
Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 17


The Loopy-O
Ahhhhhh! I am in a much better head place than I was on Friday for sure. My little dude is such a joy to be around!! Love the "drunk running" into open arms and slobbery kisses!! I got some really sweet and adorable pics of him, even a nice one of Caitlyn so I need to scrap!

This week is gonna be a busy one-- cleaning and running and working and prepping for 20 people here on Saturday, Today is going to be steam cleaning and power washing, yay fun!

Me Me Monday: I have to find tome to scrap!! havetohavetohavetooooooooooooo!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Chris, you're an early bird today! i was awake at 5, but did fall asleep about 10, so actually got MORE than 6 hours of "sleep." not bad. sounds like you have a ton to do today! hope it all goes well. you sound energized from the time you spent with the Little Dude. can't wait for the Little Dude pages!

today, lunch with The Fab Four before everyone hits the road for home after the reunion this past weekend. i will miss them. hard to replace friends that you've had for 50 years. back to hanging out with my cat.

enjoy your Monday, everyone. do something you love.



The Loopy-O
Weekend personals:

Laurie-- did you ever find your mojo? Hope so!!

D- Scott is 16. Cait will be 14 on Friday. I was talking to him and to Cait a bit more on Sat. and I am recognizing that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing-- pulling away from me. I have been so lucky that we have been close and open with each other for so long as it is. But its so hard, isn't it??
I just have a really hard time with lying and when we caught him in some lies it really makes me nuts. The lies are (almost) always worse than the action!! If any of you more experienced moms have *any* advice at all on how to deal with the teen years, I am open to suggestions!!!!

Happy Birthday to Helene!!!! And how is you mother doing? Were they able to reset her wrist ok? Hugs to her and to you!

Phyllis- how was the rest of the Reunion?

Trudy-- sending happy vacation thoughts to you wherever you may be ATM!!!

Donna- Enjoy those ring and the good memories it brings. I am sure you sister would be very happy to see them being worn again :)

Jen- I seriously cannot imagine you bitching about anyone. I can however, imagine you spearing them with extra exclamation points. :p

Linda S!!!! I hope that your weekend was as wonderful as it sounded-- pumpkins! Reading!! Yay!!!!

Terry- Sounds like your weekend was great too!!!

Hi Kim! Yay that your little man did great with his grandparents! Bet you all missed each other so much.

Andrea- hugs~~~~ When do you get your test results back? I have all fingers and toes crossed for ya. I think that the alone time would get to me too-- too much time to think.

Heather-- hey there!! *waves*

Hugs and love to all of ya!!!


lOve the O!
morning O fam- I was in the awake when all are sleeping club- MMG did some heavy breathing, I set my alarm wrong- the light alarm is wonky - think a recent storm fried it, and I had to use a traditional and man waking up at 12 thinking it was 5 was not cool and when I did fall back to sleep the music man started- I tried earplugs, "gently" caressing him with my foot and finally retreated to the couch. I did get up on time and have finished my workout- guess I should wash the sweat off and get ready for work!


Well-Known Member
Good morning. Chris, did I miss why you are having 20 people over for this weekend... Eeeks to the cleaning... And glad that your little man made you happy!

Phylis, enjoy lunch with the fab 4. I agree...something special about friends that have known you that long.

Laurie, sorry that it was a sleepless night...so glad that you didn't use that for an excuse on why not to do the workout. Admiration coming your way.

Wonderful weekend but back to the grindstone!


Well-Known Member
Laurie, welcome to the club!! i still think we need some middle-of-the-night parties to liven up the sleepless wee hours!!

Hi, Linda! don't tell me everything you got done and did over the weekend or i'll have to lie down again! :faint: you're a whirlwind!


Well-Known Member
Chris--so glad you had an energizing weekend with your little Dude!

Laurie--hate those kinds of nights. I have them way too often.

Phyllis--enjoy lunch with the Fab Four!

Work is on tap for the day---just like every other Monday. But first it is off to the gym. Really trying to get into this workout thing......


back hOme and loving it
Hi there !

Chris - ahhh .... Lies ... Hélène is a pro in lies ... and we honestly have not found the remedy yet. We just show her time and time again that we know she's lying. We discussed a lot with her about trust. She's frustrated that we don't trust her more, but we explained that her lies have destroyed most of our trust for the moment and that we're ready to start building it back with her step by step, but any lie will mean regression. I'm not that optimistic, but who know ;)
Mom is back home. She sounds OK even though tired. Dad is Tired too ... we'll see how it goes in the next few days.

Phylis - glad you had a nice time at the reunion. Those great moments fly by too fast, don't they ?

Laurie - ughh I hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night and he's snoring ... I do end up somewhere else those times too ;)

Linda - tell yourself that the next weekend is getting closer by the minutes ;) LOL that's how I hang on on shitty weeks ...

Terry - you're brave ... I can never sitkc to a workout schedule ... hang on there girl ! :)


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies...

Rain and lots and lots of rain today and tomorrow...but then the rest of the week is going to be JUST RIGHT!!! Highs around 70, lows around 60....HOW PERFECT!!!! My Mom wants to have a yard sale this weekend..so we are preparing for that....I don't care to do them, but she needs help and it gives her and myself plus Sharon some time together for two days (we do them Fri and Sat).

