
Daily Ooo's: September 6-7: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
We had a *much* better day yesterday!!! (it's about damn time!LOL)

Cait's first day of the new schedule went really well. She was saying how she is actually talking in class. The last 2 years, she wouldn't talk to anyone, nor ever raise her hand, and would have anxiety attacks if she were called on by the teacher. I love that she came home and spent a good half hour just proudly telling me about all of the good things that happened. The first Friday of the last school year, I was getting frantic texts from her saying that she hated school, please pick her up, don't make me go back etc. This is a very VERY happy improvement. She admitted that she knows she will have good days/bad days but she thinks that the good will be much more.
Can you feel my Mama Bear's relief? :)

Scott didn't have classes yesterday, but we go great news about his car. My parents were able to get it into the shop first thing in the morning. The took it apart, checked it all out and they can fix it for around $1000, and said it still has a lot of miles left on it. And my parents-- *kisses the ground they walk on*-- they are paying for it. I spoke to both of them yesterday and cannot thank them enough. He said that he is able to help and wants to. So I said that is what is so wonderful- not everyone's parents who are able to help, want to, like my BFF's parents.

Best part of it all, my dad, the man that I don't think has ever actually said the words "I love you to me" (I know he does, however) , was telling me about how great the kids are and how special they are. He said he can only hope that Christopher will grow up the same (my nephew, my brother's son). *That* was pretty powerful to me. I know that I can take some of the credit, but my kids (yeah, I know, you have heard this a million times haha!) are amazing on their own. Truly.

Last night, I was able to go to bed and breathe a sigh of relief and think that things are gonna be alright.

Not much going on here today. Cait's BF is coming over, Scott is with his GF, and I just have a bit of housework to do. I have to clean out my mess of an office- but that means I have to find places for all of these papers. *cries*

What fun plans do all of you have going on today?



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I remember thinking that when my kids were little how tough it was to be a mom, lots of messes, little sleep etc- OMG!! That was the easy part!!! It seems to get harder as they get older. I am glad that I am not the only one who has a hard time when my older kids are having a rough time too. And I also know better how my parents feel when I and my kids are in chaos mode. I am much more accepting of my mom's insanities since I get it now.

I hope the mac stuff is getting easier for you. Awesome news about the tractor. I can't believe that a 45 yo is still running. I was talking to my client yesterday, as we were both having car issues, and I was in cranky mode about how they don't make things like they used to, but it is 100% true!

Trudy- Cait can come get the spiders for you, she loves to rescue bugs. Kooky girl.
Yes, I adore my parents as you all know. Now, I feel so bad about the crap I pulled on them when I was a teen. Believe it or not, I have repeatedly apologized to them, which they just laugh about.
I have an idea. We get together, with a couple of bottles of wine, and maybe a trowel or two (no sharp objects), and drink the wine until our yards look pretty. Or that we don't care that they don't.:D
OMG- they is crazy about your DS's leg.Hope he takes good care of it and that it doesn't hurt too much.

Hope that everyone who reads this has a happy and blissful day!


lOve the O!
ARggggghhhhhhh- great way to start the weekend- credit card hacked- caught by company, account shut down and no card to use for weekend shopping- whine, whine, whine!!! Okay- done now- will do what needs to be done with cash until new card arrives on Monday! How is your weekend going?


Well-Known Member
Chris, sounds like you're all moving in the right direction over there! what excellent parents you have! i think it's easier when guys become grandparents to show affection. my dad was like yours. never an "i love you," never even a hug! but he was very different with the grandkids. men. who can tell how their minds operate? not me.

Laurie, GAAAAH!!!! i HATE that stuff! :rant: drives me crazy!! can you even imagine how much of this the credit card companies have to just EAT?? i am SO SICK of criminals. honestly, if they put as much effort into education and work as they do into hacking into people's accounts, life would be a lot sweeter for everyone. good luck.

waiting for the "new" tractor and my sister and her husband to show up. i'm cooking hot sausage and brats and onion rings and stuff. and here they Re. gotta go. happy weekend!
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ozies!! Another crack at trying to get this new shed all finished and filled with stuff from the garage! Hopefully this is it! We tried to just place it on the gravel that we had in our backyard in hopes that it would be level enough. But of course it is not so we made a frame for it fit on, which turned out perfect! Hubby and I are good workers together and never get mad at one another. We both commented at the same time that it was a shame that our horrible neighbours couldn't work together like we do. The last time they did something in their yard together I phoned the police on them LOL. It has been relatively quiet since then. Hoping to have a fire in the backyard fire pit tonight, hopefully the breeze cooperates with us!

Chris - I am doing a happy dance for you and your family and keeping my fingers crossed for more wonderful things to happen for all of you!!

I like your idea for gardening, I vote that we just keep drinking until it just looks good without doing the work

Laurie - Oh my what a horrible way to start your weekend!! Dam those hackers, I hope they catch whoever is responsible and they boot their butts to jail!! But we all know that won't happen. Hope the rest of your weekend goes much better!!

Phylis - Enjoy your new tractor and your company this morning! Your meal sounds scrumtious!! Have a great time!!

Ok off to the shower and then outside to get all sweaty and dirty so I can shower again. Hmmm maybe I will wait to have the shower?? Have a fun weekend everyone!! :wave:


lOve the O!
I am guessing the hackers got my number in the recent home depot credit card snag. Oh well- they charged 3.84 for a charity donation last night. Silly people.


Well-Known Member
Laurie, the charity donation thing is a way they see whether you're paying attention to the charges that go on your bill. if you don't notice it and don't report it, then they start doing more. donating a dollar to some political campaign is another way they find out if you're paying attention to your bill.


lOve the O!
Phylis- I am glad that the credit card companies look for that type of charge and catch it before my monthly statement comes out. The cost of not carrying cash....


The Loopy-O
GooOd mOrning, my lOvelies!

Did everyone have a good day yesterday? I actually did. Really! :) Nothing major happened, but nothing negative happened either and OMG, that feels fantastic!

I spent an hour and a half out in the yard, cutting down brown lilies and ripping out dead morning glory vines. What a weird feeling it was too. It was hot and super humid, but leaves are falling down (too dry, not changing colors, but still, lots of brown leaves) and I was doing the start of fall clean-up. Mums are out in the stores but it still felt way too "summery." Not complaining at *all* about that!
But what a difference a cold front can make. I went to bed with the ceiling fan on, and just a sheet covering me. Half way through the night, it got so cold I needed the blanket *and* the comforter. :(

I also scrapped a page, and made a yummy dinner. Avocado, tomato, red onion and pepper jack grilled cheese. Tonight Gary is going to make more homemade tomato sauce, and I am trying a recipe for sourdough bread but using kefir as the starter. We will see how that turns out.

What are all of you doing today? I hope that the sun is shining for you all!


The Loopy-O
Oh Laurie, that bites about the credit card. Someone did that to one of our cards recently and thankfully, the company caught it. It was for some innocuous sounding company for $2.99. It was one of of the cards we rarely use, which was also good b/c if it was on the card that has a huge balance, it might not have been caught.
Did your day get any better after that?

Phyllis- so true about grandpas and affection. My father is so "hands on" with my kids and with my nephew than he ever was with me and my brother. It is good to see that.
mem. who can tell how their minds operate? not me.
They have minds???????


Trudy- did you get the shed finished? I bet you needed a glass of wine and the fire pit after all of that. Typically my Gary and I work together really well too. One of the first memories that I can go back and say-- this when Gary started getting really sick is when we had to paint the upstairs addition. We had rented a sprayer and for whatever reason, he got so irritable and angry and ended up yelling and walking out. It was so unlike him.
I like your plan for gardening too!!

Love to all!


Well-Known Member
'morning. Chris, we got the cold front, too, about mid-day yesterday. loads of wind, then i swear the temps dropped 20 degrees! my plan for the day includes what you did yesterday:lots of perennial cleanup. i told DH to attach the cart thing to the "new" tractor and he can make 3 trips to the woods instead of 15. DS is supposed to SKYPE with the grandkids in a few hours, so looking forward to that.

"they have a mind?" :rofl:

Trudy, SO nice that you and DH work well together. sometimes Hubby and i do. mostly not. i think he moves too slowly. my husband is on a totally different timeline than i am. we were once painting the garage, approaching each other from opposite ends. i did 2/3 of the garage in the same amount of time he did the other 1/3. i was reminded of the late Pittsburgh Penguin hockey coach, Bob Johnson. one of the players was putzing around during a skating drill, making it overly fancy. Johnson told him to get ON with it, that he wasn't painting the Sistine Chapel.

doing some laundry and ironing at the mo, waiting for stiff in the dryer to finish up. just wandering around with nothing i HAVE to do. i love the feel of Sunday mornings.



lOve the O!
Morning O fam! Just finished breakfast, semi planned out the day. It is sunny here. I have tomatoes to cook down and freeze the sauce for later consumption. I have digi pages to scrap. Lots of choices. Yesterday we went to open a business account and the computers were down. We then went shopping for stuff for the business. Yikes it is becoming a reality. I remember now why I shop on my own. It is not much fun to shop with men. Today I am sending them to Sams on their own. That is all I can say!!