
Daily Ooos: Monday, September 9


The Loopy-O
Good morning, lOvely Ooos! I hope that everyone is warmer than I am ATM, it's way too cold. It's probably warmer than Jeanne and Tracy, however, at 45*. I don't care what the weather is today, as long as it stays as planned for Thursday and Friday, sunny and near 80*
It sort of kicks me in the gut, this is the week my mom and I would typically go down the shore for a few days and this would be perfect.;)

It turned out that yesterday wasn't a "relax day" for me. I decided that I should do a little more of the heavier cleaning. The stairs needed a really good sweeping and vacuum and the main bathroom needed scrubbing. Then I saw that the kitchen window was spotty and then a few hours later it needed to be redone once the sunlight showed off all of the streaks. Caitlyn requested healthy/low-salt meals for the week so I made tofu, broccoli, and potato sheet pan dinner. That takes 2 full hours of prep and cook time. So not much relaxing with my feet up at all. I did scrap a prerelease that is coming out for DSD by Joyful Heart and all I'm gonna say is keep your eyes peeled for this one!

I read this article this morning and thought of you @JeanneMN

Medicine struggles to define chronic Lyme. Long Covid has only made it harder

The headline is stupid, the article goes on to say that while Long Covid complicates diagnoses, research funding of -- what was the term used? Post-infection inflammation syndromes? I don't think that was it but you get the gist-- these overlapping syndromes or disorders might be used to pinpoint causes and treatments.
If that can come out of Covid, maybe it will eventually be a way to help Gary. :praying2:

I am cleaning for my friend this morning and then picking up groceries this afternoon. My mom wants to see Caitlyn for her birthday (the 21st and she'll be on her honeymoon) she is coming here when Cait gets home from work. Long and busy day ahead.
More coffee, please! :coffeedrinker:



The Loopy-O
I do remember that he would have to turn them down depending on the crowd as the noise was chaotic and loud.
That's a big reason why I suggested to my dad that he go to a different place, I know there are ways of adjusting them so it isn't too much sound. Do you know if there is an adjustment period for hearing aids, like how we were talking about adjusting to bifocals?
Sending you some chicken soup through the internet! I hope you are feeling better.

@AK_Tracy while I am happy that you are having a nothing day, I am sorry that the reason is because everyone in the house is sick. Glad that you took it easy!

@taxed4ever Did you have a nice visit with the ILs? Glad that they are doing better!

Vicky- Happy Grandparents Day - love the page you made!

@BrightEyes I want to get those blenders by Jenn too! Her upcoming kit is ah-may-zing, am I right or what??? :giggle4:

Sorry ladies, I know I am teasing this kit but I meant when I said to keep your eyes peeled for it!

had a sewing business and altered wedding gowns allot..I always pinned a few safety pins in the petticoat just in case one was needed...sometimes it saved a situation for my brides or bridesmaids. One other thing...if the bridesmaids have strapless gowns with those strings to hang them, I would cut them off then pin them back on so for the ceremony they could remove them so they didn't accidentally hang out during the day (for pics'---someone told me it happened to her friend and all the pic's were goofed up )
Good advice! I know the bridesmaids put safety pins in the "emergency kit" but that won't help that is in the bridal suite and she is not.

As for our shenanigans - "WHO US"?????? You knew I'd say that.
HA!!! I know you and your girls too well to think otherwise :rotfl:

I'm going to watch "Who In The Bleep Did I Marry?" It's a true story about a woman right here in town - Ava just took wedding pictures of her and her ???? husband yesterday. Anyway, she married "her dream man" and he had a secret life and a secret family.
OMG!!! That's wild!!! So the dream man was her first marriage? :jawdrop3:

Love to you all!!


Love my O Family!
Thanks for the chicken soup! That actually sounds really good! I might have to make some for lunch later.
I'm sure there would be an adjustment period for the hearing aids even though I don't remember Tim talking about it.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! A quiet peaceful morning for me! DH is back to work and I might actually have a restful day of just doing what I want to do :hahano:. I actually need to vacuum and wash the floors, clean the bathrooms and finish the laundry :sad2: not what I want to do, but what needs to be done. We spent the better part of yesterday in the yards again, trimming bushes, pulling weeds and then doing the same over at the In-Laws. FIL and my Gary did the run to Bings Creek and I did some baking and made a batch of bone broth, cooked an apple pie that was in the freezer for the In-Laws and also baked a batch of Keto muffins for DH's breakfasts during the week. We had a nice visit with the In-Laws and SIL Linda and her and I might be getting out for a Kayak at some point this morning, I have yet to hear from her, but should soon.
It turned out that yesterday wasn't a "relax day" for me. I decided that I should do a little more of the heavier cleaning. The stairs needed a really good sweeping and vacuum and the main bathroom needed scrubbing. Then I saw that the kitchen window was spotty and then a few hours later it needed to be redone once the sunlight showed off all of the streaks. Caitlyn requested healthy/low-salt meals for the week so I made tofu, broccoli, and potato sheet pan dinner. That takes 2 full hours of prep and cook time. So not much relaxing with my feet up at all. I did scrap a prerelease that is coming out for DSD by Joyful Heart and all I'm gonna say is keep your eyes peeled for this one!
You sound like you had a busy day of doing everything but relaxing! I did a page with that pre-release also and you are right it is an amazing collection!! Hope that you get to do what you want to do today, its time for a peaceful few hours at least for you! I can't believe that the big day is almost here, but it sounds like you are all ready for it! :lovey3:
Thanks for the chicken soup! That actually sounds really good! I might have to make some for lunch later.
I'm sure there would be an adjustment period for the hearing aids even though I don't remember Tim talking about it.

