
Daily Ooo's: Monday, May 5


The Loopy-O
Yup, that is pretty much how I feel today. We had a busy weekend (for me, not for normal people) and I get so tired so quickly. Gary offered to get up with the kids so I could grab an extra hour or so of sleep, but for some reason, I said that I would be fine. :doh:

One of these days I will accept my limitations. I'll probably be dead and buried and will have given up on trying to claw my way out of my casket to try and do One More Thing. But yeah, I'll get there. *wink*

But on the inside I am doing the huge Happy Dance. This is my last week (in case you have missed every other last countdown I have posted hahaah!) and I am just so happy that on Thurs I won't have to go down to the hospital. I have to see my Lyme dr, but at least it isn't the Cancer Center.

Yesterday we were at my nephew's b-day party and he was so cute and so excited by every gift he got. He is talking up storm and I swear everything he says is funny. Except when he says No to his parents, but welcome to the three yo mind set. heh.

Me Me Monday, oh yeah baby-- NAP TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah baby-- NAP TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

haha! Chris,welcome to my world. think of it as preparation for knowing how it is to be in your 60s! i'm SOOO glad that this is your last week. i'm sure you're exhaustion is coming from the treatments, so you should feel better and better after it's all over, i'll bet. i worry that, when your energy comes back, you'll revert to the "Chris does everything" mode. DON'T DO IT!!!! :rant:

gee, this weather is getting to me. i can't take another gloomy-looking day. looking forward to Thursday, when it will bizarrely be 81 degrees. i had a dream last night that it snowed here and i was driving on a really bad road. let's hope the SNOW is over, at least, though we did have frost this morning. it's going to be a bad year for a veg garden here, i'd bet.

hope everyone sees the sun today and has a sunny day "inside'" too. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning up enjoying the quiet of a Monday morning as the rest of my family has not come downstairs. Looks like this is going to be a wonderful week weather wise as sun and in the 60 with some rain at the end of the week. Got in a good walk and had a lovely dinner cooked by my hubby and we had a nice dinner with a friend of my son joining us. There was plenty of laughter from the kitchen as the boys all shared their stories. Had fun watching hockey. Just a nice day. Today should be more of the same. Today I will start to enjoy the new scrapping kits I purchased.

Chris what great news that this is your last week! So happy for you and your family!

Trudy hope you got some of your yard work accomplished between rain drops. I am sure the hockey games are stressful for you MG.

Sandra glad you found time to pop in. Hope the tennis went well. Have a great time.

Laurie I too would be stalking that area to get more photos of the bald eagles.

Phylis hope you are doing well and your eyes are getting better.

Have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... well after the whole weekend of :rain: then showers then downpours we are supposed to have a nice week of weather, we will see if the weather man is actually right or not :mmph: We did manage another truckload of Mulch spreading and now we are finally done with that job. Waiting for nicer weather hopefully soon to get the rest of the soil spread on the front yard. The part that we did manage to complete is sprouting new grass and its coming in very nicely!! Azaleas and Rhodos are starting to bloom, my yellow one has been blooming for the last week or so and soon the clematis will be showing off too. I love this time of year!! My back does NOT!!

Chris - That really is too bad that you are feeling so very tired! When someone offers to help you out, say YES!!!! Enjoy your nap time today, you deserve it! Sounds like you had a very busy weekend Holy Cow your nephew is three already?? Wasn't he just a baby last week?? LOL I can't believe that Mason will be 1yr old in June and that my Sadie is now 4 and Isaac will be 6 in June also. They are growing way to fast!!

Phylis - I guess you are not going to have spring at all this year, just jumping right into summer 81 degrees, really ?? Well not so bad as long as the sun comes with it!! Sure hope your crazy dream does not come true!! NO MORE SNOW!!

Nancy - Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! Enjoy the peace and quiet in your house, its the best time of day when you are the only one up and the house is peaceful! Hope you get out for a good walk today too, I am hoping the sun comes out soon so I can soak up the rays on my walk.

Better get me some breakfast and then get some housework done, I think the in-laws are popping in sometime today, but who knows when?? They wouldn't want to pick up the phone and let me know for goodness sake :mmph: Enjoy your day everyone hopefully the sun shines on all of you today!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Morning, all!
Trying to get back down to earth (and getting work done!) after two weekends away at conferences.
Hope weather, health and everything else cooperates with you today!


Well-Known Member
It was a beautiful day here, but man the kids at school are acting up! I'm ready to kick the 5th graders out and drive them to the middle school myself!

A busy week last week and a busy weekend. Not quite as busy this week, but Matt had to go out of town again. He was planning on going to NYC for training, but now had to go to the office in LA again. Oh well.

We have good weather on tap until Thurs. I think. We might have storms and stuff. We are well prepared in the basement though, so I'm good. :)

I haven't caught up on you all from last week. I'm sorry. I feel bad. But I hope to do that tonight while the laundry is going and I'm straining my coffee. mmmm iced coffee. (Although, I loved the fact that I HAD to stop at Scooter's this morning for a Blended White Mocha because I had no coffee ready at home!) :)

Love to you all!!