
Daily Ooo's: September 27-28:Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I need the heat on in my house! It is sooooo cold in here. Gary left the windows open when he fell asleep and it is now 62* in here. It is supposed to get up into the upper 70's today but I don't think that is ever going to take the chill out of my bones today.

What a blah day I had yesterday. I worked in the morning, then came home and cleaned more here. Laundry was piling up a bit, then one of the cats peed on the rug, so today I have to steam clean. I wish I had a bit more "oomph" in my life. Good oomph, not the crazy stuff that typically goes on. ;)

Today is just more of the same. House work, maybe some yard work. I dunno. Driving Cait around. Falafel for dinner tonight. I have to think of a side dish to go with them. Any ideas for me?

Scott called me last night- he was celebrating Rosh Hashanah with Leah's family. Her g-ma is up for the holiday and she has not been approving of him since he is not Jewish (she is a Holocaust survivor, so it is understandable). But it sounded like it went well, because he told me that we all now have Jewish names. Mine is Hannah :)

What are your plans for the weekend? I hope that the are some are good ones!!!



Well-Known Member
hey, Hannah! hope your Saturday has more GOOD oomph in it! Hubby and i are supposed to go to an Octoberfest party tonight. i have to eat before we go so i'm not faced with a bunch of food i don't eat. they always have things catered with over-the-top food, so better safe than sorry, i guess.

hope everyone enjoys the weekend. the weather around here is supposed to be glorious! :becky:


The Loopy-O
I was just re-reading what I wrote yesterday, and I have to laugh. I asked her about the birthing movie and she just said it was awful. Never, ever going to have kids. Messy, and icky and couldn't watch. All of the girls were either turning away or had hands over their eyes.Dis.Gus.ting. hahahah!!! They had a sub and it was a classmate's father. Mortified, all of them. Heh, I am still laughing about it.

Phyllis- thank you for the advice. Never would have thought about the stairs. Looks like I am not going to be having to do laundry for a long time since the laundry room is up there. :D
How are you feeling today? Eyes any better?

Hi Sara!!!!! We miss you in here! I am sorry to hear about Betsy. But it sounds like it was the best possible outcome for all of you.
If you are really looking into a small pet for Ben, I can recommend rats. I know, most people have an ick-reaction to them, but in the "rodent" family of pets they are by far the most social and easy to care for. We have had 5, 3 males and 2 females. The females are sweeter, and like to be handled. They are also more esthetically pleasing to look at. Google pics of male rats and you will know exactly what I am talking about :D
They are not nocturnal like hamsters and gerbils, they love to play and be held. Scott's girls loved to hang out on the back of his neck. B/c they are so social, they do better in pairs, and they can be left alone overnight if you need to do that on occasion. Just a thought for you.
Awesome that your big projects for Oct will be done, but what a bummer that they take up so much of your time. How many classes are you taking in the spring?

Thanks for the input on the ablation. I had my tubes tied many MANY years ago so pregnancy is not an issue. That is really sad about boy who was born with issues. If your friend is considering between the 2, a website hystersisters.com has some good info that she could check out. If it is just flow issues, she might do very well with an ablation but it is always good to know what all of the pros and cons are.

Trudy HUGE HUGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am so sorry that you are sad and missing everyone. All you need to do is let us know that you are sad and we will do everything that we can to cheer you up. We love you!!!!!
I hope that you felt better yesterday even if you had to go food shopping.

Jean- it has been nice to have sun here too, and man, I am with you-- I wish there was some way to store it over the winter. I need solar panels on my head. How did your drs appt go? Hope that she found you 100% healthy. Enjoy your seminar today.
Thank you for the advice. It took me a while to accept my limitations after my lumpectomy and radiation, so hopefully it won't take me as long this time around.

Oh Nancy- that is horrible. It sounds similar to what my BFF went through but her son didn't make it while still in utero. She was 7 months pg at the time and it was just horrible. I am sending good, healing thoughts to them. How old is her first child? It was very hard on my BFF and her DH and this was their first. I can't imagine having to explain this to a sibling. :(
Hugs to you too.:hug:

Guess I should get off of my butt and do something. Like drink :tea:

love to all of you!!


The Loopy-O
Hi Ms Phyllis!!! Have fun at the party tonight. Wish that there was some way you could take a night off from your diet. Guess that is one "good" thing about Gary being Type 1 and on an insulin pump. It gives him some latitude when he wants to cheat. Which is often. *eye roll*
Enjoy the weather!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... A very foggy morning here, we can't even see the Lake at the bottom of our hill. But I can see the sun trying to break through so we are looking forward to a beautiful day! We are off to shop for a new vehicle today, after 14yrs of driving our Honda Odyssey it is time to trade it in and find something a bit smaller. I have loved our van and it has been the most dependable vehicle that we have ever owned.

Chris - Thank you for the lovely thoughts ! I know that you and the others in my "O" family are always there for me. You guys are the best and I love you all too!! Love your new Jewish name Hannah!! LOL I am sure Scott made a good impression on his girlfriends Grandma, he seems like he is such a great young man! That film should be a really good deterrent for all those teenagers, sounds like it must have been one messy birth LOL!! Hope your house warms up for you soon!! Enjoy your day :hug:

Phylis - That sucks that you have to eat before the party, but if the food is not something that your body agrees with then I suppose it is for the best. I have been to a few Oktoberfest parties and they do go waaaayyyy overboard with the food! The beer however is amazing!! :becky: Enjoy!!

Nancy - that is so sad about your friends baby, life just isn't fair is it!! Sending hugs to all of you :hug: Hope that you get to enjoy some sunshine today!

Ok I better get dressed and get some breakfast going, we may or may not come home with a new vehicle today :noidea: Enjoy your Saturday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Well finally getting to post today. Thanks so much for all the understanding for the baby. Life is never easy. The day started out with me taking my car for an oil change and tire rotation and finding out I need a new water pump. But luckily that only means I have to give my son my car and he can take it and work on it and then give it back. Makes my life so easy. Then came home and was invited to lunch and to LOEWS LOL. But it was fun. Came back and my son finally dropped off my lawn mower and got the front yard cleaned up. Whew. Now I can take a breather. Just a cute story of my youngest. I know he loves his kitty but I had not realized just how deeply it goes. She has this spot on her cornea but it does not seem to bother her and so we have just been keeping an eye on it. Well he came in hysterically crying and so worried about her. We made an appt to see the vet and he confirmed it is just a spot. But so sweet to see him care so much!

Chris opps I mean Hannah blah days are annoying! Enjoy this weekend it is gorgeous out! And should be equally as nice tomorrow.

Phylis have fun at your party!

Trudy good luck on finding a new car. I loved my van and now I love my SUV. I can still carry a lot of stuff but not too big!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
I'm back from an excellent seminar. Have heard the speaker before, but she is so good and packs in so much, but in a fun way. I learned something about a record for a person I started looking into more just last night that I would have missed, so it was more than theory for me.

Basically no change at the Dr., so nothing new to do. Whew!

Have to send hugs to you all as I'm a little on overload for now.


The Loopy-O
Hi everyone!
Fly by here, I have just wasted 2 hours reading silly stuff online. I hate when I do that!



Well-Known Member
Morning everyone. Just saying hi again. Thanks for all the love on Betsy.

I have to go to the store before it gets crazy. I hate it when it's busy!

Talk to you all sometime soon!


Well-Known Member
good morning - Got a lot done yesterday. I had a good walk late in the day and saw a yellow throated warbler and a herd of deer. Made the day's ending so lovely. Had a fun lunch with my son and DIL and then came home and mowed the lawn. Outlander had its midseason finale and of course it ended with a cliff hanger but since I read the books I know the ending of this season but I like how they did this midseason finale. It won't be back until April. Today is my first home hockey game since April. It is still preseason but I can't wait.

Hi to the flybys! Have a great day!