
Daily Ooos: Monday, November 13


The Loopy-O
I am up and at 'em today. 7 am and I am already showered and dressed, just have to put my contacts in and I'm ready to roll.
Gary has an eye dr appt at 9 so I am driving him. He has slight diabetic retinopathy so they dilate his eyes every 6 months. He used to tough it out and drive home but it's a half hour away so I've been taking him. As long as we are out, we're going to hit Staples and BJs. Busy morning for me.

How was everyone's weekend/Sunday?
My dad's party was a lot of fun. Gary was able to go with us which always makes me happy. Christopher is officially taller than me and Caitlyn -- he is only 12! *gasps*
We were googling how tall actors are and I am a smidge taller than Kristin Chenoweth (4'11") and Danny DeVito (4'10"). We watch Pushing Daisies (an adorable show BTW) and her nickname is Itty Bitty, she is too cute. Danny DeVito isn't cute but he always makes me laugh.

My dad was surprised when he got the laptop but happy. The best part of the day: No bickering between my parents. If they did bicker, I didn't see it. (Thank goodness for the wine :drunk: :rotfl: )

Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes we beat you this morning-- 23*F (-5 C). It's sooo cold! I hope that it made it to the 60s for you.
I still have my Halloween spider lights up, I can't bring myself to take them down knowing they are going to get tangled. Driving home last night, a lot of homes already had Christmas decorations and lights up. I am totally not ready for that!
It will feel special to have a few Autumn things out when your sister comes ♥
I started the AJ challenges yesterday- what a neat and unusual (to me!) concept. I have Week 1 done and started on Week 2.

@Su_Sanne :floorlaugh: There are times when it is hot and humid here that the air feels like boiled laundry.

@vickyday I feel for you and Mark with all of the appetite and stomach issues. Gary goes through that with his stomach- seems like every time I ask what he wants for dinner, his stomach is flipping upside down and around. Hope that you are both much better today!
The time I slid off the road and hit the tree, I wasn't hurt. But I had just gotten my car back from the body shop after someone had run a red light and hit me. This was part of the string of accidents I was involved in when I was pg with Scott. (1 motorcycle before I knew I was pg, 2 car accidents when other people hit me, 2 slides off the road in snow. After that last one, I told my boss if there was even a single flake of snow, I wasn't coming in. Fire me)

@bcgal00 Oh yuck, I can't believe that you are so sick again. It took forever for you to get on your feet the last time, Please don't wait too long, you don't want that to happen again. Sending you some chicken soup and tea with lemon and honey~~~~
Good luck with the house stuff!

@Cherylndesigns Look at you!!! Dang, what a fab photo!
That was so smart of Braden to switch out Bailee for Lila. I bet Daisy was happy about that too. :D
How has Marley been doing?
There have been plenty of times Gary and I have gone to bed angry, especially when he first got sick. But we always said I love you even if we were mad. My family is very huggy too. Wouldn't want it any other way!


Well-Known Member
Good morning. The overwhelmed lady is crawling out from under the rock. I am so sorry that I have been MIA. I didn't really mean to be...but it sure happened!

Anyway, I am really trying hard to get myself together...don't know why I need to work so hard to keep myself together anymore. :rolleyes: Sydney was home for the weekend...it was a surprise. And, you guessed it...the world seems better today.

I will be in later to catch up and find out what is going on with everyone. But I wanted you to know that I think of you often and I'm going to get my act together soon. :hug4:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies… It is a long weekend here so DH is home and underfoot today LOL. He has actually been so great about not being too demanding of my time this weekend. We had lovely weather for the Remembrance Day ceremony on Saturday and then when we got back home the skies opened up and it poured rain the rest of the day. We spent some time doing errands etc, but for the most of the weekend we just puttered around the house and just enjoyed a lazy unplugged couple of days. I only have a bit of :laundry: left to do and then I hope to get some scrapping done. Maybe if the weather cooperates with us this afternoon we can get in a walk too.

@faerywings - So happy to hear that your Dad’s birthday went so well and that you had such a great time! Wow Christopher is taller than both you and Caitlyn?? How did he get to be 12 already?? So nice that your Gary was well enough to also attend the party! Hope that the traffic is not too bad for your trip to the eye doctor today!

@LSlycord - What a nice surprise that your Syd came for a visit! So glad it has made the world seem a bit better for you! Hope that you are able to climb out from under that rock, we have missed you but totally get that things have been difficult for you lately!! :hug2:.

Well I think that Heather and boys will be calling soon as they have the day off of school, so I better get dressed and get some brunch for DH and myself. Have a lovely Monday everyone!!


Love my O Family!
I am up and at 'em today. 7 am and I am already showered and dressed, just have to put my contacts in and I'm ready to roll.
Gary has an eye dr appt at 9 so I am driving him. He has slight diabetic retinopathy so they dilate his eyes every 6 months. He used to tough it out and drive home but it's a half hour away so I've been taking him. As long as we are out, we're going to hit Staples and BJs. Busy morning for me.

How was everyone's weekend/Sunday?
My dad's party was a lot of fun. Gary was able to go with us which always makes me happy. Christopher is officially taller than me and Caitlyn -- he is only 12! *gasps*
We were googling how tall actors are and I am a smidge taller than Kristin Chenoweth (4'11") and Danny DeVito (4'10"). We watch Pushing Daisies (an adorable show BTW) and her nickname is Itty Bitty, she is too cute. Danny DeVito isn't cute but he always makes me laugh.

My dad was surprised when he got the laptop but happy. The best part of the day: No bickering between my parents. If they did bicker, I didn't see it. (Thank goodness for the wine :drunk: :rotfl: )

Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
Glad to hear your dad's party was a "quiet" one! Glad your DH was feeling up to attending, too!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes we beat you this morning-- 23*F (-5 C). It's sooo cold! I hope that it made it to the 60s for you.
I still have my Halloween spider lights up, I can't bring myself to take them down knowing they are going to get tangled. Driving home last night, a lot of homes already had Christmas decorations and lights up. I am totally not ready for that!
It will feel special to have a few Autumn things out when your sister comes ♥
I started the AJ challenges yesterday- what a neat and unusual (to me!) concept. I have Week 1 done and started on Week 2.

@Su_Sanne :floorlaugh: There are times when it is hot and humid here that the air feels like boiled laundry.

@vickyday I feel for you and Mark with all of the appetite and stomach issues. Gary goes through that with his stomach- seems like every time I ask what he wants for dinner, his stomach is flipping upside down and around. Hope that you are both much better today!
The time I slid off the road and hit the tree, I wasn't hurt. But I had just gotten my car back from the body shop after someone had run a red light and hit me. This was part of the string of accidents I was involved in when I was pg with Scott. (1 motorcycle before I knew I was pg, 2 car accidents when other people hit me, 2 slides off the road in snow. After that last one, I told my boss if there was even a single flake of snow, I wasn't coming in. Fire me)

@bcgal00 Oh yuck, I can't believe that you are so sick again. It took forever for you to get on your feet the last time, Please don't wait too long, you don't want that to happen again. Sending you some chicken soup and tea with lemon and honey~~~~
Good luck with the house stuff!

@Cherylndesigns Look at you!!! Dang, what a fab photo!
That was so smart of Braden to switch out Bailee for Lila. I bet Daisy was happy about that too. :D
How has Marley been doing?
There have been plenty of times Gary and I have gone to bed angry, especially when he first got sick. But we always said I love you even if we were mad. My family is very huggy too. Wouldn't want it any other way!
Oh my! I think I would have told my boss the same thing!
Our stomaches are about the same! Neither of us ate enough to keep a bird alive this weekend!


Love my O Family!
Good morning. The overwhelmed lady is crawling out from under the rock. I am so sorry that I have been MIA. I didn't really mean to be...but it sure happened!

Anyway, I am really trying hard to get myself together...don't know why I need to work so hard to keep myself together anymore. :rolleyes: Sydney was home for the weekend...it was a surprise. And, you guessed it...the world seems better today.

I will be in later to catch up and find out what is going on with everyone. But I wanted you to know that I think of you often and I'm going to get my act together soon. :hug4:
So glad to hear that you are still on planet earth! :heartpumpred: :hug4:


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon!
Not much going on today. Mark invited me to go to lunch today. I think it is the first time since I broke my wrist. Neither of us were able to eat much with our stomach issues, but it was nice getting out of the house for a change.

After church yesterday I put a roast in the crockpot but we didn't feel up to eating it last night. So I put it in the fridge until Mark gives me the OK to fix the rice and mushroom gravy for it to be eaten. I cannot believe what the Ozempic has done to his appetite! He has lost about 15 pounds!

Today I am listening to an audiobook and that's about it. I got the laundry done yesterday afternoon and Mark got it hung and folded and put away for me. I may work on a couple scrapbook pages later today. Ilene's daughter is going to drive us to COSTCO tomorrow, which I am dreading with my back. I will probably wear my brace with ice packs. Hopefully that will keep the backache at bay! 9 more days and hopefully this wrist cast can come off!

HAGD! :waving1:hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon lovelies,

It's 700 here - J/K it's 70!!! I'll never live that one down, will I???:floorlaugh: I'm giggling as I type this. That was the ONE day I didn't proofread my post because I was in a hurry. Anyhoo, I'll take 70 degrees and gorgeous!! Maybe I'll work in the front garden today - maybe. Not rubbing in the 70 degrees; well, maybe just a little bit.

Adrienne and I went to see Chuck yesterday and of course, he got tired and told us we could leave. Par for the course. When he gets home, I know everybody will be coming to see him so he better get used to it. We hit a couple of stores on the way home (of course we did). We went in a store that we'd never been in and had always meant to. What a gem! We're definitely going back there. She got a pair of dress slacks and I tried on a pair of stretch jeans, but they didn't have my size. Before that, we went to another store that we love, but hardly ever go to, and I got two sweaters, which I really needed. One camel colored and one a real light reddish color. They're so soft and not bulky and will be perfect under all of the jackets that I have. Best thing is they were on sale for $20 each + they gave me a discount.

Then, Roger and Braden met us at our favorite little Mexican place, and we had a nice dinner. We told B goodbye there - he was driving back to school. It was good to see him, and he'll be home again for Thanksgiving.

Chris @faerywings I'm so happy that your dad's party was a success, he liked his laptop and they didn't bicker (at least as far as you know.) Sounds like a good time and I'm glad Gary got to go. Yes, it was nice to be back to just Lila and Daisy for one night. After having Bailee 24/7 for a week, I was ready. Last night, it was just Daisy and Sam - Daisy was and is still exhausted. She slept like a rock last night and stayed on her blanket and didn't encroach on my territory. Thanks for noticing my new avi. Ava took that picture of me last week when we were out to dinner. I love the bokeh behind me. I don't like pictures of me very often, but I really like this one.

I have to brag on myself - I put a floor lamp together last night all by myself! I ordered it from Amazon and it was in lots of pieces. To be fair, I had watched an "unboxing and assembling video" on Amazon so I had an idea of what I had to do. It's one of those lights that doesn't take up much space and the light is long and narrow and swivels all over the place. It makes so many different "contortions" too, if that makes sense. You can even make a table lamp out of it. I needed it for my office, but I can move it around if I want to read in bed. It's a task light and boy does it ever light up the workspace. I have it coming over my left shoulder. I'm so proud of myself. The ceiling light over my desk has gone out and this was a great answer until I can get an electrician out here to put a new light in. Chuck always puts everything together, but he's not here. I was going to ask Braden, but he's been busy, so I did it myself last night.

Hugs to all and it was good to see Linda @LSlycord pop in.


I was so cold all day yesterday - had on my sweatpants and heavy decorated sweatshirt. While I was watching a Netflex docu-drama, I had the sleeves on the sweatshirt pulled over and bundled around my hands to try to get them warm. Finally pulled out a pair of gloves to see if that would help. I know part of this is due to the problems I am having with hands/arms. Gave up at 7:30PM and crawled into bed to read. Dropped the book onto my chest at 8:00 and decided it was time to turn the light off. After about 5 minutes, it hit me that I was still 'dressed in my clothes'.... duh... :no::rolleyes1::oops::brrr::brrr: Light back on and I changed into PJs and huddled under the covers all night. I slept for over 9 hours so guess I needed it.

Had to upload a CT LO - Autumn Aura by Erin. And go work on step 2 of a progressive scrap at another forum. And then ended up working on a few other CT things. Before I knew it - the morning was gone and I had not popped in here!!

Sorry no personals today... the hands are cold and aching - time to put the gloves back on.