
Daily Ooo's: September 13-14:Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning, my O-zies! I hope all of you slept good (sad that is what I wish for all of us, eh? LOL) and have a relaxing weekend planned.

I slept pretty good until 5 am and then I could not get comfortable so I got up and drank coffee. :tea:

Yesterday it took me forever to clean. The house is pretty big, I haven't been there in 5 or 6 weeks, and they have a very large and hairy dog. I didn't have Cait with me either. Next time will be easier. I was hoping to get some housework done here afterward but I was so tired I took a nap instead. I have to do some of that today and tomorrow. I made the "mistake" of inviting Leah's aunt and uncle, whom I have only met once before, to come to the party. If it were just my family, I could let some things slide, but now that they might be coming, I feel that pressure of getting every last cobweb/coffee stain on the stairs etc cleaned up.

I also have to take inventory of paper goods etc so I can get to Party City or wherever. *sighs* Why do I do this to myself? Why do I feel like I said last year that I was never going to do this again?? I did, didn't I???

I came up with an idea for gifts for my FIL and SIL-- homemade coffee syrups. Still no ideas for my MIL or niece.
Anyone have any ideas at all? My niece is going to be 11.

That is about it from here. Its cold and very grey. I guess we will get rain today too.

Hope everyone has a FAB day!!!!


The Loopy-O
Hi laurie- hope that you have some down time in your weekend too. Yum about the apples and applesauce!

Trudy- what is your new painting project? Please share pics as you go along, I love seeing your work!
Yeah, what is it about fruit flies and wine? I hate that too:)

Phyllis- congrats on the Cemetery Project! That is a great accomplishment.
Enjoy your champagne!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" family! Up with the birds again this morning, but hubby is awake too, so we are both enjoying a nice cup of coffee before starting breakfast. Off to Costco today and to get my paints I need too. DH wants to take me to lunch, so I will have to think of where I would like to go. Looks like another sunny beautiful day! Did any of you see the Northern Lights last night? We did not :sad: but I understand that some places got quite the show! We used to see them a lot when we lived in Saskatchewan, they are amazing to watch!

Chris - Yes, why do you do this to yourself? :becky: and I do think that you said that very same thing last year :pound: Oh well it will work out I'm sure, don't stress about it, you are probably the only who knows that there are coffee stains on your stairs LOL. Hope you get to relax a bit this weekend! :hug:

Phylis - How was your champagne? And that cemetery project sounds like it was a lot of work, but good for you for taking part in that!! Amazing!! Have a great Saturday my friend!!

Ok better get breakfast on the go, then hit the shower and get on the road. Tomorrow we are having the In-Laws for dinner and we need to bottle wine too. Our wine cellar is empty :hurt: it has never been empty since we moved here, but with the spring and summer being so busy, we just haven't had time to do much bottling! We don't seem to have any trouble finding time to drink the wine though :becky: Have a great weekend everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I want to say congrats, Phylis, on the cemetery project. It is volunteers like you who make it easier for people to find their families online. Super job!

It is cold here and I'm not liking it. Oh well, I don't think I liked the heat not too long ago either, so I must just like to complain. Nothing specific scheduled today and DH is currently watching Ohio State football.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Well-Known Member
sigh...here's me at 3:38 Sunday morning. oh, well. at least i don't have to get up for work at 6 or something. TG for small favors. :faint2:

Chris. a big and hairy house clean? sounds exhausting! i wish i could extricate you from this party prep. as Trudy said, i think you DID say you were not going to get yourself into this again!!

Trudy, i wish wish WISH i could see the Northern Lights, just once. it seems like such an amazing thing. i hope you post your painting project pix, too. you have such a gift! what kind of wine do you make? my dad used to bottle wine, and it wasn't that great. i'm sure technology has improved since his attempts! it seems like a nice hobby to do with your husband.

Hi, Jean. as someone who's involved with genealogy, too, you know that doing stuff like the Tombstone project is SO gratifying in itself. it's its own reward. i liked it so much, i might start on another one!

ok. gonna try to fall back asleep again. let me be the very FIRST to wish you a Happy Sunday! :becky:


lOve the O!
Morning all- yesterday went to dance, came home and did laundry and cleaned. Oh and battled diahrea. Hoping to drive across state with hubby to clean the office and bathroom where we will be leasing- however yup, woke up again to instant weight loss. Really digging ginger ale for fluid replacement. I may get more cleaning and scrapping done here at home. Time will tell. Hope everyone has fantastic days. I know it is cool here in Ohio, but I am really loving it!


The Loopy-O
Hey hey!

I think that I got more accomplished yesterday. I washed the one side of my wine glasses. Gary made me hanging racks that are over the island, but they get dusty. I only broke one, but it was one I didn't like. It was crystal, but very thin so when I went to wipe it out, a chunk came off in the towel. I had 4, now down to one.
I also finally mopped my kitchen floor! *taking bets on how long it will take for someone (cough-Gary-cough) to spill coffee* :D

Then I spent an hour or so shredding papers. I had the kids Lyme protocol sheets from the Dr from 2008. That was a lot of paper.

Today Cait and I are going to the local pharmacy to get some makeup and maybe an autumn flavored candle. I have b-day money and I think I deserve a new mascara.

The sun is shining, so I hope that it is warmer than it was yesterday.



The Loopy-O
Trudy- what a lovely day you must have had (besides Costco). Out to lunch with YMG and then dinner tonight. Sorry to hear about your lack of wine but as long as you enjoyed drinking it over the summer :)

Jean- you can join Phyllis and I in the "Weather Bitch Club"-- it is always good to complain about the cold weather :blah:

Phyllis- ugh about not sleeping. Same here, the last two days I I woke up slightly after 4. Today I was able to get back to sleep, but it is still such a pain.

Laurie-- hope that you feel better! Can you take any probiotics or yogurt? That helps to rebalance the gut.



lOve the O!
Thanks ladies- I tried pepto- seems to be helping- I went to clean- ugh- it was beyond filthy in the office and bathroom. That is all I am saying.