well, one puppy went potty- too bad the Princess only wanted to sniff the air. *eye roll*
I have to do some more work on the soaps and such, some housework, and get ready for food shopping bright and early tomorrow morning. And I guess it would be a huge help if I could clean off my desk- I still have paperwork from all of the ridiculous insurance stuff everywhere. I guess the good news is that I got the payment plan for my dental insurance and that seems to have to correct info on it (this one at least, the prior one only had Scott listed). It never ends, eh?
Too bad that all I want to do is rest. And to stop coughing- that is making me batty!
Or as my T-Shirts reads:
All I want to do is rescue dog,drink coffee, and nap.
I like that!
On to personals:
Laurie- hope that you got everything done that needed to be yesterday.
Nancy- where are you off to in !June? I feel like I should remember this, but ha. Of course I can't LOL
Good music is always a boost when cleaning and I am sure that your house is sparkling. Mine needs that desperately!
Would you believe that my senses are all "off"? It is odd, I have noticed this past year that my tastes seem to be off- I am salting everything, and I never cooked with salt before. My mom has dangerously high BP so I grew up that way. Same with smell- nothing seems right to me, so I have been asking Gary and Cait for input on all of my blending. Scott's friend came over and did say that the house smelled good, so there is that

I love your Christmas traditions- will you get all of the g-puppies toys too? I hope that Ashley and Rex are with you- that will make it fun!
Trudy- those hummingbirds must adore you! Were you able to get out in time to get some frosty pics?
It must be so hard to see the family dynamics change like that with your IL's and the reunions. I hope that your MIL doesn't have dementia, but after you described the tree skirt, and knowing that she had been sewing all of her life, it doesn't look good, does it?

The service sounds like it was a nice remembrance of your Uncle.
How was your dinner with your brother and SIL? How long will they be back in AU?
Rae- that sounds terrifying about your computer! *good vibes to it* I swear, they seem to know when you most need them to behave, and that is when they act up the most.
Kat- woah, Lady! Busy day for a Saturday! My god-daughter just got accepted into Mich. State. Her first choice is SC, but will gladly take MSU if she doesn't get there too.
Cath- where are you located? We had some crazy snow flurries last month but thankfully, they didn't stick. But I am dreading "real" snow, as always. I hate winter and will be counting the day until spring with you.
Have a wonderful day!