
Daily Ooo's: November 21-22: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Dang, that week *flew* by! At least it did for me. My White Board schedule for the week was pretty much empty, so I guess it was good since I had a lot going on over here. Worked all day again in the kitchen- yesterday it was making up bath teas and air fresheners. Today is going to be shower gels and body lotions. My poor back isn't all that thrilled about standing again.

I also have to actually order my IL's album today too, the last thing I want it to think I am 100% done and then forget to order it. (Yes, I could feasibly do that.) There was something else I know I needed to do today- I had 2 main things, and darned if I can remember what #2 was!!

As soon as I post this, I am going to write up my to-do list and maybe it will come to me.

Do you have any fun plans happening today?

Have a fantastic day!
Morning Chris and the rest of the O fam- more sorting and organizing for me! I intend to complete the majority of it before I go back to work (assuming that I will be offered a job!)
Katja- *sheepish grin* I actually have an entire set of Mickey Mouse holiday dishes. They were a gift a whole lotta years ago from my IL's. Mugs, glasses, soup bowls, cake and dinner plates. Mickey is dressed up as Santa in front of a Christmas tree. It is a lot to take them all down, pack my every day dishes away and then put them back up a month later, but I really loooove them! I think i will have to see if the kids will help me this year. Last year I didn't do it, I was too sick and I missed seeing them.
Trudy's tree skirt was amazing (we have a mickey mouse tree skirt- go figure :pound: )

We have a very traditional sense of decorating the tree and house. My kids are funny that way. It is to the point that Cait has to put her Disney Princess ornies on the same section of tree that she did when she was toddler. As in-- all bunched up on the bottom few branches hahahah!
We do add some new ornaments in every year - we have to have them for all of the pets, so I have to find one for Jaida. It is a family affair decorating too. The four of us, the Disney Christmas CD, eggnog- the whole bit. I love my family- we really have a lot of fun.

Sorry, Kat! I make my head spin too- but kind of in a Linda Blair puking green gunk way!
That pillow sounds like a good gift- for both of you! The coloring books for you mom sound like the perfect gift, especially as she recuperates from her surgery. After mine last Jan. all I did for a long time was binge watch Netflix. Made me bonkers. Then I taught myself, very roughly, how to crochet and even if everything came out crooked and lumpy, at least I felt like I had *accomplished* something.

I love that you have an Elf. As long as you don't post daily on FB about how awesome she is, doing neat stuff every night.hahah!! I am really glad that my kids are past that point because I would be one of those moms who would be flipping out that ll my elf did was move from one shelf to the other when everyone else's were having hot cocoa and toasting marshmallows and building lego creations and painting Rembrandts.
Hope she won't need a passport to get into Au!!

Hugs Trudy- I hope that the service was a nice celebration for him.

Rae- what a gorgeous photo! Cannot wait to see what you scrap!
good morning - yesterday was non stop. I had my hair cut and colored, then off to the running store for my favorite cushy socks for walking, then to Walmart for passport photos, then home for lunch, then filled out the passport renewal form and off to the post office to get it all mailed off so I can go on my trip this June, then home, then a good walk with my girlfriend, dinner (just a grilled cheese sandwich), and finally a break to watch hockey but that was bad as my team lost 5-1. It was not fun watching. Now today is a clean the house so it looks awesome for the start of the holidays! I downloaded the Adele album and it is really good. Also got the new Carrie Underwood album and I love it too. So it will be good to clean with their music in the background.

Chris your house must smell so good with all these goodies you are creating! How fun to have a set of Christmas dishes! I hope they help you get them down as it would be nice after your last year!

Katja we definitely had Christmas traditions - we bought the Dickens houses and each year my DH creates a town around the house. It is amazing. It has been scaled down but still love it. Decorating the tree has been my and the kids with mostly me. But that is ok as I only put on the ornaments that I want. But the boys always put the star on the top of the tree. My DH and I like to go to Christmas services at midnight and then come home and open gifts. This way we can all sleep late.

Kat your gift ideas seem right on! That pillow is something I should look into as I snore!

We never did the "Elf". My kids are too old.

Trudy thinking about you.

Rae love that frost photo! So so pretty!

Have a great day all!
Good morning ladies... very frosty here this morning!! I had to defrost the hummingbird feeder this morning and they were very happy that I did. So cute that they hang outside the kitchen window waiting for me to put the feeder back out. Its' like hurry up woman, its cold out here LOL!!

Chris - I think it is so nice that you get to put out your Mickey Christmas plates every Christmas! I always wanted a special set of dishes just for Christmas!! But for now I just settle for Red or Gold Charger plates under my regular plates. Hope the kids help you to get them out this year!!

Laurie - You are still organizing and sorting?? You will be the most organized person ever when you are finished!! I am pretty sure that they are going to offer you that job!! They would be crazy not too!

Nancy - You had a very busy day yesterday! So nice to get your hair done and now you will be all ready for the holiday season. I go just before Christmas to have mine done again, and I can't wait!! My bangs are like a shaggy dog already so I might have to pop in for a quick trim job before my regular appt. I think that I will be downloading the new Adele album today too , I just love her voice!! Have fun cleaning to all of your new tunes!! Sorry that your Devils disappointed you last night, it does not sound like it was a very nice game to watch!!

Rae - Absolutely love your frosty photo!! I should get out in the yard to take some frosty pics today too, it is very, very white outside today and the sun is now out so it won't last much longer.

Yesterday's service for Uncle Mac was very nice! Another Uncle did the Eulogy and he did an amazing job!! We learned a few things that we did not know about Mac. He certainly was very loved by everyone he knew and we will miss his smile so much! Aunt Betty (his wife) was so strong, but then she always is and she is relieved that he is no longer in any pain! Big gathering at one of the cousins home afterward, it was very nice to see everyone again, just wish it could have been under happier circumstances. It was also sad to tell everyone that there would be no more family reunions at the In-Laws every two years. They are just getting to old to organize it and we think that perhaps MIL is starting to show signs of dementia, It will also soon be time to tell FIL that he should not be driving anymore, oh dear I am glad that it will not be my job to do it!! The family is changing and its time for others to take over the responisiblilty of reunion. I wonder who will step up?? Ok enough rambling I need to hit the grocery store to get supper for tonight, my brother and SiL will be joining us for dinner after we go to a wine tasting this afternoon the exchanging of Christmas gifts with them as they leave for Australia in a few days. Hope you all have an amazing day!! :wave:
Good morning, ladies. It's a super busy day for me today as I'm finishing up a wedding edit, to deliver tomorrow. My computer has been acting up and is getting worse and worse. It keeps telling me the memory is full and shuts down my programs. It is also freezing. I hope it hangs in there until after Xmas as I think that's the best time for sales for a new computer b/c I don't know that it's worth fixing (again). I'll just play it by ear and see what happens. Gotta go get back to the editing. The sooner it's done, the sooner I can relax. Have a great day everyone!
Hi Ladies - just a quick fly-by post today. Managed to sleep in a bit this morning, which is rare, but that put me behind on everything else! Eh, sleep's over-rated, right?? So, 55 minutes on the bike at the gym, clothing shopping, food shopping ... and now settling down with hubby to watch Michigan St. vs. Ohio St. college football (Bill's a MSU alum).

I'll be back later :)
Happy Sunday! How are all of you? Hope that you are relaxing a bit this weekend, esp. those of us in the US- prepping for our big holiday weekend ahead.
Brendan got his work schedule for the week, he works at ShopRite the only grocery store in town, so you know it is going to be busy! Unfortunately he has to work all day on Thanksgiving- 7.30 to 3.30 and we are supposed to be at my mom's between 2.30 and 3. But he found out his friend is going to bring him to her g-ma's which made me so relieved. I don't ever want to see someone alone on a holiday. I asked if he still wanted me to bring home leftovers which was of course a big Yes. That boy can *eat!!*

Yesterday was a battle for the kitchen. I had started getting showers gels made up when Cait said that she needed the kitchen to bake a cake for a get together that night. She ended up making that at the pub table on the other side of the kitchen island- more in the LR than not. :)
Then Scott needed the kitchen to make another batch of hot sauce. He and his friend have been making their own hot sauce up since the summer and they are selling in on campus. I told him I would be out of there before 1pm, so I did what I could do, then started labeling stuff. Ordered the album, and also an ornament for my mom. Shutterfly had some good sales, and I had some free coupons. 8x8 hardcover album and a metal ornie- for $20. And $13 of that was shipping!

Puppies need to go out- BRB!
Morning Cath - oh, I would love some snow right now. Our temperatures are still too warm for that (although today's supposed to be a high of around 45 or something). Hubby's from Michigan, so he loves snow, too ... me? Never had it around growing up, but I love it - the silence of it falling and covering everything in white, playing in it, even driving in it. Shoveling, eh, not so much ;)

Morning O's! All is quiet in our house right now, but I can't sleep, so figured I'd jump online for a few minutes. Dog is curled up at my feet, and both the boys are sleeping. Ah. Quiet. Was a late night watching college football - MSU won - awesome! and then we tuned in for the TCU game ... what an ending!

Not sure what's on the cards for today. Laundry. Blah. Maybe some work for the office. Blah. Scrapping. Yay!
LOL morning Chris - looks like we were typing at the same time! Definitely sounds like your kitchen was the hub of activity yesterday - and you have some industrious chefs on your hands. Stan works at McDonalds and found out last night that he's got Thursday off ... which he's happy about since he LOVES Thanksgiving (all about the food! LOL). Started to plan a menu, but I don't usually do anything too fancy. The boys love turkey legs, so that works for me - and we don't then end up with turkey for days! Ham ... stuffing (gotta be Stove Top!), gravy, will do some veggies ... and then sweet potato pie with French vanilla icecream. Can I just skip everything and start and end with dessert? :o
well, one puppy went potty- too bad the Princess only wanted to sniff the air. *eye roll*

I have to do some more work on the soaps and such, some housework, and get ready for food shopping bright and early tomorrow morning. And I guess it would be a huge help if I could clean off my desk- I still have paperwork from all of the ridiculous insurance stuff everywhere. I guess the good news is that I got the payment plan for my dental insurance and that seems to have to correct info on it (this one at least, the prior one only had Scott listed). It never ends, eh?
Too bad that all I want to do is rest. And to stop coughing- that is making me batty!

Or as my T-Shirts reads:
All I want to do is rescue dog,drink coffee, and nap.
I like that!

On to personals:

Laurie- hope that you got everything done that needed to be yesterday.

Nancy- where are you off to in !June? I feel like I should remember this, but ha. Of course I can't LOL
Good music is always a boost when cleaning and I am sure that your house is sparkling. Mine needs that desperately!
Would you believe that my senses are all "off"? It is odd, I have noticed this past year that my tastes seem to be off- I am salting everything, and I never cooked with salt before. My mom has dangerously high BP so I grew up that way. Same with smell- nothing seems right to me, so I have been asking Gary and Cait for input on all of my blending. Scott's friend came over and did say that the house smelled good, so there is that :)
I love your Christmas traditions- will you get all of the g-puppies toys too? I hope that Ashley and Rex are with you- that will make it fun!

Trudy- those hummingbirds must adore you! Were you able to get out in time to get some frosty pics?
It must be so hard to see the family dynamics change like that with your IL's and the reunions. I hope that your MIL doesn't have dementia, but after you described the tree skirt, and knowing that she had been sewing all of her life, it doesn't look good, does it? :( The service sounds like it was a nice remembrance of your Uncle.
How was your dinner with your brother and SIL? How long will they be back in AU?

Rae- that sounds terrifying about your computer! *good vibes to it* I swear, they seem to know when you most need them to behave, and that is when they act up the most.

Kat- woah, Lady! Busy day for a Saturday! My god-daughter just got accepted into Mich. State. Her first choice is SC, but will gladly take MSU if she doesn't get there too.

Cath- where are you located? We had some crazy snow flurries last month but thankfully, they didn't stick. But I am dreading "real" snow, as always. I hate winter and will be counting the day until spring with you.

Have a wonderful day!
cross posting with you Kat :D

That is great to hear that Stan is off for T-day! I am with you on wanting to start with dessert, although I love mashed potatoes. And bread. No turkey for me, never liked it even as a little kid. My grandma always made ravioli so I would eat that instead.
Hope you have fun scrapping!
good morning - yesterday was very productive as I got my calendar pages all done. Now just need to get to Staples for printing. I asked my son what he thought and he liked them so I think I am good. I also got the calendar I had printed at Persnickity arrived in the mail and I love them. So happy. Then got in a good walk and pizza for dinner and then watched hockey. Today is get in another walk before the cold air comes in tonight. More scrapping and then watching hockey. My DH is being awesome and going to the grocery store. My son is doing a lot of stuff and he and his wife are hosting so easy for us just to bring the sides.

Chris sorry about Scott working - really shameful that stores are open. I am not surprised that your sense of smell and taste have changed with all that you have been through and are going through. Besides I think the older you get those taste buds just change. LOL. I know I will be taking home turkey leftovers. I will need those sandwiches. Love that your kids cook. My son that is home has a real aversion to the kitchen. I think he sees his dad cook and his brother and I don't think he wants to be the one that cooks in a relationship. Too funny! I think he will cook when he finds he has to eat. Though he is great at microwaving!

Chris we are headed on a cruise that starts in England, then Scotland and finally Norway. I will be above the Arctic Circle and hope to see northern lights. Very excited.

Rae I am thinking about a new laptop myself. Was talking to my son and while this is a great computer it is so slow, no battery life, and I have filled the hard drive. It is over 5 years old so I think I got my money's worth. Besides I can have this wiped and then give to my son and I know that will make him happy. I hope yours survives! Bet you are so happy to have that editing done.

Laurie good luck with the organizing!

Kat I love the snow too. I love the white and the silence. I love walking while it is snowing. It is always the cold after the snow that I am not happy with. Monday we are having our first really cold day. Glad your son will have off Thanksgiving! How fun to watch college football. ASU games are always on too late if they are on at all out east which is rare.

Trudy it is always such a strange thing a funeral as we are sad to have lost a loved one but always glad to see our friends and relatives. My sister and I are always talking about how we are now the older generation. Yea for you taking care of your hummingbirds. I have to start putting out my bird seed. I had not been doing it as there is plenty of food and not cold but now it is!

Cath saw that the mid west was getting lots of snow! Hope it melts fast!

Have a great day all!
We had frost yesterday morning, but today it is snow. Not snowing anymore and still 32'. As our first snow of the season, it's pretty but I could have waited and waited for it. Still leaves on some trees, so there are also leaves in the snow. Yesterday was the monthly meeting of my computer genealogy group which takes most of the day. Trying to get back to things this afternoon.

Hi to all! :wave: