
Daily Ooos: September 21-22: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
It's my baby/married lady's birthday today! Caitlyn was so excited when they booked their honeymoon that she would celebrate it on a cruise. It's weird for me, this is the first time in 27 years I haven't seen her on this day (She turns 26 today but since I am counting the day she was born so that makes it 27 -- if my math is correct which is never a sure thing)
Hoo boy, my brain is getting off to a rough start. :rotfl:

Whatta day I had yesterday. I was miserable all day and throughout last night too. I must have had a fever overnight b/c I was hot and freezing, freezing and hot. *And* I slept until 6.30 this morning even after napping on and off all day and going to bed at 8. Even a random lurker here knows enough about me to recognize that that is not me. At all. :no: (PS: If any random lurkers are reading this, I hope you post a quick hello! We are a very welcoming, friendly bunch here!)
Thankfully I feel much more like myself today. I have been out of bed for over an hour and am not feeling that I desperately need to crawl back in. Note to self for next year: I had the Moderna booster instead of the Pfizer that I had the last several years. Maybe stay away from that one since the side effects were much worse this time around.

No need to tell ya what I did yesterday since all I did was nap.

I am heading to the FP this morning. I'm running out of dog food and paper goods so I hope that I can get some of that stuff. And tissues! I think Gary has blown through (pun intended :giggle4: ) a box a day. I neglected the rats yesterday - not really neglected them, I just wasn't able to take them out and play with them as much as I should. I will spend extra time with them today. They will be super excited to see their mama tomorrow but not as much as she will be to see them ♥

I'm going to post this and check in with all of you!



The Loopy-O
@vickyday I'm so happy that your headache is better, and that you have had some time and energy to scrap.

@taxed4ever I bet your ILs house smelled amazing with all of that baking going on. (But why does MIL have to put icky raisins in everything? Blech! LOL) I saw your concert LO on FB-- very cool page!
I *did* see Jenn's kit and I wanted to download it but I knew I wasn't up to working with it yet. Maybe today. It's awesome!

@AK_Tracy I had to cancel my account with Uber-Moose. I would have loved to come for pizza night, but the moose is still wandering around in AK and won't come to NJ to get me :p
Hope you had an awesome day!

@JeanneMN Oh yuck about the Asian beetle invasion. I am imagining beetles with the little haircuts and British accents. I guess picking the soybeans stirs the bugs up quite a bit. How long does that last?

Tracy--- that is a bad bad way to start your morning with no creamer. Hope the day got better for you.
You did warn me to not read any more of your post. You also know that I am like a 2 yo and when you tell me not to do something, I am gonna do it anyway :floorlaugh:

@mimes1 Good recovery thoughts for Mark coming to you~~~~

@BrightEyes Are you counting the hours to see DD#1 yet? I guess "minutes" is closer by the time you read this! Have a wonderful time with the family!!

@Cherylndesigns don't make me come out to OK and yell at you. :shakingsense: You are pushing yourself too hard and you need to take some time to breathe... Please make sure you are getting enough downtime!

Time to get going.
Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!


@faerywings So so sorry you had such a bad reaction to the Covid shot. Good to hear you are feeling better now. :hug2: I have always got the Pfizer shot but my DD's family got the Moderna. Some had a more intense reaction and others didn't. Guess it has to do with their body. Sure hope that Gary gets to feeling better.

I am having a different side-effect... every day around noon, I get cold to the point I put a fleece throw around my shoulders/arms - even though the temp is in the high-70's. Can't have the fans or A/C going. It lasts until around 3... then I am back to feeling warm again. This has been going on for over a week.
Last edited:


Counting the hours (not minutes) until she arrives late this afternoon. DD#3 was here yesterday and we talked to DD#1 about what gluten-free things she needs while she is here. Luckily DD#3 has plenty of what is needed and will bring it down tomorrow. Both girls have gone to gluten-free diets in the past 6 months. DD#3 plans on being down here most of the next week too. I will let the girls figure out what to cook, etc.

And speaking of cooking... I made a pan of Apple Crisp yesterday. Had some apples that needed to be used. First time I used the oven since May. I froze all but one serving since DD#1 and her diabetic hubby can't eat it. I really enjoyed it (with vanilla ice cream) for dessert last night.

I will be popping in a bit this next week... to see what is coming up with Color Play and the end of the month releases. DD#1's hubby will be looking at turning off the Your Norton has expired pop-ups on my computer. I need to get the new LOs I have done copied onto the ExHD before he works on that and will unplug it. If he can't fix it, I will have to take in to the Geek Squad and have them do it.

Need to do a few last minute chores then take my shower. Have a good weekend.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Just popping in for a minute. We are leaving in 3 days for the cruise so this wkend I'll be busy getting packed and running last minute errands. All is good with us, Remi is continuing to heal nicely and has a lot more energy now, she is definitely feeling better. She is loving the walks we are taking around our pathways and plays and carries a little squeaker ball, that is her job, to take care of the ball. It is so cute to watch. She has made a friend a few doors down, a cute little husky mix pup and they get to visit most days for a few minutes.

@faerywings You always react strongly to the flu shot don't you? I will wait and get mine when I get back from the cruise. I have to call in to get my info changed b/c when I tried to register online for Alberta my DOB was wrong and it wouldn't let me change it so I can't get authorization to receive flu or covid shots here yet.

I'll check in again when I get back from the trip. Take care everyone.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Beautiful O Family

@AK_Tracy I had to cancel my account with Uber-Moose. I would have loved to come for pizza night, but the moose is still wandering around in AK and won't come to NJ to get me :p
Those darn Uber-Moose just aren't reliable!!! We had 11 crusts last night so it would have been perfect time to come. My flour spilled into the bowl instead of gentle shake slide in a little at a time, so I had to add water and ended up with more dough then anticipated. Spelt flour and sourdough and mmmmmm low glycemic levels. Was amazing. Hubs made Italian meatballs too and that was a fun change up.
Tracy--- that is a bad bad way to start your morning with no creamer. Hope the day got better for you.
You did warn me to not read any more of your post. You also know that I am like a 2 yo and when you tell me not to do something, I am gonna do it anyway :floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Well be warned again. You wont like what comes next :giggle4:

First hard frost today. Its 31* and the lake is covered in fog. Have to work and the huge window means it will be cold at work until the sun starts to warm things up.

Need more coffee but not in a hurry as I stayed home yesterday and there's still no cream. Feels like a fasting morning with no cream. Need that second cup. Need cream LOL but alas black coffee it is! Use to have emergency powdered cream but apparently we used it all and I didn't buy replacement.

Have a. wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes Kay have a wonderful time with the DD's. It will be such a fun week for you all.

