
Daily Ooos: Monday, November 20


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-Fam! Happy Monday!
Time is really chugging along. It sure doesn't help the way the holiday week chops everything up. This entire month feels like it's discombobulated. Or maybe it's just me? I tend to run on the discombobulated side on a good day :p
(CW: Holiday Panic :xmas-sheep:)
I looked at the calendar and it is *5 weeks* until Christmas. Less than that for my family since Christmas is a two-day holiday starting Christmas Eve morning LOL

I am glad that Gary told me that I should go and meet my BFF, that it would be good for me. He was right. ♥ We talked for hours and we didn't get kicked out- all we had ordered was coffee. She had excellent advice about the health insurance/mammogram and commiserated about my parents. Caught up on all of our kids and books and TV shows. It was exactly what I needed and I told her that.

Caitlyn's car is in the shop so I am home all day while she takes mine to work. I got home later than I expected so I didn't do any cleaning. That's on tap for today, both bathrooms need scrubbing. Jaida needs a close eye on her. That dog is trying to run around the house like a crazy one. She is putting her leg down more and more and I am freaking out that she is going to hurt herself worse. Gary and I discussed this morning that even if she is acting normal by the time of the orthopedist appt, we are still going to bring her in. I am extremely frugal and don't like to spend a penny I don't have to (just in case you didn't know that about me :floorlaugh: ) but we agree that she should be checked out-- both knees- anyway. She has an incredibly high pain tolerance. When she was first diagnosed with the luxation, her kneecap was *backward* and you would not know by the way she was behaving. Post-surgery, she tried to run around the first day she was home. And then the next day and the next...

At least I'm feeling better, no anxiety attacks this morning. Ignore that it is only 7 am. I got time ;)

On that note, have a peaceful and anxiety-free day! :sparkles1:


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Have a wonderful week with your sister! I am looking forward to hearing about your visit next week.

@vickyday Glad that you had a nice visit with the pastor, did you have soup left over? I bet that one tastes even better the next day.

@Su_Sanne I hope that there is something "lost in the translation" because your offer to help was not mindless. It was caring and compassionate and thoughtful. I recognized it as coming from one dog mom to another ♥
I will give Jaida and Whisky kisses from you. I hope you don't mind that they will give slobbery kisses back.

@Cherylndesigns Ha. I have my SAD light on right now too. Thank goodness for them, what a big help.
It's so good to hear that Chuck is looking better and hopefully feeling better too. I can see his face when the rehab sent him home with the walker. "Why do they think I am gonna need this darn thing??" *grumble grumble. exasperated sighs*
How close was that?
Thanks for the advice. We are very, very careful with J's weight. She's only 65 lbs but solid. We have her on weight management food and she gets Dasaquin and fish oil daily. Maybe that will keep whatever is going on not as bad as it might be. I am grasping at straws, aren't I? ;)
It's so hard to cook for someone with no appetite. Will he drink Ensure just to keep the nutrition up?



Love my O Family!
Hey there, O-Fam! Happy Monday!
Time is really chugging along. It sure doesn't help the way the holiday week chops everything up. This entire month feels like it's discombobulated. Or maybe it's just me? I tend to run on the discombobulated side on a good day :p
(CW: Holiday Panic :xmas-sheep:)
I looked at the calendar and it is *5 weeks* until Christmas. Less than that for my family since Christmas is a two-day holiday starting Christmas Eve morning LOL

I am glad that Gary told me that I should go and meet my BFF, that it would be good for me. He was right. ♥ We talked for hours and we didn't get kicked out- all we had ordered was coffee. She had excellent advice about the health insurance/mammogram and commiserated about my parents. Caught up on all of our kids and books and TV shows. It was exactly what I needed and I told her that.

Caitlyn's car is in the shop so I am home all day while she takes mine to work. I got home later than I expected so I didn't do any cleaning. That's on tap for today, both bathrooms need scrubbing. Jaida needs a close eye on her. That dog is trying to run around the house like a crazy one. She is putting her leg down more and more and I am freaking out that she is going to hurt herself worse. Gary and I discussed this morning that even if she is acting normal by the time of the orthopedist appt, we are still going to bring her in. I am extremely frugal and don't like to spend a penny I don't have to (just in case you didn't know that about me :floorlaugh: ) but we agree that she should be checked out-- both knees- anyway. She has an incredibly high pain tolerance. When she was first diagnosed with the luxation, her kneecap was *backward* and you would not know by the way she was behaving. Post-surgery, she tried to run around the first day she was home. And then the next day and the next...

At least I'm feeling better, no anxiety attacks this morning. Ignore that it is only 7 am. I got time ;)

On that note, have a peaceful and anxiety-free day! :sparkles1:
Here's to a peaceful (even if busy) and anxiety-free day for you! :hug4:


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Have a wonderful week with your sister! I am looking forward to hearing about your visit next week.

@vickyday Glad that you had a nice visit with the pastor, did you have soup left over? I bet that one tastes even better the next day.

@Su_Sanne I hope that there is something "lost in the translation" because your offer to help was not mindless. It was caring and compassionate and thoughtful. I recognized it as coming from one dog mom to another ♥
I will give Jaida and Whisky kisses from you. I hope you don't mind that they will give slobbery kisses back.

@Cherylndesigns Ha. I have my SAD light on right now too. Thank goodness for them, what a big help.
It's so good to hear that Chuck is looking better and hopefully feeling better too. I can see his face when the rehab sent him home with the walker. "Why do they think I am gonna need this darn thing??" *grumble grumble. exasperated sighs*
How close was that?
Thanks for the advice. We are very, very careful with J's weight. She's only 65 lbs but solid. We have her on weight management food and she gets Dasaquin and fish oil daily. Maybe that will keep whatever is going on not as bad as it might be. I am grasping at straws, aren't I? ;)
It's so hard to cook for someone with no appetite. Will he drink Ensure just to keep the nutrition up?

Yes, I kept a bowl of the soup, but Mark didn't eat it yesterday. He had to wear a coat outside this morning (highly irregular for him which means it is cold!) so he may heat and eat it for lunch!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Just sitting here all snuggly in my HUGE blanket sweater, sipping my coffee, and thinking about my 12 Days challenge I need to work on today. I had a nice notification surprise when I logged in today! My AJ week 3 page was featured on the Standout Blog! I have enjoyed working on the AJ pages this month! I need to see if week 4 is up.

Mark headed to his beloved woods to build a fire and read after he fixed my coffee for me. He put a coat on which is unusual for him, so it must be cold out!

I am going to wash some new work clothes he ordered from Duluth so they will be ready for him when he goes back to work next week. But other than that I don't have anything planned. Ilene is going to be busy with family all week, so I'm on my own.



Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes Have a wonderful week with your sister! I am looking forward to hearing about your visit next week.

@vickyday Glad that you had a nice visit with the pastor, did you have soup left over? I bet that one tastes even better the next day.

@Su_Sanne I hope that there is something "lost in the translation" because your offer to help was not mindless. It was caring and compassionate and thoughtful. I recognized it as coming from one dog mom to another ♥
I will give Jaida and Whisky kisses from you. I hope you don't mind that they will give slobbery kisses back.

@Cherylndesigns Ha. I have my SAD light on right now too. Thank goodness for them, what a big help.
It's so good to hear that Chuck is looking better and hopefully feeling better too. I can see his face when the rehab sent him home with the walker. "Why do they think I am gonna need this darn thing??" *grumble grumble. exasperated sighs*
How close was that?
Thanks for the advice. We are very, very careful with J's weight. She's only 65 lbs but solid. We have her on weight management food and she gets Dasaquin and fish oil daily. Maybe that will keep whatever is going on not as bad as it might be. I am grasping at straws, aren't I? ;)
It's so hard to cook for someone with no appetite. Will he drink Ensure just to keep the nutrition up?

Chris, of course it wasn't "mindless"!! The word I was looking for was "kopflos" and "übereilt", even if I would offer you my help again and again. Stupid, stupid translator! :rollingpin1:

It's good that you're going to have Jaida checked!! Then you can take precautions, take it easy on Jaida more often and don't go for such long walks. Maybe there is an orthopedic bandage for support? I hope she finds relief. Sometimes everything is too much for you and the only thing that helps is a conversation with a friend. You have to get out of your world of thoughts and hear another opinion. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be fine!! :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Monday Morning ladies... It is cloudy but the sun must be coming up as the clouds are all pink looking. :cloud9:. I was MIA from here most of the weekend and really feel like I got next to nothing accomplished. We were going to finally get the leaves all raked up as the trees behind us have lost all of their leaves, but the wind was blowing so hard it would have been useless to rake. So instead we cleaned out the garage of cobwebs and fir needles and dead spiders :spider1: :eek2:. I hate spiders even dead ones!! Gimme a snake any day! LOL. I got the house cleaning done :sweeping2::housekeeping: and the laundry finished :laundry::ironing: and so today I can just putter around in my craft room and here at the O. I really want to start the AJ challenges but darn it I really need to get my Calendar pages done too. Not enough hours in the day!! SIL wants to borrow my instapot and have me show her how I make bone broth in it, so I have all the ingredients and my pot out already this morning. I have enough bones to make a couple of batches and they are pretty easy to throw into the instapot and let the pot do its magic. :sparkles1:. I made a big batch of turkey soup on Saturday from leftovers that I had in the freezer, it turned out really good!! I added cauliflower rice to the recipe and it sure added a lot of flavour to the soup! DH just loved it! Anyway not much else happening around here today, it will be a good day to say inside and keep warm and do some crafting!

@faerywings - How great that you had such a wonderful visit with your BFF!! Yup friends can be just the medicine we need! How nice of @Su_Sanne to offer to help you out!! So kind and considerate for sure!! Sure hope that your Jaida will be ok and that she will not need surgery!! That is something that your pocket book can do without!! I think if I had to deal with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close together I would be in panic mode too !! That is the one nice thing about Thanksgiving here in Canada, we have a bit more time to recoup from the first holiday before the next one hits! Hope that you have an anxiety free day!!

@vickyday - Sounds like you are all cozy and warm this morning! Congrats on your AJ page being featured in the Standout Blog!! I will have to go and check it out for sure!

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get out of this chair and stretch my legs. Oh BTW absolutely no side effects for DH and myself from the Covid shot, we got the Pfizer one and only a bit tender at the injection site. We can live with that!! Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday Morning ladies... It is cloudy but the sun must be coming up as the clouds are all pink looking. :cloud9:. I was MIA from here most of the weekend and really feel like I got next to nothing accomplished. We were going to finally get the leaves all raked up as the trees behind us have lost all of their leaves, but the wind was blowing so hard it would have been useless to rake. So instead we cleaned out the garage of cobwebs and fir needles and dead spiders :spider1: :eek2:. I hate spiders even dead ones!! Gimme a snake any day! LOL. I got the house cleaning done :sweeping2::housekeeping: and the laundry finished :laundry::ironing: and so today I can just putter around in my craft room and here at the O. I really want to start the AJ challenges but darn it I really need to get my Calendar pages done too. Not enough hours in the day!! SIL wants to borrow my instapot and have me show her how I make bone broth in it, so I have all the ingredients and my pot out already this morning. I have enough bones to make a couple of batches and they are pretty easy to throw into the instapot and let the pot do its magic. :sparkles1:. I made a big batch of turkey soup on Saturday from leftovers that I had in the freezer, it turned out really good!! I added cauliflower rice to the recipe and it sure added a lot of flavour to the soup! DH just loved it! Anyway not much else happening around here today, it will be a good day to say inside and keep warm and do some crafting!

@faerywings - How great that you had such a wonderful visit with your BFF!! Yup friends can be just the medicine we need! How nice of @Su_Sanne to offer to help you out!! So kind and considerate for sure!! Sure hope that your Jaida will be ok and that she will not need surgery!! That is something that your pocket book can do without!! I think if I had to deal with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close together I would be in panic mode too !! That is the one nice thing about Thanksgiving here in Canada, we have a bit more time to recoup from the first holiday before the next one hits! Hope that you have an anxiety free day!!

@vickyday - Sounds like you are all cozy and warm this morning! Congrats on your AJ page being featured in the Standout Blog!! I will have to go and check it out for sure!

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get out of this chair and stretch my legs. Oh BTW absolutely no side effects for DH and myself from the Covid shot, we got the Pfizer one and only a bit tender at the injection site. We can live with that!! Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:
YUP! Nice and cozy and, I'm sure, warmer than my DH! I've been able to get my 12 Days challenge (Day 3) done so I could include the sample page in my post. I think all that is needed now is the challenge header when Ona gets it finished! Progress! Have fun in your puttering today!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

It's a toasty 56 degrees here and mostly cloudy. Yesterday it rained most of the day, but Adrienne and I still got to Walmart. When we came out, it felt like winter and the rain felt like sleet. When we went in, it was just drizzling. UGH. It was pretty crowded at Wally's with Thanksgiving shoppers, but we got in and out pretty easily. I got Chuck two more pairs of flannel pants. Remember, he did not want any and now he has 5 pairs. I told him he'd be living in those both in the rehab and when he got home. I looked around, but ended up getting him their George brand again. They fit him well and they're long. I love that brand and they've had it for years, for men and women.

I have two CT pages to work on today. I should have a quiet day - everybody's busy on Monday. LOL Chuck had his video appt with our family doctor this morning and it worked like a charm. He was SO glad they had that option available, so we didn't have to drag him over there. Chris @faerywings he's getting a tad stronger every day and we watched TV until almost 11 last night. He does like Ensure and drinks that if nothing else tastes good. Right now, he's having cereal for breakfast, soup or something light for lunch and he wanted one of my egg, cheese and mayo sandwiches on an English Muffin again for dinner. He can't eat much at a setting, so I haven't been giving him much. I got him lots of soups and lunch cups, with noodles, etc. He can't tolerate anything spicy now either - he used to be able to eat anything. That's a new thing for him but a process that he's going to have to go through. I also got mashed potatoes in cups - I tried to"think bland" like I eat, basically. My stomach is finicky, so I walked around looking for things that I like. We have lots of spaghetti too so I might see if a spaghetti, cheese and diced tomatoes sounds good for dinner. I'm also going to make a big pot of potato soup. He loved thati idea. Steph and Asher will be here tomorrow night, so that would be good to have on hand. He also loves Ramen Noodles and we have gobs of that - Asher loves them too. I make a great casserole with Ramen and chicken.

Yes, the weight thing is what they told us was vital, so I'm glad to hear you have Jaida on a weight control dog food. When Chuck feels better, I'll ask him to remember some of the other things he did with B. Oh, BTW, you were spot on with the walker. He said something like "why did we bring that "darned" thing home? I'm NOT using it! and he hasn't. It will just sit there and clutter up a space. I'm not sure what I'll do with it - keep it I guess. He's getting around just fine and doesn't need any help. If we TRY to help him, he's like "I can do this myself, girls". :lol23:

I hope Kay and her sis are settled in for a wonderful visit by now @BrightEyes and hugs and love to Susanne @Su_Sanne Trudy @taxed4ever and Vicky @vickyday .



Love my O Family!
Good afternoon all,

It's a toasty 56 degrees here and mostly cloudy. Yesterday it rained most of the day, but Adrienne and I still got to Walmart. When we came out, it felt like winter and the rain felt like sleet. When we went in, it was just drizzling. UGH. It was pretty crowded at Wally's with Thanksgiving shoppers, but we got in and out pretty easily. I got Chuck two more pairs of flannel pants. Remember, he did not want any and now he has 5 pairs. I told him he'd be living in those both in the rehab and when he got home. I looked around, but ended up getting him their George brand again. They fit him well and they're long. I love that brand and they've had it for years, for men and women.

I have two CT pages to work on today. I should have a quiet day - everybody's busy on Monday. LOL Chuck had his video appt with our family doctor this morning and it worked like a charm. He was SO glad they had that option available, so we didn't have to drag him over there. Chris @faerywings he's getting a tad stronger every day and we watched TV until almost 11 last night. He does like Ensure and drinks that if nothing else tastes good. Right now, he's having cereal for breakfast, soup or something light for lunch and he wanted one of my egg, cheese and mayo sandwiches on an English Muffin again for dinner. He can't eat much at a setting, so I haven't been giving him much. I got him lots of soups and lunch cups, with noodles, etc. He can't tolerate anything spicy now either - he used to be able to eat anything. That's a new thing for him but a process that he's going to have to go through. I also got mashed potatoes in cups - I tried to"think bland" like I eat, basically. My stomach is finicky, so I walked around looking for things that I like. We have lots of spaghetti too so I might see if a spaghetti, cheese and diced tomatoes sounds good for dinner. I'm also going to make a big pot of potato soup. He loved thati idea. Steph and Asher will be here tomorrow night, so that would be good to have on hand. He also loves Ramen Noodles and we have gobs of that - Asher loves them too. I make a great casserole with Ramen and chicken.

Yes, the weight thing is what they told us was vital, so I'm glad to hear you have Jaida on a weight control dog food. When Chuck feels better, I'll ask him to remember some of the other things he did with B. Oh, BTW, you were spot on with the walker. He said something like "why did we bring that "darned" thing home? I'm NOT using it! and he hasn't. It will just sit there and clutter up a space. I'm not sure what I'll do with it - keep it I guess. He's getting around just fine and doesn't need any help. If we TRY to help him, he's like "I can do this myself, girls". :lol23:

I hope Kay and her sis are settled in for a wonderful visit by now @BrightEyes and hugs and love to Susanne @Su_Sanne Trudy @taxed4ever and Vicky @vickyday .

:waving1 So glad to hear your Chuck is doing so well! I don't remember reading exactly what was wrong with him. Stomach issues? I think all of this happened about the time I was out for some time last month.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon all,

It's a toasty 56 degrees here and mostly cloudy. Yesterday it rained most of the day, but Adrienne and I still got to Walmart. When we came out, it felt like winter and the rain felt like sleet. When we went in, it was just drizzling. UGH. It was pretty crowded at Wally's with Thanksgiving shoppers, but we got in and out pretty easily. I got Chuck two more pairs of flannel pants. Remember, he did not want any and now he has 5 pairs. I told him he'd be living in those both in the rehab and when he got home. I looked around, but ended up getting him their George brand again. They fit him well and they're long. I love that brand and they've had it for years, for men and women.

I have two CT pages to work on today. I should have a quiet day - everybody's busy on Monday. LOL Chuck had his video appt with our family doctor this morning and it worked like a charm. He was SO glad they had that option available, so we didn't have to drag him over there. Chris @faerywings he's getting a tad stronger every day and we watched TV until almost 11 last night. He does like Ensure and drinks that if nothing else tastes good. Right now, he's having cereal for breakfast, soup or something light for lunch and he wanted one of my egg, cheese and mayo sandwiches on an English Muffin again for dinner. He can't eat much at a setting, so I haven't been giving him much. I got him lots of soups and lunch cups, with noodles, etc. He can't tolerate anything spicy now either - he used to be able to eat anything. That's a new thing for him but a process that he's going to have to go through. I also got mashed potatoes in cups - I tried to"think bland" like I eat, basically. My stomach is finicky, so I walked around looking for things that I like. We have lots of spaghetti too so I might see if a spaghetti, cheese and diced tomatoes sounds good for dinner. I'm also going to make a big pot of potato soup. He loved thati idea. Steph and Asher will be here tomorrow night, so that would be good to have on hand. He also loves Ramen Noodles and we have gobs of that - Asher loves them too. I make a great casserole with Ramen and chicken.

Yes, the weight thing is what they told us was vital, so I'm glad to hear you have Jaida on a weight control dog food. When Chuck feels better, I'll ask him to remember some of the other things he did with B. Oh, BTW, you were spot on with the walker. He said something like "why did we bring that "darned" thing home? I'm NOT using it! and he hasn't. It will just sit there and clutter up a space. I'm not sure what I'll do with it - keep it I guess. He's getting around just fine and doesn't need any help. If we TRY to help him, he's like "I can do this myself, girls". :lol23:

I hope Kay and her sis are settled in for a wonderful visit by now @BrightEyes and hugs and love to Susanne @Su_Sanne Trudy @taxed4ever and Vicky @vickyday .

BTW, any idea when week 4 of the AJ challenge will be posted? That's the last challenge I have to do this month, I think!