Weekend sucked.....personal issues here.... ~sigh~

But on a good note for the weekend..Jesse had his first soccer game...they YMCA has a 4-6 yo group and it's very well organized and just right for this age group...they have 15 minutes of coaching with them then play for 30 minutes...it's absolutely adorable to watch too....10 kids out there at one time all chasing the ball down..BUT..my ball hog grandson...he has a natural talent for this I think...he was all over that ball...scored two of the three goals!!! he was so thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay....I gotta run...grocery shopping this morning....plus meeting a girl to sell one of my items listed on Craigslist...I HATE CRAIGSLIST...people don't show up, people trying to get something for nothing....EBAY IS SO MUCH EASIER...list..they bid..you ship (it's that shipping that keeps me from listing though...stuff is too big)


back hOme and loving it
Appart from my mom's hectic week-end, and Hélène birthday, the news for this week-end is Cédric starting Rugby.
He had a trial session last friday, and it was a success. So we went an bought him the necessary equipment saturday morning, head protection, mouthgard, high knee sock, shoes .... He's trheateingly handsome with all this stuff on LOL.
I tried the head protection on him to check the size and said "ah, good it fits nicely" to my DH. And then Cédric answered "mhhh no, not that good, you completely folded my ears !" ... OOPS LOL LOL LOL

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
Morning ladies! Not much going on here today, just a routine dr. check up for my BP.Had an amazing quiet weekend, got a few nagging chores done and lots of relaxing! This morning I am going to scrap :)


Well-Known Member
Helloooo everyone! I'm ashamed to say I haven't checked into the daily-Os in a very long time. So much going on the last couple of years. I have been chatting with Clara and I thought I'd pop in and say hi. So many new faces! It's great to see a lot of my old friends and I hope to make some new ones, too.

My name is Dawn. I live in Western Ky. I have considered the O my digi-home since 2007 even though I haven't been around much since 2009. I am going to try and pop in more often. I'll have to read previous dailies to try and catch up!

Have a blessed day everyone :)


Well-Known Member
DAWN!!! ~pounce~ :hug: :kiss:

How wonderful to see you here sweetie!! I hope you do come in more often..we sure have missed you here sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to :tea: and catch up!!


Well-Known Member
Mornin' all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not much goin on today other than HOUSEWORK wow... wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much laundry. Got up at 6 to catch up, and it's still going strong... LOL

wellllllllllll another cup of coffee, and then scrap something cuz' I need a break and I have my supper done already so all good:)


Well-Known Member
Ok, it's definitely not morning, but I just got here.

Chris - Thanks for the welcome, but I have to know why are you having 20 people over this weekend?

Finally back home! Baby boy slept the whole car ride home and through the night. And took an extra long morning nap. I guess all the travelling tired him out, too. I've got my scrapping on, even playing around with a bit of designing. Designing for a page or two for Isaac's album and then maybe I'll give what I design away to get feedback? I don't know. I'm having a blast though. I couldn't wait to get home and scrap. I've made four pages since last night. I hope I keep enjoying it this much. Sometimes I get really obsessive about things and burn myself out. I do know I need to stop buying kits! But then I see another one and...Yup.


Well-Known Member
hi, Dawn! i've only been in here for a year, so HI! it'll be fun to have you gabbing with us!

Nana, ((hugs.))

Marie, the folded ears in the helmet made me LAUGH!!

TMD, glad you're HOME! sounds like the little guy was exhausted. don't you feel like YOU need to sleep for a day and a night??

Jen. just THINKING about your laundry makes me want to run and hide!! i can't even imagine how much you have!

Terry, i am admiring your exercise enthusiasm! wish i could find some....

Heather, how's the blood pressure stuff going?

i am pretty happy all my reunion stuff is over. man, am i ever TIRED!
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Well-Known Member
Yeah.....CRAIGSLIST FAIL!!! the girl didn't show up...but had the nerve to send me a message saying "my daughter got sick last night, so I couldn't make it but I still want it".....UUUHHHMMMMM why not send me a note last night, or early enough this morning?? Like I said before..I HATE CRAIGSLIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have about 10 things listed right now...and all of the replies I have gotten on most of them is WILL YOU TAKE ANY LESS or IS THIS YOUR BEST PRICE?? HELL NO IT'S NOT MY BEST PRICE...MY BEST PRICE IS THE ONE I PAID FOR THE STUPID THING...WANNA PAY ME THAT MUCH????? uuggh!!

and if you are on FB...you know why my mood is really crappy at the moment...YET ANOTHER PAIR OF GLASSES HAVE BEEN DEMOLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called her teacher and told her, NAP TIME..GOTTA TAKE THEM OFF!!!!!! She doesn't sleep, so she is bored...she has nothing to do but lay there...and destroy her glasses....I am sure her sweet mind is only thinking "hhhmmm...wonder how far these glasses will bend........................ooops..not as far as the last pair!!!!"..and for the record they have all been the kind that bends back...just not as far as she bends them..... sigh
Well these lasted for 4 days....that's the record. I really really think it's time to scrap about this...I need the therapy!!!!

Anyone know of a DAMAGE kit? :hurt:


Well-Known Member
Ok ok it's time for her and Jonah to meet... He has broken his glasses SO MANY TIMES OH MY WORD IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Justje, and Nana, I wonder if this is what I have to look forward to with my little guy. He's too little to destroy his glasses yet, and I thought they'd be pretty indestructible, but now I wonder.