@bcgal00 Rae have a wonderful time on your trip. I cant wait to see the photos!!! So thankful the strike ended and your flights are all good.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! We have had a bit of rain this morning, but it looks to be clearing up and hopefully the sun will be shining soon! Yesterday was a good day as we were invited to SIL Linda's to have lunch with her two boys. They have been home since the death of their Father and have been going non stop trying to get everything done to close up his house and dealing with Lawyers and Notaries, what a mess that man left for them to deal with! The youngest son is headed home today, he has three kids and a wife waiting for him to return home, but the oldest son is staying for another week to hopefully finalize everything and maybe start thinking of either selling the property on the river or perhaps renos for it and rent it out. Both boys live in Alberta, so its not easy for them to take care of the place. Most of us think that they should just sell it, but the oldest son is determined to hang on to it. Hopefully this does not put a strain on their relationship! I got my layout finished for a pre-release and hope to get that into the gallery soon. Today will be a day of running errands and cutting DH's hair. I think I will pop into my fav craft store and see what is new there and probably spend way too much money on things I don't really need :giggle4: .
Note to self for next year: I had the Moderna booster instead of the Pfizer that I had the last several years. Maybe stay away from that one since the side effects were much worse this time around.
Happy Birthday to your Beautiful Daughter!! :birthdaygreet:. I know she will be having a wonderful day on the Cruise Ship!! You will be so happy to see her home again I bet! I agree, should stick with the Pfizer we had Moderna once and it was the only time we had any side effects. Hope that you are feeling 100% today!
Counting the hours (not minutes) until she arrives late this afternoon. DD#3 was here yesterday and we talked to DD#1 about what gluten-free things she needs while she is here. Luckily DD#3 has plenty of what is needed and will bring it down tomorrow. Both girls have gone to gluten-free diets in the past 6 months. DD#3 plans on being down here most of the next week too. I will let the girls figure out what to cook, etc.
How nice to have both DD's with you! Yes so many are going gluten free now, I had to because of my stomach issues, seems like the flour is so processed and modified its done horrible things to our guts!! Your apple crisp sounds great, but sadly I would not be able to eat that either.
Hi everyone. Just popping in for a minute. We are leaving in 3 days for the cruise so this wkend I'll be busy getting packed and running last minute errands. All is good with us, Remi is continuing to heal nicely and has a lot more energy now, she is definitely feeling better. She is loving the walks we are taking around our pathways and plays and carries a little squeaker ball, that is her job, to take care of the ball. It is so cute to watch. She has made a friend a few doors down, a cute little husky mix pup and they get to visit most days for a few minutes.
Have a wonderful time on your Cruise Rae!! It is so good to hear how busy and happy you are in your new place! Glad to hear that Remi is doing so well also!
First hard frost today. Its 31* and the lake is covered in fog. Have to work and the huge window means it will be cold at work until the sun starts to warm things up.
BRRR!! not that cold here yet, but lots of fog on the Lake in the mornings! So nice when the sun comes out and warms up the day! I would hate to not have my creamer in my coffee, do not like it black so I always make sure I have lots on hand, hope you get to the store today to pick up more supplies!!

Ok DH was up super early and went back to bed, but he is up again now and will be wanting some breakfast, I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! :waving1


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

Chris @faerywings that sucks that you had a bad reaction to the shot. Did you get the flu shot at the same time? I'm not doing that - I'll get the flu shot for sure but am still on the fence about another booster. Knock on wood, I've never had a reaction to the flu shot. I had a horrible reaction last time, but Chuck had none. I don't remember which one we got, I'll have to ask Steph because she's a MA and she told us which one to get. I've got to get an appt with Walgreen's to get my flu shot because she told me to go anytime now.

Happy birthday to Caitlyn! What a memorable birthday for both of you - a year of "firsts". Hugs, Mama. Aunt Chris, I have been taking it a little easier. I've actually been sitting on the couch in the living room and watching some TV in the evening. You know, I couldn't bring myself to do that for the longest time. I watched a strange, but engaging show last night. "His Three Daughters", about their father dying - he was in Hospice and they had all gathered to take care of him. Definitely some similarities, except the daughters fought all the time - they were pretty dysfunctional. It wasn't sad at all, just "strange".

I've also been going into my "meditation room" - the room the girls made over for me that used to be my office. There really is a season for everything. I go in there and shut the animals out and just relax. I did a layout for Karen Schulz - I don't know whether you saw it - Treasured Spaces.

I'm going out to dinner tonight with Alyssa and her bf, Blakely again. We went out recently and had such a good time. I don't know where we're going, but it will be fun.

Well, it's afternoon now so I think I'm going to stop. I don't have any projects to fo until the new CP comes out, which it's starting to. I can't wait for the new palette.

Hugs to all, XOXO


Love my O Family!
It's my baby/married lady's birthday today! Caitlyn was so excited when they booked their honeymoon that she would celebrate it on a cruise. It's weird for me, this is the first time in 27 years I haven't seen her on this day (She turns 26 today but since I am counting the day she was born so that makes it 27 -- if my math is correct which is never a sure thing)
Hoo boy, my brain is getting off to a rough start. :rotfl:

Whatta day I had yesterday. I was miserable all day and throughout last night too. I must have had a fever overnight b/c I was hot and freezing, freezing and hot. *And* I slept until 6.30 this morning even after napping on and off all day and going to bed at 8. Even a random lurker here knows enough about me to recognize that that is not me. At all. :no: (PS: If any random lurkers are reading this, I hope you post a quick hello! We are a very welcoming, friendly bunch here!)
Thankfully I feel much more like myself today. I have been out of bed for over an hour and am not feeling that I desperately need to crawl back in. Note to self for next year: I had the Moderna booster instead of the Pfizer that I had the last several years. Maybe stay away from that one since the side effects were much worse this time around.

No need to tell ya what I did yesterday since all I did was nap.

I am heading to the FP this morning. I'm running out of dog food and paper goods so I hope that I can get some of that stuff. And tissues! I think Gary has blown through (pun intended :giggle4: ) a box a day. I neglected the rats yesterday - not really neglected them, I just wasn't able to take them out and play with them as much as I should. I will spend extra time with them today. They will be super excited to see their mama tomorrow but not as much as she will be to see them ♥

I'm going to post this and check in with all of you!

Glad you are feeling better today! Sorry the vax really did you in!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I'm so happy that your headache is better, and that you have had some time and energy to scrap.

@taxed4ever I bet your ILs house smelled amazing with all of that baking going on. (But why does MIL have to put icky raisins in everything? Blech! LOL) I saw your concert LO on FB-- very cool page!
I *did* see Jenn's kit and I wanted to download it but I knew I wasn't up to working with it yet. Maybe today. It's awesome!

@AK_Tracy I had to cancel my account with Uber-Moose. I would have loved to come for pizza night, but the moose is still wandering around in AK and won't come to NJ to get me :p
Hope you had an awesome day!

@JeanneMN Oh yuck about the Asian beetle invasion. I am imagining beetles with the little haircuts and British accents. I guess picking the soybeans stirs the bugs up quite a bit. How long does that last?

Tracy--- that is a bad bad way to start your morning with no creamer. Hope the day got better for you.
You did warn me to not read any more of your post. You also know that I am like a 2 yo and when you tell me not to do something, I am gonna do it anyway :floorlaugh:

@mimes1 Good recovery thoughts for Mark coming to you~~~~

@BrightEyes Are you counting the hours to see DD#1 yet? I guess "minutes" is closer by the time you read this! Have a wonderful time with the family!!

@Cherylndesigns don't make me come out to OK and yell at you. :shakingsense: You are pushing yourself too hard and you need to take some time to breathe... Please make sure you are getting enough downtime!

Time to get going.
Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!


Love my O Family!
Counting the hours (not minutes) until she arrives late this afternoon. DD#3 was here yesterday and we talked to DD#1 about what gluten-free things she needs while she is here. Luckily DD#3 has plenty of what is needed and will bring it down tomorrow. Both girls have gone to gluten-free diets in the past 6 months. DD#3 plans on being down here most of the next week too. I will let the girls figure out what to cook, etc.

And speaking of cooking... I made a pan of Apple Crisp yesterday. Had some apples that needed to be used. First time I used the oven since May. I froze all but one serving since DD#1 and her diabetic hubby can't eat it. I really enjoyed it (with vanilla ice cream) for dessert last night.

I will be popping in a bit this next week... to see what is coming up with Color Play and the end of the month releases. DD#1's hubby will be looking at turning off the Your Norton has expired pop-ups on my computer. I need to get the new LOs I have done copied onto the ExHD before he works on that and will unplug it. If he can't fix it, I will have to take in to the Geek Squad and have them do it.

Need to do a few last minute chores then take my shower. Have a good weekend.
Enjoy your family, Kay!


Love my O Family!
Hi everyone. Just popping in for a minute. We are leaving in 3 days for the cruise so this wkend I'll be busy getting packed and running last minute errands. All is good with us, Remi is continuing to heal nicely and has a lot more energy now, she is definitely feeling better. She is loving the walks we are taking around our pathways and plays and carries a little squeaker ball, that is her job, to take care of the ball. It is so cute to watch. She has made a friend a few doors down, a cute little husky mix pup and they get to visit most days for a few minutes.

@faerywings You always react strongly to the flu shot don't you? I will wait and get mine when I get back from the cruise. I have to call in to get my info changed b/c when I tried to register online for Alberta my DOB was wrong and it wouldn't let me change it so I can't get authorization to receive flu or covid shots here yet.

I'll check in again when I get back from the trip. Take care everyone.
Have a great time on your cruise, Rae!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning Beautiful O Family

Those darn Uber-Moose just aren't reliable!!! We had 11 crusts last night so it would have been perfect time to come. My flour spilled into the bowl instead of gentle shake slide in a little at a time, so I had to add water and ended up with more dough then anticipated. Spelt flour and sourdough and mmmmmm low glycemic levels. Was amazing. Hubs made Italian meatballs too and that was a fun change up.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Well be warned again. You wont like what comes next :giggle4:

First hard frost today. Its 31* and the lake is covered in fog. Have to work and the huge window means it will be cold at work until the sun starts to warm things up.

Need more coffee but not in a hurry as I stayed home yesterday and there's still no cream. Feels like a fasting morning with no cream. Need that second cup. Need cream LOL but alas black coffee it is! Use to have emergency powdered cream but apparently we used it all and I didn't buy replacement.

Have a. wonderful day!
I cannot and won't do coffee without French vanilla creamer!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,
FINALLY, Mark and I both woke headacheless!!! So, we hopped on the bike, rode to breakfast and then road to a place called, Hanging Rock. Wonderful ride on curvy roads. The temp was a little bit chilly.....even Mark wore a double layer! But by the time we left there the sun had warmed up quite a bit, so we shed the outer layer. Then we made a stop at Dairi-O to top the trip off with some ice cream! Why not, right?! ;)
I think I will start the laundry when I get done here. While working on the laundry I will take the pictures off of the camera and get a page or 2 made so I don't forget the details of our trip, LOL!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@faerywings I'm sorry you have such a reaction to the COVID vaccine. In a way I'm a little jealous. I have read that a noticeable reaction is a sign your immune system is working hard. Neither David nor I have ever have a reaction to them, or to flu.

@AK_Tracy I could never live 20 miles from the grocery store. I end up going several times a week as I think about what I want to cook pretty much day by day. I’m sure you learned to plan ahead, and I suppose I could too, but I like just hopping on the bike and riding to the store when I need to.

I had surgery on my wrist yesterday and all went well. I got a nerve block, so for the first 12 hours my arm was just deadweight hanging by my side, but at least it didn’t hurt. Yesterday evening and last night it hurt quite a lot but they gave me good meds Today, I’m down to one Percocet at a time. I got to choose what color bandage I wanted so I got pink to make my granddaughters happy.

I decided I was not up to going to the car show to sell tickets or talk to people about trails, but when my husband went back at the end to help break down the canopy and such, I went along to say hi to everyone. And then since we were at a winery, why not have a glass of wine?

this morning, I worked on a layout for the challenges and posted it. I’m not particularly enamored of it, but it was the most I could do with one-handed computing. If I can get one more out, I will make my six for the month and that will make me happy.

It’s less than two weeks until we leave for our vacation in Europe and I am definitely not ready. I not only have to pack, I have to pull together all the reservations I have made over the past year, make notes of what I’ve paid for and what I haven’t yet, and print out several tickets or receipts to get into some of the sites. It all feels so hard to do with my right hand out of commission, but I’ll try to do a little bit every day and that should work out.


Well-Known Member
BRRR!! not that cold here yet,
It got up to 52*. Beautiful day! Crisp clean air, sunshine, and just beautiful!
I've also been going into my "meditation room" - the room the girls made over for me that used to be my office. There really is a season for everything. I go in there and shut the animals out and just relax.
This sounds like a perfect thing. Shut out the world, including the wonderful pets. Sometimes you need just you time. :heartpumppink:
Then we made a stop at Dairi-O to top the trip off with some ice cream!
Sounds like a perfect end to a ride. I'm always up for ice cream. Never a bad time.
It’s less than two weeks until we leave for our vacation in Europe and I am definitely not ready. I not only have to pack, I have to pull together all the reservations I have made over the past year, make notes of what I’ve paid for and what I haven’t yet, and print out several tickets or receipts to get into some of the sites. It all feels so hard to do with my right hand out of commission, but I’ll try to do a little bit every day and that should work out.
Oh Terri, I am so glad things went well with surgery!! Could hubby help you print things out. You can point where to go and he can click and type? I dont know if I would even attempt to scrap left-handed so the fact you got a LO done is amazing!


The Loopy-O
Good morning!
Just a quick post from me. We are heading out in a half hour to pick the kids up from their honeymoon. This is the longest time I haven't seen Caitlyn and also the longest time she has ever been away from any of her rats. I think she misses them a lot although not so much that she wishes she could stay on vacation a few more days :D.

I was exhausted most of yesterday, just going to the FP wiped me out but I was able to get some stuff around the house taken care of. It doesn't look like a total disaster. Key word: Total.

Sending everyone happy thoughts! xoxo


Love my O Family!
It got up to 52*. Beautiful day! Crisp clean air, sunshine, and just beautiful!

This sounds like a perfect thing. Shut out the world, including the wonderful pets. Sometimes you need just you time. :heartpumppink:

Sounds like a perfect end to a ride. I'm always up for ice cream. Never a bad time.

Oh Terri, I am so glad things went well with surgery!! Could hubby help you print things out. You can point where to go and he can click and type? I dont know if I would even attempt to scrap left-handed so the fact you got a LO done is amazing!
I agree! Never a bad time for ice cream. I have to limit my intake, however, or bad things happen to my digestive system! :eek3::toilet::poop::toiletpaper::giggle4:


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Heading out to church in a few but wanted to stop by and wish everyone a wonderful day.
No plans but scrapping this afternoon. I got no scrapping done yesterday afternoon. Was just too tired. Even went to bed early. If we didn't have to stop to pick up a lady for church I would suggest we ride the bike! Trying to catch up on our riding we haven't been able to do this summer since the weather was so stinking hot and humid! Maybe another day!
Have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
It’s less than two weeks until we leave for our vacation in Europe and I am definitely not ready. I not only have to pack, I have to pull together all the reservations I have made over the past year, make notes of what I’ve paid for and what I haven’t yet, and print out several tickets or receipts to get into some of the sites. It all feels so hard to do with my right hand out of commission, but I’ll try to do a little bit every day and that should work out.
Oh I feel your pain trying to do things left handed. When I had my shoulder replacement I was in a arm to body sling for 6 weeks right before we were going to a camper rally. The more you do it the better and lots of patience. Good luck and heal quickly.


Well-Known Member
My crazy life has made it difficult to keep up here but I have been reading about everyone's adventures and daily happenings.. Happy Sunday everyone.


Quick in and out this morning. DD#1 arrived along with the groceries she stopped to buy. Of course, WM didn't have everything she needs - so she will make a trip to Sprouts to get the rest. :lol23: We had supper then we both were tired so into bed to read a bit by 8:30. Woke up to a cool morning... 53*F!!! It feels like fall but won't last... back into the 80's most of the week. I was happy to see that DD#1 is now down to wearing a compression brace on her foot... no more boot! She still has pain in it and has to prop it up but is able to drive and get around fairly well. Glad I have 2 recliners so we both can sit with our feet up. DD#3 will be coming down today and we will have a gab-fest.

