
Daily Ooos, November 18-19: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Best laid plans and all that s***
I thought I had everything under control and of course, I don't. Everything went topsy-turvey on me yesterday.

Three main things happened:
1. Got my hair colored and went to a dark blond. Not sure if I like it. It's much darker than I have had in a long long time. That's not a biggie. Fixable at some point.

2. Went to do an online check-in for my mammogram appt in two weeks. Uploaded all of my new health insurance info and it got rejected. My insurance covers the hospital, the PT, and rehab center, but *not* the breast center. They have been reading my mammograms/MRIs/Ultrasounds since I started getting them as well as my records of my biopsies, surgery, and radiation. I canceled the mammo but now I need to change my health insurance so I can go to *my* Breast Center. Thankfully, the Open Enrollment period is now so I can change it. That's semi-big. It's fixable although it is a PITB as well as costing more $.

3. Jaida. We have no idea how it happened but she has a suspected torn cruciate ligament. Right after I posted her yesterday, she wanted to play so we ran around the house for a bit. I hopped in the shower and Gary took her outside. When he brought her back in, she wouldn't put any weight at all on her left leg. Got her in to see the vet and she referred us to an orthopedic surgeon. Not only is it breaking my heart that she can't walk and is in pain, but it's also going to break my credit cards to cover the surgery. Sure I am jumping the gun, it might just be a sprain, but she has bad knees to begin with. Her right knee had patellar luxation repair surgery when she was 1 yo. This is her left one. If she puts too much stress on the right/good-ish knee that could mess up that one again.
Fur-baby in pain: Check
Needing to keep J calm (ha!) and limiting her mobility: Check
Expensive vet visit and meds: Check
Expensive consultation appt coming up: Check
Very expensive surgery: TBD

Needless to say, I didn't get to hike. After we got back from the vet, I had to look on Amazon for a dog sling. We had one for her but I must have thrown it out. (Don't tell Gary that I wish I had kept something I didn't think we would need. LOL). I finally got the paperwork to start the investigation on the Tax Rebate so I filled that out, scanned, and uploaded all of my documents. And please, oh please, let it come through quickly. I need that money more than I did on Thursday. Which was a lot. :/

Today is FP day and I hope that they have some of the things I need for Thanksgiving dinner.

Wishing everyone a happy day!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever That's awesome about the new tops on sale, hope that the leggings come in and you get the sales price on those too. Wow, the blinds came in fast, you weren't sure if you'd have them before the holidays right?
Your ILs sound like my parents. It's sad to see them acting "weird."

@BrightEyes That's fantastic how much you have been scrapping, bottle some of the creativity up so you'll have it fresh after your sister leaves :D
Good luck finding the gloves!

@Su_Sanne Hahaha!! I have left something on the stove and it burned because I got distracted too.
My daughter has been a vegetarian since she was 13 and her fiance is vegan. I have been finding a lot of good recipes online.
Caitlyn wants me to go grey/silver. I am not ready for that yet. :D

@bcgal00 I am so relieved that you are slowly feeling better. Enjoy your book and the peace and quiet while you can!

@vickyday I started to pull out all of the tomato plants and put the cages away but I ran out of time. Story of my life. pfft
I hope that the cast comes off, don't forget to ask about exercises to strengthen it and build back the flexibility if you need it

Fried Green Tomatoes was such a good movie, Towanda!

@Cherylndesigns Welcome home to Chuck!!!!! I hope that everything falls into place and he is happy and relaxed to be back home. Tell him that I said that he is not allowed to be stubborn and has to ask for help when he needs it. (good luck with that!)



Love my O Family!
Best laid plans and all that s***
I thought I had everything under control and of course, I don't. Everything went topsy-turvey on me yesterday.

Three main things happened:
1. Got my hair colored and went to a dark blond. Not sure if I like it. It's much darker than I have had in a long long time. That's not a biggie. Fixable at some point.

2. Went to do an online check-in for my mammogram appt in two weeks. Uploaded all of my new health insurance info and it got rejected. My insurance covers the hospital, the PT, and rehab center, but *not* the breast center. They have been reading my mammograms/MRIs/Ultrasounds since I started getting them as well as my records of my biopsies, surgery, and radiation. I canceled the mammo but now I need to change my health insurance so I can go to *my* Breast Center. Thankfully, the Open Enrollment period is now so I can change it. That's semi-big. It's fixable although it is a PITB as well as costing more $.

