
Daily Ooos: October 19-20: Weekend Edition


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Think today will be a PJ day. Going to rest up today as I hope to make the trip to the base tomorrow to pick up my Rx refill and do the commissary shopping. I did make it over to the church yesterday afternoon (after the rain stopped) and voted. Glad to have that done. Had some ripe avocados so made guacamole to go with the enchiladas for supper last night. So yummy!

I saw a lot of photos of the snows in New Mexico on FB this morning. Glad we just had rain here as I am not ready to deal with snow!!! Usually don't get snow here in the valley until mid-November... although in 2000 we had a big snowstorm before Halloween. Who knows when we get it with the crazy weather we have had this year.

@faerywings So glad that the Wicked Walk event went off so well.

@Cherylndesigns Congrats on finding the sweater in the right size and color... and then finding the last one you wanted. I was LOL as I have a long white one, a black one and a red one.... I bought all of them at the same time as I knew I would wear them a lot. They are perfect for the fall weather.

@vickyday I vote for you to be wrapped in bubble wrap!!! You were wise to not get up right away.... falls really do a number on the body...and it takes a bit of time to be able to move. Had to LOL about the lens cap impression on the boob... Yep, I remember the photo of you laying on the ground from last year. Hope this will not a yearly thing, girl!!!

Need more coffee :coffeedrinker:and get some food. BBL
Ha! My son told me he has already reserved a room at the ER for next year for me ;)


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

Just got home from going to lunch with Ava. We always have fun together. When we got home, there was a box from Walmart sitting on top of our big package holder that we all got for our Amazon deliveries. Ava said "That was fast for your black sweater". (Kay @BrightEyes and Chris @faerywings you'll love this - more of the "sweater debacle".) She grabbed the box and started opening it because she saw "Cheryl" on the lable. But wait, it was a different Cheryl. When she realized it wasn't mine, she laughed and opened it anyway. It WAS a black sweater, but not a cardigan and it was WAY bigger than my size. :rotfl:She grabbed her phone and put the address in and we were only about a mile from where this woman lived. Apparently, the delivery guy just saw "Cheryl" and brought it to us. She said "let's take it to her" so off we went. We went up and down hills and were on crazy mountain/lakes roads that we'd never been on. We finally found the house and Ava goes up to the door and delivers it to the "right Cheryl". We got to laughing about the "sweater debacle" and I have received (the first one) +bought and returned 4, 2 to Amazon and 2 to Walmart, then found one in the store and have the black one being delivered. That makes a total of 7 cardigan sweaters that have passed
through my hands. :floorlaugh: Kay @BrightEyesI know you buy in "multiples" and so do I. This is why! Chris @faerywings my new blanket is ahhhhhmazing. I had it on me last evening while I "watched tv/slept" on the couch for a couple of hours. It's actually blanket sized - really big and SO cozy. You're right about a good thing with winter (there has to be something good) - wrapping up in cozy blankets and clothes AND turning on my fireplace every morning when I get up. (That's after I go chop the wood and carry it in the house) -J/K - it's electric. :rotfl: :lol23:

Amy @mimes1 what a find in the desk!!! That is SO awesome especially the things dated from the 1800's!

Vicky @vickyday maybe you could find a padded rubber suit before you go back. That would be a funny joke. Braden found one a few years ago for Halloween and went as the Michelin Man. That would crack everybody up. :floorlaugh:

Jeanne @JeanneMN I know you're always up to orneriness - you too, Tracy @AK_Tracy . I was only joking about fixing the fish in the airfryer. I figured you'd razz me abou buying Icelandic Cod in the grocery store. The least I could have bought was Alaskan King Crab or Beer Battered fish. They didn't have anything but Icelandic Cod yesterday - I usually buy "Alaskan Wild Caught Fish" - is it even caught there????? You know how we joke about things not being like they really are. :lol23::lol23:

Well, I'm going to wrap this up. I think Adrienne wants to go out to eat (I hope LATER). Roger left this morning for his "real job" in Florida. J/K he does his "real job" here all day every day but it's remote but he still has to go in every couple of weeks.

I'm working on a LO for November and it's another one that I'm going to feel like I "gave birth" to. I just started almost completely over on it. I have this vision and it isn't translating to the page for me. UGH.

Hugs and XOXO


Well-Known Member
Jeanne @JeanneMN I know you're always up to orneriness - you too, Tracy @AK_Tracy . I was only joking about fixing the fish in the airfryer. I figured you'd razz me abou buying Icelandic Cod in the grocery store. The least I could have bought was Alaskan King Crab or Beer Battered fish. They didn't have anything but Icelandic Cod yesterday - I usually buy "Alaskan Wild Caught Fish" - is it even caught there????? You know how we joke about things not being like they really are. :lol23::lol23:
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Well, if you really wanna know............ you asked............
WHY COD!!!! :sick::sick::sick:
Its so squishy and oily and :sick:
Feel better?? I do. I really dont like cod. I'm spoiled. Halibut fresh from the ocean (or freezer) and its so firm and not oily. And yes, I've seen the fish boats, its locally caught if its labeled. What it means is not farmed, it was in the ocean. Wish I could send you some!!