
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, August 14


The Loopy-O
Ack! What a day I had yesterday. There *must* be something wacky in the air. Everything I touched kind of went wrong and I was feeling pretty damn stressed all day. I did get quite a bit of cleaning done yesterday, but nowhere near where I would have liked. Then I tried to pay bills. My computer is giving me fits! I had been using Firefox, but that kept freezing on me so I switched to Chrome. Now that I am used to Chrome, it kept crashing. After many reboots, virus scans, malware scans, system restores that wouldn't complete correctly, I gave up and went back to Firefox. But I still cannot get my Wacom Tablet driver to run. I have uninstalled-reinstalled the drivers a gazillion times with no luck. I hope that maybe if I let it rest a bit LOL, it will reset itself for me.

My car went in the shop to fix the ABS. My fingers are crossed that they can fix it and it won't cost too much. And I hope that my cat doesn't have diarrhea on carpet again. He has had chronic diarrhea for months. Vet can't find anything wrong with him unless we go for more extensive tests, which I really can't afford. He pooped on the rug Tuesday, I steamed cleaned the whole area, and then he pooped again yesterday. I only spot cleaned and scrubbed this time and I hope I don't have to do it again :(

On the good side of this all, I am becoming the Bean-Cooking Queen. hahahah!! Cait had felafel (frozen, I think) at a friend's house and wanted me to buy them. I couldn't find them anywhere in the store so I found a recipe and got the ingredients to make them from scratch. So I soaked and cooked the chick peas, made the mix, and fried them up for dinner. She said that they didn't taste like the ones she had, but that they were good. Everyone else seemed to like them too. But I have found that only 1 Bean-From-Scratch recipe a week is my limit. I made the black bean burgers the other night and it is a LOT of work using dried beans. But if it is healthier to do it that way I will. Just not 2 nights in one week ;)

So that is it from me. I have to run and get my blood done today which means I either have to get out of the house early to use Scott's car before he needs it to go to College Orientation or I have to use Gary's. Then work - which is 2 houses down from me, so I can walk to that. Then-- its going to be a big glass of wine with dinner. :partywine

Temptation on Thursday:
Buy a new computer with a new tablet.
Or a new car.


The Loopy-O
Good morning, Trudy! Did you get enough rain? We got some, hopefully enough to keep our well happy. But thankkfully we didn't get as much as Long Island (13 inches!!) or down the shore. The weather seems to be getting crazier and crazier.
That is silly- no coloring books?? Although, when I was a kid, I loved the ones you could use on the floor like that. Except the Grimm Brother's one I had. Those stories scared the crap outta me!
Enjoy your babies!!!

Sara- what a way to start off the school year for both you and Ben. healthy vibes to you both~~~

Phyllis- Oh yes, that is how I have been feeling as well. And my BFF texted me last night saying the same thing on her end. Two of her very closed friends had parents die very suddenly in the past month and one of them has a hubby in the hospital. It has been a brutal summer, between personal stuff and world/news stuff for so many people. I wonder if it b/c we are more aware of this with the internet sharing info? Or it is just that life is pretty sucky ATM?
I hope that P&P made you feel better!
Were you able to get any cleaning done? The only good thing about cleaning is that I love how the house smells fresh. I am trying to switch over to as much all natural/home made cleaners and I made one for the wood with olive oil, lemon juice and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Not only did it do an amazing job cleaning my cabinets, it smelled awesome! Of course, it won't last, but for a little while it was nice. hehe!!

Hope that all of you have a wonderful day!!


Well-Known Member
hiya. the rain has moved out. so. now it's 54 degrees. i have all the windows shut, and the oven is on (yep, zucchini bread...but i'm also making nut granola) so the house is feeling cozy and smells like cinnamon. this is a good thing.

I wonder if it b/c we are more aware of this with the internet sharing info? Or it is just that life is pretty sucky ATM?
i think it's a bit of the constant availability of Bad News via various media thing, but i'm pretty sure it's also because the world is pretty sucky. not just ATM, though. i was watching a history/engineering show about ancient Greece through the time of Alexander the Great while i was making dinner yesterday, and it just reinforces the idea that things were violent and sucky throughout history. (which goes back to the fact that we feel like it's all going to hell as never before these days because we just KNOW about everything ad nauseum.) oh, well. no, i didn't get much cleaning done. i got sidetracked with the kind of computer stuff you're battling, except mine was with my ridiculous printer. i was trying to make an anniversary card for Hubby, but the printer kept doing weird stuff for HOURS. i think it might be time for a new printer. i just don't want to deal with ANY new Tech. i'm sick of "new and improved." :frusty:

Trudy, hope you're having fun with the kids!

Sara, feeling better, you guys?

I DON'T HAVE TO COOK DINNER TODAY!!!! Hubby is meeting some people for dinner, so i can eat salami and cheese for dinner, if i feel like it. excellent! :biggrin:

have a happy. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning I am back from my trip to Colorado for the funeral of my Aunt. It was amazing for my sister and I that all our plane flights were on time and we met easily and the drive to eastern Colorado from Denver was so easy and again just like when we arrived at my Aunt's a couple of weeks ago and saw a rainbow this time we did too and it was gorgeous and a double rainbow. We got to our cousin's home and had a wonderful evening just remembering the good times. That was how the whole 3 days went just mostly remembering the good times. It was so awesome to see all the cousins and their children with their children. When my Aunt died she had 14 great grand children. I was worried about staying at my cousin's home but they were just the sweetest! Both Donna and I are so glad we made the effort to go back again. But coming home always has its back to reality. I left Monday early and left my son a list of grocery's that asked him to get and have so I would have breakfast today. It was a list of 4 things. Do you think it was possible to have done this? No. So as I said back to my real world.

Chris so sorry about a day that should have been easy wasn't. Nothing like a car that is not working. Nothing like a computer that does not work. Both make me so frustrated.

Phylis It was in the 60s this morning and now only to get to 70s. Crazy cool summer. What is it about kids that they complain to us when we are doing them favors. Crazy!

Sara so sorry that your son is sick right at the start of the new school year! Glad your ear is not too bad!

Jean I love genealogy! Glad yours searching is going well.

Trudy good to see you back. My sister loves have her grandkids to baby sit but it is tiring. I too cannot believe you cannot find coloring books. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Evening ladies.

I'm pooped. The first week of school is always a doozie ya know?

Ben is better. He went to school today and was fine. He is not 100%, but he's pretty good.

My ear issue was a result of me scratching it - just with my fingernail - too much. I think my allergies made my ears itch like crazy and I just scratched too much. I don't stick ANYTHING in my ear besides my finger. Not even Q-Tips!

I agree the news has been depressing lately. I've also really tried hard to steer clear of negativity at work. Sometimes you have to bitch, but there is one gal that I just can't do very often anymore. Sad thing is that my bestest friend is teamed with her and has gotten really close with her. I never get to see her anymore without the other. So, I just don't see my good friend as much anymore. I once complained about the one to the other and it made her feel really awkward. So now I just keep my mouth shut and avoid.

Nancy - I'm glad the funeral had lots of special story time. At my FIL's family reunion a few weeks ago, the sort of "matriarch" now wanted everyone to share stories. Course it was the end of the day, people were tired, the kids were crazy...but she made of point of asking whose story we held? What stories do we know that haven't been told to others? Make it a point to share those while you can. I thought it was a great message.

Chris - mmmm falafels. Love them. From scratch. I would have gobbled yours up. Sorry about your 'puter. Wish I could fix it for you!

Phylis - I get ya. I brought an old typewriter to school (from DH's grandma's) for the kids and they love it. And it doesn't require power!! Amazing. :)

Ok...one gripe. I asked Ben's teacher on Tuesday if I could stop by and pick up his homework. She said there wasn't anything to pick up. Tonight, the poor kid has two hours practically worth of work. He had a math worksheet. On the math worksheet he had to write out the numbers in word form too. He is a horrible speller. So we have to go back and correct all his number words. Takes forever (mind you, we aren't even to the correcting part yet since it's his least favorite thing...the math part was easy though). Then he had a cut and glue sign he had to put together and color. Then he had a 10 page All About Me booklet to cut out, staple, color, and write in and fill out. Then he had 20 minutes of reading - like every night. Are you kidding me?? You couldn't send one of those home on Tues. and one on Wed.? For pete's sake...I'm a teacher. I would LOVE to help him out with homework he needs to make up. /rant

I'm getting cranky. LOL I'd better got to bed! I'll check in tomorrow gals!