
Daily Ooos: September 14-15: Weekend Edition


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Hopefully Chris is resting this morning!
I'll get this started. But I'll be back in a bit. I'm working on some paperwork this morning.
Have a great Saturday!


The Loopy-O
Good morning!! I'm here and surprisingly, besides being tired I feel great. I swore that I would feel like a truck ran over me today after dancing most of the night-- in heels no less. :dancingbfly:

I don't have any photos other than the reception, but look at how beautiful they are together:
She was one of the happiest brides ever!
There were a few tiny hiccups but nothing that anyone would have noticed and they all worked out perfectly.
Her bouquet showed up (sort of) in time! It was supposed to be delivered by 3.50 pm. Of course, Gary had to leave the house at 2 pm for photos. She got the delivery notification around 3.30 so we called the BFFs from across the street to see if they could get the box. They had already left their house but turned around and grabbed it, ran it down to the bridal suite, steamed it and it had it good to go 2 minutes before we lined up for the processional.
I didn't cry, the vibes were so damn good. Although I got a little choked up when Dani was talking about love and friendship growing up with Caitlyn. They would play wedding and Cait was the bride and Dani was the groom. The line that got me was that she was overjoyed to pass the Groom) torch to Tom. It was the best of Cait's life-- her childhood and her adulthood combined into one sentence.

I am still drinking coffee and trying to get my brain to reset itself. I'll be back later. Thanks for sharing these moments with me ♥



Love my O Family!
Good morning!! I'm here and surprisingly, besides being tired I feel great. I swore that I would feel like a truck ran over me today after dancing most of the night-- in heels no less. :dancingbfly:

I don't have any photos other than the reception, but look at how beautiful they are together:
View attachment 427985
She was one of the happiest brides ever!
There were a few tiny hiccups but nothing that anyone would have noticed and they all worked out perfectly.
Her bouquet showed up (sort of) in time! It was supposed to be delivered by 3.50 pm. Of course, Gary had to leave the house at 2 pm for photos. She got the delivery notification around 3.30 so we called the BFFs from across the street to see if they could get the box. They had already left their house but turned around and grabbed it, ran it down to the bridal suite, steamed it and it had it good to go 2 minutes before we lined up for the processional.
I didn't cry, the vibes were so damn good. Although I got a little choked up when Dani was talking about love and friendship growing up with Caitlyn. They would play wedding and Cait was the bride and Dani was the groom. The line that got me was that she was overjoyed to pass the Groom) torch to Tom. It was the best of Cait's life-- her childhood and her adulthood combined into one sentence.

I am still drinking coffee and trying to get my brain to reset itself. I'll be back later. Thanks for sharing these moments with me ♥

They do look sooooo happy! So happy for all of you! Best wishes to Cait and Tom for a lifetime together!


@faerywings what a wonderful photo of Cait and Tom.... they look so happy.
Glad you are not feeling too tired. Bet the joy and happiness of the wedding gave wings to your feet. Glad the bouquet showed up - even if it was late. Your BFF is a jewel to go back to the house to get it. You need to take the weekend to rest and relax.


Well-Known Member
Oh Chris, @faerywings what a beautiful bride Caitlyn was! Thanks for sharing the photo. I love that the bouquet arrived and someone was able to go get it. Sounds like it was a perfect day and night! The dress is stunning.


Yesterday ended up being a PJ day... spent most of the day reading and relaxing in the recliner. The back and knee are still stiff and sore - this old bod doesn't recover like it used to do. :thud: So I will get my :showering: then will take another "do nothing" day.... reading and relaxing. I brought a bunch of books home from the Senior Citizen library... only to discover that I already had 4 of them in my stash .... and had not read them yet! :lol23: Will take those books back next week and see if a couple I saw by the same authors are there. Been reading books by Julie Garwood and Linda Howard.. Easy light and fun reading is what I need when the body is aching.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
You have found the perfect diagnosis. I hope you quit hurting soon, but reading is my regular prescription.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
What a beautiful couple & lovely venue.! Cait is gorgeous and the dress, OMG, I would have said Yes to the Dress if only I had her figure. Now, where's your pic .???


