
Daily Ooo's: Monday, November 4


The Loopy-O
Hey hey!!!!! How is everyone on this wonderful Monday?:hug:

Yeah, I am trying to make it a great one! We are all moving really slowly this morning. It took me 45 minutes and about 6 trips upstairs to get Scott out of bed. Hopefully that is enough exercise to burn off that cake that I ate last night. ;)

And it must be windy outside becasue the damn wind chimes are making me crazy! At least I think it is wind chimes. If it is not, then I am hearing randoms "ding dings" in my head :help:

I am not working today, yay! I did not get any housework done yesterday other than the dishes and laundry. So that the a big job for me today. And I have to catch up on desk work.... paying bills and such. Ugh, I hate that!

Me Me Monday.....take off the nail polish that it all chipped and ratty? Not very exciting is it? What about you? What do you want to do for yourself today?
Morning O fam, Morning Chris- so I left dishes last night- umm went to start the coffee and no water. I tried resetting the breaker which worked last week, but not today. My husband is not such a happy camper. He is trying to fix it to save money, but we will end up calling the repair man. We like the repair man and he will not overcharge us, but this was not how I planned to start the week. No exercise this am, because I cannot shower after I get sweaty. Being the scout that I am I have jugs of water for the toilets-joys of living not on city water and bottled water for coffee and toothbrushing. I can scrap though!!
good morning yesterday was productive - I got in an early walk with my girlfriend and then I came home and I did rake leaves the backyard. But it started to sort of rain so I since the back was done I came in and ate lunch. Decided then to scrap and watch hockey. My poor Devils are decimated by injuries and lost last night to the Wild. One of my rookies was tripped and slammed into the boards and left the game requiring many stitches. So sad to see. Today will be quiet as all the boys will be off to work. I can scrap all day LOL

Chris took my son a while to get up too - I think it must be the change from daylight savings to standard time.

Laurie so sorry about no water. That is a bummer! hope the repairman does a good job!

Have a great day all!
Hi, Chris. ENJOY the n0n-working day!! Ha...like there actually IS such a thing for women. :mmph: i have often thought that owning a wind chime would drive me mad. i just can't take random noise. hopefully the dings are not in your head! :rofl:

Laurie, do you have well water? we do, and we just had to replace our pump a few weeks ago. it's always an adventure to wake up to no water, or to have it stop in the middle of your shower. i actually have more than just jugs of water i have about 100 gallons stored in 5-gallon containers that i got from Emergency Essentials. i'm one of these people who believe that safe is better than sorry. (the Zombine Apocalypse is COMINGGGG!!! :scared:) with a well, as you know, no power also means no water. bummer that you couldn't exercise, though.

Nancy, if you want to take some comfort in another team's problems, take a look at the Steelers. pitiful.

re: The Finger. i gave myself a manicure (and i ALWAYS am dipping impliments in peroxide and alcohol during it,) and one of my fingers got infected somehow. it's really annoying. it's my right hand, and i keep hitting it into stuff while i'm trying to do things. i think i'll call the Dr. and go see what's what. and i'm sitting here on hold, trying to talk to someone at the Dr.'s office. love it.

nothing but housework planned for today. woot.

enjoy Monday. any old way you can. :becky:

heheee...THIS might help, actually. this was the duck that was floating around in my city a while ago. this just made me laugh. sorry.:bounce:

Jumping into the O for a Monday and new (well 4 days in) month! HOwdy!!
I admit to giggling about Chris' ding dings in her head...I am not a fan of wind.

oh Phylis? no water! eep! but yeah on you for water for coffee!! hope that all gets worked out for you!

I loved that extra hour this morning, as my hubs and i go to the gym for body pump at 5aM. AND it was lovely...and filled with others! I love a full class!
3 of the kids have dentist appointments, so drop the 3 littles off at school and then to the Dentist!
My oldest (that moved out last week) is coming to replace my kitchen fan. I am excited to feed and see him!
This is a pretty cool way to start the day here at the O!
OMG its the second time this has happened in the last week!!!!! A huge post with personals to everyone and I've lost it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am steaming mad at myself and do not feel like re-posting again!!!!! :rant: :sorry: ladies I love you all but I don't have the time or the patience to do this again! Perhaps I will post here later today. :wave:
hi, Anne! good to see you here! it's Laurie without water today, not me. i was without a few weeks ago! it's always something. and i'm trying to picture taking 3 kids to the dentist at the same time.


can't picture it! :rofl:

and EEEEK!!! the gym at 5 a.m.!!!! :jaw:

Trudy, do you lose the post when you are actually signed in, write the post, then it tells you that you're NOT signed in when you try to post the thing? that happens to me all the time, for some reason. i do two things try to remember to save the post (highlight and ctrlC) or, sometimes, if you just hit the back arrow, it will take you to the page, before you hit "submit reply." it's frustrating, for sure.... :rant:
Super big monday hugs to all!!!!

I'm off to work in about 5 minutes so this is a quick one!!!!

Chris, I texted Q this morning to get him up! LOL!!! I can't believe it worked! LOL!!!

Laurie!!! I've got a whole ocean you can have!! :) Okay, it's a bit salty and kinda murky!! (You've seen it in person! LOL!!) big big hugs to you and your MG today!!

Nancy!! I'm so sorry about your Devils, but it couldn't have been as bad as the texans last night! EEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! At least our new Quarterback is proving to be a lot better than our usual one! double EEEEEEEEK!!

Anne!! WElcome to the Os!!! have fun at the dentist and wow on the 5am workout!! Can some of that rub off on me, please???

Phylis, ohhhhhh you enjoy your day off from housework and I'm praying for your infected "thinger" (as my 11yo still calls them!!)!! ♥♥♥

TRUDY!!! I still love ya, gal! LOL!! (and you reminded me to CTL-C my post!) HUgs!!!!

Off to go monitor some homeschooled children...should be fun and quiet and productive!! Yay!!

Hi there!

It's the end of the day here, and my Monday was quiet for once!
Just enjoyed some free time this morning, doing nothing but websurfing and have a long breakfast.
I was more productive this afternoon and did my homework (for my English course) before I designed some new cv models for my business.
Off to cook something for dinner!

Have a great day!
hi, Sabine! sounds like a very productive day to me! i don't know what cv models are, but it sounds impressive!

EEEEE!!!!!!!SALLY!!!!!!! :cheer2: hiya, and i love seeing you here again!