
Daily Ooos: November 11-12: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
In the US, we celebrate Veterans today. In other countries, it's Armistice or Remembrance Day. No matter what the name is, the meaning of the day seems to hit me harder this year. It's important, very important, to honor the veterans and active service members. My dad and FIL are both veterans, National Guard and Marine Corps, respectively. I know many of your family members are too. But the deeper meaning of Armistice- of *peace* - seems so much more critical and elusive to me. It feels like all corners of the world are hotbeds of war, violence, and suffering.
So while I thank everyone who has fought to keep our countries safe, my ultimate wish is that one day, it won't be necessary to have millions of soldiers/military fighting. We will have peace.

It gets harder and harder to be a hippie-dippy tree-hugger every year that passes, the hope of peace gets crowded out my reality and cynicism but I still hope for the best!

In my smaller world, my parents had a truce yesterday. I'm not sure how long it is gonna last, but it was nice to be around them yesterday. :D My dad fell again and bruised his ribs and Cait took it easy on him. She only busted on him a few times because it hurt when he laughed. If he is better by his party tomorrow, the gloves will be off. :whip3::angelwhistle:

Today should be relatively quiet, I need to make some food for the party tomorrow, tidy the house a little, and that should be it.
Have a fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
BTW, the dog food recall is quite extensive so make sure you check the dog food brands to be safe! Gary and I scrubbed out the dog food container, the bowls, and utensils yesterday and bought a bag of a different brand. Poor dogs were farting like crazy last night because we couldn't transition them to the new food. PU!

@vickyday Thank you, I *feel* better and more like myself. When I get into those moods, I can't stand being in my own skin. It takes a conscious effort to force myself back to where I need to be. It is *much* easier to wallow but I can only stand myself for so long before I go :crazy:
hating to ask someone else when you could do it yourself faster than the explanation takes
That is *exactly* it. By the time I go upstairs, ask and explain to Gary what I need to be done, and wait for him to finish whatever he is doing- I could have done it myself 10 times over and the exact way I wanted it done :rotfl:
When I told Scott that Anne had finally called me, he asked if I was still ok with it since she kinda bailed on me. I told him that the best part of the job was being able to do the Trailbound activities for free. Plus-- talking to kids about gardening and nature? And get paid too? So she might be a little flaky on occasion, who isn't? hehe
Baby steps for Carolyn are good- glad to hear there are small improvements.
Hope you had a lovely dinner with Ilene!

@BrightEyes bah humbug about having the return the sweats! You must be so glad that you tried them on before you took the tags off.
Noooooooooooooooo!!! Snow?? YUCK!!!!!!!

@taxed4ever truer words were never spoken: Drizzle is better than snow.
It is always more fun spending other people's money -- but good for Linda to get some cute holiday lights for the house and yard.
Congrats on the Standing O for your Song page. I want to work on that challenge and one of the AJ challenges this week.

@Cherylndesigns I know that I prefer hot weather but this:
it's currently 632degrees,
is too hot even for me :giggle4:
How are you feeling today, butter? I can't imagine how hard it has been to have Chuck in the hospital for so long. The rain must have matched your mood and cozy clothes are good for that. Any updates on when he might get home?
Scott seems to think that I have the job if I want it and it sounded like that to me too. I guess I'll know for sure on Tuesday. IMHO, Anne wants me to get to Scott. He had interned/worked there for years and I know she was disappointed when he left to take the Park Ranger job ;)
Bwuahahah!!! I hope that a bat never flies into your house, brooms don't work so well on them and you'll end up making a mess swinging that thing around

@BrightEyes so glad you made it home safe and sound with the bad weather. And with some new birthday PJs! I don't know if it's just me, but clothes seem like they are made softer and softer lately, even the cheap brands. Glad to hear that your niece upgraded her 5th wheeler

@Su_Sanne It's always so nice to see you pop in here to say hello.
That is a lot of vaccines, it sounds good to give your immune system time to recover a bit before you get one more. The shingles one made me feel awful but better to get the vaccine than the illness.



Love my O Family!
In the US, we celebrate Veterans today. In other countries, it's Armistice or Remembrance Day. No matter what the name is, the meaning of the day seems to hit me harder this year. It's important, very important, to honor the veterans and active service members. My dad and FIL are both veterans, National Guard and Marine Corps, respectively. I know many of your family members are too. But the deeper meaning of Armistice- of *peace* - seems so much more critical and elusive to me. It feels like all corners of the world are hotbeds of war, violence, and suffering.
So while I thank everyone who has fought to keep our countries safe, my ultimate wish is that one day, it won't be necessary to have millions of soldiers/military fighting. We will have peace.

It gets harder and harder to be a hippie-dippy tree-hugger every year that passes, the hope of peace gets crowded out my reality and cynicism but I still hope for the best!

In my smaller world, my parents had a truce yesterday. I'm not sure how long it is gonna last, but it was nice to be around them yesterday. :D My dad fell again and bruised his ribs and Cait took it easy on him. She only busted on him a few times because it hurt when he laughed. If he is better by his party tomorrow, the gloves will be off. :whip3::angelwhistle:

Today should be relatively quiet, I need to make some food for the party tomorrow, tidy the house a little, and that should be it.
Have a fantastic day!
Happy Veterans Day to your dad and FIL! Tell them THANKS from all of us! :heartpumpred:


Had a good night... slept in a warm, soft and snuggly PJ set. One of the new pair I bought yesterday. I am in LOVE with them. They came with warm sleep socks so even the feet stayed nice and warm. :layonpillow: Unfortunately I keep waking up around 4 AM but this time I managed to fall asleep again quickly. Got my coffee made then went into the office but noticed that there wasn't as much light coming from the top of the window into the room. Peeked out and realized that the street light - across the street from my house - was out. I am sure my across the street neighbor Jim will call the city to report it. Jim has a bright outside garage light that is on all night so it isn't pitch dark.

Talked to my Sister yesterday. She is going to bring her long black dress with her so I can re-do the hem on it. She has loss a bit of weight since she wore at last Christmas Concert and it is now touching the floor. I reminded her to bring her shoes and bra. The concert is the 1st week in December. Only a week until she is here!! Wish she could stay on until after Christmas - but she has commitments and doctor's appointments in early December. Not sure when she will be back in December... but hope she can stay longer than a week. A lot will depend on the weather between Amarillo and here.

Yes, there was snow on the mountain yesterday and down into the valley. But the snow in town melted away when it turned to rain. I love looking at the snow but not if I have to get out and drive in it.

@faerywings So sorry to hear your Dad had another fall yesterday. Hope he feels up to coming over for his birthday party. Yep... most times it is 'quicker to do it yourself'... but do let others help you some.

it's currently 632degrees,
@Cherylndesigns - I agree with Chris... that is way too hot for me!! I almost spit my coffee out when I read that yesterday!
Hoping that DH gets sprung soon. BTW, did you find any sweatpants that you like and that fit you???

I ended up spent time yesterday afternoon looking for a photo for an up-coming December challenge. Found a couple that might work... so will be playing around with them to see which I think would work better for the challenge and what kit/collection will work best. Yes, I know I am crazy to get started on it early - but I didn't want to work on while Sis is here.

Need more coffee... HAGD


Love my O Family!
BTW, the dog food recall is quite extensive so make sure you check the dog food brands to be safe! Gary and I scrubbed out the dog food container, the bowls, and utensils yesterday and bought a bag of a different brand. Poor dogs were farting like crazy last night because we couldn't transition them to the new food. PU!

@vickyday Thank you, I *feel* better and more like myself. When I get into those moods, I can't stand being in my own skin. It takes a conscious effort to force myself back to where I need to be. It is *much* easier to wallow but I can only stand myself for so long before I go :crazy:

That is *exactly* it. By the time I go upstairs, ask and explain to Gary what I need to be done, and wait for him to finish whatever he is doing- I could have done it myself 10 times over and the exact way I wanted it done :rotfl:
When I told Scott that Anne had finally called me, he asked if I was still ok with it since she kinda bailed on me. I told him that the best part of the job was being able to do the Trailbound activities for free. Plus-- talking to kids about gardening and nature? And get paid too? So she might be a little flaky on occasion, who isn't? hehe
Baby steps for Carolyn are good- glad to hear there are small improvements.
Hope you had a lovely dinner with Ilene!

@BrightEyes bah humbug about having the return the sweats! You must be so glad that you tried them on before you took the tags off.
Noooooooooooooooo!!! Snow?? YUCK!!!!!!!

@taxed4ever truer words were never spoken: Drizzle is better than snow.
It is always more fun spending other people's money -- but good for Linda to get some cute holiday lights for the house and yard.
Congrats on the Standing O for your Song page. I want to work on that challenge and one of the AJ challenges this week.

@Cherylndesigns I know that I prefer hot weather but this:

is too hot even for me :giggle4:
How are you feeling today, butter? I can't imagine how hard it has been to have Chuck in the hospital for so long. The rain must have matched your mood and cozy clothes are good for that. Any updates on when he might get home?
Scott seems to think that I have the job if I want it and it sounded like that to me too. I guess I'll know for sure on Tuesday. IMHO, Anne wants me to get to Scott. He had interned/worked there for years and I know she was disappointed when he left to take the Park Ranger job ;)
Bwuahahah!!! I hope that a bat never flies into your house, brooms don't work so well on them and you'll end up making a mess swinging that thing around

@BrightEyes so glad you made it home safe and sound with the bad weather. And with some new birthday PJs! I don't know if it's just me, but clothes seem like they are made softer and softer lately, even the cheap brands. Glad to hear that your niece upgraded her 5th wheeler

@Su_Sanne It's always so nice to see you pop in here to say hello.
That is a lot of vaccines, it sounds good to give your immune system time to recover a bit before you get one more. The shingles one made me feel awful but better to get the vaccine than the illness.

Yes, we had a short but sweet visit and meal with Ilene. Turned out that she had to leave right after we got the supper dishes cleaned up to go to her daughter's to babysit the dogs for the weekend.


Love my O Family!
Had a good night... slept in a warm, soft and snuggly PJ set. One of the new pair I bought yesterday. I am in LOVE with them. They came with warm sleep socks so even the feet stayed nice and warm. :layonpillow: Unfortunately I keep waking up around 4 AM but this time I managed to fall asleep again quickly. Got my coffee made then went into the office but noticed that there wasn't as much light coming from the top of the window into the room. Peeked out and realized that the street light - across the street from my house - was out. I am sure my across the street neighbor Jim will call the city to report it. Jim has a bright outside garage light that is on all night so it isn't pitch dark.

Talked to my Sister yesterday. She is going to bring her long black dress with her so I can re-do the hem on it. She has loss a bit of weight since she wore at last Christmas Concert and it is now touching the floor. I reminded her to bring her shoes and bra. The concert is the 1st week in December. Only a week until she is here!! Wish she could stay on until after Christmas - but she has commitments and doctor's appointments in early December. Not sure when she will be back in December... but hope she can stay longer than a week. A lot will depend on the weather between Amarillo and here.

Yes, there was snow on the mountain yesterday and down into the valley. But the snow in town melted away when it turned to rain. I love looking at the snow but not if I have to get out and drive in it.

@faerywings So sorry to hear your Dad had another fall yesterday. Hope he feels up to coming over for his birthday party. Yep... most times it is 'quicker to do it yourself'... but do let others help you some.

@Cherylndesigns - I agree with Chris... that is way too hot for me!! I almost spit my coffee out when I read that yesterday!
Hoping that DH gets sprung soon. BTW, did you find any sweatpants that you like and that fit you???

I ended up spent time yesterday afternoon looking for a photo for an up-coming December challenge. Found a couple that might work... so will be playing around with them to see which I think would work better for the challenge and what kit/collection will work best. Yes, I know I am crazy to get started on it early - but I didn't want to work on while Sis is here.

Need more coffee... HAGD
I'm with you. I don't really mind the snow if all I have to do is look at it and can snap some pretty photos of it, but I don't want to be driving in it at all!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
It was 48 when we got up at 7:30 today! Still pretty overcast so far, too. It was overcast all day yesterday and didn't get out of the 50's. Perfect weather for Mark working on the shed, even in a bit of drizzle. I stayed chilly in the house yesterday unless I was using the heating pad on my back!

We had a short but sweet visit and meal with Ilene. Turned out that she had to leave right after we got the supper dishes cleaned up to go to her daughter's to babysit the dogs for the weekend. That was fine by Mark as he was tuckered out after working on the shed all day! Today he is just cleaning up the shed so he can begin to move 4-wheelers, etc to the newly-roofed side of the shed. I'm sure he will be "done" in time to watch football or racing on tv later ;)

I will be scrapping in between loads of laundry today. Supper is going to be scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy!

HAGD and weekend! :waving1 :grouphugyay:


Well-Known Member
In the US, we celebrate Veterans today. In other countries, it's Armistice or Remembrance Day. No matter what the name is, the meaning of the day seems to hit me harder this year. It's important, very important, to honor the veterans and active service members. My dad and FIL are both veterans, National Guard and Marine Corps, respectively. I know many of your family members are too. But the deeper meaning of Armistice- of *peace* - seems so much more critical and elusive to me. It feels like all corners of the world are hotbeds of war, violence, and suffering.
So while I thank everyone who has fought to keep our countries safe, my ultimate wish is that one day, it won't be necessary to have millions of soldiers/military fighting. We will have peace.

It gets harder and harder to be a hippie-dippy tree-hugger every year that passes, the hope of peace gets crowded out my reality and cynicism but I still hope for the best!

In my smaller world, my parents had a truce yesterday. I'm not sure how long it is gonna last, but it was nice to be around them yesterday. :D My dad fell again and bruised his ribs and Cait took it easy on him. She only busted on him a few times because it hurt when he laughed. If he is better by his party tomorrow, the gloves will be off. :whip3::angelwhistle:

Today should be relatively quiet, I need to make some food for the party tomorrow, tidy the house a little, and that should be it.
Have a fantastic day!

Chris, I can understand the first 2 paragraphs of your “daily overview” and your fears very well!!!
Since Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, Europe has been in turmoil! Now Hamas's war of aggression against Israel and the many small wars around the world that are hardly mentioned anymore. Too much suffering, too many innocent deaths - it's unbearable!! Don't we have other worries in the world? I don't know the reporting in the US, but here the news are almost unbearable. It's hard for me to talk about politics. Nobody wants war !!! We can only hope that the great powers will act rationally and that through negotiations and mediation, tempers will calm down again.
I am always very touched when I read or hear on TV how your veterans are revered and how many returned from the wars with trauma!! When they return! Let's hope that they are well looked after and that they come to terms with their experiences.
There's a lot more that could be said, but I don't think this is the right place.
Our little private worlds keep us busy enough. :stupicpc: :crazy:

A completely different topic, my dears! :groupchat:
I have the impression that there is a bit of boredom in our gallery. What do you all mean?
A wave of new kits from our designers have rolled our way after the summer and it's always hard for me to resist. :angelwhistle:
Then I barely get a chance to look at my treasures and Erin's fusion comes around the corner again. This is how it happens in quick succession. Many beautiful kits are not used often enough. Do you know what I mean? I'm already out of ideas. Then I get frustrated because I love scrapping so much.

And one last question.
I just learned from @Cherylndesigns that "don't be a stranger" is another one of your phrases. What I always wanted to know in this context - maybe you can tell me - is it only in American films that you say "I love you" instead of goodbye, bye-bye, see you later? Do you mean it that way or is it another phrase like “how are you”?
I remember when the CFO of South Africa came into the office for a meeting with the phrase "how are you" my colleague would often respond by first telling the poor man how she was feeling - like a headache, not sleeping well or something similar. The man always grinned at me because I understood this phrase as a polite “hello” and not as a serious conversation about feelings. Now you can make me even smarter!! ....

I'll take a look at the forum for interesting topics and then we'll have dinner. :romanticdinner:
Have a nice day and take care of yourselves!



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OHMYGOSH did I REALLY type that????????????????:giggle4::lol23::floorlaugh: I would be in the fire and flames if it was that hot!!! :banana4::banana4: @faerywings and @BrightEyes. Glad I gave you two a good laugh. :coffeescreen:I try to proofread, but I sucked at that one. :greengrin::lol23:We can call this "the best one yet". :wehaveawinner:

Ok, it is 58 degrees not 580 here right now and fairly sunny. Yesterday was beautiful and in the high 60's. I think I have a free day - no plans until evening. I've had Ava's dog again - they had their six-month anniversary yesterday and Drake surprised her with a trip to Tulsa to see the Van Gogh "experience" - Van Gosh in 3D. Now, I want to go after seeing her pictures. We talked about going next weekend and then the Route 66 Christmas light walk starts the following week. They're on their way back to Tulsa to do a 5K run, then we're either going out to eat or they're bringing food here - we haven't decided yet. Braden's home, so we might go out with him - he probably already has plans, so we're playing it by ear.

Chris @faerywings sorry to hear about your dad falling. Oh boy, take it easy on him. He just doesn't want to ask for help. It's harder for men to ask for help than it is for women. I do hope their truce lasts through his bd party. Oh, these Chucks. I'm sure it IS getting more difficult by the day to be a hippy dippy tree hugger. I'm pretty glad that we live "in the middle of nowhere" right now.

Kay @BrightEyes our day got screwed up and we had such a time crunch by the time we got to Walmart that I didn't have time to look. I need to go back when I can browse. We just literally ran in the picked up with we needed and were out of there. I did manage to grab Chuck another pair of pajama pants and that was only because I walked right by the rack. I love that George brand - that's what the pants were and they were only $9.95. Good to hear that you'll be spending some time with your sister and altering her dress for her.

Hugs to everyone and HAGD.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Susanne @Su_Sanne we both posted at the same time. Yes, it's a sad and violent world right now. My youngest daughter got stopped on a major highway yesterday and had to sit for a long time while some people demonstrated pro Hamas and Palastine. Unreal!

I can understand what you're feeling about all of the new designs that are coming out so fast. It is hard to keep up with everything. Just pick and choose what you like and scrap with it. Just do it for you - that's the only advice I can give you. It probably does feel like the galleries are full of the new designs - and they are - and I can understand your frustration.

I want to wish all of our veterans a Happy Veteran' Day. I have a remembrance of my uncle on my FB page. I was a paper scrapper for many years before I started digi scrapping and the two layouts I posted are paper pages. Uncle Richard (Rip) was in the Navy during WWII and my other uncle, Uncle Franklin was a Bombardiere in WWII and his plane was shot down somewhere over Germany (they think). His remains were never found. Kay @BrightEyes I have been loving all of your pages about Bill's service, I especially loved that last one when Bill retired. Loved that beautiful banner down the side

Here are the pages I posted on my FB page. They were both published in online magazines, which made me very happy.




Well-Known Member
Susanne @Su_Sanne we both posted at the same time. Yes, it's a sad and violent world right now. My youngest daughter got stopped on a major highway yesterday and had to sit for a long time while some people demonstrated pro Hamas and Palastine. Unreal!

I can understand what you're feeling about all of the new designs that are coming out so fast. It is hard to keep up with everything. Just pick and choose what you like and scrap with it. Just do it for you - that's the only advice I can give you. It probably does feel like the galleries are full of the new designs - and they are - and I can understand your frustration.

I want to wish all of our veterans a Happy Veteran' Day. I have a remembrance of my uncle on my FB page. I was a paper scrapper for many years before I started digi scrapping and the two layouts I posted are paper pages. Uncle Richard (Rip) was in the Navy during WWII and my other uncle, Uncle Franklin was a Bombardiere in WWII and his plane was shot down somewhere over Germany (they think). His remains were never found. Kay @BrightEyes I have been loving all of your pages about Bill's service, I especially loved that last one when Bill retired. Loved that beautiful banner down the side

Here are the pages I posted on my FB page. They were both published in online magazines, which made me very happy.

View attachment 406728

View attachment 406727
Thank you, Cheryl! So interesting - I was a paper scrapper, too! Hard work on my photo albums! I'm so sorry for your loss. It's terrible when you don't know where your loved one died and there is no grave where you can mourn. Terrible! It helps, that your story was published.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thank you, Cheryl! So interesting - I was a paper scrapper, too! Hard work on my photo albums! I'm so sorry for your loss. It's terrible when you don't know where your loved one died and there is no grave where you can mourn. Terrible! It helps, that your story was published.
Thanks so much, Susanne. I remember when they officially "declared him dead" and we had a military funeral with an empty casket, draped with an American flag. We always held out hope that he'd come back someday, but it never happened. :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much, Susanne. I remember when they officially "declared him dead" and we had a military funeral with an empty casket, draped with an American flag. We always held out hope that he'd come back someday, but it never happened. :(
When will the relatives stop waiting? Terrible! so many sad stories. Nobody wins!


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far.
Everything was chopped up yesterday, running from one project to the next but I got everything done that I had on my list. I'll count that as a win. :cheer:

I did Day Three-in-a-Row Yoga *and* I went for a 2 mile walk with my friend. That means I am good to go with eating as much as I want at my dad's party today :drinkbuddies:
No scrapping at all yesterday. I spent most of my day when I was not cooking or walking trying to plan out Thanksgiving. I am flying by the seat of my pants. I realized that I didn't invite Sam's grandma and if the rest of her family is here, then she will be alone. That's a big no-no in my book. I'd rather have people standing and eating than be left by themselves. Now the headcount is anywhere from 8-16 people and I won't know until the last minute- possibly that day itself- of the final number. It's fine. Yoga is teaching me how to be flexible. Sure, it's a completely different kind of flexible but that is A-OK!

Today is mostly gonna be cleaning off my desk (ack, it is bad!) and getting ready for the week ahead. Lots going on. Then we are heading to my brother's around 1.
Sending love to you all!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes That's awesome that you love your new PJs -- it is the little things that make a big difference. Find that joy! I bet you can't wait until your sister gets to your house. Is she an older or younger sister?
Ack-- you are working on December challenges and me-- I am far behind on November ones. Last month I was on a roll, but this month, not so much. :/

@vickyday I hate driving in the snow. I slid off the roads trying to get to work more times than I can count. That's an exaggeration but slid off the roads a few times, and hit a tree once. That was more than enough.
Yum, your dinner sounds good!

@Su_Sanne I follow a few accounts on Social Media that report from Ukraine and Israel/Gaza and it is heartbreaking. So many lives gone, homes ruined. I don't know how anyone can exist with having no sense of safety. All I can hope is for peace.
I hope that you can keep scrapping with all of the new kits. I am in love with Fusion. There are so many possibilities to create
with it.
I am chuckling at some of the different phrases and meanings. "How are you?" should never be answered honestly in a corporate setting LOL
I say "I love you" instead of goodbye often to my family and close friends but I wouldn't say it to casual friends. Most of the time I'll say "Bye, love you!" as I walk out the door. or "Love you, drive safe" if they are leaving my house.
Does that make sense?

@Cherylndesigns Bwuahahaha!!! You did make us laugh at your temperature typo. Although I bet @pachimac would say that it felt that hot in Vegas this summer.
You went on the Rt 66 light walk last year, right? I remember photos of it and it looked amazing!
The pages of your uncles are wonderful! It's awful that they had to bury and empty casket.

Love to you all


Morning all. It is another cold start to the day... 29F... :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: But it should get up to 61F late this afternoon.

@BrightEyes That's awesome that you love your new PJs -- it is the little things that make a big difference. Find that joy! I bet you can't wait until your sister gets to your house. Is she an older or younger sister?
Ack-- you are working on December challenges and me-- I am far behind on November ones. Last month I was on a roll, but this month, not so much. :/
Chris, she is my younger sister (8 years younger). That is one reason I will let her make the trip over to visit me instead of my going to visit with her. I was telling her that I was more than ready to put my fall decorations away but am not ready to get the Christmas ones out. I will wait to put them away after her visit.
Yes, the little things like soft PJs and sweatpants that fit sure do lift the spirits! Plus they sure do keep me warm. I am trying to space out working/posting my November challenge LOs over the month. The Art Journaling challenge is a fun one with a weekly new challenge. Really had to put my thinking cap on for that one this month.

@Cherylndesigns Sorry you didn't have time to look for the sweatpants but glad you got the sleep pants for your DH. Oh, yeah... that temperature typo was hysterical!!!

@Su_Sanne Glad that Chris explained some of the 'sayings' we use. I used to work with a designer on a French forum and used a translator to try to understand what was posted. You do so well with English that I didn't realize where you are.

@taxed4ever Sounds like you have had a lot of rain lately. Did it clear up enough for you both to work in the yard??

@vickyday You amaze me what you are able to do even with your broken arm and sore back. Glad your DH got the shed room done enough that he could start using the shed before the weather gets too bad.

@bcgal00 I imagine you are all busy getting the packing done. Won't be long now until the big day arrives.

I didn't get any photos of the snow on the mountain as the clouds were hanging low and couldn't see it. Need to charge the battery on the camera. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Morning all. It is another cold start to the day... 29F... :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: But it should get up to 61F late this afternoon.

Chris, she is my younger sister (8 years younger). That is one reason I will let her make the trip over to visit me instead of my going to visit with her. I was telling her that I was more than ready to put my fall decorations away but am not ready to get the Christmas ones out. I will wait to put them away after her visit.
Yes, the little things like soft PJs and sweatpants that fit sure do lift the spirits! Plus they sure do keep me warm. I am trying to space out working/posting my November challenge LOs over the month. The Art Journaling challenge is a fun one with a weekly new challenge. Really had to put my thinking cap on for that one this month.

@Cherylndesigns Sorry you didn't have time to look for the sweatpants but glad you got the sleep pants for your DH. Oh, yeah... that temperature typo was hysterical!!!

@Su_Sanne Glad that Chris explained some of the 'sayings' we use. I used to work with a designer on a French forum and used a translator to try to understand what was posted. You do so well with English that I didn't realize where you are.

@taxed4ever Sounds like you have had a lot of rain lately. Did it clear up enough for you both to work in the yard??

@vickyday You amaze me what you are able to do even with your broken arm and sore back. Glad your DH got the shed room done enough that he could start using the shed before the weather gets too bad.

@bcgal00 I imagine you are all busy getting the packing done. Won't be long now until the big day arrives.

I didn't get any photos of the snow on the mountain as the clouds were hanging low and couldn't see it. Need to charge the battery on the camera. HAGD
Thank you Kay! I love the language - I am more familiar with it than other European languages.


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes That's awesome that you love your new PJs -- it is the little things that make a big difference. Find that joy! I bet you can't wait until your sister gets to your house. Is she an older or younger sister?
Ack-- you are working on December challenges and me-- I am far behind on November ones. Last month I was on a roll, but this month, not so much. :/

@vickyday I hate driving in the snow. I slid off the roads trying to get to work more times than I can count. That's an exaggeration but slid off the roads a few times, and hit a tree once. That was more than enough.
Yum, your dinner sounds good!

@Su_Sanne I follow a few accounts on Social Media that report from Ukraine and Israel/Gaza and it is heartbreaking. So many lives gone, homes ruined. I don't know how anyone can exist with having no sense of safety. All I can hope is for peace.
I hope that you can keep scrapping with all of the new kits. I am in love with Fusion. There are so many possibilities to create
with it.
I am chuckling at some of the different phrases and meanings. "How are you?" should never be answered honestly in a corporate setting LOL
I say "I love you" instead of goodbye often to my family and close friends but I wouldn't say it to casual friends. Most of the time I'll say "Bye, love you!" as I walk out the door. or "Love you, drive safe" if they are leaving my house.
Does that make sense?

@Cherylndesigns Bwuahahaha!!! You did make us laugh at your temperature typo. Although I bet @pachimac would say that it felt that hot in Vegas this summer.
You went on the Rt 66 light walk last year, right? I remember photos of it and it looked amazing!
The pages of your uncles are wonderful! It's awful that they had to bury and empty casket.