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon,
Took me longer to get back in here than I thought.
Got my paperwork done, then I started in on some laundry and also getting some things put away that had been piling up around me. Then worked on lunch.
Yesterday's drive to get Ilene was nice. She had a wonderful week, as always! They really pamper all of the widows. Everyone was about gone by the time we got there and the clean-up had started. We said hello to everyone before packing Ilene's stuff in the car and heading back home. We stopped at Olive Garden on the way home. The 2-hour trip is not a bad trip at all, especially when you are talking/listening to music/etc. We got close to home when it was decided that Mark would stop at the house before taking Ilene on home so he could begin mowing the lawn before the rain moved in. He barely got it done.....actually, it sprinkled on him while he was mowing. I took Ilene home, unpacked her stuff from the car and she got some laundry started. Then we played a couple of games of Qwirkle before I headed back home. She taught the widows how to play Qwirkle. One of the women had bought the game but had never played it. Ilene was pleased that she could teach them how to play!
Got my next set of 9 ATCs done and posted yesterday.....I may have already mentioned that. Anyway, that thought just made me realized I have not worked on today's card yet.
OK. Got a few more things to do before I begin scrapping!
Have a lovely day!


Well-Known Member
@faerywings your photo is wonderful! Cait looks so beautifully joyful! We all knew everything would go perfectly!
@tanteva I expected you to say Cait would look beautiful in a ketchup bottle.....

Today is a PJ day here too. I came home and slept after work yesterday, then slept 10 hours last night, and still woke up feeling tanked. I think it's covid remnant honestly. So it's rest and scrap today.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
What a gorgeous picture of Caitlyn and Tom!! They look SO happy and I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday!!!
It *is* Sunday? I feel like I am completely screwed up!
Yeah yeah, more than normal screwed up. :D

It was a really long day yesterday too but this one went by much faster than Friday. There were times we were waiting for the ceremony to start that felt as if time was running backward. "What do you mean it is only 4 pm, it was 4 pm hours ago!?"
To add insult to injury *G*-- we were lined up and ready to start the processional when BFFATS (across the street) ran over to say that my BFF had texted her that they were stuck in traffic and would be there 5 minutes or so late. If it were anyone other than Aunt Jenn, we would have probably gone ahead with the procession, and they could have popped into the ceremony area after that. Cait and I agreed- Aunt Jenn would be *devastated* if she missed it. So lots of waiting for bouquets and besties but everything was awesome. BFFATS was the one who ran back to get the bouquet from our porch and it was her DD who was the officiant.
I know, it's hard to keep everyone straight- we are one big happy oddly connected "family" ♥ That was the theme of my speech too, how we are thrilled to add new branches to our family tree.

I think the majority of my day was looking at the photos everyone was adding to the Google Photo album. Caitlyn added a QR code on the Program and that linked to the shared album they set up. Over the course of the day, so many new photos were being added so it was a day full of "Squirrel!"
we had so much food left over and Scott and Sam wanted to see the married couple before they left on the honeymoon, so we had Sam's mom, sister, and her two little ones for dinner. Still didn't put a dent in the leftovers. I had a blast playing with Logan- he's almost 2 1/2 and the cutest thing. :heartpumpred:

I should get going, we are dropping the "kids" off at the cruise ship, 1 1/2 hours from here. So another long day ahead.Then its going to be way too quiet!



Love my O Family!
Happy Sunday!!!
It *is* Sunday? I feel like I am completely screwed up!
Yeah yeah, more than normal screwed up. :D

It was a really long day yesterday too but this one went by much faster than Friday. There were times we were waiting for the ceremony to start that felt as if time was running backward. "What do you mean it is only 4 pm, it was 4 pm hours ago!?"
To add insult to injury *G*-- we were lined up and ready to start the processional when BFFATS (across the street) ran over to say that my BFF had texted her that they were stuck in traffic and would be there 5 minutes or so late. If it were anyone other than Aunt Jenn, we would have probably gone ahead with the procession, and they could have popped into the ceremony area after that. Cait and I agreed- Aunt Jenn would be *devastated* if she missed it. So lots of waiting for bouquets and besties but everything was awesome. BFFATS was the one who ran back to get the bouquet from our porch and it was her DD who was the officiant.
I know, it's hard to keep everyone straight- we are one big happy oddly connected "family" ♥ That was the theme of my speech too, how we are thrilled to add new branches to our family tree.

I think the majority of my day was looking at the photos everyone was adding to the Google Photo album. Caitlyn added a QR code on the Program and that linked to the shared album they set up. Over the course of the day, so many new photos were being added so it was a day full of "Squirrel!"
we had so much food left over and Scott and Sam wanted to see the married couple before they left on the honeymoon, so we had Sam's mom, sister, and her two little ones for dinner. Still didn't put a dent in the leftovers. I had a blast playing with Logan- he's almost 2 1/2 and the cutest thing. :heartpumpred:

I should get going, we are dropping the "kids" off at the cruise ship, 1 1/2 hours from here. So another long day ahead.Then its going to be way too quiet!

Yeah but you need the quiet to regroup! :lovey3:


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Heading to church so I'll be back later today. After church we are hoping to be able to ride the bike to lunch before the rain. But it's sprinkling on the car window and it's not looking good.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings I just had to pop in to see how it all went. So happy to see that photo of C&T with their happy smiling faces and her dress is stunning! I can only imagine the joy of that day. The little snaffu with the late delivery sounds like it worked out ok so no big problems. Looking forward to more photos.

Thank goodness for air canada ending their strike today. I got an email from them this morning that our flight will go ahead as planned. Whew! We leave next Wed night.

Got lots to do today. Game day here. Talk soon BFN.


Morning, all. @faerywings I loved seeing some of the photos from Cait and Tom's wedding. Thanks for sharing those.

It is going to be another "rest and relax"... in other words... a 'do nothing day'. I hate sounding like a broken record but the back and especially the knee are in rebellion at the moment. Standing on the slope in the backyard the other day put too much pressure on my bad knee. It has been talking to me ever since. :eek: I will wear the knee brace tomorrow when I do the base pharmacy and commissary trip. Had better check the pantry, fridge and freezer today to see what I need to get.

I did manage to get another Challenge LO done and uploaded yesterday. Hope to get a couple more done before DD#1 arrives on Saturday. Waffling over whether to do a MIA for next week or not. Plan on spending the time visiting with her so I know I won't be scrapping that week.


@faerywings I just had to pop in to see how it all went. So happy to see that photo of C&T with their happy smiling faces and her dress is stunning! I can only imagine the joy of that day. The little snaffu with the late delivery sounds like it worked out ok so no big problems. Looking forward to more photos.

Thank goodness for air canada ending their strike today. I got an email from them this morning that our flight will go ahead as planned. Whew! We leave next Wed night.

Got lots to do today. Game day here. Talk soon BFN.
Rae.... that is great news that the airline strike has been settled so you can make the flight to get to the cruise lines.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!
@faerywings Sounds like a fun time and even though you have tons of food left over, its a good thing. You dont have to cook for the next week! :giggle4: I loved all the photos you shared!! You were stunning! Cait and Tom were adorable and make the cutes couple. Enjoy the quiet this afternoon.

@bcgal00 I am so happy to hear you will make your trip with out a problem. Wonderful news!!!!!!

@BrightEyes I say go MIA next week!! Enjoy all the time you can with DD and we will be here when you get back. MIA is sometimes the best thing ever.

Today is church then a do nothing and tomorrow I am turning my phone off and not talking to anyone LOL My one day totally off of the month. Just have to do laundry.

Off to get more coffee. HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening all,

Chris @faerywings I'm so happy to see that you "weathered" the nuptials in flying colors. I didn't cry much at Steph's wedding either because it was such a happy affair (like Cait and Toms was). I thought I'd cry more, and I shed a tear or two when they said their vows, but that was about it. I'm so happy that everything went well and that you got the flowers, even though it made some people late. LOL It was definitely worth it.

Not much to talk about here - I cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom - yay me. Just finished putting the clean dishes away from the dishwasher, and need to fix a bite to eat. Now I don't want to mess the kitchen up by cooking. LMBO

Been putzing around with my week 3 AJ layout, but not getting too far - I'm just blocked for some reason. Hopefully, I'll get some mojo here soon.

Hugs to ALL and I'll try to be chattier tomorrow.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Been putzing around with my week 3 AJ layout, but not getting too far - I'm just blocked for some reason. Hopefully, I'll get some mojo here soon.
Must be the week for lack of mojo, I've been putzing on the same one for 3 days, but won't post until Jenn releases her new blendables.

Busy weekend, I'm tired - have a hair appointment tomorrow morning, I was up until 9 two nights in a row :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

@BrightEyes Kay, inclines are brutal on a bad knee, I remember those days, all to well. I think a couple of "rest & relax" days, icing & elevating is a good too.

I'm behind on everybody's lives, will try to get caught up. It's been 84° and really humid the last few days.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Must be the week for lack of mojo, I've been putzing on the same one for 3 days, but won't post until Jenn releases her new blendables.

Busy weekend, I'm tired - have a hair appointment tomorrow morning, I was up until 9 two nights in a row :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

@BrightEyes Kay, inclines are brutal on a bad knee, I remember those days, all to well. I think a couple of "rest & relax" days, icing & elevating is a good too.

I'm behind on everybody's lives, will try to get caught up. It's been 84° and really humid the last few days.
Girl, I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I finally have it - now just have for Susie to post Week 3. You KNOW, the word for the month is FOCUS. I can't focus. That's my problem. Focus, focus, focus. :spinningchair::please::lol23: