Hi my O peeps! (yes yes.. shhh.. I know!.. I'm alive!)
This summer is one crazy busy mess that I never anticipated. Once one project is finished I'm immediately on to another. The good news is lots of big heavy NEEDED projects are getting done. The bad news is that I have only like an hour a day on the computer that is more free & not devoted to my photo work too. SO I'm missing my scrap girls here, I'm missing my PS, I'm missing my gallery posting, & I'm TIRED.
I just wanted to post in with you Oos so you know that I'm alive & well, just a little crazy busy & I hope that slows down after this month.
Also stressing since my grandma is going in for surgery again in Oct. ...THE DAY BEFORE I LEAVE FOR ROCHESTER. So now I feel like a selfish b**** since I'll be gone & won't be able to stay with her that first week she's home. And I know she'd feel worse if I stayed, but I also know that my schedule is the most flexible in my family that allowed me last time to stay home from work to help out. It won't be like that in Oct & I don't know what to do. I just feel like I'm being selfish for having those plans with friends, (some I haven't seen in 18months), instead of staying with her.
In happier news...LAST WEEK my cousin was officially ADOPTED INTO OUR FAMILY! I was able to go to this hearing too like I wasn't able with her sister! It was so amazing to listen in on that & the judge was so fun & great with kids. But officially, little 6month Brianna is now a legal part of our family.
FINALLY...I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I MISS YOU!!! I promise to relax more & try to be more present in the things I love.