
Daily Ooo's Monday May 4


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!! How is everyone today? Need a little extra coffee or tea? Here ya go!

I was lucky that I got up on time. I had a weird night's sleep- I kept having these dreams that seemed to go on forever. I'd check the clock and still have hours to go before I had to get up. Finally, I woke up and the clock said 4 am--- but it really felt like it should be later. I checked Gary's clock- 5 am! That is the time I get up and boy, my morning would have been *bad* if I didn't catch that.

How did everyone make out at NSD? I was not online all that much this weekend. Gary's b-day was yesterday so we had a family day. He got Guitar Hero World tour from his parents. You should have heard me singing to Motorhead! Buahahahahah! I did much better on a Blondie song, even pretty ok on Linkin Park. But Motorhead? I could not get my voice deep enough heheh!!!

I have been in a pretty huge rut again, which is one reason why I have not been posting or as involved as I should be. I am hoping-- new month, new week-- its a new start!

Not much to say here..... Gotta get my mind all pulled together.
Have a busy week. I am finally headed to the eye dr's for new contacts. It has been way to long and I have been stretching these lenses past their prime:cool:
But before I go- I have to get my new insurance card info. Yes, 4 different companies and plans in 4 months... could it be a record? But my old card won't work and I tried to call the company yesterday but they are only open for C/S M-F. My appt is at 10- and it a half hour away- so please, don't put me on hold!!! LOL

The other thing I have been busy with is working on a new e-store at artisansonline.com. It is supposed to go live today but I am not 100% ready. My photos, even though they are at the site's specs, keep coming out distorted or blurry.

Makes me want to pound my head against the wall.:eek:

see, there is that negative rut......

Anyway- I hope that my lovely O-Fam has a wonderful day!

xoxoxoxox to you all!

Me Me monday-- I think I am going to treat myself to a little Xanax at the end of the day! buhahahahhahaha!!!
Morning everyone! Happy Monday......ugh, Monday LOL. It's another rainy day here in Ky, I think it is supposed to stop by tomorrow morning, can't wait!
I'm not too perky today, woke up with a lovely migraine and the light is making it so much worse. Going to be a fun day at work.

Davy's not feeling good, he has a little fever and just kind of laid around last night. He does seem some better this morning, I think his little belly hurts though, I don't know if it's urinary or GI but he sits in his litter box for long periods of time. Amanda will have to take him to the vet for me.

On a happy, fun note, I bought some fun things this weekend and found lots more I 'need' LOL. I scrapped some and the weekend seemed longer than most which was nice.

Chris-you'll be back to yourself in no time! Good luck with the new store, be sure to send us a link when it's ready! As far as the Xanax, I may have to pop one of my own ;).

I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!! Love you all!
Good morning ladies...Hope everyone had a nice weekend.............

Quick one from me today I am exhausted and grumpy. Has anyone ever dealt with their child banging his / her head? My son started doing this when he is mad or frustrated, I understand its supposed to be a "phase" recently we had a bad bout of teething, Nico had a high fever for a few nites last week so I let him come in my bed at nite. Now a week later, he is crying at nite because he wants to come in bed with us and so we are back to crying it out which I can handle......... but instead he smashes his head on the crib rails, screams more, and smashes more. I dont know what to do so I go and get him. now nobody is getting any good sleep. I feel like a sleep deprived monster. NOt to mention hes pretty cranky. (he tosses and turns in our bed all nite) Any advice ladies? Im at my wits end.

Hope everybody has a good MOnday.
hey ladies, a quick hello from me. hope you all had a good weekend. we had a nice time on saturday at a family day at a local park - went on the carousel and saw a magic show. yesterday i ended up having to work for about half a day. busy!

kelly - sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. unfortunately, i have no advice about the head banging. i can relate to the tossing and turning in bed though - what about kicking? c. kicks and kicks whenever he's in our bed and he sleeps horizontally, it seems!

hiya dawn - hugs to little davy!

chris - good luck with your store. i will check it out.

tali - i finished still alice this weekend! wow, what a fabulous read. so incredibly moving and touching. thanks for the rec.

happy monday!
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quick hello from me... I'm just about to grab some breakfast... I've got some straightening up around the house today, and some design stuff.. other than that it's another rainy day and not much is going on!

hi Chris, Dawn, Kelly, and ME!

hope everyone had a great time during NSD! have a great Monday!
Good morning everyone. Today is a day of good and sad. I have that memorial to go to in just a little bit. I'll take Ethan to the bus stop then come in and get myself ready. I'mm actually wearing a dress. Aaaah!! Then for the good and exciting part of the day...Today is the day!!! Camera day!! Whoohoo!! It better get here today or I will fall the the ground and cry. I am soooooooooo excited.

Well...I would love to write more but I have been pambling like crazy lately and I have a ton to do...so some quick personals...

Chris - Xanax is good!! I have a friend who refuses to take it even when she is in the middle of a horrible anxiety attack. I figure if you need it...take it!! I know I do. I hope you start feeling in a better spot soon. Hopefully the sunshine will help. Isn't guitar hero awesome? We have fun with it. We have the Aerosmith version and it is too fun.

Kelly - I say let Nico pound away. If it hurts him he'll stop or not hit so hard. You learn eventually, at least I do, that banging your head against the wall solves nothing. He'll be okay and you will be too.

Dawn - I think you should wear sunglasses to work. Then you can have your headache and not say anything about it, squint or shield your eyes. PLus then you could close your eyes and no one would know. So, maybe not the most professional thing but it could be fun.

ME - That stinks you had to work a half day on your weekend. I hope you got everything done you needed to get done.

Sandra - I hope you have an easy day.

I hope everyone has a great Monday, or at least the best Monday possible since we can't all be like Sally and think all new starts are awesome. Something about Mondays just don't feel fresh and new to me. I'll have to try on Sally's attitude one of these days.
Hey ladies! Another long weekend for us. MIL and Ella and I went to Pinkalicious - the play - on Saturday, then did some shopping, then that night SIL and Eric and I went to a birthday party and band at a bar. Eric and SIL are training for a long (they are doing a 72-mile stretch) bike ride next month, so they did some riding.

Chris - good luck at the eye doc. :) I hope it goes smoothly getting your lenses! And, big hugs. I hope you get out of your rut sweetie!

ME - It really was a good book. I am so glad I stumbled upon it at the library. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!

Dawn - I hope Davy feels better! Does sound like it could be a UTI or something. And, I hope your migraine goes away.

Kelly - I wish I had some advice for you! That sounds tough. I hope you can all get some sleep soon!

Sandra - Have a great day!

I "let" myself spend $11 on Friday night. :) I was gone all weekend so I didn't do any playing nad haven't even downloaded my stuff yet, which I need to do today.
Yeesh! Clara! I was posting for a good 20 minutes and missed you. ;) Have a wonderful day, I hope the memorial goes well. And YAY for the camera!!!!!!!!!!!
Good afternoon O's. It's only noon but I've had a busy crazy morning. Took the girls for a walk, played outside on the new swing set, scrapped a page, finished planting my veggies in the green houses, and found out my best friend is having twins!!! The day is only half over so we'll see what happens next.

I was having some contractions durning my walk and of course they stopped, its kind of sad to wish for pain isn't it ;).I am on a tight rope with labor right now, I don't want to jump the gun and go in if I am not actually in labor, but Sadie came SO VERY FAST that I don't want to have a baby on the side of the road either. Gunar and I decided that we would rather be sent home from the hosptial a few times. I keep reminding myself that babies don't stay in the belly forever. Genevieve will be here next week, so I really want her to be able to meet her nephew :).

I am off to shower and get the dirt out from my nails! Have a great day O's.
Joslyn - You are a nurse so if you have the baby in the garden it is all good...you just need bowling water, towels and newspaper I think? At least that's what they always need in the movies. I think the always rip the towels, so don't forget to do that. I read somewhere about some lady having her baby in the parking lot of donut shop. They had little mini donuts something "bit" so that's the baby's nickname. It would make for a good story...
LOL....Jos...just stay out in the garden and squat! Isn't that what women used to do?! Clean baby up and get back to work :). Seriously though, I'm with you on the trips to the hosp, it would scare the heck outta me to have a baby at home unprepared!

Clara-how's the cam?! tell us all about it!

Kelly-when's your cam coming? or did it already? did I tell you I have shortterm memory problems? haha

Chris-how did your day go? can you see more clearly now? :) I hope tomorrow brings a much better day for you!

Tali-hey there! sounds like you've been busy and having some fun...and only $11 on NSD? I haven't gotten the nerve to check what I spent yet ;).

ME-sounds like you had a great weekend!

Sandra-aren't you about tired of this yucky rain? I think tomorrow is finally supposed to be just partly cloudy here and the rest of the wk so-so but no rain. soooo glad!

Kelly-oh my, that's a toughie...about the only thing I can tell you is he'll eventually outgrow it. Kids are so good at the dramatics. My DH used to always let the kids sleep with him when I worked midnights and it would irritate me so much because then they expected to when I was home. I'm pretty good at no though apparently because I don't remember them sleeping with us.

Oh my, thinking about that and Xanax that Chris and I were teasing about this morning made me remember a bad case at our peds office last wk. This father who has custody of his 4 yr old child let the child stay 2 wks with his druggie mother. She didn't want the child crying and asking to go home so she started giving him Xanax everytime he would wake up. By the time anyone found him he was unconscious, last I heard he was comatose. I need to check on that tomorrow, I hope she lives a long, tortured existence for the remainder of her days. It's hard to imagine any kind of forgiveness for somthing like that.

Oh my, sorry this turned morbid, I just can't take hearing about abuse of any kind, makes me so mad and upset, as I'm sure it does all of you.

On a lighter note, I think Davy just had some teething issues...I gave him a baby aspirin and he's just happy as a lark tonight. He's a little booger LOL.

Wow, I just realized it is 10:40....way past bedtime! Night lovely Os!