Yes Chicken soup does sound really good, but its still too warm here for soup!! I hope your IBS is under control today and you get to have a lovely day!

So much to catch up on here at the O! While I wait for SIL Linda to txt me about kayaking I will go check out just what I missed over the weekend. Have a great day everyone! :waving1


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! A quiet peaceful morning for me! DH is back to work and I might actually have a restful day of just doing what I want to do :hahano:. I actually need to vacuum and wash the floors, clean the bathrooms and finish the laundry :sad2: not what I want to do, but what needs to be done. We spent the better part of yesterday in the yards again, trimming bushes, pulling weeds and then doing the same over at the In-Laws. FIL and my Gary did the run to Bings Creek and I did some baking and made a batch of bone broth, cooked an apple pie that was in the freezer for the In-Laws and also baked a batch of Keto muffins for DH's breakfasts during the week. We had a nice visit with the In-Laws and SIL Linda and her and I might be getting out for a Kayak at some point this morning, I have yet to hear from her, but should soon.

You sound like you had a busy day of doing everything but relaxing! I did a page with that pre-release also and you are right it is an amazing collection!! Hope that you get to do what you want to do today, its time for a peaceful few hours at least for you! I can't believe that the big day is almost here, but it sounds like you are all ready for it! :lovey3:

Yes Chicken soup does sound really good, but its still too warm here for soup!! I hope your IBS is under control today and you get to have a lovely day!

So much to catch up on here at the O! While I wait for SIL Linda to txt me about kayaking I will go check out just what I missed over the weekend. Have a great day everyone! :waving1
If it's not one thing it's another it seems... the IBS has been better this weekend but this head cold is whooping me!
It's never too hot for soup!


I am really enjoying the cooler mornings. And seeing more trees with leaves beginning to turn colors - to yellow or orange. I got the urge to make Mac and Cheese (with chopped onions and smoked sausage) for supper last night. That is one of my fall/winter meals. The sausage was spicy and added a great zing to the the Mac-n-Cheese. Even had to go back for seconds!! :dancing6: No... I don't use boxed M-n-C... make mine from scratch with Velveeta cheese and shells macaroni. Made enough for a couple more meals - so no cooking for a few days.

Did a few chores yesterday... Did some dusting/cleaning but knew better than vacuuming yet. Arms are still a bit sore from the shots. Will do that next week before DD#1 arrives. Really looking forward to seeing her and her hubby.

Tomorrow is the Brown Bag Lunch with the girls. Need to decide what to take for my lunch. It will be at my friend's that is only a couple of miles away... so glad she is up to having it again.

Oooops... DSis is calling. BBL


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Lovelies!

It's probably warmer than Jeanne and Tracy, however, at 45*.
Sorry Chris, I'm sitting here at 51*. Still raining but its not that cold yet.

Today is chiropractor and laundry day. And cleaning and yeah yeah yeah. I missed first Monday of month so need to do that today and clean all the appliances and dust the tv. Gonna have to have some help. Back feels much better but it still twinges now and again. But I can move without grimacing so its an improvement.

Cant wait to see this kit you keep talking about Chris!!! I really need to get another job to afford all the kits I want. And the new one and they're always on sale and yeah.... need to win lottery.

Have a wonderful day!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good almost afternoon.

It's currently 74 degrees, but it's been cooling off at night - high 40's. It's starting the cool down and we're ready for it. I think we're going to have an early fall after a long and very hot summer. We saw some leaves that were starting to turn over the weekend and it just "feels" like fall. I did a little yard work yesterday before we went into town.

Chris @faerywings that guy was her second marriage, and she met him online. He seemed like the perfect man. The episode is called "Smoke and Mirrors". SO bizarre, then Ava takes the pictures of this wedding Saturday. I hope this guy is a keeper. The woman wanted her there from 1 to 7 to take pictures. I think the ceremony was at 5. I can't wait to see all of the pictures. It was a ton of work for Ava - that's a long time. There were 250 guests, and she said they all wanted their pictures taken. She went late because of that. When she agreed to do this, there were 100 guests. :spinningchair: Just curious, how long will the photographer be with you all for Cait's wedding? This was Ava's first wedding and maybe that many hours are normal.

I'm going to try to do a little housework today. UGH. I've been running around all weekend, plus working outside. It doesn't take much to sidetrack me from cleaning. LOL

Hugs to ALL and HAGD. XOXO


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Ugh, I hate it when I write a postUgh, I hate it when I write a post and then forget to post it.

