
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, August 21


The Loopy-O
Hey hey hey!! How are all of you doing? I am *really* wishing I didn't have to work today. And I am sad, because it is probably the last day Cait will be working with me. I get so spoiled having her with me. I am sad too, b/c I always miss my kids so much when they go back to school.
I guess scott will be around a bit more, or then again, when he gets a job, maybe not? Next week he needs to get back to a few of the places that weren't hiring at the beginning of the summer, since its that time where a lot of kids are leaving for school and they will need replacing. He is going to do some more work for my dad next week, so thankfully between that stuff and lawn mowing he has done pretty well.

The day down the shore was *perfect* until the last 5 minutes. The weather was just amazing, I loved seeing/smelling/putting my feet in the ocean. We were planning on leaving around 3.15 and right before that, a huge wave came up, and soaked all of your stuff. Including Cait's bag that had her brand new phone in it. She tried to dry it off but the touch screen stopped working. She and Brendan went over to the 7-11 across the stress to get rice, but they didn't have any. (I thought that they could make a killing selling that next to Ziplocks;) ) On the way out of town we were able to stop at a Quik Chek and there was rice there. So we have our fingers crossed that the Rice trick works because if it doesn't, I am going to have one very upset DD.

And I have no idea how, but I have sand in my hair. We didn't get home until 8, and I took a shower, but didn't want to deal with my hair. Its not like I was in the ocean except for my feet- but I am itching and sandy! LOL

Temptation on Thursday- I really really wish I could live down the shore. (I know-- Big surprise to all of you!! bwuahahah!!!)

Hope that all of you have a terrific day!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- Even if you paint slowly, that would give us more time to chat with you :)
The weather really did turn out gorgeous- and what a great day to bike 10 miles! Good for you!!!
And really good for you to delete all of this pics! I go through and try to get rid of either duplicates or blurry ones, but yes that is so hard. I am glad to hear that the 911 call was ok.

Sara- I hope that the school year goes ok for you- and that is a great quote to keep in mind. I am never good with transitions so I totally feel you.

Trudy- Yeah, i am going to really stand up for myself with the gyn this time. The NP I saw last year was good with me, but then the BC came in and I had no choice to not really follow up.
I have a bike! Come to my house and you can have it, since my knees can't deal anymore. :D

Phyllis- hope that today is better for you and that you don't have any gov't agencies to call.

Sabine- hope that you are feeling much better today!



Well-Known Member
Good morning! Yesterday was really nice. Got in a walk with my girlfriend and then I rode my bike again as the weather today is iffy today and I need to clean. Got some scrapping done. Sorry you all don't have places to ride a bike safely. I do enjoy my city's and county's bikeways!

Chris so glad you had a great time at the beach. Those rogue waves will get you all the time. Sorry about her phone!

Phylis hope that the government does not give you more grief. The back up battery on my Verizon cable and internet has been beeping and needs replacement. So my son ordered it and they sent it for us to install. Well there were no directions and my son wants to know when he became a Verizon employee. It seems that everywhere companies or governments are not doing their jobs and expecting others to do it for them.

Trudy hope you are enjoying the quiet at least a little bit. While I love my bike local paths my DH and I will drive about 45 min to get to my favorite spot Sandy Hook, flat and at the shore and a lovely path.

Sara glad the day ended better and the is an awesome quote! Hope your days continue to improve!

Sabine hope the back is doing better

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... the sun is shining brightly here today but the temps are cooler, you can tell that the summer is beginning to fade. Although the next few days are supposed to be quite warm again.

Chris - So glad that the day at the beach was so wonderful! Even though that strange wave came along and soaked your poor DD's bag!! Sure hope the rice trick works for her phone! Once a very long time ago we were at a gathering on the beach at Rathtrevor and were so busy playing football and horsing around that the tide came up and washed away my DH's & BIL's shirts, we never found either of them and we had to leave early, before they got cold.
Was it windy at the shore? Perhaps that's how you got sand in hair? Enjoy your last day with DD helping you out at work! You will miss her I am sure!!

Nancy - How wonderful that you got in a walk and another bike ride! I am having a hard time getting any scrapping done, I have so many photos, but don't know where to start with them. Hopefully today will go better!

Today I really have to get a frame for MIL's gift and finish putting some e-books on my MIL's new Kobo reader. I sure hope that she likes it, although I have my doubts as to how much she will use it. She is technically challenged to say the least, although she does love to read and seemed to be very interested in my Kobo. Keeping my fingers crossed that FIL did not waste his money on this gift!! We are all meeting for lunch on Saturday and will have a birthday celebration for her there, should be fun and will be nice to get out again! Hope everyone has a great day! :wave:


Feeling at hOme!
Just a quick hello since I am not supposed to spend too much time on the computer because it's not good for my back.
I had another appointment with the osteopath this afternoon because my neck was still hurting and this morning I couldn't open very well my mouth!! He was not surprised to see me again and this time he manipulated my jaws, and again my neck and my back. Fingers crossed I will wake up in better shape tomorrow ;)

Hope everyone is fine, sorry I don't have the time to read everything today...


Well-Known Member
just back from the marathon drive to Ohio for a funeral. whew. a glass of red, dinner, then BED!! see you all tomorrow.