Love to you all
Thank you so much, Chris! Yes, that makes sense. I learn so much here with you! And that's good!! I just have to make an effort to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. I still cringe when you talk about a pleasant 60° outside temperature. This is our specification for boiled laundry :lol23: :giggle4:
Have a nice Party! Don't drink to much :drinks2: :wine3::drinkbuddies:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Morning all. It is another cold start to the day... 29F... :brrr: :brrr: :brrr: But it should get up to 61F late this afternoon.

Chris, she is my younger sister (8 years younger). That is one reason I will let her make the trip over to visit me instead of my going to visit with her. I was telling her that I was more than ready to put my fall decorations away but am not ready to get the Christmas ones out. I will wait to put them away after her visit.
Yes, the little things like soft PJs and sweatpants that fit sure do lift the spirits! Plus they sure do keep me warm. I am trying to space out working/posting my November challenge LOs over the month. The Art Journaling challenge is a fun one with a weekly new challenge. Really had to put my thinking cap on for that one this month.

@Cherylndesigns Sorry you didn't have time to look for the sweatpants but glad you got the sleep pants for your DH. Oh, yeah... that temperature typo was hysterical!!!

@Su_Sanne Glad that Chris explained some of the 'sayings' we use. I used to work with a designer on a French forum and used a translator to try to understand what was posted. You do so well with English that I didn't realize where you are.

@taxed4ever Sounds like you have had a lot of rain lately. Did it clear up enough for you both to work in the yard??

@vickyday You amaze me what you are able to do even with your broken arm and sore back. Glad your DH got the shed room done enough that he could start using the shed before the weather gets too bad.

@bcgal00 I imagine you are all busy getting the packing done. Won't be long now until the big day arrives.

I didn't get any photos of the snow on the mountain as the clouds were hanging low and couldn't see it. Need to charge the battery on the camera. HAGD
Is it that cold where you are?? Brrrr. :brrr: We started with 50 °F :drinkglance:


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes That's awesome that you love your new PJs -- it is the little things that make a big difference. Find that joy! I bet you can't wait until your sister gets to your house. Is she an older or younger sister?
Ack-- you are working on December challenges and me-- I am far behind on November ones. Last month I was on a roll, but this month, not so much. :/

@vickyday I hate driving in the snow. I slid off the roads trying to get to work more times than I can count. That's an exaggeration but slid off the roads a few times, and hit a tree once. That was more than enough.
Yum, your dinner sounds good!

@Su_Sanne I follow a few accounts on Social Media that report from Ukraine and Israel/Gaza and it is heartbreaking. So many lives gone, homes ruined. I don't know how anyone can exist with having no sense of safety. All I can hope is for peace.
I hope that you can keep scrapping with all of the new kits. I am in love with Fusion. There are so many possibilities to create
with it.
I am chuckling at some of the different phrases and meanings. "How are you?" should never be answered honestly in a corporate setting LOL
I say "I love you" instead of goodbye often to my family and close friends but I wouldn't say it to casual friends. Most of the time I'll say "Bye, love you!" as I walk out the door. or "Love you, drive safe" if they are leaving my house.
Does that make sense?

@Cherylndesigns Bwuahahaha!!! You did make us laugh at your temperature typo. Although I bet @pachimac would say that it felt that hot in Vegas this summer.
You went on the Rt 66 light walk last year, right? I remember photos of it and it looked amazing!
The pages of your uncles are wonderful! It's awful that they had to bury and empty casket.

Love to you all
Ozempic has really changed Mark's appetite. What sounded good when I told him what we were having for supper didn't sound good when the time came. And my IBS basically works the same for me. So supper ended up being pimento cheese sandwiches.
Yikes! We're you hurt when you hit the tree?


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've been busy trying to get appts and things set up with the internet, utilities, insurance, etc. So much to do. I have to cancel my dentist appt this week, unfortunately I am super sick so it just makes it all so much harder. Ugh. Chest congestion, laryngitis and sore throat and so tired and achy I can barely move. I'm going to try to hang in there and wait another few days and see if I start to improve, I hate the idea of spending the day in the hospital waiting to see someone in Emergency.

Otherwise, things are progressing as they should. Gotta go, check in again later.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've been busy trying to get appts and things set up with the internet, utilities, insurance, etc. So much to do. I have to cancel my dentist appt this week, unfortunately I am super sick so it just makes it all so much harder. Ugh. Chest congestion, laryngitis and sore throat and so tired and achy I can barely move. I'm going to try to hang in there and wait another few days and see if I start to improve, I hate the idea of spending the day in the hospital waiting to see someone in Emergency.

Otherwise, things are progressing as they should. Gotta go, check in again later.
Ouch! Where did you catch such a cold, Rae??? Colds are coming everywhere. Drink lots and lots and if it doesn't help, go to the doctor! Don't torture yourself for so long. Maybe 3 days of cortisone and then you'll have peace! Get well soon!! :getwell:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all. It's a balmy 65 degrees here already. Sun is shining and I did a switcheroo with the dogs last night. We are playing musical dogs around here. Braden is home for the weekend, so he came and got Bailee and brought me Lila. Daisy and Lila are the perfect pair - Lila has been staying with us for so many years that she just makes herself at home and I hardly know she's here. B thought I needed a break from Bailee (I'd had her for a week, then overnight again and all day Friday and yesterday. She's a frisky one (Bailee). I'm about "dogged out". :runningdog:

I "put them to bed" about 11 last night and that's the last I heard until 9:30 this morning. They slept on the couch all night and the cat slept in "his chair".

Chris, have fun at the party tonight - aren't you glad you can eat whatever you want?

Susanne @Su_Sanne I have to agree about "love you" or "I love you". All of our family and some close friends always say that before we leave - I have this strange obsession that "what if I never see them again and I didn't tell them I loved them? We always say it at the end of a phone call, too.

Kay @BrightEyes I was happy and lucky to be able to grab those pants for Chuck. We cut our time too close and didn't have much left by the time we got to WM. We almost didn't go, but we both needed a few groceries.

Hugs to everybody and HAGD. :grouphugyay:


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. It's a balmy 65 degrees here already. Sun is shining and I did a switcheroo with the dogs last night. We are playing musical dogs around here. Braden is home for the weekend, so he came and got Bailee and brought me Lila. Daisy and Lila are the perfect pair - Lila has been staying with us for so many years that she just makes herself at home and I hardly know she's here. B thought I needed a break from Bailee (I'd had her for a week, then overnight again and all day Friday and yesterday. She's a frisky one (Bailee). I'm about "dogged out". :runningdog:

I "put them to bed" about 11 last night and that's the last I heard until 9:30 this morning. They slept on the couch all night and the cat slept in "his chair".

Chris, have fun at the party tonight - aren't you glad you can eat whatever you want?

Susanne @Su_Sanne I have to agree about "love you" or "I love you". All of our family and some close friends always say that before we leave - I have this strange obsession that "what if I never see them again and I didn't tell them I loved them? We always say it at the end of a phone call, too.

Kay @BrightEyes I was happy and lucky to be able to grab those pants for Chuck. We cut our time too close and didn't have much left by the time we got to WM. We almost didn't go, but we both needed a few groceries.

Hugs to everybody and HAGD. :grouphugyay:
Thanks for your explanation on this, Cheryl! Unfortunately, we Germans are a bit more reserved, which I think is a shame. You're absolutely right, the kiss when you're leaving - even if it's just when your partner is going shopping alone - is important! It is so important to tell your family that you care about them, that they are loved. We say it too rarely. We always think that they should know that. In any case, I think the way you express your affection is wonderful!
Well, we've sorted that out too. :talk:

Have a pleasant day and I and DH have a relaxing evening.
Until tomorrow :waving3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thanks for your explanation on this, Cheryl! Unfortunately, we Germans are a bit more reserved, which I think is a shame. You're absolutely right, the kiss when you're leaving - even if it's just when your partner is going shopping alone - is important! It is so important to tell your family that you care about them, that they are loved. We say it too rarely. We always think that they should know that. In any case, I think the way you express your affection is wonderful!
Well, we've sorted that out too. :talk:

Have a pleasant day and I and DH have a relaxing evening.
Until tomorrow :waving3:
My grandma told me when I first got married to never go to bed angry with each other and never go to bed without saying "I love you". My DH and I kiss each other and say I love you even if we're only going out for a little while. Another one sorted out for you. :woohoo:


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. It's a balmy 65 degrees here already. Sun is shining and I did a switcheroo with the dogs last night. We are playing musical dogs around here. Braden is home for the weekend, so he came and got Bailee and brought me Lila. Daisy and Lila are the perfect pair - Lila has been staying with us for so many years that she just makes herself at home and I hardly know she's here. B thought I needed a break from Bailee (I'd had her for a week, then overnight again and all day Friday and yesterday. She's a frisky one (Bailee). I'm about "dogged out". :runningdog:

I "put them to bed" about 11 last night and that's the last I heard until 9:30 this morning. They slept on the couch all night and the cat slept in "his chair".

Chris, have fun at the party tonight - aren't you glad you can eat whatever you want?

Susanne @Su_Sanne I have to agree about "love you" or "I love you". All of our family and some close friends always say that before we leave - I have this strange obsession that "what if I never see them again and I didn't tell them I loved them? We always say it at the end of a phone call, too.

Kay @BrightEyes I was happy and lucky to be able to grab those pants for Chuck. We cut our time too close and didn't have much left by the time we got to WM. We almost didn't go, but we both needed a few groceries.

Hugs to everybody and HAGD. :grouphugyay:
I know this little piece of wisdom - never go to bed arguing! I receive 3 little kisses at night.
If I'm lucky there will be 4 next year :giggle4: