
Daily Ooos: October 11-12: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy Weekend, O-Fam! Who slept in? Sure as heck not me. This waking up at 4-4.30 am is making me :crazy: I stay in bed until I hear the coffee pot beep so I know it's ready for me. Roll out and get the caffeine hit.

How was everyone's Friday? I was very busy here but I think I got a good chunk of the curriculum sketched out and 4 lesson plans mostly completed. I'd say they are 95% done which is where they will stay until 5 minutes before the session starts :p
I speed cleaned the downstairs-- bathrooms, kitchen, vacuumed and mopped - in a little over an hour, and then the rest of my day was research and writing. I think I have a bunch of fun games and lessons so far. I hope we get a good group to sign up. *fingers crossed*
I took a break in the afternoon to make apple fritter bread. I had to do some baking, it was that perfect weather -- blue sky, chilly air, and falling leaves. Apple baking weather -YKWIM?

I have a lot to do today to get ready for the week- I am working, 2 days, cleaning 1 day, and have two doctor appointments that are both 45 minutes from my house. Nope, I forgot I am working Saturday too, so that is 3 days at Weis.
I have to prep my AJ challenge too. Even though it is for Week 4, I haven't had a chance to really think about it at all. :/

J needs to go out. I'll be back for personals soon! xo


Love my O Family!
Happy Weekend, O-Fam! Who slept in? Sure as heck not me. This waking up at 4-4.30 am is making me :crazy: I stay in bed until I hear the coffee pot beep so I know it's ready for me. Roll out and get the caffeine hit.

How was everyone's Friday? I was very busy here but I think I got a good chunk of the curriculum sketched out and 4 lesson plans mostly completed. I'd say they are 95% done which is where they will stay until 5 minutes before the session starts :p
I speed cleaned the downstairs-- bathrooms, kitchen, vacuumed and mopped - in a little over an hour, and then the rest of my day was research and writing. I think I have a bunch of fun games and lessons so far. I hope we get a good group to sign up. *fingers crossed*
I took a break in the afternoon to make apple fritter bread. I had to do some baking, it was that perfect weather -- blue sky, chilly air, and falling leaves. Apple baking weather -YKWIM?

I have a lot to do today to get ready for the week- I am working, 2 days, cleaning 1 day, and have two doctor appointments that are both 45 minutes from my house. Nope, I forgot I am working Saturday too, so that is 3 days at Weis.
I have to prep my AJ challenge too. Even though it is for Week 4, I haven't had a chance to really think about it at all. :/

J needs to go out. I'll be back for personals soon! xo
I did computer work all day, too. But I ended up getting only one page done....for the AJ challenge!
Today I need to go to Walmart for a gift card for our pastor and wife for tomorrow...it is Pastor Appreciation Day. We already have a book for him, a mug/journal set for her, so I want to get a restaurant card for them to enjoy a nice dinner out sometime.
I might do some laundry later today. We were going to go to Ruby Tuesday yesterday, but I got too hungry before Mark came in from the woods, so I had to eat. Of course, as soon as I finished he came home, LOL! Anyway, he is going to the shop to work on someone's kayak this morning while I'm at Walmart. The temp is in the 40's right now, but promises to be a good day for a bike ride later!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
HA! I just gave Chris my plans for the day, so you can read that above!
Have a great day and weekend!


Well-Known Member
Good Saturday morning to all.
@faerywings You sure are busy and what a week...funny getting up early...I still get up early even though I am retired for 10 years now!
@vickyday LOL that is me and most of us.

Yesterday we came home after evacuating from Hurricane Milton. We were very lucky and only had water blow under our front door into the closet, so we cleaned it up and put a fan there. Our pond is full but going down already. My friend the old muscovy who can barely walk is ok and looking for corn as soon as he saw me. Our dock is a little crooked and out boat flipped over then filled with water but not a big deal. We have lots of branches from the trees so we will have a large pile in the front yard. Our lawn guy posted on FB that he needed gas and all the stations around here are out so we told him to come over we had 4 gallons lawn looks great and he is very happy. Many of my plants are blown over but I have been standing them up and staking them so hopefully they will recover. My blood orange tree still has it 4 oranges on but it tipped over so we stood it back up...fingers crossed it will be ok. Lots of calls and texts from friends & family. We are going over to the club to clean up the parking lot that is littered with tree branches and junk from the winds. We had sustained at 55 and gusts to 72, Im glad we were 150 miles away in my rolling home!
Yesterday my 22 year old granddaughter picked her friend up at the airport in CT. They met online..he is from Wales and have been communicating for almost a year... I have not hear how that went.

Ok off the clean up hurricane mess.
Ill try to stop by later I hope you all get to scrap this weekend.


The Loopy-O
So, yeah, left at 9 and back home at 9! That was a long day! But it was a very good day spent with people I love immensely!
That's such a gift in itself- being with those you love ♥
How do you prepare the devotions for the widows? I imagine that you put all of your heart into it. All good thoughts to you but I don't think you need them, you will be amazing and the women will appreciate your work.
I am happy (and jealous) that you had a scrapping day. I feel so far behind here. You are going to have fun showing off your book to your DIL!

@taxed4ever I love that you get free shipping on Tuesdays in October-- esp since your grands are scattered about. Who has more fun, you shopping or them receiving? *G*
That's hysterical that your Gary gets a little jealous that you get the new car during the week. Is it exciting to drive? Watch out, he is going to want to drive the "long way" everywhere from now on LOL!
That's what I do too-- one hiking stick or pole, 2 is way more complicated than I like.

@AK_Tracy ((((hugs)))) I hope that your day got a little easier for you as it progressed. We need your Twin to share some Minion stuff to cheer you up.

@bcgal00 Welcome back! Every photo I saw on FB of the trip was better and better than the previous one. It looks like you and D had a wonderful time. Great news that Remi is healing well and is going to be starting on the stairs.
I hope that you have time to breathe before your next round of activities begins!

@BrightEyes I am very happy that you are finally feeling better and coughing less. Gary still sounds like he is hacking up a lung since he had that bad cold after the wedding. I think it triggered the chronic pneumonia he has because it sounds painful to me.
Thank goodness you remembered about your DL renewal. I freaked myself out when I called AAA last week, I had put my current ID behind the expired one by accident (I used the old one as a filler so they don't fall out of the ID holder) and though I had been driving for 2 years on an expired card :thud:.
At least you don't have to pay to get it renewed, thankful for small favors and all that

@Cherylndesigns It's been so wonderful having you post a few days in a row, always makes me happy to see you.
Did you get some good pumpkins for your house? I got some of the small ones for work and now I feel bad, do I keep them or give them to Weis since they reimburse me?
Please take a photo of your mums, I'd love to see them.
Ava is watching the leaves and they're not in full color yet. She wants them in full color for her wedding.
She is so smart! it is going to be beautiful outside, esp on the lake like that ♥

Time to start my grocery order since I won't be around tomorrow to do it. Blergh



Well-Known Member
Good Morning
Debby I am so so glad you are home and the damage was minimal @BoatLady I hope all your trees/plants recover from tipping.

We are 17 hours into a power outage. I am thankful its not November yet and we are still warm. Its cooling off in the house but not to the point of getting jackets and boots. We have high winds and all the spruce bark beetle kill trees are falling into the lines. The poor lineman have been busy busy working in the winds. Will be interesting getting ready for work in the dark. Still have an hour before the sun comes up and no windows in the bathroom. Might be a hat day.

Well, must run. Camp coffee is ready and I dont want to deplete the battery too badly. They suspect we'll be out another four hours or so and winds are to return Sunday.

Have a wonderful Saturday!!


Well-Known Member
@BoatLady Debby, I am so glad your damage was minimal. The orange tree should recover. Our neighbors had large trees and a shrub tip over in Hurricane Ida. They stood them upright and gave them some support and all is well.
@AK_Tracy Tracy, power outages are not fun. I hope your power is restored soon.

Let's hope the weather behaves itself.


Well-Known Member
@bcgal00 I agree with Chris your trip looks amazing...I look forward to seeing pages of those pics.

@bitzee Thanks for the tree encouragement I will be happy if it recovers.

@AK_Tracy - OMG We have lost power a few days here in FL for days but no A/C is better than no heat. I sure hope it comes on soon but it sounds like there is a huge battle with those bug dead trees. I guess you do not have to worry about keeping the fridge going you can put everything outside to keep it cold. You are a hardy lady. Please keep us posted.

@BrightEyes I'm glad you are feeling better.

I have to take a break from yard work so I came in to check what everyone is doing now.


Love my O Family!
Good Saturday morning to all.
@faerywings You sure are busy and what a week...funny getting up early...I still get up early even though I am retired for 10 years now!
@vickyday LOL that is me and most of us.

Yesterday we came home after evacuating from Hurricane Milton. We were very lucky and only had water blow under our front door into the closet, so we cleaned it up and put a fan there. Our pond is full but going down already. My friend the old muscovy who can barely walk is ok and looking for corn as soon as he saw me. Our dock is a little crooked and out boat flipped over then filled with water but not a big deal. We have lots of branches from the trees so we will have a large pile in the front yard. Our lawn guy posted on FB that he needed gas and all the stations around here are out so we told him to come over we had 4 gallons lawn looks great and he is very happy. Many of my plants are blown over but I have been standing them up and staking them so hopefully they will recover. My blood orange tree still has it 4 oranges on but it tipped over so we stood it back up...fingers crossed it will be ok. Lots of calls and texts from friends & family. We are going over to the club to clean up the parking lot that is littered with tree branches and junk from the winds. We had sustained at 55 and gusts to 72, Im glad we were 150 miles away in my rolling home!
Yesterday my 22 year old granddaughter picked her friend up at the airport in CT. They met online..he is from Wales and have been communicating for almost a year... I have not hear how that went.

Ok off the clean up hurricane mess.
Ill try to stop by later I hope you all get to scrap this weekend.
So glad to hear everything at your house is pretty OK!


Love my O Family!
That's such a gift in itself- being with those you love ♥
How do you prepare the devotions for the widows? I imagine that you put all of your heart into it. All good thoughts to you but I don't think you need them, you will be amazing and the women will appreciate your work.
I am happy (and jealous) that you had a scrapping day. I feel so far behind here. You are going to have fun showing off your book to your DIL!

@taxed4ever I love that you get free shipping on Tuesdays in October-- esp since your grands are scattered about. Who has more fun, you shopping or them receiving? *G*
That's hysterical that your Gary gets a little jealous that you get the new car during the week. Is it exciting to drive? Watch out, he is going to want to drive the "long way" everywhere from now on LOL!
That's what I do too-- one hiking stick or pole, 2 is way more complicated than I like.

@AK_Tracy ((((hugs)))) I hope that your day got a little easier for you as it progressed. We need your Twin to share some Minion stuff to cheer you up.

@bcgal00 Welcome back! Every photo I saw on FB of the trip was better and better than the previous one. It looks like you and D had a wonderful time. Great news that Remi is healing well and is going to be starting on the stairs.
I hope that you have time to breathe before your next round of activities begins!

@BrightEyes I am very happy that you are finally feeling better and coughing less. Gary still sounds like he is hacking up a lung since he had that bad cold after the wedding. I think it triggered the chronic pneumonia he has because it sounds painful to me.
Thank goodness you remembered about your DL renewal. I freaked myself out when I called AAA last week, I had put my current ID behind the expired one by accident (I used the old one as a filler so they don't fall out of the ID holder) and though I had been driving for 2 years on an expired card :thud:.
At least you don't have to pay to get it renewed, thankful for small favors and all that

@Cherylndesigns It's been so wonderful having you post a few days in a row, always makes me happy to see you.
Did you get some good pumpkins for your house? I got some of the small ones for work and now I feel bad, do I keep them or give them to Weis since they reimburse me?
Please take a photo of your mums, I'd love to see them.

She is so smart! it is going to be beautiful outside, esp on the lake like that ♥

Time to start my grocery order since I won't be around tomorrow to do it. Blergh

Thanks, Chris! I just want to be a blessing in any way I can! The ladies that I take to the meetings want to pay me for the gas but I told them as long as the Lord keeps taking care of our bills and I can afford to do it, I'm gonna do it free of charge to them!
My preparation will vary from month to month, depending on what the theme may be. The lady who is dropping out did a devotion on the stories behind a couple of the hymns we sing in church...author, etc...some background history. I plan to do the same thing at least next month and probably for December, too. I have a couple of books that go into the stories behind the hymns we sing. A lot of the songs we sing didn't originate in America. Then we will sing the songs. And since it will be Thanksgiving month, I have gathered some Bible verses with the theme of giving thanks and will make a few comments on them. The songs, BTW, are "Come Ye Thankful People, Come" and "We Gather Together".


Well-Known Member
@vickyday I just want to be a blessing in any way I can! The ladies that I take to the meetings want to pay me for the gas but I told them as long as the Lord keeps taking care of our bills and I can afford to do it, I'm gonna do it free of charge to them!
This is so kind of you. I drive for our girls lunch all the time because I have a van that holds everyone. Several of them never offer to pay or buy my lunch so you are lucky...I don't want them to pay me it is more the principal of it.


Well-Known Member
We have power! It came on as I was leaving for work, then blinked on and off for two hours and finally around noon it stayed on for good. :heartpumppink: Its been absolutely crazy with those poor linemen working non stop.

Now to put my feet up and catch up. We finally got to have Friday night pizza night LOL Just 24 hours late.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Evening all. I've had a fairly quiet day - Ava came over for awhile, then I went up to Adrienne and Roger's for some appetizers and drinks, and to watch a bit of the Oklahoma/Texas game but got home before dark. Dairy was watching in the front window for me to get home. Poor thing, I promised her I wouldn't be gone too late. LOL

@Cherylndesigns It's been so wonderful having you post a few days in a row, always makes me happy to see you.
Did you get some good pumpkins for your house? I got some of the small ones for work and now I feel bad, do I keep them or give them to Weis since they reimburse me?
Please take a photo of your mums, I'd love to see them.
Cherylndesigns said:
Ava is watching the leaves and they're not in full color yet. She wants them in full color for her wedding.
She is so smart! it is going to be beautiful outside, esp on the lake like that ♥

I got some cute wart-y pumpkins yesterday, Chris @faerywings. It kind of made me sad because Chuck always loved surprising me with these cuties - he'd go to the grocery and come back with the pumpkins he knew I loved. He'd sit them along the curvy front walk, then have me come out to see them. :( I will definitely take pictures tomorrow. I put my big mum up on the porch in front of my welcome sign, then put a couple of pumpkins next to it, today. I will definitely post a picture. We're pretty sure that (probably) October 25th- ISH of 2025 might be a great color weekend for Ava's wedding. We're going to see what the next week looks like color wise. The way time flies, it will be rolling around before we know i
Speaking of Ava, she saw one of the layouts I made for my AJ "grief journaling" and she said she wanted one of them printed so she could frame it. Well I had a 12x12 canvas made for her and gave it to her today. She broke down in tears - she was so overcome with emotion. I told her I didn't mean to make her cry. Actually, I had 2 canvases made and here's mine hanging on the wall. Anyway, she loved her canvas - she was very close to Chuck and said this was her very favorite layout EVER!!!!


Good news - I didn't get sick when we went to get the wart-y pumpkins like I did when we went to get the ferns in the spring. I realized later that it was a "trigger" - Chuck always surprised me with the ferns and the pumpkins. Baby steps - small victories.

I'm so happy that our Florida Peeps got home with so little damage. I talked to an old friend this evening and his DD lost everything - they were in the Treasure Island/St. Pete Beach area. They were especially crushed to have lost things from his late (youngest) DD - it's the "little things" not so little, but irreplaceable. I felt so bad for them. :sad2:

Hugs to ALL and XOXO.
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Well-Known Member
Speaking of Ava, she saw one of the layouts I made for my AJ "grief journaling" and she said she wanted one of them printed so she could frame it. Well I had a 12x12 canvas made for her and gave it to her today. She broke down in tears - she was so overcome with emotion. I told her I didn't mean to make her cry. Actually, I had 2 canvases made and here's mine hanging on the wall. Anyway, she loved her canvas - she was very close to Chuck and said this was her very favorite layout EVER!!!!
This is such a wonderful keepsake for Ava. Reading this made me cry - and I'm glad you printed a copy for yourself. I'm thankful that embracing your scrapping is helping you - and others! - heal.
@AK_Tracy Yay for the power going back on! I'm impressed with the easy stride that you take it all in!
@BoatLady Your stride is pretty easy going too! I'm glad everything is in reasonably good shape. How your community helps one another is inspiring.
The movers got our room switched with mom's on Friday afternoon. I did make the executive decision to ditch the giant dresser from our room. It's in the garage and I love the way the room looks without it. As I was emptying it to have it moved, there was nothing of significance in it anyway. Our church has teams going to the disaster area in the mountains regularly. I'm hoping there is some way to get it up there to someone who needs it. In the meantime, my neck and shoulders are pretty sore. Of course I had to adjust the furniture a little bit here and a little bit there. Kind of like adjusting elements on a layout, right? So off to the shower I go to get some heat on the area. Then off to church. I'm hoping to spend some lingering time here this afternoon. Hope you all have a good day!