Olga, every day is Saturday for me and many would tell you I'm not normal to begin with, so not sure what normal looks which is pretty normal for me. Your summer sounds GLORIOUS, I can't even imagine, can't wait to see layouts. I hear you on the store being overstimulating, and there is something that is normal for me

The weather rollercoaster is on its way up again, 55 this morning I supposed to be in the 80's most of the week.


Well-Known Member
We are for sure in fall. We maxed out temp wise at 55*.
@Cherylndesigns That sounds like a long time for Ava to take photos. I think my photographer was there three ish hours. One before ceremony to take bridal photos and then during ceremony and about an hour after for father/daughter dance, first dance, and cake cutting. But ours was super small, maybe 50. I hope Ava has a good time and isn't run off her feet.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
We are for sure in fall. We maxed out temp wise at 55*.
@Cherylndesigns That sounds like a long time for Ava to take photos. I think my photographer was there three ish hours. One before ceremony to take bridal photos and then during ceremony and about an hour after for father/daughter dance, first dance, and cake cutting. But ours was super small, maybe 50. I hope Ava has a good time and isn't run off her feet.
She was exhausted, Tracy! I thought that was a long time, too. She asked me and Adrienne what she should charge and we looked up wedding photog. pricing and told her what we thought. She didn't go quite as high as we thought she should, but she did go higher and the bride didn't balk at the price. Since she's a "freelancer" people often think they can get them for less. It's still a lot of hard work. I shot one wedding and it went sideways and I said never again.


Well-Known Member
She was exhausted, Tracy! I thought that was a long time, too. She asked me and Adrienne what she should charge and we looked up wedding photog. pricing and told her what we thought. She didn't go quite as high as we thought she should, but she did go higher and the bride didn't balk at the price. Since she's a "freelancer" people often think they can get them for less. It's still a lot of hard work. I shot one wedding and it went sideways and I said never again.
I hope she got paid well. Freelance just means you get to pick who you like, not who the company sends you. :heartpumppink: Glad they didn't bat an eye at the pay. She earned it with 6 hours of photos.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I hope she got paid well. Freelance just means you get to pick who you like, not who the company sends you. :heartpumppink: Glad they didn't bat an eye at the pay. She earned it with 6 hours of photos.
Thanks, Tracy. Unfortunately some people thing freelance means they don't work as hard. :( She got well-compensated; not as much as we thought she should, but she got compensated plus the venue went from 100 people to 250. That's a big jump and all these people wanted personal photos taken at the reception. She's a hard worker and can't say no to people. It's a lot of work, like I said, I shot one wedding and it soured me. I never shot another one. Oh, I'm not sure I mentioned that I shot one wedding, but I did. That was enough for me. :lol23::lol23:


Well-Known Member
30 minutes and counting. Then the fruit crisp will be done and I'll be in sugar heaven! No ice cream and I dont have time to make it so just crisp which I can do. I may have over done it today since I have to work tomorrow. UGH. Oops but my kitchen is clean. The laundry is done (and put away) the bathroom half clean LOL 2000 sq ft vacuumed. Hubs did the trash (and other things). Dishwasher running for second time. Yep, I'm pooped. But it felt good to get it all done.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Tracy. Unfortunately some people thing freelance means they don't work as hard. :( She got well-compensated; not as much as we thought she should, but she got compensated plus the venue went from 100 people to 250. That's a big jump and all these people wanted personal photos taken at the reception. She's a hard worker and can't say no to people.
Too bad she didn't have a clause that more people means more money. But that's always hindsight. For more then double the agreed on number of guests the price should have gone up double. Crazy!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Too bad she didn't have a clause that more people means more money. But that's always hindsight. For more then double the agreed on number of guests the price should have gone up double. Crazy!
She DID raise her price, but only because her mom and I insisted. She's just so sweet and wants to please so much, but doggone it, that's a LOT of work - so many hours and double the original number.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
30 minutes and counting. Then the fruit crisp will be done and I'll be in sugar heaven! No ice cream and I dont have time to make it so just crisp which I can do. I may have over done it today since I have to work tomorrow. UGH. Oops but my kitchen is clean. The laundry is done (and put away) the bathroom half clean LOL 2000 sq ft vacuumed. Hubs did the trash (and other things). Dishwasher running for second time. Yep, I'm pooped. But it felt good to get it all done.
Can you hire yourself out or at least make a clone of you????? I NEED all of these things done. The fruit crisp sounds amazing and WHY can't you make ice cream for goodness sake????? :lol23: :lol23: :lol23:


Well-Known Member
Can you hire yourself out or at least make a clone of you????? I NEED all of these things done. The fruit crisp sounds amazing and WHY can't you make ice cream for goodness sake????? :lol23: :lol23: :lol23:
Time. Only reason I cant make ice cream. However I had the time I just didn't know it. Fruit was still frozen :floorlaugh: Had to put it back in the oven to finish cooking. Oh well, no ice cream means less fat on my hips :floorlaugh: