
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, August 28


The Loopy-O
Happy Thursday, my O-Fam!!!

I really have nothing much to say except that I am going to whine about the end of summer and that I hurt and that I hate not having any money, you know, usual stuff.

I use the "Envelope Method" of budgeting so I take the cash that I get from working and put it into Grocery/Medical/Miscellaneous Envelopes. I thought that I had a lot of cash in the Grocery envelope but it turned out to be a *lot* of singles. Oh, dear :( Don't you *hate* when that happens?

I made it to the lake for a couple of hours again and that was nice. And the kids were home for dinner, all 4 of us which makes me :love:

For my Gratitudes:
1. Clean sheets on my bed last night. If it were not such a PITA, I would put clean sheets on every night.
2. Catzilla. No idea why I am grateful for he b/c she has not left me alone since 9 pm last night, but there is something comforting about a cat?
3. CoffeecoffeeCoffeecoffeeCoffeecoffeeCoffeecoffee


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- woo hoo for *finally* getting all of that mistake handled. Ugh.How did the opt. go? My eyes keep changing and I think I need a new Rx for my contacts/glasses too.
Dinner for us tonight-- Gary is making homemade salsa and guacamole with our garden tomatoes and I am doing vegetarian fajitas to go with them. I should see if we have any chicken in the freezer that I can cook up for Gary and Scott...
I was getting all ready for making soup since it had been so cold and then Bam! Hot again :)

Nancy- being able to enjoy the scenery has to have health benefits and stress reduction that are way more important than racing along, at least in my I am Not a Doctor But I play One at Oscraps Opinion;)

Trudy- I bet you wanted to do this to FIL :brick: with the Kobo
That is how the humidity makes Gary feel too, cranky and worse nausea. Needs to have air blowing on his face at all times or he has a hard time breathing. Hope that the weather cools off for her soon.
Ahhhh, bet that Hot Stone Massage was heavenly!!!!

Sara we miss and love you too!! Pop in and say Hi when you can!!



Well-Known Member
good am just a quick note, got in my ride yesterday and then came home and watched a Create Live free online course on Photographing National Parks. It is 3 days so I am going to miss today's session which I am bummed but I am going to Flushing Meadows to see tennis at the US Open so that makes me happy. Should be some really good matches.

Have a great day all!


lOve the O!
Good Morning O fam! It is my day off and I am spending it sorting and putting back stuff in the scrap room- the new floor and baseboards are in. I am also mowing the weeds also known as the lawn- I do not think the grass has grown, only the weeds. When the weekend is over I hope to have lots of amazing photos to post of my "new" space!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning lovely ladies... It has cooled down a lot here today and of course the long weekend is calling for :rain:! But we really do need it! Campfire Ban is being lifted today and hubby is excited to be able to have a backyard fire in our little pit and roast some hotdogs finally! It does not take much to make him happy!! The trees around us are very stressed and losing all of their leaves already, our backyard looks like it should at the end of September/October. It will be sad to see summer fade away! Another one almost gone.

Chris - That sucks that all you found in your grocery envelope was singles!! Can't get too much to eat with that! Glad you made it to the Lake for a bit and that you all got to have supper together as a family!! Those are the best moments aren't they!!

Nancy - That online course sounds very interesting, have fun at your tennis match today!! I am looking forward to your pictures!

Laurie - Glad to hear that you have your scrap room back again, lets hope its the last time you have to reorganize and rebuild!! Enjoy your new space!!

Phylis - Do you actually get to stay home today?? Hope your appt with the eye guy went well!

Sara - You are such a busy woman!! We will miss you of course, but hope you can pop in once in awhile and let us know how things are going :hug:

Ok I have a few things to get done this morning and then there was a cancellation at my hairdresser so I am getting in to see her this afternoon for a cut and colour. Hooray!!! finally I will have this grey covered and I don't have to wait until the 2nd of Sept. Enjoy the day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
at last, here i am! trying to learn Mac-speak this morning for a few hours. it is different. i sat there and clicked on stuff and tried to figure out where everything was and what it did. i watched a few little videos, and one of them was telling me about "Launch Pad, " which is supposed to be at the bottom of the screen with the other icons. not there. anyone with a Mac have any ideas?

Chris, there definitely IS something about a cat. i find them so relaxing. speaking of grocery shopping, can you BELIEVE the prices these days? i keep buying ground beef for meat and nothing else. what's going ON in this country? no matter how much there is in the grocery envelope, it seems like it's never enough. oh, and i just spent $600 on a pair of new glasses. unbelievable!! we don't have converage for glasses, so i got the full force of the bill. not designer frames. but i have to have plastic, non-glare lenses, so that added a lot. my husband is going to faint.

Sara!! :hurt: i'll miss you! good luck with all your work and everything. stop by when you can!

Nancy, more sports! is Serena playing today? i thought i heard her name this morning.

Laurie, you're always working on a project! can't wait to see the pix!

Trudy, bummer about your trees going "Fall" already. it's bad enough that it actually IS September already. i laughed at your comment about your husband being so happy just cooking hot dogs. nice that little things make him happy!

i did some cleaning today and made some of my almond flour CC cookies before i went out and broke the bank getting glasses. it's actually beautiful here today. 78 degrees and sunny. pleasant! the rest of the day will be cooking dinner, cleaning up and maybe some laundry. thrilling. :yawn:

hope everyone is having a lovely day. :becky: