
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, December 11


The Loopy-O
Fellow Weather Bitches, I need some energy for a delayed opening this morning, even if it screws up my day a bit. It is cold and snowy and icy. We weren't supposed to get any accumulation. We had lots of rain overnight yesterday. It even looked like the sun was going to peek out a bit. We got flurries and then a downpour of snow. It came out of nowhere. It's not a lot of accumulation but the roads look bad. My BFF across the street texted me last night that she spun out on one of the local roads and now her car is banged up and in the shop. I told her that I was very sorry that my Bad-Car-Luck spread across the street to her.

We got Scott's car back too. Brake line was leaking and had to be replaced. There went another $200 down.

I was able to get 2 more pages done for my IL's book. I think I have 3 more to go. The hardest part of doing these books is not knowing what the photos are of. I spent an hour online looking for info on a lion statue
and found a million other lions, but not the one that I have to scrap. It looks very much like the Medici Lions but it doesn't have its paw on a ball.

How are you doing Trudy? Hope you are getting closer to being done as well.
Groupon has a 40% coupon for Shutterfly but it expires today, I would LOVE to finish the book and use that.
I am also getting my hair cut and colored. I decided to go darker and have low lights put in. The upkeep on the blond is just too much at this point. I want as little fuss after my surgery as possible. (I never thought I would say that I wanted to go back to brown but well, there it is. Remind me of my choice when I complain about how much I hate brown hair LOL)

So that is about it from me. It is after 6 and no call from the school, so I'd better get bundling up to scrape my car and shovel the drive.

Would you prefer a snowy, cold day or a very hot on humid one? I know that you all know my answer on that one, but what is yours?

Have a fantastic day!


Well-Known Member
Weather Bitch of the West here. Chris, hope you survive this hideous morning. WHy aren't the schools delayed?? is your district predominantly from down the mountain? i DO NOTwant any of that weather happening here, but i guess it's just a matter of time. i thought that that storm had moved out of your area, but i guess not! what a mess. be safe, kiddo. :smow:

Trudy, thinking of YOU today, too. what i've been hearing about the storms in your part of the world this morning is just awful. in California, i was hearing 10" of rain!!! i can't even get my head around that. and 70mph winds. yikes. well, hopefully you're not going to see much more of this. you stay safe, too! just out of curiosity, and because i've been having Mail Adventures recently, do you guys have those "community mailboxes" now, where the mail isn't delivered to your house?

just boring gray and snow flurries around here. i think i'm glad of that, considering the alternative. i've had many days in a row of being up since between 3 and 4 a.m. same thing this morn. what a pain. today i just have to make a trip to the bank, then i might go to my Nice Post Office, in the adjacent community, where i mail all my stuff from, considering that the people in my own community post office are such nasties. the Nice Post Office wanted me to stop by and tell them what happens with my still-undelivered package. so, if it's not too busy in there, i'll drop by and tell them the tale. particularly the part about the so-called "investigation." farsical.

there may be a Nap Attempt in my future today. hope everyone else is wide awake and ready to do Thursday! :becky:


The Loopy-O
Good morning, I am back for a few. Weather Bitch Mode must have worked because we now have a delayed opening. The call came in at 6.30 and we leave for the bus at 6.40. Could they have called it *any* later?
Our district is huge-- 80+ sq miles, lots of lake community roads, lots of mountains and elevation changes. But it is what it is. I feel bad for all of the teachers who had already left for work, which I imagine was a lot of them.

I don't think it screws up my morning too much. But I did spend the last half hour scraping Scott's car and moving it out of the driveway. Our driveway is short (2 car lengths) but steep and if it slippery it can get hard to back out of. I *know* he can do it, but now he is all set.
I hate that the roads are always so bad up here and that I worry too darn much.
Again-- it is what it is.

Phyllis- I hate the up at 3-4am deal. It is just brutal. I hope that you get better sleep tonight, or a nice nap.

Going to do some quick personals from yesterday then I really have to get going.


Well-Known Member
good morning - We got a dusting of snow yesterday. It was pretty and did not cause problems on the road as I had to go to the bank to deposit some checks. I saw three of my former co-workers who like myself are all retired. They are all as happy as I am. Came home got some scrapping done. Today is off to a hair appt and then home to laundry. Well after 15 more emails we still do not have a day but we have it narrowed down to two. Too funny. I am causing the most problems with all my hockey games.

Chris I can only hope that this storm goes away quickly. Amazing how much car repairs cost.

Phylis so glad that you found out where you package ended up. Have fun visiting your nice post office.

Trudy hang in there with all the rain!

Everyone have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning from the Canadian
West Coast Bitch!!
Just wondering how much flooding there is on the way to downtown? It is still raining
and looks like it will not stop for a while yet. Everyone acts like it is some big surprise that we are getting all of this rain, Really?? It happens every year HELLOO!!! We live in a rainforest!! It would be a big surprise if we did NOT get all this rain!!! like Chris says, it is what it is! I still prefer it to snow!! I don't have to shovel rain

Chris - You get a snow day!! Hooray!! Hopefully it gives you some time to get that photo book done. It would be nice if you can use the coupon for it!! I take mine to Staples and as far as I know they do not have a deal or a coupon to use for this time of year. Oh well its all done in a couple of hours and I can pick it up at the store. They always turn out very nicely! It think that is where Nancy takes her calendars too. Hey whats wrong with brown hair?? I love the colour of my hair, although mine would be mostly grey now if I did not get it coloured. But the low lights and highlights in my hair make me love the colour! I think you will look great in brown hair, you just need a good stylist who knows her/his stuff!!
Hope you do not get too much more snow, be safe out there!!

Phylis - Yes we have the community mailboxes and have had them for many years, there are very few places left around our area that actually gets mail delivered to the door anymore. The box for my neighbourhood is situated at the top of our hill so it is just a quick stop for DH to make on his way home from work or just a short walk for me to go and get the mail. I do feel badly for the elderly or people with disabilities it is a PITA for them that is for sure. Now that the City of Vancouver is converting to community mail boxes they are being stolen left, right and centre, they take the WHOLE DAM Thing away!! Really what are they hoping to steal? No one sends money in the mail anymore and hardly anyone gets cheques anymore. The large parcels are delivered to you or you get a slip to go and pick them up at the post office. WTH?? Oh well no one said that thieves are rocket scientists!! :becky:
Hope your snowfall does not amount to too much! Is your area getting the community mailboxes?

Nancy - Glad to hear that you did not get too much for snow yesterday, hopefully it stays that way! Have an enjoyable time at the hairdresser, it is always a boost to have the hair done!! Perhaps today you will decide what day to get together with your friends. Too funny that you are the one causing all the problems with your hockey games! Enjoy your day!!

Well sometime today I have to brave the stormy weather and get to the grocery store and then go find another set of indoor christmas lights as another old set has bit the dust!! I swear they are only meant to last for one Christmas season
No swimming today, but back at it again tomorrow!! Do something fun today!! :wave:
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