The Loopy-O
I just realized I have the wrong dates up there in the Subject line. Today is the 13th. Sorry about that!
That means it is Caitlyn and Tom's 1-month wedding anniversary and that feels *weird.* It feels like forever ago-- a different lifetime and whatnot. LOL

I messed up on some more things around here yesterday so I think I need to get my act together. I went to update my lesson plans for this week and realized that I never finished ones for weeks 5 and 6. :thud: I have the basics sketched out but not the details and supplies and all that. My goodness, I swear I am losing my mind. So that was a frantic hour trying to make sure I have them semi-ready. I thought about bailing on the hike this morning but Scott's is leading it and I haven't seen him for more than a few minutes in a couple of weeks. He called me yesterday to tell me that he spoke to Anne (Weis director/his old boss) and she is pleased with what I am doing. (I was all proud of myself for a brief period of time until I realized that I flaked on the last two weeks of planning!) She thinks it might be fun for me and Scott to run a program together too. This is news to both of us but we think it would be awesome.

I got the call from my GP that he wants to see me about my test results so I made that for the 25th. pfft.

Lesson plans.
Work at Weis.

Another busy day. :/

Have fun!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday How sweet to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day. Were you able to get out on the bike yesterday?
LOL-ing at your craft comic! I totally can relate! :giggle4:

@BoatLady What a relief that you only had minor water damage. I can't imagine what goes through your mind not knowing what to expect to see when you get home.
It's nice to hear that your community is working together to clean up the mess.
Oooh, how interesting for your G-DD.

@AK_Tracy I saw that you have power again, what a long time to be without it. I hope that the winds calm down. Is there anything that can be done about the spruce bark beetle population? We have emerald ash borers that are destroying the ash trees and it feels hopeless. As I have been researching insect adaptations, I am learning a lot about how beetles as a species have done the whole natural selection bit to an unnerving degree.

Let's hope the weather behaves itself.
yes!! ITA!

The ladies that I take to the meetings want to pay me for the gas but I told them as long as the Lord keeps taking care of our bills and I can afford to do it, I'm gonna do it free of charge to them!
That is a blessing on both sides ♥
You are going to do great!

Debby- I get that, it's not that you expect anything from your friends, but an offer would be nice. I'd feel the same way.

Now to put my feet up and catch up. We finally got to have Friday night pizza night LOL Just 24 hours late.
LOL! Glad you got power and pizza! Keep those feet up!

Evening all. I've had a fairly quiet day - Ava came over for awhile, then I went up to Adrienne and Roger's for some appetizers and drinks, and to watch a bit of the Oklahoma/Texas game but got home before dark. Dairy was watching in the front window for me to get home. Poor thing, I promised her I wouldn't be gone too late. LOL
Does Daisy get all confused by the shorter days too? I've noticed my dogs are bugging me earlier and earlier for their dinner. And just wait a few weeks when DST ends. (boooo)
I LOVE that LO and even more that you had it made into canvas prints for you and Ava.
Good news - I didn't get sick when we went to get the wart-y pumpkins like I did when we went to get the ferns in the spring. I realized later that it was a "trigger" - Chuck always surprised me with the ferns and the pumpkins. Baby steps - small victories.
You are so strong and aware of your feelings. It might not always feel like it but it is true.
I am so sorry that your friend's DD lost everything in the storm. :brokenheart:

@mimes1 I used your template challenge as the basis for a birthday card for my Sis-IL that I needed done/printed for tomorrow. Can I just say that it about *killed* me?? :floorlaugh: It was a true challenge and I love how the LO came out and how I adapted it to a card.
Of course I had to adjust the furniture a little bit here and a little bit there. Kind of like adjusting elements on a layout, right?
Um, no! The template was harder! Bwuhahahah!!!
How are you doing with the muscle aches today? I hope that the dresser will find a new home soon. :)



Well-Known Member
@vickyday How sweet to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day.

I will have to write a note to Brother in law who is a Pastor

mimes1 said:

Of course I had to adjust the furniture a little bit here and a little bit there. Kind of like adjusting elements on a layout, right?
Tweaking stuff does me in too...it's harder and harder to move furniture. I take my time and do it the next day if I can. Yard work can be a killer too, I guess I'm not 25 anymore when I could do it all in one day.

We are going to the club today to clean up after the hurricanes, hopefully there will be a large crew to help-LOL There are doers...that is us and there are non-doers the other hundreds of members.
I'm excited my dragon fruit is pink so not long before I can eat it. There are baby figs on one of my trees so that is exciting. My blood orange seems to be holding it's own. My calamondin has lots of fruit and the hurricane did not bother it.
Kirsten's boyfriend from Wales was a hit with the family in CT. They all like him so that is good, I only talked with him on Facetime when we were in Cleveland and he was very polite and chatted with me. He goes back on 23rd so we will see if she cancels her visit to Florida for a trip to Wales.
Going to the Brazilan restaurant to celebrate our friends 80 b-day tonight..I will be so happy to see the family it's been a year since the girls came down. Family/work friends from CT.
All this talk of pumpkins makes me want to get some. Next time I am out I will get a few.

Well have a great day everyone


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning, O Fam,

Well, I "caved" last night and let Daisy sleep with me. I was folding clothes on my bed and up she same. When I got ready to go to bed, she was still laying there. I gave in and decided to let her stay one night. Of course, she managed to keep me awake off and on, just like dogs do. She also wanted to get up early and wasn't happy until she got me up. She shakes her tags because she knows that gets my attention. Hahaha. That new "Service Animal" tag is big and it bangs against her vaccination tag. That's her new way of getting my attention.

Yes, Chris @faerywings Daisy (and the cat) seem a little thrown off already with the shorter days. It will increase after we go off DST. UGH - really early darkness will set in. I really wish they'd keep us on DST year round! Happy anniversary to Caitlyn and Tom. Where did that month go??? It DOES seem like it was just yesterday that you were all getting everything ready for the wedding.

Amy @mimes1 thank you for your sweet words. Scrapping through my grief has indeed been a healing process. Glad you got your furniture delivered and rearranged. I agree withChris, moving things around IRL aren't always easier than moving them on a layout. I haven't tackled your layout yet, if that's a sign. :giggle4::giggle4:

Debby @BoatLady I hope you get lots of good help cleaning the clubhouse today. Great news about your trees - I know you were worried about them.

I'll try to hop back in and catch some more of you after a bit. HAGD and XOXO.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Beautiful O family!!!

Actually, I had 2 canvases made and here's mine hanging on the wall.
I love this!! I love the AJ you chose to have as a cavas. What a wonderful wonderful thing to see all the time. And the amazing photo of Chuck. Ava will cherish it forever too.

Yay for the power going back on! I'm impressed with the easy stride that you take it all in!
Thanks. I've been dealing with power outages my whole life. As a kid we lived on the side of a mountain, sounds dramatic but it wasn't that high up the mountain. And the wind was always knocking out the power. Then we moved and lived "off grid" and had a generator that wouldn't always start. Now we're where the winds like to blow again and trees love to take down the lines. Its just so normal. Its not fun or anything I love but its normal and you have to just roll with the flow. #3 son wasn't amused and we had to explain to him life without electronics is good. Grab a book. Nope, he couldn't do it. He watched movies on his laptop (battery) until it died. He's not a reader so its harder for him. The rest of us just sat and read books until it was too dark.
Is there anything that can be done about the spruce bark beetle population?
Yeah, we could have but the environmentalist wouldn't allow us (the state) the cut them when the trees were usable. Had we been able to cut the trees when first infected we could have had lumber but it wasn't allowed. So now we have billions of dead trees, still standing cause we cant have them dead either, and when the wind blows, down they go. We could have stopped the massive infestation had precautions been taken but now its too late and we just have 90% of the spruce trees dead. It contributes to the massive size of forest fires too.
There are doers...that is us and there are non-doers the other hundreds of members.
Oh Debby, dont over do it!!! I hope you can get some help with your stuff as well and not just helping others.

Hahaha. That new "Service Animal" tag is big and it bangs against her vaccination tag. That's her new way of getting my attention.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Dogs (animals) always know just how to get our attention. They're so funny. Mine likes to jam her nose in my face to wake me up. The bigs aren't allowed on the furniture so thats how she does it. Nothing like hot dog air blown in your face as she leans in to reach you.

Off and running. Those fur babies are bugging me for breakfast. They think once they're all awake they eat. Doesn't matter to them that Sunday is an early day. We're up, we eat!
Have a wonderful day!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Hubs asked this morning if I was going to pick up his prescription tomorrow & I had to ask him what day today was ? Everyday is Saturday for me, hair appointment tomorrow @ 8:15 so can't hang around after my workout until the pharmacy opens @ the grocery store at 8. Took a ton of pics @ the VB game Thursday night, dgd played like her hair was on fire so I got some great shots. Sorted thru them Friday morning, of course she wanted them like yesterday, doesn't get the concept it's not instant like a phone camera. It was almost 80 again on Friday & a beautiful day for a road trip. Colors are really getting good, but later this year because of the dryness, a lot of green yet, some are turned & others have fallen. I scrapped a pic today of the deck last year at this time and it's crazy the difference. Yesterday I got the laundry taken care of, and puttered with scrapping trying to find inspiration. I really need to get a move on. Did a layout this morning, of course the morning was 6 hours long LOL. Rachel Jeffries is so far out of my comfort zone, but I survived it, getting closer to a beige background layout, but not quite yet. I need to get after my challenge for next month and that's another first-timer for me. VB well have to wait for a bet. VB again tomorrow & Tuesday. Cold and windy today so I've been cold all day, broke out my flannel Christmas gnome jammies and now I'm on the couch under 2 quilts, wishing the hot tub was filled already.

@BoatLady So glad to hear you are back home and without a lot of damage. Hopefully your weather will settle down, I know hurricane season isn't over yet.

@bcgal00 so glad you had a great time on your cruise

@Cherylndesigns so glad to hear that Florida family came thru hurricane relatively unscathed. Smart Ava, to watch the leaves in anticipation for next year.

Almost time for supper, enjoy the last bit of the weekend.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Jeanne @JeanneMN Hubs asked this morning if I was going to pick up his prescription tomorrow & I had to ask him what day today was ? Everyday is Saturday for me.

Join the club - the club that never knows what day it is. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I have been so "off" for the last week. Ona @wombat146 made a comment about me remembering to post something and I had to admit to her that I thought it was late - it was Friday and I thought it was Saturday. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: We agreed that better to be a day early than a day late. :giggle4::giggle4:
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Love my O Family!
@vickyday How sweet to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day. Were you able to get out on the bike yesterday?
LOL-ing at your craft comic! I totally can relate! :giggle4:

@BoatLady What a relief that you only had minor water damage. I can't imagine what goes through your mind not knowing what to expect to see when you get home.
It's nice to hear that your community is working together to clean up the mess.
Oooh, how interesting for your G-DD.

@AK_Tracy I saw that you have power again, what a long time to be without it. I hope that the winds calm down. Is there anything that can be done about the spruce bark beetle population? We have emerald ash borers that are destroying the ash trees and it feels hopeless. As I have been researching insect adaptations, I am learning a lot about how beetles as a species have done the whole natural selection bit to an unnerving degree.

yes!! ITA!

That is a blessing on both sides ♥
You are going to do great!

Debby- I get that, it's not that you expect anything from your friends, but an offer would be nice. I'd feel the same way.

LOL! Glad you got power and pizza! Keep those feet up!

Does Daisy get all confused by the shorter days too? I've noticed my dogs are bugging me earlier and earlier for their dinner. And just wait a few weeks when DST ends. (boooo)
I LOVE that LO and even more that you had it made into canvas prints for you and Ava.

You are so strong and aware of your feelings. It might not always feel like it but it is true.
I am so sorry that your friend's DD lost everything in the storm. :brokenheart:

@mimes1 I used your template challenge as the basis for a birthday card for my Sis-IL that I needed done/printed for tomorrow. Can I just say that it about *killed* me?? :floorlaugh: It was a true challenge and I love how the LO came out and how I adapted it to a card.

Um, no! The template was harder! Bwuhahahah!!!
How are you doing with the muscle aches today? I hope that the dresser will find a new home soon. :)

No, we ended up driving to a concert instead of going out on the bike and eating out. But, we went out this afternoon with them instead. It was actually warmer today than yesterday!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday How sweet to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day.

I will have to write a note to Brother in law who is a Pastor

Tweaking stuff does me in too...it's harder and harder to move furniture. I take my time and do it the next day if I can. Yard work can be a killer too, I guess I'm not 25 anymore when I could do it all in one day.

We are going to the club today to clean up after the hurricanes, hopefully there will be a large crew to help-LOL There are doers...that is us and there are non-doers the other hundreds of members.
I'm excited my dragon fruit is pink so not long before I can eat it. There are baby figs on one of my trees so that is exciting. My blood orange seems to be holding it's own. My calamondin has lots of fruit and the hurricane did not bother it.
Kirsten's boyfriend from Wales was a hit with the family in CT. They all like him so that is good, I only talked with him on Facetime when we were in Cleveland and he was very polite and chatted with me. He goes back on 23rd so we will see if she cancels her visit to Florida for a trip to Wales.
Going to the Brazilan restaurant to celebrate our friends 80 b-day tonight..I will be so happy to see the family it's been a year since the girls came down. Family/work friends from CT.
All this talk of pumpkins makes me want to get some. Next time I am out I will get a few.

Well have a great day everyone
Yes, Pastor Appreciation Day is a great idea! Do send a note to your BIL! He will definitely appreciate it!

I'm glad your fruit is doing well!
Yes, there are always more non-doers than doers! It's the same in a church, too!


Love my O Family!
Evening all. I've had a fairly quiet day - Ava came over for awhile, then I went up to Adrienne and Roger's for some appetizers and drinks, and to watch a bit of the Oklahoma/Texas game but got home before dark. Dairy was watching in the front window for me to get home. Poor thing, I promised her I wouldn't be gone too late. LOL

@Cherylndesigns It's been so wonderful having you post a few days in a row, always makes me happy to see you.
Did you get some good pumpkins for your house? I got some of the small ones for work and now I feel bad, do I keep them or give them to Weis since they reimburse me?
Please take a photo of your mums, I'd love to see them.

She is so smart! it is going to be beautiful outside, esp on the lake like that ♥

I got some cute wart-y pumpkins yesterday, Chris @faerywings. It kind of made me sad because Chuck always loved surprising me with these cuties - he'd go to the grocery and come back with the pumpkins he knew I loved. He'd sit them along the curvy front walk, then have me come out to see them. :( I will definitely take pictures tomorrow. I put my big mum up on the porch in front of my welcome sign, then put a couple of pumpkins next to it, today. I will definitely post a picture. We're pretty sure that (probably) October 25th- ISH of 2025 might be a great color weekend for Ava's wedding. We're going to see what the next week looks like color wise. The way time flies, it will be rolling around before we know i
Speaking of Ava, she saw one of the layouts I made for my AJ "grief journaling" and she said she wanted one of them printed so she could frame it. Well I had a 12x12 canvas made for her and gave it to her today. She broke down in tears - she was so overcome with emotion. I told her I didn't mean to make her cry. Actually, I had 2 canvases made and here's mine hanging on the wall. Anyway, she loved her canvas - she was very close to Chuck and said this was her very favorite layout EVER!!!!

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Good news - I didn't get sick when we went to get the wart-y pumpkins like I did when we went to get the ferns in the spring. I realized later that it was a "trigger" - Chuck always surprised me with the ferns and the pumpkins. Baby steps - small victories.

I'm so happy that our Florida Peeps got home with so little damage. I talked to an old friend this evening and his DD lost everything - they were in the Treasure Island/St. Pete Beach area. They were especially crushed to have lost things from his late (youngest) DD - it's the "little things" not so little, but irreplaceable. I felt so bad for them. :sad2:

Hugs to ALL and XOXO.
Oh I love this canvas, Cheryl!