3. Jaida. We have no idea how it happened but she has a suspected torn cruciate ligament. Right after I posted her yesterday, she wanted to play so we ran around the house for a bit. I hopped in the shower and Gary took her outside. When he brought her back in, she wouldn't put any weight at all on her left leg. Got her in to see the vet and she referred us to an orthopedic surgeon. Not only is it breaking my heart that she can't walk and is in pain, but it's also going to break my credit cards to cover the surgery. Sure I am jumping the gun, it might just be a sprain, but she has bad knees to begin with. Her right knee had patellar luxation repair surgery when she was 1 yo. This is her left one. If she puts too much stress on the right/good-ish knee that could mess up that one again.
Fur-baby in pain: Check
Needing to keep J calm (ha!) and limiting her mobility: Check
Expensive vet visit and meds: Check
Expensive consultation appt coming up: Check
Very expensive surgery: TBD

Needless to say, I didn't get to hike. After we got back from the vet, I had to look on Amazon for a dog sling. We had one for her but I must have thrown it out. (Don't tell Gary that I wish I had kept something I didn't think we would need. LOL). I finally got the paperwork to start the investigation on the Tax Rebate so I filled that out, scanned, and uploaded all of my documents. And please, oh please, let it come through quickly. I need that money more than I did on Thursday. Which was a lot. :/

Today is FP day and I hope that they have some of the things I need for Thanksgiving dinner.

Wishing everyone a happy day!
Another "when it rains, sometimes it pours" kind of day! So sorry for all the troubles! Sending super big :hug4: and pray no surgery is needed for Jaida!


Love my O Family!
@taxed4ever That's awesome about the new tops on sale, hope that the leggings come in and you get the sales price on those too. Wow, the blinds came in fast, you weren't sure if you'd have them before the holidays right?
Your ILs sound like my parents. It's sad to see them acting "weird."

@BrightEyes That's fantastic how much you have been scrapping, bottle some of the creativity up so you'll have it fresh after your sister leaves :D
Good luck finding the gloves!

@Su_Sanne Hahaha!! I have left something on the stove and it burned because I got distracted too.
My daughter has been a vegetarian since she was 13 and her fiance is vegan. I have been finding a lot of good recipes online.
Caitlyn wants me to go grey/silver. I am not ready for that yet. :D

@bcgal00 I am so relieved that you are slowly feeling better. Enjoy your book and the peace and quiet while you can!

@vickyday I started to pull out all of the tomato plants and put the cages away but I ran out of time. Story of my life. pfft
I hope that the cast comes off, don't forget to ask about exercises to strengthen it and build back the flexibility if you need it

Fried Green Tomatoes was such a good movie, Towanda!

@Cherylndesigns Welcome home to Chuck!!!!! I hope that everything falls into place and he is happy and relaxed to be back home. Tell him that I said that he is not allowed to be stubborn and has to ask for help when he needs it. (good luck with that!)

Oh yes! I will definitely ask about therapy, but I figure I won't have to!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Waiting for our pastor and his wife to come for lunch. A big pot of 15 bean soup and cornbread! Then she and I will hang around the house while Mark and the pastor head to the woods to kill a bunch of ammo with target practice. If my back were up to it, I would go shopping with Joy. These are our biking buddies. Bobby and Mark were buddies before Bobby became our pastor after our pastor (my first DH) died of melanoma cancer after it got in his brain.

Nothing else on the agenda for today. I might do some laundry after our guests leave. I want to work on week 3 of the AJ challenge, too.

Nice day here for the guys to be in the woods!

My tummy is beginning to grumble, so I hope they hurry because the soup is ready and stirring up the hunger pangs! Do any of you like bean soup and cornbread? It is down home comfort food to me! ;)

Have a great weekend!


Wow... I slept in until 7:30 this morning! Grabbed a cup of coffee and walked into the office to see sun shining brightly on the window blinds. The sun is moving toward the south now so the front of the house is getting sun on it most of the day during the winter. Suddenly it got much darker - looked out and a huge bank of clouds is moving in. The prediction of a cold front that is coming looks to be true. Might even get some rain and maybe a snow sprinkle or two today and tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon I got busy loading actions into the PSE24. I looked at the actions and styles I have on PSE19 and made a list then did a search for them on the ExHD and found all but 1 action and a couple of styles. I will check on my 'old' computer to see if I can find those. I used the extension to do the search and that made it easy to find them. I do have all the fonts I downloaded into a font folder on the ExHD so no problem finding them. Went to load them in PSE24 and to my surprise the ones I had in PSE19 were already there!! I want to delete a bunch of fonts (in other languages) from PSE24 but can't find out how to do that. Did an on-line search but couldn't find it!!! UGH!!! There is probably 30 or more that I will never use. The good news is I can shift to PSE24 now. This was a much easier shift than when I went from PSE15 to PSE19. :strawberry: :banana2: I did a bit of looking on the Adobe site to see how to do some of the new things and WOW... so glad I up-graded.

