
Daily Ooos: Monday, September 16


The Loopy-O
It's the Back to Real Life Edition! I think that is a good thing. ;)
It is a good thing, I have been literally and figuratively all over the place for the past... 56 years and 2 months possibly LOL

My apologies for not responding to everyone personally but I have read all of your comments here and in the Braggy Mama thread and I love them all. I know I am breaking my own Rule by apologizing but I had to.

We got the kids to the ship in record time, no speeding necessary. We drove down Rt 17 which is a nightmare of a highway during the week but because of the city/county's Blue Laws, much of the shopping is shut down on Sundays. I never saw a cruise ship that close before, holy moly it is huge! They got the wifi package and we have been able to share pics through FB Messenger. They shared a photo of the Just Married banner on their balcony and I shared pictures of the rats. :p

I am so excited about getting into the Homeschool planning again. I wanted to play around with the leaf chromatography experiment so after I set that up, I took some pics and shared them on FB. The Director saw my post and texted me right after. The first line of the text made my heart drop, I thought she was telling me it was inappropriate to post on my personal page. She was actually saying how happy she was that I posted and asked permission to use my photos for her marketing posts. Whew!!! I am going in today to scope out some of the supplies and spots I want to set stuff up. The teacher's motto: Plan for everything, use almost nothing. Bwuhahahaha!!

Have a wonderful and fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday Did the weather turn out ok for you to get out on the bike? I know you are farther inland in NC but do you expect any of the tropical storm to hit you this week? I hope the weather and your cold are all good for you.

@bcgal00 Wishing you a wonderful vacation as well! I am so relieved that the strike is over. What a nerve-wracking mess. Hugs!

@BrightEyes I know I'll have so many more photos to share. And to think these aren't even the professional ones! I'll be up to my eyeballs in scrap materials :D
Take good care of yourself and your knee when you are out and about today. Are you sure you can't wait a day or two to make that trip to the commissary? Rest, rest rest! Dr. Momma Faery orders :angelwhistle:

@AK_Tracy I am proud of you for turning your phone off and hibernating yesterday (as long as you followed through of course)!
I didn't truly have a quiet afternoon yesterday (*shocked face* uh huh, I know LOL). I hadn't washed any clothes-- kitchen towels and cleaning rags but no clothes- in over a week. I had to do two ginormous loads yesterday afternoon. Maybe tomorrow will feel more quiet. Or not :neener:

@Cherylndesigns I really thought I would cry during the ceremony, there were a few moments that got me here-- *points to heart*
BFFATS was there in plenty of time, even after doubling back for the bouquet. It was my BFF of all time (and Caitlyn's aunt, uncle, and cousins) who were stuck in traffic. Although we would have waited for either of them. Sam told Caitlyn on Saturday that Scott did cry a tiny bit during the ceremony. I couldn't see his face past Caitlyn often so I missed it. Good thing, that might have tipped me over into the :bawling: mode.
Is the week 3 AJ posted? I am going to have to check it out -- and I have to plan my week's challenge too!

@JeanneMN I love it-- your "9 pm/past my bedtime" is the same time frame as me :D
Have fun at the hairdresser, enjoy the shampooing, I love that part!

I learned last week to shampoo your hair upside down. I do that for conditioning since it's easier to get my dry ends. But the hairdresser said that shampooing upsidedown does a better job of getting the scalp really clean and rinsed and that your hair will dry faster that way too.

I think its the word that is throwing us all for a loop. Focus. Means we immediately cant focus. Gnat comes to mind LOL
All I can think of is a Maya dr Groot-style Art Journal Gnat. We should ask her to design one for us!
Like this!
Zen and the Art of: Animals - Zentanimals Flying Creatures


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@vickyday Did the weather turn out ok for you to get out on the bike? I know you are farther inland in NC but do you expect any of the tropical storm to hit you this week? I hope the weather and your cold are all good for you.

@bcgal00 Wishing you a wonderful vacation as well! I am so relieved that the strike is over. What a nerve-wracking mess. Hugs!

@BrightEyes I know I'll have so many more photos to share. And to think these aren't even the professional ones! I'll be up to my eyeballs in scrap materials :D
Take good care of yourself and your knee when you are out and about today. Are you sure you can't wait a day or two to make that trip to the commissary? Rest, rest rest! Dr. Momma Faery orders :angelwhistle:

@AK_Tracy I am proud of you for turning your phone off and hibernating yesterday (as long as you followed through of course)!
I didn't truly have a quiet afternoon yesterday (*shocked face* uh huh, I know LOL). I hadn't washed any clothes-- kitchen towels and cleaning rags but no clothes- in over a week. I had to do two ginormous loads yesterday afternoon. Maybe tomorrow will feel more quiet. Or not :neener:

@Cherylndesigns I really thought I would cry during the ceremony, there were a few moments that got me here-- *points to heart*
BFFATS was there in plenty of time, even after doubling back for the bouquet. It was my BFF of all time (and Caitlyn's aunt, uncle, and cousins) who were stuck in traffic. Although we would have waited for either of them. Sam told Caitlyn on Saturday that Scott did cry a tiny bit during the ceremony. I couldn't see his face past Caitlyn often so I missed it. Good thing, that might have tipped me over into the :bawling: mode.
Is the week 3 AJ posted? I am going to have to check it out -- and I have to plan my week's challenge too!

@JeanneMN I love it-- your "9 pm/past my bedtime" is the same time frame as me :D
Have fun at the hairdresser, enjoy the shampooing, I love that part!

I learned last week to shampoo your hair upside down. I do that for conditioning since it's easier to get my dry ends. But the hairdresser said that shampooing upsidedown does a better job of getting the scalp really clean and rinsed and that your hair will dry faster that way

Seriously I was doing that whole sudden head drop arm jerk thing while trying to read, scrapping kept me awake, barely. I wake up automatically at 4 or 4:30 every morning and when I get up for the gym it's 4:15.
We went to a high school football game Friday night, ya, I was excited too. A bit of background needed here. Our good friends have 2 daughters who were great basketball and the younger one was crazy good at vb and bb and dad was coach of team. So bb puts me to sleep too so hubs would go to games and I'd stay home and then realized I was literally on the outside looking in so I started to take my good camera and take pics. She was so crazy fast my lenses weren't fast enough. Hubs adored those girls and we were both willing to do anything for those two girls. I told hubs I needed a new camera so off we went to the camera store and I got a REALLY good camera and lenses. That started a 10 year saga of bb photography following them they hs and then at the same college and then back at hs until he stopped being the coach. Anyway, she was being inducted into the hall of fame at our hs this weekend and inductees were introduced at halftime. Then we went home because it was bedtime They also invited us to the banquet and program Saturday night. It was wonderful and she is an amazing human ❤️. Couldn't be more proud if she was ours. We called her the energizer bunny, now she's chasing a 3 year old and 18 month old and he is showing her what she was like :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It's Monday and so I am finally back here at the O after another busy weekend with my DH! It has been cooler but the sun is shining and we are getting a lot work done on both our yards and the In-Laws. I spent the majority of the day yesterday baking and doing the laundry and cleaning. Then the In-Laws invited us over for Happy Hour and we had a couple of glasses of wine and chatted away for about 2 hours. Lots to talk about as we have had news that my Gary's youngest sister's boyfriend has been diagnosed with of all things... mouth cancer!! If he decides to not seek treatment they only give him about three months. He is a raging alcoholic and heavy smoker and has had 5 stints in his heart, given a second chance at life by the heart surgery and totally threw it away. He lives with my SIL Sharon, but they really haven't had a relationship for the past few years, she just tolerates him living there. Anyway I feel badly for her as now she will have to watch him slowly die or get chemo which only has a 30% chance of helping. The cancer is in his tongue and lymph-nods and will most likely spread through his body. What a horrible thing for anyone to have to go through! Sorry for bumming you all out this morning! :sad2: . On a happier note I have been working on a double page spread about our concert trip we made to Vancouver. I think I have only ever done one other double pager, so its been a struggle getting it done as I am a bit rusty! I hope to finish it today and get it posted to the gallery.

It's the Back to Real Life Edition! I think that is a good thing. ;)
It is a good thing, I have been literally and figuratively all over the place for the past... 56 years and 2 months possibly LOL

My apologies for not responding to everyone personally but I have read all of your comments here and in the Braggy Mama thread and I love them all. I know I am breaking my own Rule by apologizing but I had to.
Yup back to reality after your amazing weekend! How wonderful that you got the Happy Couple off to their cruise! Yes they are big ships aren't they!! We had a couple parked right outside our hotel in Vancouver and the one that left shortly after we arrived was the biggest one I have ever seen. Sounds like this home school planning is right up your alley!! Have fun getting it all prepared!
Seriously I was doing that whole sudden head drop arm jerk thing while trying to read, scrapping kept me awake, barely. I wake up automatically at 4 or
OMG how on earth do you stay awake all day long when you get up at that ungodly hour??? I would be doing the head bobbing thing at noon LOL.

Well I am out of coffee and wish I could join all of you for a second cup, so we could sit and solve all the worlds problems together :giggle4:. Have a wonderful day everyone! :coffeedrinker:.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies!!!

@AK_Tracy I am proud of you for turning your phone off and hibernating yesterday (as long as you followed through of course)!
I didn't truly have a quiet afternoon yesterday (*shocked face* uh huh, I know LOL). I hadn't washed any clothes-- kitchen towels and cleaning rags but no clothes- in over a week. I had to do two ginormous loads yesterday afternoon. Maybe tomorrow will feel more quiet. Or not :neener:
Today is the day Chris. Today I turn my phone off. I've done it before and its amazing. All I am doing is laundry, dishes, dinner and vacuuming (dog hair is crazy). So a low key not much going on day. Might d/l photos and see about scrapping some September layouts for my personal books. But yep, I set the auto notification and will put the phone in the bedroom and leave it all day. (and night)
my SIL Sharon, but they really haven't had a relationship for the past few years, she just tolerates him living there. Anyway I feel badly for her as now she will have to watch him slowly die
Oh Trudy, this is awful for poor Sharon. I'm so sorry she is going through this. My first thought was it beatable, my aunt had tongue cancer but then I saw your description of him and yeah, he wont beat it because he' wont try. How horrible.

@JeanneMN your photo journey sounds like fun and how cool that she invited you to attend the induction. So fun to watch the HS sports come full circle. I bet you had some amazing photos too.

The wind is finally slowing, its not longer 26mph and the rain has stopped for the moment. The trees lost half their leaves. I did get some good photos though when hubs drove yesterday (normally I drive) and I got them before they lost their leaves. Thinking scrapbook layout with the cool autumn kits.

Like Trudy I am out of coffee but unlike Trudy, I am getting the second cup :giggle4: not to solve the worlds problems but to keep me out of jail. Coffee=nice mom


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm back. Good morning all.

Just heard from Susie and she's posted her challenge, so I thought I'd let you all know. Chris @faerywings I hope I have my week 3 layout done (I've been "working" on it for a few days and keep changing it. I think I'm done. Glad you got the kids to the cruise ship with time to spare. How fun that you're able to communicate - good that they got the wifi package.

Tracy @AK_Tracy good for you for having a no-phone day. I took a "no computer day" yesterday (well, not for the WHOLE day, but for a good portion of it. I'm on the computer way too much.

Jeanne @JeanneMN how cool about the girls and your photography all these years. I'm sure you are proud of them.

Trudy @taxed4ever I'm SO sorry to hear about your BIL. Adrienne's ex is going through the same thing right now. He chose to fight it, but he's having a horrible time.

I'm going to go and (maybe) post my week 3 (unless I change it again). :giggle4::giggle4:

Hugs to All. XOXO


Well-Known Member
Wow being away for 4 days and so much has happened. The concert was AMAZING!!! I have seen Rod 9 times and Billy 3 times now and I have to say it was one of my favorites ( Best was when I caught the RS soccer ball). Granddaughter cried she was so happy to see Billy Joel. 50,000+ people attended. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was really crowded but still fun. Spending time with the girls of my family was so much fun, I am so lucky to have them all. Now back to real life again.

@taxed4ever so sad for your SIL. A friend had throat cancer too... it's not a pretty way to go for sure. I wish her luck.

@AK_Tracy --no phone...I do not think I could do that but good for you. I hope you enjoy the quiet time.

@faerywings -- I remember the time after our kids weddings I sorta missed all the stuff to do and check on. My SIL used to call me on their anniversary to thank us for their wedding day....he stopped after about 10 years but still will mention it very once in awhile- they just celebrated 25 years.

I Never heard of upside down shampooing....I might get dizzy but might try that.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday Did the weather turn out ok for you to get out on the bike? I know you are farther inland in NC but do you expect any of the tropical storm to hit you this week? I hope the weather and your cold are all good for you.

@bcgal00 Wishing you a wonderful vacation as well! I am so relieved that the strike is over. What a nerve-wracking mess. Hugs!

@BrightEyes I know I'll have so many more photos to share. And to think these aren't even the professional ones! I'll be up to my eyeballs in scrap materials :D
Take good care of yourself and your knee when you are out and about today. Are you sure you can't wait a day or two to make that trip to the commissary? Rest, rest rest! Dr. Momma Faery orders :angelwhistle:

@AK_Tracy I am proud of you for turning your phone off and hibernating yesterday (as long as you followed through of course)!
I didn't truly have a quiet afternoon yesterday (*shocked face* uh huh, I know LOL). I hadn't washed any clothes-- kitchen towels and cleaning rags but no clothes- in over a week. I had to do two ginormous loads yesterday afternoon. Maybe tomorrow will feel more quiet. Or not :neener:

@Cherylndesigns I really thought I would cry during the ceremony, there were a few moments that got me here-- *points to heart*
BFFATS was there in plenty of time, even after doubling back for the bouquet. It was my BFF of all time (and Caitlyn's aunt, uncle, and cousins) who were stuck in traffic. Although we would have waited for either of them. Sam told Caitlyn on Saturday that Scott did cry a tiny bit during the ceremony. I couldn't see his face past Caitlyn often so I missed it. Good thing, that might have tipped me over into the :bawling: mode.
Is the week 3 AJ posted? I am going to have to check it out -- and I have to plan my week's challenge too!

@JeanneMN I love it-- your "9 pm/past my bedtime" is the same time frame as me :D
Have fun at the hairdresser, enjoy the shampooing, I love that part!

I learned last week to shampoo your hair upside down. I do that for conditioning since it's easier to get my dry ends. But the hairdresser said that shampooing upsidedown does a better job of getting the scalp really clean and rinsed and that your hair will dry faster that way too.

All I can think of is a Maya dr Groot-style Art Journal Gnat. We should ask her to design one for us!
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View attachment 428078
Zen and the Art of: Animals - Zentanimals Flying Creatures
No bike riding! We've had drizzle/rain for 2 days. Maybe that is what we are getting from whatever storm is out and about, LOL! I do not listen to the news, so I don't even know.
My cold is better. The tickle/cough is hanging on, but other than the headache that is probably caused from the rainy weather I'm good!


Love my O Family!
It's the Back to Real Life Edition! I think that is a good thing. ;)
It is a good thing, I have been literally and figuratively all over the place for the past... 56 years and 2 months possibly LOL

My apologies for not responding to everyone personally but I have read all of your comments here and in the Braggy Mama thread and I love them all. I know I am breaking my own Rule by apologizing but I had to.

We got the kids to the ship in record time, no speeding necessary. We drove down Rt 17 which is a nightmare of a highway during the week but because of the city/county's Blue Laws, much of the shopping is shut down on Sundays. I never saw a cruise ship that close before, holy moly it is huge! They got the wifi package and we have been able to share pics through FB Messenger. They shared a photo of the Just Married banner on their balcony and I shared pictures of the rats. :p

I am so excited about getting into the Homeschool planning again. I wanted to play around with the leaf chromatography experiment so after I set that up, I took some pics and shared them on FB. The Director saw my post and texted me right after. The first line of the text made my heart drop, I thought she was telling me it was inappropriate to post on my personal page. She was actually saying how happy she was that I posted and asked permission to use my photos for her marketing posts. Whew!!! I am going in today to scope out some of the supplies and spots I want to set stuff up. The teacher's motto: Plan for everything, use almost nothing. Bwuhahahaha!!

Have a wonderful and fantastic day!
I know they are going to have a blast on the cruise!
Glad you can get back to your regularly scheduled programming now!


Love my O Family!
Wow being away for 4 days and so much has happened. The concert was AMAZING!!! I have seen Rod 9 times and Billy 3 times now and I have to say it was one of my favorites ( Best was when I caught the RS soccer ball). Granddaughter cried she was so happy to see Billy Joel. 50,000+ people attended. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was really crowded but still fun. Spending time with the girls of my family was so much fun, I am so lucky to have them all. Now back to real life again.

@taxed4ever so sad for your SIL. A friend had throat cancer too... it's not a pretty way to go for sure. I wish her luck.

@AK_Tracy --no phone...I do not think I could do that but good for you. I hope you enjoy the quiet time.

@faerywings -- I remember the time after our kids weddings I sorta missed all the stuff to do and check on. My SIL used to call me on their anniversary to thank us for their wedding day....he stopped after about 10 years but still will mention it very once in awhile- they just celebrated 25 years.

I Never heard of upside down shampooing....I might get dizzy but might try that.
So glad you had a good time at the concert! I'm with you.....spending any time at all with the girls of my family, in-laws or not, is always a wonderful time! I've been blessed!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
OMG how on earth do you stay awake all day long when you get up at that ungodly hour??? I would be doing the head bobbing thing at noon LOL.
:rotfl: :rotfl:I can't believe it either, was never my MO. I used to go later to the gym, but the morning was almost over by the time I got home. I just have a shorter day on the other end.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::heartpumppink:
Today is the day Chris. Today I turn my phone off. I've done it before and its amazing. All I am doing is laundry, dishes, dinner and vacuuming (dog hair is crazy). So a low key not much going on day. Might d/l photos and see about scrapping some September layouts for my personal books. But yep, I set the auto notification and will put the phone in the bedroom and leave it all day. (and night)
Good for you Twin! I do those days when I forget my phone on the charger in the bedroom in the morning, but since coming to the O I'm on my computer all day so I can't brag about being off my phone.
Jeanne @JeanneMN how cool about the girls and your photography all these years. I'm sure you are proud of them.
I am super proud of them and I did learn a lot and it is what got me into scrapbooking. When the oldest graduated from college I made scrapbooks for all of the graduating players. I did it the following year and then the final ones when the last one graduated.The first ones were pretty primative, LOL, but they improved year by year. I also did end of season slideshows for the high school . Those things were time consuming. I'm a glutton for purnishment, because calendars came next.:floorlaugh:
The concert was AMAZING!!! I have seen Rod 9 times and Billy 3 times now and I have to say it was one of my favorites ( Best was when I caught the RS soccer ball). Granddaughter cried she was so happy to see Billy Joel.
That had to be amazing and how wonderful that your granddaughter could go too. We saw Neil Diamond twice and it was something I'll never forget.

Hair and nail day is always a a ah-mazing! I LOVE the shampoo and the massage chair during the pedicure, it's why I'm envious of you Kay, other than the pain part. I hope the knee feels better today. I haven't been in the forum much the last 2 days so I'm going to get caught up and think about the next layout. I need to do some laundry too.


As you can tell... I did make the trip to the base pharmacy and commissary this morning. Wouldn't you know... it started raining as I was driving over there (30 miles one way). Not a heavy rain but enough that I had to use the umbrella to get to/from the building. I didn't think to put on a lightweight jacket even though I put on slacks. Brrr 67* with rain is chilly - and even colder inside with the A/C running. Activated my new Rx then went over to the commissary while it was being filled. Not many customers - guess the rain kept them from coming. Came back and picked up my meds and heard about the latest change... Starting Monday - any new Rx have to be turned in and activated in person over at the AF medical unit which is in back of the VA hospital - 2 miles from the BX Pharmacy and commissary. After that - refills on them can be picked at the BX Pharmacy. After getting groceries and meds, I drove out the gate and then remembered I wanted to get gas there, so did a U-turn and back through the gate. :lol23: So glad I did that as the price on the base was over 50 cents a gallon cheaper there!!! Back out through the gate and lucked out again. They were doing random checks of cars leaving the base and both times they picked the car right in front of me. The rain stopped just before I got home but suppose to have more this evening. I was running a bit later than I planned on leaving and forgot to put my knee brace on! :gloomy: Was limping big time by the time I started home. Guess it is time to put a lightweight jacket in the car....now that fall is just around the corner.

Now I am going to sit in the chair with the massager going and feet propped up... after I take some meds for the knee. May have a bowl of cereal for supper and go to bed early.