
Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 8


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!!! I am very, very hopeful that today will be the start of a great week!!!
I had an uneventful weekend. That helps, a lot. Yesterday I met Scott's GF and her mom to go to Dim Sum for her birthday, which is today. I had to pick scott up anyway since his car is still in the shop, so it was a nice switch to head to lunch together and then to have birthday cake afterward. I just love seeing the two kids so happy together.

But at dinner i sort of blew up at Cait. I was trying to get dinner ideas from them and she announces that does eat eggs or milk any more. I don't mind at all that she is vegetarian, but I think at her age and with her health issues (and lack of finances for good supplements) it is not a smart choice. I did apologize later for yelling but I told her that I was not for what I said.
Besides beans and soy, which she needs to limit her consumption, I don't know of that many other non-animal protein sources. When she is older and her health is more stable, and she is willing to commit to it, I am fine but not at this point.

But today is good-- Scott is able to take my car to school and we hope to have his back tonight. I am buying flowers for my mom and making rice pudding for my dad to say thank you. Gary is going to drive me over to go food shopping in his car which I hate to drive. This afternoon, I'll have my car back from Scott, and I have my dr's appt to discuss ablation/hysterectomy. I made the mistake of looking online to see the pros and cons and to see if I had specific questions to ask her, and all I did was gross myself out from reading what the procedures entail hahahah!!

And the best part-- *drum roll*
The Book Of Life that I put on hold is finally in at the library!!! wheeeeeeeee! This is the third and last in the series of Discovery of Witches and I am hearing that it is great. Cannot wait!!!

That is about it for me- hope that all of you have a fab day!

Me Me Monday:
Remember that last week I was going to do something with my toenail polish? Well, I took the polish off but never got past that. Maybe I can do that today.


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- it is sooooo cold!!! 50*. I don't like it one bit. *pouts*
That is hysterical about painting with your hubby :)

Laurie- I missed something-- you are opening your own business?? Much luck to you!!!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- Chris- my husband son and I are starting a business raising calves- this will give my son a job in the field that he likes. Hoping it also leads to increased job satisfaction for my husband. I actually scrapped lots this weekend- well for me- more than one layout is lots!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, good luck on the quality of your week ahead! sounds like the car stuff is getting sorted. it's a bit worrying about your DD. maybe some professional dietician advice is called for at this point. and a REASON for her doing what she's doing. what's left to eat? and why should YOU be required to figure it all out? (just call me Mean Mommy....)it is almost impossible for you to deal with cooking like this. and now something else. you know me. i''m just interested in how this affects YOU!

Laurie, good luck with the business! do you have property to do this right where you live, or will you be getting some land elsewhere? interesting!

Trudy, did you get to have the fire in the firepit? i was kind of hoping that the wind would carry any smoke right at your loud neighbors. :eyebrows: :laugh: so the shed install is done?

i was supposed to go to visit my aunt with my sister today, but i'm not up to it. the sleep quality issue is catching up with me. i just can't drive for an hour right smack in the middle of the day, stay for several hours, drive an hour back, cook dinner, and still be standing at 6 p.m. to get it on the table. so. staying close to home. laundry. ironing dress shirts. (my fave....) maybe a little local food shopping. aiming for a low-key Monday, and maybe a NAP!!

have a good one! :becky:

P.S i have discovered another use for cheap champagne. i got a little snow cone machine and some sugar-free Berry Blue syrup, and i've been enjoying snow cones at home lately. i tried a new "recipe" yesterday: assemble the snow cone. add a tot of cheap champagne. quite pleasant.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... it is cooler this morning and after our very warm weekend it is a nice break! Well yesterday we spent most of the morning going from one hardware store to another finding all of the little things we need for sprucing up the garage and getting it cleaned up. So yes that means that the shed is all installed, perfectly level, and now has all of the shovels, garden tools etc. hanging on the walls and out of our garage!! Hooray!! Now we just have to put a bit of skirting around the bottom of it to keep the critters out and decide what we want to do to pretty it up on the outside with landscaping. But that may have to wait until the spring. Then we got a call from my brother inviting us up for a swim and dinner, so we hopped into the van and spent a very enjoyable afternoon and evening with them. I went for a swim, hubby did not as he is getting yet another ear infection (he has chronic ear infections, because he won't stop putting his head under the water) MEN!! Anyway the water has cooled down a few degrees because it is cooler at night, so it was very refreshing!!

Chris - I don't blame you for getting a bit angry at DD!! My goodness what will she survive on if she now no longer eats eggs or milk?? So is she now a vegan?? One of my cousins is a vegetarian and her husband is a Vegan, they have two children and I wonder what the heck do they feed their kids and keep them healthy??? Hope that Cait can figure out what she needs and does not burden you with it!!
The book of life... I have that one on my e-reader, but don't know if I have seen the first two books? What are they called? If I ever get done with the Outlander series I will have to start reading those for sure!!

Laurie - Wow! You are going into business for yourselves!! Good for you you! Hope it all is very successful and it is what your son and husband will enjoy together! Ha, Ha, scrapping more than one page is lots of scrapping for me too!! It seems to take me forever to get a page done these days!!

Phylis - Too bad you won't get to see your Aunt, but I totally understand about the non-sleep thing catching up with you! All I want is one night where I don't wake up at 3am head to the washroom and then toss and turn for the next few hours, before dragging my tired butt out of the bed!! :sleep: so tired!! It was better when the grandkids were here and they had me so worn out by the end of the day, I fell asleep before my head even hit pillow LOL. We did not manage to get a fire in the pit the other night, the wind was a bit to strong and I wish the same thing every time we have a fire, that it goes right into our lousy nieghbours open windows!! :becky: (Did I say that out loud???) BTW your cheap champagne snow cones sound wonderful!!

Ok today I have to assemble a shelving unit for the garage and move all of our cleaning and gardening liquids onto the shelfs and tidy up the rest of the garage. It will be so nice to have an organized and clean garage! I don't know how some of our neighbours can stand having their garages so full of junk that they can't even park the car in it? I mean isn't that what the garage is for?? Maybe that's just me?? Have a great day everyone! :wave:


lOve the O!
So we are leasing a barn and my son will move out-Yeah- oh wait did I say that outloud. His father will be his service man, his father will get commission on the feed sales. We are using the company my husband works for to take most of the risk initially which means we will not get great profit, but will start to get some equity. In 2017, the rules will change and lots of growers will leave the business- we want to be ready to meet the rule changes and make greater profit.