@faerywings So sorry that your insurance won't cover the mammo... that is crazy! Glad that the open enrollment window is still open so you can switch - but a PITA that it will cost more. So sorry about J and the added expense for the vet bills. Hope the FP has some food that can be used for the Thanksgiving meal. This is your first time to host Thanksgiving??? WOW Can understand why you are a bit stressed.

Yes, I have really been in scrapping mood this month. Guess I am making up for the months I couldn't do it. 28 LOs here plus 10+ at Just Art so far this month... and the month is barely half over!!

@Cherylndesigns So glad that DH is finally home... it has been a long time for him. Changing the Oxygen tanks is fairly easy. I am sure the Home Health Nurse will walk you through it. Glad to hear the HHN will be coming - and bet a PT person plus maybe an aide will be visiting also. Be glad for all the medical help that comes after a hospital stay. I would have been lost without them when DH was sick.
@vickyday - Don't go jumping back into doing things... like pulling dead tomato vines out... :shakingsense: And take all the PT that is recommended once the cast is off. Oh, I love the LO about your sweater that grew!!! Great photos of you and it. Oh, that bean soup and cornbread sounds wonderful. My go-to winter soup is lentil soup with cornbread. Enjoy your day with friends.

I need to pull out the guest room blankets so Sis won't freeze at night! :layonpillow: I will be smart and just lay them on the bed and let her decide how many she wants and she can put them on the bed. Have to admit that making a bed is still a challenge.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Love my O Family!
Wow... I slept in until 7:30 this morning! Grabbed a cup of coffee and walked into the office to see sun shining brightly on the window blinds. The sun is moving toward the south now so the front of the house is getting sun on it most of the day during the winter. Suddenly it got much darker - looked out and a huge bank of clouds is moving in. The prediction of a cold front that is coming looks to be true. Might even get some rain and maybe a snow sprinkle or two today and tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon I got busy loading actions into the PSE24. I looked at the actions and styles I have on PSE19 and made a list then did a search for them on the ExHD and found all but 1 action and a couple of styles. I will check on my 'old' computer to see if I can find those. I used the extension to do the search and that made it easy to find them. I do have all the fonts I downloaded into a font folder on the ExHD so no problem finding them. Went to load them in PSE24 and to my surprise the ones I had in PSE19 were already there!! I want to delete a bunch of fonts (in other languages) from PSE24 but can't find out how to do that. Did an on-line search but couldn't find it!!! UGH!!! There is probably 30 or more that I will never use. The good news is I can shift to PSE24 now. This was a much easier shift than when I went from PSE15 to PSE19. :strawberry: :banana2: I did a bit of looking on the Adobe site to see how to do some of the new things and WOW... so glad I up-graded.

@faerywings So sorry that your insurance won't cover the mammo... that is crazy! Glad that the open enrollment window is still open so you can switch - but a PITA that it will cost more. So sorry about J and the added expense for the vet bills. Hope the FP has some food that can be used for the Thanksgiving meal. This is your first time to host Thanksgiving??? WOW Can understand why you are a bit stressed.

Yes, I have really been in scrapping mood this month. Guess I am making up for the months I couldn't do it. 28 LOs here plus 10+ at Just Art so far this month... and the month is barely half over!!

@Cherylndesigns So glad that DH is finally home... it has been a long time for him. Changing the Oxygen tanks is fairly easy. I am sure the Home Health Nurse will walk you through it. Glad to hear the HHN will be coming - and bet a PT person plus maybe an aide will be visiting also. Be glad for all the medical help that comes after a hospital stay. I would have been lost without them when DH was sick.
@vickyday - Don't go jumping back into doing things... like pulling dead tomato vines out... :shakingsense: And take all the PT that is recommended once the cast is off. Oh, I love the LO about your sweater that grew!!! Great photos of you and it. Oh, that bean soup and cornbread sounds wonderful. My go-to winter soup is lentil soup with cornbread. Enjoy your day with friends.

I need to pull out the guest room blankets so Sis won't freeze at night! :layonpillow: I will be smart and just lay them on the bed and let her decide how many she wants and she can put them on the bed. Have to admit that making a bed is still a challenge.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Yes, I realized while I was typing all the work I wanted to do after the cast is off that I am NOT going to be able to do all that immediately! PT is a definite! It helped so much when I broke my right wrist that I would be stupid to not do the PT!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning ladies! I will be quick in and out of here as DH and I are finishing our coffee and heading out to get our Covid shot. Covid illness numbers are reported to be way down so that is wonderful news! Let’s hope we will one day be rid of it! It’s a beautiful sunny morning, but very chilly! DH is taking me to Brunch on 3rd after we get our vaccine, so I am happy to not have to cook this morning! I will try to pop in later in the day, but you never know what chores my Gary will have for us to do LOL. Have a great morning everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Best laid plans and all that s***
I thought I had everything under control and of course, I don't. Everything went topsy-turvey on me yesterday.

Three main things happened:
1. Got my hair colored and went to a dark blond. Not sure if I like it. It's much darker than I have had in a long long time. That's not a biggie. Fixable at some point.

2. Went to do an online check-in for my mammogram appt in two weeks. Uploaded all of my new health insurance info and it got rejected. My insurance covers the hospital, the PT, and rehab center, but *not* the breast center. They have been reading my mammograms/MRIs/Ultrasounds since I started getting them as well as my records of my biopsies, surgery, and radiation. I canceled the mammo but now I need to change my health insurance so I can go to *my* Breast Center. Thankfully, the Open Enrollment period is now so I can change it. That's semi-big. It's fixable although it is a PITB as well as costing more $.

3. Jaida. We have no idea how it happened but she has a suspected torn cruciate ligament. Right after I posted her yesterday, she wanted to play so we ran around the house for a bit. I hopped in the shower and Gary took her outside. When he brought her back in, she wouldn't put any weight at all on her left leg. Got her in to see the vet and she referred us to an orthopedic surgeon. Not only is it breaking my heart that she can't walk and is in pain, but it's also going to break my credit cards to cover the surgery. Sure I am jumping the gun, it might just be a sprain, but she has bad knees to begin with. Her right knee had patellar luxation repair surgery when she was 1 yo. This is her left one. If she puts too much stress on the right/good-ish knee that could mess up that one again.
Fur-baby in pain: Check
Needing to keep J calm (ha!) and limiting her mobility: Check
Expensive vet visit and meds: Check
Expensive consultation appt coming up: Check
Very expensive surgery: TBD

Needless to say, I didn't get to hike. After we got back from the vet, I had to look on Amazon for a dog sling. We had one for her but I must have thrown it out. (Don't tell Gary that I wish I had kept something I didn't think we would need. LOL). I finally got the paperwork to start the investigation on the Tax Rebate so I filled that out, scanned, and uploaded all of my documents. And please, oh please, let it come through quickly. I need that money more than I did on Thursday. Which was a lot. :/

Today is FP day and I hope that they have some of the things I need for Thanksgiving dinner.

Wishing everyone a happy day!
Okay, there's a lot to think about again.
First of all, dear Chris, can I help you? Can I help with the cost of the vet for Jaida?
I can understand that these expenses will once again put a big hole in the household budget. Let's talk about it in PM. I have insurance coverage for my two. This costs just under 200 euros (approx. $200) per month, but everything is insured except for medication.
At this point a big heart :heartpumpred::heartpumpred::heartpumpred: and get well soon for the big mouse!
I can't get through your health insurance in the US yet. If I understood correctly, you are insured despite being unemployed (still - this will change soon) except for special examinations. This is of course unfortunate. Are there options for support? Hope you get this sorted out somehow!!!
Last point, your hair... the darker color is just unusual now. Maybe you'll get used to it and like it, or maybe you'll get a hair dye from the drugstore. I think a caramel tone is very nice for blondes, or maybe a reddish blonde? Maybe you can take a photo and we can advise everyone together. I'm sure we'll all have different opinions. :giggle4::giggle4:

All the best wishes for Jaida again and let's talk via PM if you want.

I cooked like crazy today! I prepared 4 roulades and a smoked pork roast for us. We don't eat much meat anymore, but if we're going to go to the butcher, it has to be worth it. I freeze this in portions so that we have less work to do with cooking. DH was very enthusiastic about my red cabbage and the roulades. We eat this once or twice a year. Do you actually know brown or green cabbage? I think this is a typical German dish. It is usually cooked with special sausages and pork belly. I was always disgusted by it because it was far too greasy for me. :sick:A few years ago I made my husband happy and put together my own recipe - without meat - just sauté some finely chopped Cabanossi, onions and garlic and the cabbage in a pan and then let it simmer gently in a little broth for 1 hour. There is also pasta. And it tastes so fat-free it's simply delicious and it's a superfood. Now I'm full and satisfied and look around the gallery a bit.

Have a nice day everyone! :kiss2:


DD#1 called and we had a lovely chat. Got caught up on what is going on with her and the family and brought her up to date on when Sister will be here. Well, it is a good thing that I got dressed right after the call from DD#1. I was pulling out of the garage when it started sprinkling. By the time I got to the Post Office it was raining but not too hard. Then on the way to the grocery store it was coming harder. Was so glad I had an umbrella in the car as I didn't have a jacket with me. I had to get milk as the last of mine had gone bad... ugh!!! Got that and then took a look in the produce bargain bin (bagged items marked down to $1 per bag). Well it was well worth the stop. I came home with a bag of lettuce, 3 large red and green bell peppers, 2 bags of mixed mini peppers, and a bag of grapes!!! When I left the store it was pouring rain! Thank goodness for the umbrella.

I stripped the whole ears of corn and put them on to boil. Just took them out to cool. Then I will put them in baggies and into the freezer. I can pull them out as I need them and heat them up for a meal. I figure if manufactures can free ears of corn, I can do the same. Think I will keep one out to have supper tonight...


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

This may be a quiet in and out. but I'll be back. We're waiting for the Home Health Care Nurse and I'll have to guide her in, b phone, once she gets to the entrance to the property. It's so confusing if you don't know where you're going. I'll probably have to go outside when she gets to the final turn and flag her in. Hahaha So many people go to Adrienne's house because our little road is kind of an extension of their driveway and it's hard to see if you haven't ever been here.

Well, sure enough, I just got back on here. I had to walk up to Adrienne's house, so the Visiting Nurse could find our road, then I saw her going back down the hill, which she still missed it. But she saw me waving and found us. It went well; she was here for almost an hour and a half, but I feel good that we have somebody to call 24/7 if a medical emergency comes up. She said somebody would be back in a week, but it might not be her.

Chris, what a bummer about your insurance. I swear, they change things like what they pay for, every year, or as often as they feel like it. Don't get ma started on that. So, they'll pay for you to go to an extended care facility, but won't pay for a majorly important preventative test, huh????? That's pretty par for the course. That makes absolutely NO sense to me it's like back in the day, they wouldn't pay for birth control pills. They may still not, I don't know. Let's not pay for "preventive care"by all means. :bs::loser::angry4:

I think I'm going to sign off and just send hugs and love to everybody. While I was outside just before I got backon here, Bailee came to visit. I have to be on guard in case Chuck needs to get up. I shut his door and told him Bailee was here.


PS: I forgot to tell you how sorry I am about Jaida, Chris @faerywings . Our big Lab/Shepherd mix 145 lound, Bailey, broke his cruciate ligament. I'll send doggie prayers that it's not broken. These vet bills can be unreal - We don't have pet insurance, but I'm thinking it would be a good idea. They charge you $300 at the drop of a hat. :hug3::beatingheart:
Last edited:


The Loopy-O
Good morning! It's cold here! Temps dropped by a lot in the last 24 hours. I am so glad that it wasn't this cold waiting at the FP yesterday morning. I got there at 10:02 am (opens at 10 am) and I was the 39th person in line. I was there for an hour and a half. Caitlyn didn't come with me since she had some professional coursework she needed to work on but I chatted with a few of the women on the line. It made me feel grateful, one of the women lost her house (and her 3 dogs) in a house fire a few years ago. Since then, she has been rotating between living with her four adult children. I am so thankful that I have a roof over my head even if it's hard to keep up with expenses occasionally. I was hoping to get sausage for the stuffing but I didn't get that so I ran to the small store after lunch, then made MIL's recipe. Gary tasted it and said I nailed it :)
Yay!!! One more dish in the freezer.

I could feel my anxiety getting bad again and forced myself to do a 30-minute stress relief yoga video. Smart move, Faery. I almost canceled meeting my BFF today but Gary encouraged me to take the time for myself and go.
Meanwhile, J is making me crazy, she is trying to run and jump and bark at people on the street. When Amazon delivered the belly sling for her she jumped on the chair next to W and barked at the driver. Then jumped down and three-legged ran to the window and tried to jump and look out of that. We have an appt for her on the 30th (please don't let me have Jury Duty then).

Other than meeting my BFF for coffee this morning, I don't have anything specific I need to do. Depending on what time I get home, I might start cleaning the house, the bathrooms at least.

Wishing everyone a super day!


The Loopy-O
Caitlyn asked if I really needed to switch insurance so I could stay with the breast center I like or if I should just go somewhere that takes my insurance. I see her point but I feel like the place I always went to knows my history. Maybe it isn't that big of a deal to go somewhere new?
What do you think?

@vickyday When it rains, it pours and it seems to pour a lot these days LOL!! I feel like every time I get my feet back on the ground, something else happens to throw me off balance. Such is life, I guess. :)
Thanks for the hugs!
I am not a fan of 15-bean soup, I like the texture of some of the beans but not all of them when they are cooked. I used to make a white bean, pasta, and chicken soup that was yummy but haven't in a while One nice thing when Cait moves out, I can make more chicken dishes and not have to worry about what she will eat. I hope that the pastor and his wife showed up soon after you posted. I don't know if your stomach is like Gary's in this way but sometimes, the "window" of eating closes faster than he'd like. YKWIM?
PS: My grandmother made the Italian version of bean soup and cornbread. Minestra-- dandelion greens and beans over polenta. She'd pick the dandelions in her back yard too

@BrightEyes You are so lucky that your house gets sunshine in the winter, that has to help it not feel quite so dark and chilly.
Did you get any snow showers? Eek. I am not ready for that. Nope. :no:
I bet you are counting the hours until your sister comes! Tell her that we said she is lucky to have you as a big sister, and we love you here! ♥
Have fun with PSE 24! I thought about getting it since I am still plugging away with CS5 and have no way to stick with CC if I ever lose this computer *knocks wood* But then thought about the expenses racking up and the holidays and all that-- the sale was amazing but it's not necessary. And hopefully, it won't be needed any time soon. *knocks wood a little longer*
I use FontBase as a font manager and you can uninstall fonts and load them as you need them. It won't let you uninstall or delete the system fonts, which is something I always worried that I would do.
I hosted T-Day last year but it was only the 4 of us, Tom, Sam, Sam's mom, and my parents. This year, we extended to Sam's two sisters and her grandmother. Sam's sister Sarah is due any minute which is why I have no idea of the headcount yet. She is high risk so if she goes into labor, I could lose most of the guests :rotfl:

J need s to go outside which is *complicated.* Be back soon!


The Loopy-O
Welp, J wanted breakfast and now refuses to go outside. :rolleyes:
She's such a butt. But I love her ♥

@taxed4ever Good luck with no side effects from the shots!

@Su_Sanne First of all, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you. You are truly so sweet and generous with your offer of help. :lovey3: But there is no way I would accept anything more than good thoughts from any of you. If she needs surgery, we'll find a way. My parents and ILs have helped us in the past. While I hate accepting any help, it makes them happy and it makes it easier for us. I am irritated because I was so excited about this new job and I thought that I would be able to chip away at the credit card debt, Like I said yesterday, best laid plans- and then Ka-boom!
We had thought about getting pet insurance in the past, especially when we had 6 cats. Even if we did have it for Jaida, it most likely wouldn't cover this issue since she has bad knees as a pre-existing condition.
I purchase my own health insurance. Because of our low income, the government provides subsidies to help cover the monthly premiums. I chose the cheapest plan that covered my doctors and local hospitals. The breast center I have been going to for years is part of the hospital system, which is why I was shocked that the mammograms aren't covered there. There are other places I can go that my insurance will pay but now I have to decide if I should change health insurance companies to get one that the Breast Center accepts or if I should stay with my current plan and go to a new imaging place.
If it sounds ridiculous and confusing, it is!

I had to google roulades and cabanossi and they sound wonderful for an autumn dinner.

@BrightEyes We just have to learn how to run between the raindrops :)
I *think* I have an umbrella in my car but I honestly don't know for sure!

@Cherylndesigns How is Chuck feeling, being at home? I hope he is resting and letting you do what you have to do to keep him in line (as if :floorlaugh: ) That's fantastic that you have the nurse coming in, takes some of the stress off of you.
Right??? Health insurance is :soapbox:
Makes no sense to me.
Well, It does. It makes sense from a profit-driven business model rather than as a way to keep people healthy.:rantonoff:
Thanks for the good thoughts to J. Any advice from your experience with Bailey?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, O-zies!


Wow... I woke up at just after midnight and crazy as it sounds, I jumped on the computer to Just Art to see if the last step of the November Progressive had been posted. Yes, it was there so I mulled it over for a few minutes then headed back to bed and to dream about how I would finish it!!! Crazy I know. Slept in until 7:30 but woke up knowing what I needed to do to finish the page. Took a bit of time but got it done and uploaded to JA and also to FB. Remember how I asked last week if you work on a progressive or blind scrap then get inspired at some step along the way??? Well - since I used all OScraps designers/kits, I decided to upload both of them here, too. I put them in my Members gallery.

