
Daily OOO's Saturday 28


Well-Known Member
I hope it's ok that I open the day...I am just feeling sick and I guess that very soon I will go back to bed. The weather here is terrible and I still have my aunt birthday to attend! My DH needed to go to work today, usually he doesn't work Saturdays and Sundays, but...

Merkee- I never meant to make you feel old!;) I said that because I got divorce from my first husband after 15 years of marriage, otherwise, I would be married now...let me see...33 years! wooow!...my first and second husband it's the same one :roll:...if not counting the 10 months we were divorced, we should be married now only 9 years...it will not be a gold anniversary for me, simply math :shock:
I am glad your kitty is doing better!

Kristen- your baby Jordan is beautiful!!!

Stirling- Welcome! happy to have you here! I wish I could work from home!!! it could be a dream come true for me! I know it's not easy, but it could be the perfect solution for me...Enjoy your DD!

Sally- I have a 250 external drive! but my DH use it for my back ups, at least for the important files! He took the photoshop files and burnt them in a DVD double layer, these files are huge! so I have enough space again until we bought another 500 HD. I loooove stamping and I have a lot of stamps!

Petey- I hope you had fun yesterday!

Until I feel better...take care!


Well-Known Member
LOL Yam, I know. I think the grey in my hair makes me feel older than my marriage does. Hubby and I have lots of fun and you'd think we were kids at times. :)

Hope you feel better and can make your Aunt's party.

Wavin hi to everyone to follow. Have a good weekend all!


Well-Known Member
Yam - thanks for starting us out for the weekend! Hope you feel better soon!
Finally the weekend! Yes - it's official, I'm getting sick I slept like a dead woman last night and managed to sleep much later than the 6:00 that I usually get up! Hopefully that will help.
The plan for today is to take the herd of children to the basement and help Mr. Wonderful put up new support beams to help level the basement ceilin/first floor floor. We can't do any more on the remodel until we get everything leveled off. Past owners of this "120 year old piece of **** farm house with character" had removed load bearing walls without regard for what it would do to the structural integrity of the house. So now we're getting everything fixed! What a bunch of work!
Tomorow we have plans to go to town for brunch and complete some errands. I think the Twilight movie will be jumping into our cart! On a side note - I've read all four books and so have my four daughters. They are SO good! I was a worthless pile while reading them - just couldn't put them down!
I brought the last of the leftover food from the dinner Thursday night home with me to feed the gremlins and Mr. Wonderful. I've put a bunch of the glazed carrots in the freezer. There's about two more meals worth of roast beef. But the mashed potatoes ! Holy Cow! I've still got one of those catering size alumninum foil type pans 2/3 full! I think I'll make a bunch of potato bread this weekend and see if I can use some of them up that way.

Chris - how did your to do list go yesterday? I have to write things down on a list too. It give me such a feeling of accomplishment when I get to cross things off! I love bagpipes! My dad was Scottish and we had a bagpiper at his funeral. He was in full kilt and walked through the chapel and out the back playing Amazing Grace. It was one of the most powerful moments in my life!
Dawn - Hope Davy continues to do well and improve.
Kristen - your little man is beautiful! What a doll!
Stirling - welcome to the O! From reading your post it looks like we have some things in common: I'm an aggie - I teach high school agriculture, I also have a daughter who is a junior in college majoring in Ag Ed.
Lia - good luck with your lazy internet!
Sally - have a wonderful weekend and enjoy having your man home! I can totally relate to the yelling for school to start - a bus load of our kids went to North Dakota on Thursday to help with sandbagging and etc. They were sleepy, lazy butts on Friday morning:)
Merkee- glad your kitten is going well!
Clara - have fun! Sounds like a wonderful trip!
Sara - love your new avatar! It makes me laugh every time I pull up one of your posts!

I hope you all have fabulous, restful and productive weekends!


Well-Known Member
Happy weekend everyone!

Yam - I hope you're feeling better soon.
Linda - I'm impressed with your dedication to remodeling. And the food sounds yummy.
Kristen - He is absolutely beautiful!!!!
Dawn - Thanks for the crush support. hee hee
Lia - I hope your laptop solves your problems when it comes back.

Glad everyone likes the new avi. I think I'll keep it for a little while longer. I'm trying to figure out how odd it would be if I pulled off onto the access road where the llama farm is on my way to work and take a picture of the darlings. =)

Ben and I are going to the grocery store, my aunts house, to see my DH's grandma, and if I'm still bored, some other shopping. I need to clean the house, but I might wait on that until tomorrow. =) Hope everyone is having a good weekend!! TTYL


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning my lovely O ladies!!

I'm just sitting here listening to my sis make breakfast. She's the best. We are having a blast on this trip. Yesterday we went to the outlet mall and my sis wanted to go to Claire's (the accessory store). So we walked in and i saw the rack of earrings and then looked at my sister and said...we should get Addie's ears pierced. My husband and I had talked about it before and so I knew it wouldn't be a big deal to him. So we decided to surprise everyone. We got everything ready and then my dh walked by the store so he came in and watched too. She was a trooper. She picked out her own earrings, she wanted pink ones. When they pierced them she made some mad faces but didn't cry. I have pics up on my blog. Yesterday I realized I hadn't blogged in a month. So, I got caught up. If you check it out...please excuse the first post up. I couldn't help myself.

So, today we are going to the Tillamook cheese factory. I think the kids will really enjoy it. Then for lunch we will go to this place called Moe's that makes the very best clam chowder anywhere. I love Ivar's but Ivar's is even second to Moe's. Yummy!! It will be fun, even if it is raining today.

Last night was interesting. My dh put Addie to bed but she woke up again before we went to bed. We have her in a pack'n'play since she thrashes so bad and she woke up before we went to bed. That girl screamed and screamed. It was horrible. So I thought she was finally asleep and went to sleep. the next thing I know my dh is waking me up a few minutes later saying "Look!!" and low and behold laying in between us was my beautifully stubborn daughter. At that point I was too tired to fight her anymore so she stayed in my bed. She didn't thrash so bad until morning though. I can't believe she outlasted me. Crazy little girl.

Yam - Thanks for starting the O's. Anyone can start it that gets here. Just so you know on the weekends we just use one post so you'll notice this one will be used all weekend long. I hope you feel better. What an interesting story about your marriage. I think if me and dh ever got divorced one of us would kill the other one so there would never be any remarriage.

Hi Merkee!!

Linda - You have to flatten your floors? Oh my!! I would have to buy a new house. Because my marriage would never make it througgh that kind of remodel we would have to buy a new house. Put the mashed potatoes in freezer bags and freeze them. Then you have a side in a hurry sometime. Add a little bit of water to it or some milk.

Sara - Sounds like a busy day. You'll be bored after all that?? Have fun with your errands.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Well-Known Member
hey ladies. mario and i moved in with or new room mate yesterday (a little early) so i dont have internet yet. im making this post on M's phone. im going to finish my cheery-o layout and go to starbucks tonight or tomorrow and posr it.

this is not an easy task, posting this i mean. this phone is all touch screen. i'll post more later =)


Well-Known Member
One tiny quickie......lookie at my post count!!!!!!!!!! woohoo :).

Hi to all....I have little scrapper's block I gotta work on this evening. Any ideas?

Well, DH and I are off on a motorcycle ride and he's hollering...TTYL!

love y'all


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!!

How is everyone.......such a beautiful, gorgeous day here!! In the 60's and sunny and breezy....I could take this all summer.....rather than the yucky heat......oh well. enjoying it now!

Dawn....awesome on the post count!! since I hit 1000 Ive been trying to get up there!!!

we have been running all day, just got in a bit ago and got Nico in for a nap, have some things o do so just wanted to say hi quickly to all!!!! Hopefully I will be back later!!!!

**we finally went back to the playscape place today and my In-laws ordered Nico the set......its so awesome looking that I want to play in it (and I did......at the place lol. Nico was having so much fun!!!! cant wait till it comes in about 3 weeks! Check out this sucker!!! Its serious!!!! lol:-D8):p;):-D



Well-Known Member
Hi ladies...hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday ;) Mine has been pretty boring...other than the fact that I submitted my Cheery-O LO...woot woot! There are so many great ones, it's going to be a tough call! It's really yucky here today...we got snow instead of sunshine so I am SO jealous of anyone that gets to be outside today!!!

Kelly that playcenter is AWESOME!! We have one and our kids LOVE it! For my middle sons first birthday in the invitation we showed everyone a pic of the playcenter and said instead of presents we wanted them to help us purchase it....and everyone did! It was great :)

Dawn I totally understand the scrappers block...I've had a little of that myself. I troll the galleries trying to find inspiration but I think it's just me...hopefully it comes back soon ;)

Clara tell your sister she can come make breakfast for me anytime LOL Glad you are having a good time and continue to with all your fun plans! BTW how many days until DMB??? Have I told you lately how jealous I am????

Sara try to fit some rest into that busy day ;)

Linda good luck with the remodeling...I know it's never fun during the process but usually always well worth it in the end!

HI MERKEE!!!!! oh, I think I owe you a couple of LOs ;) And I need to get brainstorming on our challenges for next month...can you believe March is almost over?????

Yam thanks for starting the O today! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Ok, my kids are needing me so I better go, but hope to hear back from everyone soon! Have a wonderful weekend!


...loves her some "O"
ohhhh it's been a day...:) i love saturdays...

we are just hangin hangin here watching the kids choice awards on Nick tonight. It's soooo corny, but we are all loving it!!!

Hope everyone else has enjoyed their saturday today! :)


Well-Known Member
You aren't going to believe this but I'm gonna have a short one today!! :) I'm WOOPED!! I did 1.5 hours of yoga and then walked 3 miles today...tons of laundry was next and I even managed to scrap a page (can't upload it yet but got it done!) Have watched a movie and now I'm about to crash! I hope everyone is doing well! I'll try to catch you all tomorrow!