
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, August 7


The Loopy-O
GooooOd mOrning, My lovely O-Fam!!!
Two cups of coffee down, and woot, feeling semi-human!

I am so glad that I didn't push myself to go food shopping before work yesterday. It would have been way too hectic. In fact, it was hectic enough just getting ready for work. But I had a good day. I got a few things organized before work, and then Cait and I went to the Farmer's Market again. I drop about $20 every time I go there, but it is so rewarding to get really fresh food. We grabbed a loaf of French Bread for dinner and ate almost half of it before we got home. I also found a new vendor that sells trail mix baked in Vt. Maple Syrup. I bought a small bag of that as a treat. And organic blackberries for the kids, and homemade dog cookies for Ray. Then Cait and I drove around town, with the windows down and the music loud. :rockon:
Then the kids and Gary and I played a few rounds of MarioKart on the wii. The kids are really good at it, Gary has a natural affinity with video games. And I suck! I was in last place almost every time. I kept driving off the track and into mud or water or lava.Good thing I don't drive like for real. hahah!!
I got a walk in with my friend while Cait cooked spaghetti for dinner and we polished off what was left of the bread. Yum!!!!!

Today Cait and I are working together and I am not sure what I am doing after that. Its nice today so I might get a bit of yard work done. My Tiger Lilies are all done blooming their stalks are drying out and looking very raggedy.

Temptation on Thursday:
Been seeing lots of vacation trip photos online and I would love to just grab a credit card and book one for me.:D



Well-Known Member
good morning it is a gorgeous day here in NJ. It is only 66 degrees and low humidity. Amazing weather for NJ in August but I am loving it. Yesterday I rode my bike for about 12 miles. It was a really good ride. My poor town has been through so much flooding and now as I ride my bike I am starting to see how home owners are dealing with the flooding. They are raising their house so they are a good story higher. They are using it as a garage so I guess if it floods it does not ruin their homes. I think this is such a great thing and I would do it if I live where they live. I really like our town and I would not want to leave it. Besides I can't imagine that people would want to buy their homes if they did want to sell. It is amazing to me that they can do this. My son said that they have an actual closing date for the house they are buying and it is this Friday. So happy for them. Have a few errands but then just scrap.

Chris I am the worst at video games. I always came in last with Mario Cart. Only game I could win was bowling LOL.

Phylis hope the photography went well.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
howdy. better late than never! i had a full morning and early afternoon. drove an hour to my sister's house and gave her 4 loaves of zucchini bread and 3 zucchini. (zucchini-nado!!) then i went to take tombstone pix for almost two hours. i only have about 50 or so to go and i'll be done with the project. maybe i'll start on the cemetery where the other side of the family is, when i'm done with this one. that's a pretty big one, but at least it's not on the side of a mountain like our Byzantine cemetery is. i was like a mountain goat today. when got back home, i went over to the mall to pick up a Sears order, and now i'm home for good. i feel like a nap is in order....

Chris, loving you tooling around town with the radio blasting! it's a good day for it. and, as the House Stark (Game of Thrones) motto says :"Winter is coming." and too soon for my taste. so enjoy!

Nancy, i'd love to see a house lifting project from start to dinish. it must be interesting! we saw a big beach house being moved while we were on vacation in June. there is was, rolling down Highway 12. amazing!

ok off to try for a nap. hope the sun is shining where you are! :becky:


Feeling at hOme!
I enjoyed a long bath this morning while reading a good book!
I had to decontract my poor muscles from the gardening done the day before!

I am not talking about cutting flowers on my balcony, lol, but about real gardening that we did in the garden of my building. We were but only 3 neighbours yesterday morning for the gardening party since it was raining and most of people are away on vacation or at work. We had to weed off all the garden since it hadn't been taken care of for some months. We also chopped 2 trees and then used a grinder for the branches so that we got some mulching. After 3 hours using hoe, rake and handling branches in the grinder, I was totally exhausted!!! After everyone has taken a shower, we went for a long lunch. So it was a nice day :)

Now spent the day catching up with some work I have to do for a customer, which consisted of finding images for his book, so rather cool job ;)