Just got a call from Sis... she is on her way. Should be here in about 5 hours. So I need to get my shower and dressed. Have a couple of other things to do before she arrives.


Love my O Family!
Caitlyn asked if I really needed to switch insurance so I could stay with the breast center I like or if I should just go somewhere that takes my insurance. I see her point but I feel like the place I always went to knows my history. Maybe it isn't that big of a deal to go somewhere new?
What do you think?

@vickyday When it rains, it pours and it seems to pour a lot these days LOL!! I feel like every time I get my feet back on the ground, something else happens to throw me off balance. Such is life, I guess. :)
Thanks for the hugs!
I am not a fan of 15-bean soup, I like the texture of some of the beans but not all of them when they are cooked. I used to make a white bean, pasta, and chicken soup that was yummy but haven't in a while One nice thing when Cait moves out, I can make more chicken dishes and not have to worry about what she will eat. I hope that the pastor and his wife showed up soon after you posted. I don't know if your stomach is like Gary's in this way but sometimes, the "window" of eating closes faster than he'd like. YKWIM?
PS: My grandmother made the Italian version of bean soup and cornbread. Minestra-- dandelion greens and beans over polenta. She'd pick the dandelions in her back yard too

@BrightEyes You are so lucky that your house gets sunshine in the winter, that has to help it not feel quite so dark and chilly.
Did you get any snow showers? Eek. I am not ready for that. Nope. :no:
I bet you are counting the hours until your sister comes! Tell her that we said she is lucky to have you as a big sister, and we love you here! ♥
Have fun with PSE 24! I thought about getting it since I am still plugging away with CS5 and have no way to stick with CC if I ever lose this computer *knocks wood* But then thought about the expenses racking up and the holidays and all that-- the sale was amazing but it's not necessary. And hopefully, it won't be needed any time soon. *knocks wood a little longer*
I use FontBase as a font manager and you can uninstall fonts and load them as you need them. It won't let you uninstall or delete the system fonts, which is something I always worried that I would do.
I hosted T-Day last year but it was only the 4 of us, Tom, Sam, Sam's mom, and my parents. This year, we extended to Sam's two sisters and her grandmother. Sam's sister Sarah is due any minute which is why I have no idea of the headcount yet. She is high risk so if she goes into labor, I could lose most of the guests :rotfl:

J need s to go outside which is *complicated.* Be back soon!
The pastor's wife ended up not coming. She works at the hospital and decided since she had early payroll due to the holiday next week, she needed to work on that. The soup was delicious. I added country ham to help flavor it! So I sent some home for her to enjoy after work.
Mom and dad used to add collard greens to their beans! I never did like them that way.
Our favorite meat is probably chicken fixed any way!


Love my O Family!
Wow... I woke up at just after midnight and crazy as it sounds, I jumped on the computer to Just Art to see if the last step of the November Progressive had been posted. Yes, it was there so I mulled it over for a few minutes then headed back to bed and to dream about how I would finish it!!! Crazy I know. Slept in until 7:30 but woke up knowing what I needed to do to finish the page. Took a bit of time but got it done and uploaded to JA and also to FB. Remember how I asked last week if you work on a progressive or blind scrap then get inspired at some step along the way??? Well - since I used all OScraps designers/kits, I decided to upload both of them here, too. I put them in my Members gallery.

Just got a call from Sis... she is on her way. Should be here in about 5 hours. So I need to get my shower and dressed. Have a couple of other things to do before she arrives.
Beautiful pages, Kay! I haven't posted anything at JA for quite awhile!
Have a great time with your sister!


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon!
Nothing planned for today. Mark is relaxing on the couch with football.
I will work on week 3 AJ challenge.
Food is whatever floats your boat today!
I'm getting ready to change out of my church clothes and into pajamas.


Well-Known Member
Good evening @ All :wavinghello:

Apparently nothing bad happened. That's a good thing.
I'm full again and after playing with the dachshunds I jumped onto the sofa.

@faerywings After I completely mindlessly offered to help, I later thought, what should Chris think of you? But I didn't care at that moment. That's the way I am! Without thinking that it might be embarrassing or unusual. I have to say, I support some animal organizations. And I do this from the bottom of my heart. That's why it was no question for me, Chris! But of course you still have families who are happy to help you. And maybe your mouse doesn't need surgery and can be helped with physio. I keep my fingers crossed. Is she feeling a little better? Give her a kiss on the nose for me. And whiskey too, of course!

Have a nice day everyone and a pleasant evening later!



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

Its 62 and we're expecting rain in 30 minutes. YAY - NOT. Gonna be a S.A.D. light day. *just switched it on*.

Chuck is looking and acting a little better today. He'll have another VN next week, so that's good. She said they might send a PT person out, too, but I've not heard from anyone yet. I don't think he needs that, but whatever. They insisted on sending a walker home, but he has needed it yet. He's napping right now, so I thought I'd jump on here.

Chris @faerywings our Bailey was quite overweight when he broke his CL. The vet put him on some diet food and told us we needed to get about 20 pounds off of him. I don't know if J is overweight or not, but that's a big factor, I guess. We got him down to 120 pounds and he stayed there for the rest of his life. I'll have to ask Chuck when he feels a little better because he did everything for Bailey after that. He loved that dog! He was Chuck's dog. He even talked about making a little cart for him so he wouldn't have to use his back legs.

Kay @BrightEyes I hear you about that Progressive Scrap - I love it, but had to give up on it this month because of running back and forth all the time. It was just too much. I tried to catch up, but there was no way. I'm just trying to catch up on the Project 52
s. I'm about 3 behind now. I know you're excited about your sis coming!!

I'm going to go now I have stuff to do, and I have to figure out what to fix Chuck for dinner. He doesn't have much appetite and nothing tastes good to him. I fixed him an egg and cheese w/mayo on an English muffin night before last, and he wanted another one last night, so I put it on Eggo waffles and gave him a little bowl of syrup to dip it in. He really liked it and said it was the best thing he'd had for a month. He'll probably want that again this evening.

Hugs to all.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon.

Its 62 and we're expecting rain in 30 minutes. YAY - NOT. Gonna be a S.A.D. light day. *just switched it on*.

Chuck is looking and acting a little better today. He'll have another VN next week, so that's good. She said they might send a PT person out, too, but I've not heard from anyone yet. I don't think he needs that, but whatever. They insisted on sending a walker home, but he has needed it yet. He's napping right now, so I thought I'd jump on here.

Chris @faerywings our Bailey was quite overweight when he broke his CL. The vet put him on some diet food and told us we needed to get about 20 pounds off of him. I don't know if J is overweight or not, but that's a big factor, I guess. We got him down to 120 pounds and he stayed there for the rest of his life. I'll have to ask Chuck when he feels a little better because he did everything for Bailey after that. He loved that dog! He was Chuck's dog. He even talked about making a little cart for him so he wouldn't have to use his back legs.

Kay @BrightEyes I hear you about that Progressive Scrap - I love it, but had to give up on it this month because of running back and forth all the time. It was just too much. I tried to catch up, but there was no way. I'm just trying to catch up on the Project 52
s. I'm about 3 behind now. I know you're excited about your sis coming!!

I'm going to go now I have stuff to do, and I have to figure out what to fix Chuck for dinner. He doesn't have much appetite and nothing tastes good to him. I fixed him an egg and cheese w/mayo on an English muffin night before last, and he wanted another one last night, so I put it on Eggo waffles and gave him a little bowl of syrup to dip it in. He really liked it and said it was the best thing he'd had for a month. He'll probably want that again this evening.

Hugs to all.
Get well soon for DH!! It will take time for everything in the diet to settle down. An organ is missing! But in the end you too will be relieved and you won't always have to worry about what's good for your husband. You always have good ideas about what he likes. All the best and continued love. Relax a little too. :heartpumppink:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Get well soon for DH!! It will take time for everything in the diet to settle down. An organ is missing! But in the end you too will be relieved and you won't always have to worry about what's good for your husband. You always have good ideas about what he likes. All the best and continued love. Relax a little too. :heartpumppink:
Thanks so much for your good thoughts, Susanne. I'm feeding him pretty much how I eat - a mostly bland diet. He's never had surgery like this (he had his tonsils out when he was little) but had no idea what to expect. I tried to warn him about what to expect, but I don't think he believed he'd have so much trouble. He's always been able to talk himself out of everything before and you can't talk yourself out of the aftermath of what he went through, the surgery, but mainly the sepsis. :heartpumplove: :heartpumplove:


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for your good thoughts, Susanne. I'm feeding him pretty much how I eat - a mostly bland diet. He's never had surgery like this (he had his tonsils out when he was little) but had no idea what to expect. I tried to warn him about what to expect, but I don't think he believed he'd have so much trouble. He's always been able to talk himself out of everything before and you can't talk yourself out of the aftermath of what he went through, the surgery, but mainly the sepsis. :heartpumplove: :heartpumplove:
Oh, if only men would listen to us a lot more often, right? Continued to get well soon for DH :)