I hear DD#1 stirring so will close this out. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! Happy First Day of Fall! :autumn:Cloudy morning here and we are supposed to get some much needed rain later on. Had a nice day with my Gary yesterday, we drove around getting some errands done and got groceries. We tried to find the coffee place that we have been meaning to go to for quite some time, its called Drumroaster . We bought some for a fund raiser for Cops for Cancer and really liked it. We did find where they make it, but it was closed, who closes for business on a Saturday?? So now I will try to buy some online as I really don't want to make the long drive to go out there again. Got some yard work done and I got to go to my fav craft store and picked up a few things (yes spent far too much)! So today I hope to putter around in my craft room and try to be creative. I also have a layout to get done for the up coming Colour Play, gorgeous colour palette again this month!

Just a quick post from me. We are heading out in a half hour to pick the kids up from their honeymoon. This is the longest time I haven't seen Caitlyn and also the longest time she has ever been away from any of her rats. I think she misses them a lot although not so much that she wishes she could stay on vacation a few more days :D.
I bet your very excited to see the newlyweds again and hear all about their honeymoon (well maybe not everything :giggle4:). Hope that your energy levels increase over the next few days, follow your own advice and take it easy once in a while!
A friend sent me this a couple of days ago, since I just turned 72, she thought it was me. YIKES. I have wrinkles but not crevice like the Grand Canyon yet.
Ha, Ha, love that cartoon!! Oh and Happy Be-lated Birthday to you!!! Yup the wrinkles are on my face too, but I don't think that they are quite as deep as that lady's !!
Heading out to church in a few but wanted to stop by and wish everyone a wonderful day.
No plans but scrapping this afternoon. I got no scrapping done yesterday afternoon. Was just too tired. Even went to bed early. If we didn't have to stop to pick up a lady for church I would suggest we ride the bike! Trying to catch up on our riding we haven't been able to do this summer since the weather was so stinking hot and humid! Maybe another day!
Have a wonderful day!
Too bad you couldn't get to church on the bike this morning, so happy to hear that you both woke up without headaches!! I bet fall will be a wonderful time to catch up on your bike riding!
My crazy life has made it difficult to keep up here but I have been reading about everyone's adventures and daily happenings.. Happy Sunday everyone.
I know its hard to keep up with all that goes on here, but we are happy that you pop in when you can!!
Quick in and out this morning. DD#1 arrived along with the groceries she stopped to buy. Of course, WM didn't have everything she needs - so she will make a trip to Sprouts to get the rest. :lol23: We had supper then we both were tired so into bed to read a bit by 8:30.
Sounds like the two of you are having a nice time together, too bad that Walmart does not have more healthy options to choose from, hope you find everything you need at Sprouts!

Ok it time for another cup of coffee and then decide what to have for our brunch today. Have a great Sunday everyone!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I watched a strange, but engaging show last night. "His Three Daughters", about their father dying - he was in Hospice and they had all gathered to take care of him. Definitely some similarities, except the daughters fought all the time - they were pretty dysfunctional. It wasn't sad at all, just "strange".
I've seen it being promoted and may even have it on my watchlist, I'll take it off, enough dysfunctional fighting family for me.
FINALLY, Mark and I both woke headacheless!!! So, we hopped on the bike, rode to breakfast and then road to a place called, Hanging Rock. Wonderful ride on curvy roads. The temp was a little bit chilly.....even Mark wore a double layer! But by the time we left there the sun had warmed up quite a bit, so we shed the outer layer. Then we made a stop at Dairi-O to top the trip off with some ice cream! Why not, right?! ;)
Yay on not having a headaches. I think ice cream after biking is required so you don't get weak. We road once, between hubs checking on mom, rain, smoke , garden & humidity it didn't happen. Hules has them hung up for the season. Next summer...... Still doesn't explain why I haven't been riding the nice bike sitting next to the chair I've been sitting on all day long.
I had surgery on my wrist yesterday and all went well. I got a nerve block, so for the first 12 hours my arm was just deadweight hanging by my side, but at least it didn’t hurt. Yesterday evening and last night it hurt quite a lot but they gave me good meds Today, I’m down to one Percocet at a time. I got to choose what color bandage I wanted so I got pink to make my granddaughters happ
I feel your pain, surgery on both hands, right one first and holey moley, I am S0000 right handed it was miserable, signing my name was a signature a doctor would be proud of. I hope you don't have a lengthy recovery time ahead, mine was a year. Took quite a few years of pain before I got the second one done. I'm glad you chose a granddaughter approved color choice, they'll love it. I'm really impressed you can scrap left handed.

I finished the layout I've been working on the past few days this morning. I had a blast working with Lynn Anzelc's kit. I have to be careful, next thing I stop being scared of could be art journaling.

We're watching the Vikings game now. Since dropping Hulu & going to Disney+ cheap plan we can't record them anymore. We used to record them and then only watch if they won. I'm not a super fan, I don't have time of day for the NFL after the kneeling for the anthem, but I get gas perks at HyVee for every point they score.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! Happy First Day of Fall! :autumn:Cloudy morning here and we are supposed to get some much needed rain later on. Had a nice day with my Gary yesterday, we drove around getting some errands done and got groceries. We tried to find the coffee place that we have been meaning to go to for quite some time, its called Drumroaster . We bought some for a fund raiser for Cops for Cancer and really liked it. We did find where they make it, but it was closed, who closes for business on a Saturday?? So now I will try to buy some online as I really don't want to make the long drive to go out there again. Got some yard work done and I got to go to my fav craft store and picked up a few things (yes spent far too much)! So today I hope to putter around in my craft room and try to be creative. I also have a layout to get done for the up coming Colour Play, gorgeous colour palette again this month!

I bet your very excited to see the newlyweds again and hear all about their honeymoon (well maybe not everything :giggle4:). Hope that your energy levels increase over the next few days, follow your own advice and take it easy once in a while!

Ha, Ha, love that cartoon!! Oh and Happy Be-lated Birthday to you!!! Yup the wrinkles are on my face too, but I don't think that they are quite as deep as that lady's !!

Too bad you couldn't get to church on the bike this morning, so happy to hear that you both woke up without headaches!! I bet fall will be a wonderful time to catch up on your bike riding!

I know its hard to keep up with all that goes on here, but we are happy that you pop in when you can!!

Sounds like the two of you are having a nice time together, too bad that Walmart does not have more healthy options to choose from, hope you find everything you need at Sprouts!

Ok it time for another cup of coffee and then decide what to have for our brunch today. Have a great Sunday everyone!
We actually talked about riding the bike to the lady's house on Sunday mornings that the weather is good.....in the future. We drive the car and park it at her house, anyway, because she has a handicap van that Mark drives her to church in. She drives her motorized wheelchair up the ramp and into the back. Mark straps her in so she doesn't roll around, I hop into the passenger seat and off we go. So there is nothing stopping us from riding the motorcycle to her house.....except inclement weather!


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon.
Fam and I are back in the dark ages. Power went out two hours ago and were still waiting. Battery and hotspot for the win. I can check in here and see what's going on. Then its back to reading. Hubs is sleeping, kids and I are reading. One reading textbook (hates to read) and the other is plowing his way through Tom Clancy book, he's half way and on page 364. Love that three of the four kids love to read as much as me. Just hard to afford all our habits :floorlaugh: Today is a do nothing day. No power cant do anything. Just relax, read, curl up under blanket. Sip water slowly as no power no water pump no water. Aaaahhhhh the joys of power outages. Sadly they're normal. Hope youre all having a great day.