar is adorable, and I want to track down that recipe!! Looks delish!

Jean- I am going to have to check out that LO. All of my kitties have been 100% indoor, I couldn't stand seeing them get a bird. I don't even like it when they go ofter the occasional mouse.
Outlander is a lot to read, but I am totally enjoying listening to the audio. Love it!!

Time to get Cait to the bus stop.

Hope that you all have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
Chris, thanks for the earring picture! now i can see how it's done. i just couldn't figure out how someone would do it! sounds like you're accomplishing a lot this week. i can't say the same for me, unfortunately.... BTW, "when i am stuck in bed next month"---- you won't be in bed after the first few days. or you better not be! but resting, yes. you have to be up and moving (carefully) around. PLEASE remember to ask for the elastic abdomen band! it will be the most helpful thing you can do for yourself, along with going up steps backwards, when you're allowed to do stairs. what date is your op happening again?

Trudy, i didn't know you had so many brothers and sisters!! good grief. it must be like trying to herd cats to get them all together, especially if there's some animosity between some of them. i only have two sisters, and one of them i don't bother with. long story. but i'm a big fan of writing off people who are too much trouble to know. and she is one of them.

Nancy, where i live, shopping local means Kohl's, Target, Walmart, etc. no sweet little towns around here, unfortunately.

Hi, Jean. nope. the house didn't sparkle, but it was good enough to fake out the visitor! did you hapoen to catch the Kingston Trio special on PBS last week? i heard my Hubby listening to it in the family room while i was dozing in my recliner.

i think i might make a few batches of Christmas cookies today. and DD is coming over for dinner, 'cause she's off today. i'm starting to keep a beady eye on the weather forecast for Christmas, since this year we have to go to someone else's house for dinner, instead if staying home and waiting for everyone to arrive HeRE. :smow: also doing some laundry and catching up on my 365 pages. i skipped three days, and now i forget what i did on those days!

have a super Thursday! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - thanks to you all for the thoughts and comments on the loss of the baby, Samantha. They are a very strong couple so I know they will come through this.

My poor Devils lost 2-0. When they get good goal tending they can't score LOL. It was funny I read that the Devils players did not appreciate that they were booed at the end of the game. That bothered me because when in Dallas to see my Devils we were standing at the VIP entrance before our tour of the arena started and a group of Devils players walked passed and did they acknowledge us no they just quickly went passed even though we cheered. It was like we were invisible. Well when they treat their fans those who buy the tickets to pay their salaries then they wonder why they are booed. I don't boo my team but I understand that it. Got in a lot of walking. Today more walking.

Chris glad you are getting all your baskets done. Love the butterfly wing. Outlander is on STARZ a premium channel. I don't know where else it is found on TV. They still have 8 more episodes starting in April before the first season is completed.

Phylis our weather is looking iffy on Christmas Eve. We always do luminaries but won't if it is raining. Good luck with your weather.

Trudy love your little jars. What a nifty creations. Congrats to those Bruins for defeating the Wild. Glad your team is getting healthy again.

Hi Jean.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning lovely "O"s Its a :rain: day again today and very dark and gloomy outside. I had this huge post and somehow lost it! :rant: Why do I always forget to open another window when I want to look at another post?? Well I will try to start again... Had a bad sleep last night (what else is new?) Got up at 3am to pee. Tossed and turned for what seemed like an eternity before I finally fell back to sleep
then woke up just before 7am. FIL is coming by at 9am to pick up a few things and then I am out the door to pick up the last of my calendars. I am finally finished Hooray!!! Home to wrap one for the In-Laws, mail off DS's and put mine away until the the New Year. Then I have to deliver a Spiral Ham (which is heating in the oven right now) to hubby's office party that they are having for lunch. Then off to the hairdresser to get my colour and cut. Whew a busy day for me.

Chris - Those earrings are so pretty!! I bet Scott's girlfriend is going to love her set!! Hope you manage to get the rest of your baskets done in record time. I have always thought that I would love to see NYC at Christmas, but I bet the traffic would drive me bonkers!! Good luck with your Lyme appt. hope she figures out something to make you feel better my friend!! Here is a link to the recipes for the gifts in a jar... http://thefrugalgirls.com/2013/09/cookie-mix-in-a-jar-gift.html

Phylis - Ok what did I miss??
Why are you going to be stuck in bed next month?? Herding cats is exactly what it is like to get my siblings all together!! :becky: I give up trying, but at least I tried, which is more than any of the others have done. Like Chris says, it is what it is!! What cookies do you make for Christmas?? I used to make everything I could think of that was Christmasy, but now its just Shortbread (hubby's fave) and Naniamo Bars (my fave) .

Nancy - Ugh those Darn Devils are not making you too happy these days are they? Hope they get their acts together and also learn how to treat their fans, the people that pay their wages!!!!! Nothing bites my butt more than ungrateful people!!! Hope your walk is enjoyable today!

Jean - Check out the link that I gave to Chris, you will laugh when you see just how easy this recipe is :becky:

QOTD- I would be in heaven working for Tiffany in the gift wrapping dept!!!! I love to get very creative and wrap my gifts to perfection!! Unfortunately this year I hardly had to do any wrapping at all :hurt: No gifts for hubby or myself this year and pretty much had everything sent online to the kids.

Ok I better get my butt in gear and be dressed before FIL arrives. Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy, i just saw the pix of your jars! so fantastic! i was up at 4:07 a.m., so if misery loves company...:faint2: no, that's not me (i hope) being in bed, post -op next month. that's Chris i was talking about!! i used to make a bumch of cookies, but it gets less and less every year. today i iust made a few of what my family calls "Russian Tea Cookies." i've seen recipes like it called other things. it's basically butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, a pinch of salt, some chopped pecans mixed up and rolled into balls and covered with more powdered sugar. easiest cookie ever. i'll probably make a pumpkin roll. maybe, if i'm feeling ambitious, i'll chocolate-cover some Oreos and slap a sugar wreath on each one. i MAY make some Kolachy, but that takes a lot of time. i don't really like making cookies anymore, especially since i eat NONE of them!