
Daily Ooo's Monday May 30th- Memorial Day in the states


lOve the O!
Morning all- up early- lots to do today. Most importantly, stop and be thankful for those who have made my freedom possible. Cleanup from the flooring and we actually have 13 boxes to return. I told mr. Gorgeous we could buy bags of mulch with the return money! We do need it- it has been several years since we put the mulch down, can't tell what color it was anymore!
Good morning!!

I just made monkey bread for the kids and am waiting for it to bake. Yummy!! We are watching the neighbor kids today too because their mom had to work today. She wasn't real thrilled but she needs to work. Then tonight I am making dinner for us and our friend Dave and his girlfriend. Chile Verde I think. Should be fun. I'm not feeling extra great today, but I think I'll be alright. I think Derek got my sinus yuck I had. It is so hard to tell we are getting a cold because of our allergies. He never takes anything when he's feeling bad so he gets pretty miserable. I'll try and get him to take something. He really just doesn't think to take anything.

Well, the buzzer will be going off in a few minutes so I'd better get.

Laurie - I am so glad you got the floors done. Awesome about having extra. I say go for the mulch.

Happy Memorial Day!! Because freedom isn't free!!
Morning ladies... I am in Ontario visiting with my daughter and her boyfriend Jonah, so nice to be with them again!! We are off to the nursery today to get some plants for the front yard and some hanging baskets to spruce up the place a bit. It is very humid here and we had a big thunderstorm last night, hopefully the heat and humidity don't keep us from getting the yard work done! Missing my grandbabies already, but enjoyed each day with them! Unforntuately we all got a very bad cold, so I had some pretty grumpy kids for a couple of days! Wish they were closer so I could help out all the time, they are so sweet and I want to be a bigger part of their lives and be able to watch them grow! We are keeping our fingers crossed that a posting will come up on Vancouver Island for them. But I count my blessing that I was able to be there at all! Having scrap withdrawal, but should have some pictures to work with when I arrive back home. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!
Good morning. Been a while again. It's been a busy weekend here of lots of yard work. It looks so nice now! We had a ton of neighbor kids over all day yesterday and got out the new slip-n-slide which immediately ripped, so we made due with our huge tarp and dish soap! I took tons of fun pictures. Will be scrappin them soon!

Laurie: Check your local landfill for free mulch. We get free mulch and free compost at ours. They will load our trailer for $10, or we can load it for free. We got a trailer full and now my childrens' garden is done and ready to plant! We just have to catch the family of groundhogs in our yard first. We have a mamma, daddy, and 4 babies. There were 5, but DH shot one and made our daughter and the neighbor girl cry. We now have a live trap in the yard we will be using.

Clara: Have fun today with your dinner. Hope Derek feels better. What is it with men and not wanting to take medicine. Then they are such babies! Too funny!

Well we are off soon to get DH a new cell phone finally! yay! He will stop stealing mine now! We also picked up a ton of free lumber at our church and one piece is like 7ft long by 3ft wide and it is becoming our deck. Within the next 3 weeks we will be putting up a small picket fence by the back door and buying a doggy door, so no more walking our dogs on leashes in the yard!!!!!! I cannot wait! This is what happens when you do not have horse board to pay for. Maybe next year we will be done with this fix-up stuff and be able to get me and my kids a couple horses. Found a nice barn just 3 blocks away to board at. But I will be focusing on my photography first and getting that business started up. I am signed up to take business and marketing this fall and as soon as the classes open will be signing up for digi photography as well. Then Spring with be Photography 1 with actual film. Yuck, but it gives you tons of info on running your own studio, so I guess it's worth it.

ok wow I have written a book now! I'm off to go scrap a bit and then wake up dh!
morning again- my boys just left, it is hot, hot, hot out- just my husband and me and laundry and clean up and gardening and getting ready for the work week!
HI ladies.....just got back from running a few errands.....

As most of you have seen on my Facebook...I did take pictures yesterday...and the kids were quite cooperative!!! Savannah had a blast...she got so mad when we were done and had to get in the car!!!

For the most part....it's been very very very quiet and relaxing for me this weekend!!!!! For the rest of today, I am going to clean a little bit then out on the deck to grill steaks for Mike and I and maybe a little scrapping.

Happy Memorial Day....God Bless our Soldiers...past and present!!
After my boys left, my husband and I were both upstairs and heard a loud crash from downstairs- I went down to see what fell over, and took a photo- the sky is falling, the sky is falling! The ceiling tiles are slowly just falling down, they apparently absorbed some of the moisture from the flooding 70% moisture level in the basement and now that the trim is down, they are no longer able to stay up- bye bye- we will hang wallboard up there and on the walls, so happy I have Amish neighbors that are great at mudding as neither mr. gorgeous or I can do it well.
Good morning...well, afternoon I guess! Relaxing day here. Had steak and chicken kabobs with cheesecake last night. Had an arugala salad with strawberries, candied pecans and a cinnamon pear balsamic vinegar dressing. Can it be? I scrapped and cooked.

Sorry about the ceiling tiles Laurie. And Linda, those photos are stunning!
No problem, they were coming down anyways- they have been up less than 10 years and I will not discuss what I am finding when I pull them down- ewww will suffice!