
Daily Ooos: Monday, September 2


The Loopy-O
It will be no surprise to anyone that I celebrated too soon over breaking the 4.30 am wake-up time block. Pfft. It was good while it lasted. Of course, it only lasted literally one day. Heheh! Well- What can you do?
Drink coffee! :coffeedrinker:

It sure feels like Fall today, cloudy, breezy, and cool. The last few days, I have been itching to go on a hike but am making myself stay home. With my luck, I'd fall, get lost, or eaten by a bear. Better to stay inside where I am safe. With my weird fingernails. :giggle4:
Tracy wanted a picture I think:

I wanted to do my toes a dark sparkly blue to match the dress and I must have used it up cuz it's no longer in my stash. I tested out a couple of grey/silver colors on my ring finger. Good enough.
I am struggling with meal ideas and I promised myself that I wasn't going to complain about the grocery prices again. Food shopping online was awful yesterday and I gave up. I need to finish that today and I'm not looking forward to attempting that again.
One fun thing yesterday was scrapping. I got a page done for our new Guest Designer, Mystery Scraps/Angelique. Her shop is full of amazing designs.

Plans for today- *%%#$%*&$ Grocery shopping and meal planning. Plus I need to figure out what to cook tonight. Don't get me wrong, I love Tom but it is not easy cooking for a vegan. The tortillas I bought might not be vegan -- it's such a grey area for some things- so the three different options I have won't work for him.

It looks like the sun is trying to come out--maybe I can do some yard work and will cheer me up (Not that I am sad, just frustrated somewhat).

J needs to go outside, TTYS!! ♥


The Loopy-O
The sun is trying to come out but sheesh it's cold when the wind blows.

woot woot woot, the scrapping friend I met IRL is thinking about starting at the OOOOOOOOOO
You enabler, you! :D

That is what DIL did too. Mike owns an automotive repair shop so there is always a risk of getting stuck. Mom feels good about it too, just sayin'
I bet!

Good Morning Ladies.
head cold. Fun. Grands coming in 3 hours. Didn't sleep well. Back aches. I hate feeling ugh.
I hope that you are feeling a lot better today! Hope you survived the grands ♥
I am pretty sure this meme was about me! And its 100% accurate.
I was thinking about you- but it is appropriate for a lot of us :lol23:

We have a day of cleaning out the garage, it hasn't been done in years and I am sick of all the stuff collecting dust and cobwebs!! We are going to tackle half of it today and the other half tomorrow.
That's fantastic and hope that you are getting rid of a lot of stuff you no longer need. (Wish *my* Gary would be willing to do that! LOL)
How are your ILs and Linda feeling today?

Our nephew is going into the Air Force in 2 weeks so it may be the last family party with him for a while. If you’re the praying type - pray for his safety. The world is so unsettled right now!
Good thoughts for your nephew ~~~ :hug3:

I nearly fell off my chair LOL over your different nail polish on each finger and different foundation all over your face!!! That is one way to make the decision on which of those will work for the wedding events.
Today is lipstick. I already pulled out about 10 different tubes and will try each of them out. The foundation testing went well- I tried 6 different shades/formulas and got it down to two. Put each of those on half of my face and went about my day. At the end of the day, one felt tacky and the other did not. While I was looking for the lipsticks I found one more bottle of foundation so I'll compare those.
I have to complain about my skin-- 56 years old, and it is still oily and gets clogged pores. But wrinkles and bags and sags, it is not fair!

Now W needs to go out. BRB!


The Loopy-O
The good news is I am feeling "normal" again. Even the appetite has come back!
That's great news!
I'm seriously considering getting a couple of them. Have to figure out what size. I will let you know. I'm intrigued. I have such a terrible allergy to any jewelry. I got a necklace recently with Chuck's name and "dates" engraved on it and it breaks my neck out. It's stainless steel, I got it on Etsy and the woman didn't think it would bother me. I need to go to Titanium.
My friend got a brand that begins with E Emco, Enco? Can't remember. Anyway-- there were so many different styles on Amazon and I thought the stackables were super cute.
Just an FYI about stainless jewelry-- Tom was telling me that a lot of stainless jewelry on the market is -- what was the term??? My darn memory is shot-- machine grade? It's a cheaper material but still "steel" but shouldn't be used for jewelry. Any of the jewelry he got for me (ears and nose) has never given me an issue where even "good' jewelry has given me hives and blisters occasionally.

I can't even express how I felt last night. I did the best I could to describe it, but Adrienne and I both agreed it was in our TOP FEW most wonderful experiences. Roger pretty much summed it up; he said it just touched something deep inside him. I looked at him at one point and he was "somewhere else".
So incredible. It must feel impossible to put it into words and what a blessed time to share with yoru family and Drake.

T-10 and the quiet ends! Will I survive? Trudy and I will be in the corner huddled up, someone send :wine3:
Can I join?? :drunk:

Not to worry - those cruise lines are experts at avoiding storms. They don't want to risk their billion-dollar ships. Passengers just need to be prepared to see different islands than they expected, or spend some extra sea days exploring cruise activities. Or eating ice cream.
That's what I told my mom and myself, they have ways and space to divert themselves. And I wasn't even considering the financial aspect of the cruise line LOL
Thanks for sharing!

@Cherylndesigns So happy you got your t-shirt and water bottles! I'll have to check out your FB page too!

Time to go fight with the supermarket website. :batfight::
Wish me luck!



GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I nearly fell off my chair LOL over your different nail polish on each finger and different foundation all over your face!!! That is one way to make the decision on which of those will work for the wedding events.
@BrightEyes Oh Kay, this made me LOL. Honey, if you ever met me IRL you'd probably need a seatbelt to stay on your chair. My for real nails last time were each a different shade of neon with glitter on top. I just had to show you a picture of my current nails.

So, @faerywings how many lips to you have anyway?? Reminds me of do chickens have lips and I was envisioning chickens with different shades of lipstick hanging out in your living room with a glass of wine.

I also know you say, not apologies necessary, but I've been more erratic than usual this week. Hubs family situation is just getting worse and its taking a toll and him and me as well. Little things he does around here like having the tv on when I'm trying to scrap and the same news has cycled thru 6 times, I want to scream or tell him to go upstairs and watch TV, but he doesn't need me ragging on him. I've just never been able to concentrate with a lot of background noise. My sister is the epitome of my mother, and knows just how to trigger me with messages that could read Jeanne or current person living there. I love my family here and you are probably the ones keeping me semi sane, but I just can't keep up with personals right now. And yes, @faerywings , I know they aren't necessary but they are fun.

I did finally finish that page I was bogged down on and it will fulfill one of the challenges this month. Woot woot.
Last edited:


Morning all. Actually slept in a bit... until 7:30. Been busy uploading the Quote Challenge LO... and catching up on posts. Today is Labor Day holiday here in the US... no plans just staying home.
Yesterday afternoon I spent time getting DD#1's wedding title page done. Decided which photos to use on special pages then had to resize frames to fit those photos and print them out. Still have to cut out the frames today. Got the rest of the photos in the photo sleeves and put them in album. So the big wedding album project should be finished up today!!! Here is DD#1's title page.


I had a cute little visitor stop by a couple of days ago. Managed to get the camera and snap a couple of photos of him. I was surprised he stay still as I opened the patio screen door and stepped out to get the photos. I am sure he came by to snack on the plums that have fallen off the plum tree. I have seen several different birds - from hummingbirds up to crows visiting the plum tree in the past few days. Between the birds and the strong winds, even more plums have fallen. I should go out and pick up the fallen plums and trash them.

Will be back later on with personals.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I maybe told you there was another batch of serious storms that came through during the tailgate party for the U of M Gophers football game. 60 mile an hour winds and heavy rain which then moved on to the state fair. Needless to say, attendance had been affected, so when the weather was gorgeous on Friday, I asked hubs, gee you wanna go to the state fair, they'll probably set a record. We both just laughed. Friday's attendance was 225,500, it broke the previous record by 16,000! Rochester is 15 miles from us and it's a good sized city, their population is about 122,00. It blows my mind, which doesn't take a very strong breeze, to think that almost 2 times that many people were at the state fair.


Well-Known Member
Dont know if I can use Good but Morning all.

Tracy wanted a picture I think:

YES I wanted the photo! I liker index and pinky. I like ring for every day but not for wedding. <3

I hope that you are feeling a lot better today! Hope you survived the grands ♥
Nope and nope. Been up since 2 a.m. The one who wont talk, just hides had a rough night. And wouldn't tell me what he needed. It was too dark, he was thirsty, he wanted his brother (who was sleeping in same room) and just cant whisper. GD was in bed with me and kicked or slapped hubs and I all night long. We have a king size bed. Who knew grands could stretch that big. I'm bruised, tired and in need of serious sleep. My sinuses are packed and hurt. It was a rough night. Probably wouldn't have been so bad had I not had a head cold.
Can I join?? :drunk:
I love my family here and you are probably the ones keeping me semi sane, but I just can't keep up with personals right now.
I'm sorry Twin they're being stinking still and causing drama. Glad you have us to keep you semi sane. :heartpumppink:

Nothing worse then feeling icky and unable to sleep. I think everyone was woke up last night but the youngest. She just wiggled kicked and slapped in her sleep. Today is laundry. Dishes, bathrooms and sheets. We shall see what happens. Tomorrow Starts a busy week so I can't just sit like I would like.

Off to get more coffee and try really hard to stay out of :jail1:

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I could just feel the cooler air and low humidity blowing in this morning as we biked. It was gorgeous. Afterwards went down to the trails to check that lumber had been delivered and pre-cut a bu h so it's ready for tomorrow's work group. We will replace the first of our washed out bridges. Yay!

So that leaves me the afternoon to finish last plans for next month's vacation, make a grocery list, and take a nap. Just because I'm retired doesn't mean I can't celebrate Labor Day.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I'm sorry Twin they're being stinking still and causing drama. Glad you have us to keep you semi sane. :heartpumppink:
Thank you sweet Twin. This has been going on for a year and a half, but the last 6 months or so, it's gotten uglier and uglier. The family is imploding, and I think it may be past the point of ever healing. Tons of anger and bitterness, all because of the one selfish sibling with no moral compass.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
So that leaves me the afternoon to finish last plans for next month's vacation, make a grocery list, and take a nap. Just because I'm retired doesn't mean I can't celebrate Labor Day.
That gives you more reason to celebrate!


Well-Known Member
Little things he does around here like having the tv on when I'm trying to scrap and the same news has cycled thru 6 times, I want to scream or tell him to go upstairs and watch TV, but he doesn't need me ragging on him.
Headphones!! Marriage saver. Mark's been using them for years and believe me, it helps immensely. I recommend them highly. :giggle4:
I'm sorry to hear everything is so rough with your family dynamics. Big hugs to you
I just had to show you a picture of my current nails.
love Love LOVE that they are as colorful as your personality!!! :heartpumpred::flower:
So the big wedding album project should be finished up today!!!
You're my inspiration to get Erinn's and Paul's done. They've been married 4 years and it's about half way done. My goal is to get it done and printed before he gets back from deployment.
Off to get more coffee and try really hard to stay out of :jail1:
I was wondering how your time with the grands was going. Sending prayers and coffee your way!!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Headphones!! Marriage saver. Mark's been using them for years and believe me, it helps immensely. I recommend them highly. :giggle4:
I'm sorry to hear everything is so rough with your family dynamics. Big hugs to you
LOL, I have them and was using them during Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith and put them on yesterday when Mash was started again for the third time. We've been watching Newhart, which is hysterical, couldn't figure out why I didn't really remember them, could be because I had a 2-year-old and a school year job. He doesn't like to watch them unless I'm watching with him, but you are right, headphones have kept me from screaming.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
love Love LOVE that they are as colorful as your personality!!! :heartpumpred::flower:
White polish (which I would never wear otherwise), the she scribbles with different colored sharpie marker, and dabs them with some acetone, top coat and they're done. Probably the easiest ones she's done, other than 5 different neon colors of course :floorlaugh: :banana6::rotfl:


Love my O Family!
It will be no surprise to anyone that I celebrated too soon over breaking the 4.30 am wake-up time block. Pfft. It was good while it lasted. Of course, it only lasted literally one day. Heheh! Well- What can you do?
Drink coffee! :coffeedrinker:

It sure feels like Fall today, cloudy, breezy, and cool. The last few days, I have been itching to go on a hike but am making myself stay home. With my luck, I'd fall, get lost, or eaten by a bear. Better to stay inside where I am safe. With my weird fingernails. :giggle4:
Tracy wanted a picture I think:

View attachment 427302
I wanted to do my toes a dark sparkly blue to match the dress and I must have used it up cuz it's no longer in my stash. I tested out a couple of grey/silver colors on my ring finger. Good enough.
I am struggling with meal ideas and I promised myself that I wasn't going to complain about the grocery prices again. Food shopping online was awful yesterday and I gave up. I need to finish that today and I'm not looking forward to attempting that again.
One fun thing yesterday was scrapping. I got a page done for our new Guest Designer, Mystery Scraps/Angelique. Her shop is full of amazing designs.

Plans for today- *%%#$%*&$ Grocery shopping and meal planning. Plus I need to figure out what to cook tonight. Don't get me wrong, I love Tom but it is not easy cooking for a vegan. The tortillas I bought might not be vegan -- it's such a grey area for some things- so the three different options I have won't work for him.

It looks like the sun is trying to come out--maybe I can do some yard work and will cheer me up (Not that I am sad, just frustrated somewhat).

J needs to go outside, TTYS!! ♥
I like the dark shade against your skin tone.


You're my inspiration to get Erinn's and Paul's done. They've been married 4 years and it's about half way done. My goal is to get it done and printed before he gets back from deployment.
:floorlaugh: ... DD#1's wedding was in 1976 and the next 4 weddings were in 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1995!!! I would say it has taken me a few years to get these all done!!! Good luck on getting that done before he gets back from deployment!
And I still haven't gotten the frames cut out for DD#1's pages... got side-tracked work on Color Palette challenge.

I nearly fell off my chair LOL over your different nail polish on each finger and different foundation all over your face!!! That is one way to make the decision on which of those will work for the wedding events.
@BrightEyes Oh Kay, this made me LOL. Honey, if you ever met me IRL you'd probably need a seatbelt to stay on your chair. My for real nails last time were each a different shade of neon with glitter on top. I just had to show you a picture of my current nails.
View attachment 427315
Oh, WOW.. how colorful!! You must have the patience of Job to paint them with all those colors!! They fit your personality!!

@Cherylndesigns I saw your fantastic FB posts about the Nations Gathering. Gave me chills and love it all. So glad you got to attend it all... even with the rain. Glad you got your tee-shirt of the event.

Time to get off the computer and get dressed...


Love my O Family!
The sun is trying to come out but sheesh it's cold when the wind blows.

You enabler, you! :D

I bet!

I hope that you are feeling a lot better today! Hope you survived the grands ♥

I was thinking about you- but it is appropriate for a lot of us :lol23:

That's fantastic and hope that you are getting rid of a lot of stuff you no longer need. (Wish *my* Gary would be willing to do that! LOL)
How are your ILs and Linda feeling today?

Good thoughts for your nephew ~~~ :hug3:

Today is lipstick. I already pulled out about 10 different tubes and will try each of them out. The foundation testing went well- I tried 6 different shades/formulas and got it down to two. Put each of those on half of my face and went about my day. At the end of the day, one felt tacky and the other did not. While I was looking for the lipsticks I found one more bottle of foundation so I'll compare those.
I have to complain about my skin-- 56 years old, and it is still oily and gets clogged pores. But wrinkles and bags and sags, it is not fair!

Now W needs to go out. BRB!
I've been MIA for a couple of days.....gonna have to go back and look for the foundation post!


Love my O Family!
Morning all. Actually slept in a bit... until 7:30. Been busy uploading the Quote Challenge LO... and catching up on posts. Today is Labor Day holiday here in the US... no plans just staying home.
Yesterday afternoon I spent time getting DD#1's wedding title page done. Decided which photos to use on special pages then had to resize frames to fit those photos and print them out. Still have to cut out the frames today. Got the rest of the photos in the photo sleeves and put them in album. So the big wedding album project should be finished up today!!! Here is DD#1's title page.

View attachment 427325

I had a cute little visitor stop by a couple of days ago. Managed to get the camera and snap a couple of photos of him. I was surprised he stay still as I opened the patio screen door and stepped out to get the photos. I am sure he came by to snack on the plums that have fallen off the plum tree. I have seen several different birds - from hummingbirds up to crows visiting the plum tree in the past few days. Between the birds and the strong winds, even more plums have fallen. I should go out and pick up the fallen plums and trash them.
View attachment 427327

Will be back later on with personals.
That bunny probably felt pretty well camouflaged where he was, Kay! I had to look twice to see him!


Love my O Family!
Dont know if I can use Good but Morning all.

YES I wanted the photo! I liker index and pinky. I like ring for every day but not for wedding. <3

Nope and nope. Been up since 2 a.m. The one who wont talk, just hides had a rough night. And wouldn't tell me what he needed. It was too dark, he was thirsty, he wanted his brother (who was sleeping in same room) and just cant whisper. GD was in bed with me and kicked or slapped hubs and I all night long. We have a king size bed. Who knew grands could stretch that big. I'm bruised, tired and in need of serious sleep. My sinuses are packed and hurt. It was a rough night. Probably wouldn't have been so bad had I not had a head cold.


I'm sorry Twin they're being stinking still and causing drama. Glad you have us to keep you semi sane. :heartpumppink:

Nothing worse then feeling icky and unable to sleep. I think everyone was woke up last night but the youngest. She just wiggled kicked and slapped in her sleep. Today is laundry. Dishes, bathrooms and sheets. We shall see what happens. Tomorrow Starts a busy week so I can't just sit like I would like.

Off to get more coffee and try really hard to stay out of :jail1:
Hope you feel better soon!


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon and Happy Labor Day to those in the U.S.
I've been MIA the last several days. Been busy doing "stuff"......
scanning books to sell on FB marketplace
sleeping in since Mark has been home
bike riding
working on/in the house
Today is warm but more than that it is stinking humid! We had heavy rain yesterday and over night. I'm sure that is why the humidity is up today. The weather is supposed to cool off this week, at least stay out of the 90s! We shall see!
Mark has been changing the looks of the front of the house. The "bushes" out there were more like trees, and continually clogging up the eaves, which in turn causes water to leak into the basement, at least that's what Mark thinks. So phase 1 in correcting the problem is to get rid of the bushes so he can dig out the dirt next to the basement wall. Phase 2 will be to remove the trunks. Here's a before and after shot, except that I didn't get out there early enough to get a picture before he already had half of them cut down.


And, man, oh man! Did he ever uncover the spider webs! And dirty windows that I have not been able to wash since the last time he trimmed those bushes a couple of years ago! So, guess what I'll be doing later when it cools down?!
I also got caught up.....again.....on my ATCs that I missed doing over the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with those better from now on!
I ordered groceries last night to pick up today. Then when I got ready to go get them I realized I forgot some items I needed to have to fix for our dinner at church this Sunday before the baptismal service. So, I went in and picked up those 4 items, went back to the car, drove to the pick-up lane and called to let them know I was there, LOL!
OK, I need to switch out the laundry.
This holiday day off for Mark already has me thinking it is the weekend still!
Have a good rest of your week!