
Daily Ooo's: Monday, May 19


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!!!!
Who needs/wants :tea:??? I do, I do!!!
Long long day yesterday but sooo exciting! Cait looks amazing in her dress. Just incredible. This dress designer-- just so talented. I have a couple of not so good pics on my camera but Cait is going to email some of the ones she took with her camera which are better. She SnapChatted a pic of her in it to her boyfriend, who SnatChatted back "OMG just speechless" Then he texted her that she and the dress are both beautiful. She is so happy and cannot wait to wear it.

Today I have to get Scott in to the dr. He was helping a friend cut down a dead tree and ignored the vines that were on it and had a horrible case of poison ivy. He was at Leah's this weekend and I didn't see how bad it was until last night. I called to see if the urgent care was open, but they are only open 9-5, Monday through Saturday. Not a big help, right??
He def. need prednisone or cortisone shot. So after I get my doggie to the vet, I have to get him to the dr. Poor kid is miserable. Its not even in bumps, its in sheets. :(

Anyway, that is about it from here. I am just wishing I had one more day of weekend!


Me Me Monday:
48 hours has passed since my last dose of Tindamax, so I can have a glass (bottle/case/whatever) of wine tonight!


The Loopy-O
Trudy- not sure when or if you will see this, but :plane:

have a FAB trip, give Mason hugs from me and tell Heather happy mother's day and just have a special time!

Laurie- this weather is beyond weird. Freezing here again. 39* when I woke up today. I don't get it. Hope you were able to get some yard work done too. Too funny about the "I bought that?" I have to do that too. I actually have a folder of "stuff" that I tried making for myself when I first started digi. OMG, so horrible. My computer is running really slowly, maybe I need to do some purging as well.

Nancy- you too, have a wonderful trip! Get lots of good pics!

Phyllis- oh yuck. "unforeseen problems" is never good. BTDT! Cait is going to Wildwood this weekend and was wondering if she has a bathing suit that was going to fit and all I could think was Damn, that water is going to be COLD!!!!

Cait told me I can try on her dress, but I told her that I would wait until after her prom. Its all hers :)

Sara, two more weeks of school? I always forget how late NJ runs compared to most other states. Scott doesn't graduate until June 25. Hope you enjoyed a quiet day.

Nancy- how was the Melting Pot? Everyone that I know who has been there says it is great and fun.

Sara -ewwwwwww! Whenever we watch Bones or any other crime drama and I see that they are going near eyeballs (which is *always*) I have to close my eyes and then the fam tells me when it is ok to open them. It took me forever to get the courage up to even get contacts. LOL

Jean- isn't he so cool? They are enormous. And loud.

xoxo Trudy!

Laurie- sounds like a wonderful trip!


Well-Known Member
why why WHY don't i ever pay attention to past experience?? since it was 90 degrees here a bit ago, i decided to plant my tomato plants and basil and peppers. i covered them the other night because it was going down to 39. i checked yesterday, and it was supposed to be in the 40s last night. this morning i woke up to a FROST warning!! :rant: so i ran out and covered everything. kind of like shutting the barn door after the horses have bolted. hopefully everything will live.

Chris!! Coffee Rust!!! look out for a spike in coffee prices because of it. just heard that on the news. i can't wait to see this prom dress! as Sybil once said on Downton Abbey:" is there anything as exciting as a new frock??" she must be so happy to have found The Perfect Dress. sorry to hear about Scott's poison ivy. i only had it once in my life, and i hope i never have it again.

Trudy, hope you have a great trip!

Nancy, sounds like your Michigan, etc. trip is going to be fun! i love the Great Lakes region. are you going to get to Mackinac Island?if so, go during the week, not the weekend!

Sara, glad to know someone else goes to bed at 9:00!

Laurie, this weather is nuts. i've had ENOUGH! i saw what you wrote about Ohio on Sally's Facebook post. and, yep. a girl can freeze in BOTH PA and Ohio....

yesterday had a cookout for DD's BD. today it's grocery shopping and laundry and maybe a trip to Sam's for a big honking package of paper towel. and can someone please come here and make dinner for me tonight? i am SOOOO sick of thinking about food.

have a super week, O-zies. :becky:


lOve the O!
Good Morning O fam- Chris cannot wait to see the pics and see how you scrap them. I began again with exercise at home. I am going to end PT this week and need to stop using going in early as an excuse. Not to mention I need energy for gardening! I planted one of 4 bushes yesterday- Rhododendrons and Azaleas. Love them, but had to finish digging out the last of three yucky bushes. Plus the lawn needed mowing. My lettuce and spinach have sprouted- tonight I will plant a second set. I need to buy more plants and get them in the beds before I leave on my hubby and me time. Remember we were going to have the basement floor done, then the rest? Yeah, no. I ordered the same flooring online for half the price for get it done and we will do it. We decided to pay off a predatory college loan my son had- you could not pay on the principal until after you paid all the interest- really?- I thought that went out with the housing bubble bursting. So there went the money to have someone else do it! Maybe I will get new floors for Christmas or Thanksgiving for the upstairs. Okay off to work. Have wonderful days- I think the weather I wanted for the weekend is here today!!


Well-Known Member
You girls are awake today!!

Yesterday, I got six loads of laundry done, two loads of dishes, went to the grocery store, and got stuff all prepped so I can throw together salads the next three days. Thursday is our last day for teachers and my friend and I will go out to lunch after that. Yay!

Chris - Yay for wine. We had a mini wine tasting yesterday for dinner. LOL There were these mini bottles at the store and I wanted to see what I liked best. So crackers, cheese, and wine to dinner. Ugh on the poison ivy. That's one thing I worry about with our geocaching, but we haven't gotten it yet. Still can't wait to see the dress!!

Phyllis - It's been a little that way here too. Set a record low on Friday morning! I heard about the coffee rust too. Really affecting Arrabica (sp?) beans. I get the whole not wanting to think about food thing. Sometimes it's just so annoying to have to worry about!

Laurie - I hope PT goes well. Sounds like you need it, but you are doing plenty of yard work too. I hope it all pays off. Ugh on the loans and do it yourself flooring.

Ok. I really have to go!! TTYL


The Loopy-O


The Loopy-O
Just OMG-- she looks so beautiful, I cannot stand it!
I have to find a way to get my hands to not shake so much, most of my pics were blurry. I can keep them steady with the DSLR but not the cell phone. And get this-- her cell camera-- 13 MP which is another reason her selfie looks waaaay better than mine ;)


Well-Known Member
Busy weekend of just decluttering and editing. Today had its moment such as when the exterminator guys showed up a DAY early. Since this is not our place, we have to go by the schedule we're given but we did request a day later so we'd have time to seal up all the areas around the windows and doors (last time they sprayed, the fumes seeped in through the cracks and DD got really sick). BOOO (on the one who scheduled it)! But they were nice and agreed to come back 2 hrs later so we'd at least have a chance to prep somewhat. YAY! So they sprayed outside (we have been able to get approval for them not to spray in the house due to DD) and then no more ants around the front. another YAY! Then I looked out a back window and saw thick "ropes" of ants climbing from the clothesline to the wall to another clothesline across the back of this place. WHOA! Bad, bad, BAD! So....the exterminators return again tomorrow....sigh... But at least it's one more thing off this week's to do list. ;) (Note: the ants are so bad this year that I woke up this morning in bed with one biting me. I have NO idea how it managed to get in the sheets and me not noticing it last night so I think it was using the bed as a elevated highway from the window to the hallway. ;) Such rude commuters! ;)

Chris - Wow! What a gorgeous girl you have there and beautiful dress, too. Cait just looks thrilled! Hope Scott is doing better.

Phyllis - Hope your plants survived and yes, that is beyond frustrating with the fickle weather.

Laurie - Hugs as you progress through your PT. I go in spurts even after 2 years. I know what is good and bad (what will set off pain) but sometimes I think, "just this time will be okay" and kaboom...back to the basics again. But I'm slowly getting it through my head that for me exercise is like breathing (necessary to do regularly and very often ;) ) and will save me lots of pain later. Hope you do get some relief soon. :)

Sara: Whew! I'm tired just reading about all you did this weekend. You definitely deserve some "me-time" so I'm happy you'll get that soon. And YAY for just a few more days of school. I remember 1) dreading that last week because the kids would lose their minds then and while their bodies might be sitting in class, their minds were long gone and 2)being soo happy that it was the last week so I could have the time off. :)


aA Creative Team Member
Both she and the dress are gorgeous, Chris! How exciting! I think my hands would be shaking too if my daughter was in her dream dress getting ready for her prom. Wishing her a most magical time.

Happy Monday everyone!


Well-Known Member
Wow! What a dress. I love it. I see photos of "prom" dresses in the paper most of which I find vapid to ugly, but this is super.

Can hardly believe it is sunny again today and even a little warmer. Hope it is lovely wherever you are!


Well-Known Member
Chris!! EEEEEE!! i just want to get in that dress and TWIRL!!! what fun! she looks so incredibly hip!! ( you can tell how old I am by that word, but it just fits!)


Well-Known Member
That is so awesome Chris. She is stunning. Truly.

I have to say, a few years ago, I was absolutely appalled with the dresses on the girls going to prom from my district. But this year, I really was impressed. Most of them actually had long dresses and not ones that almost showed their goodies!!! It was nice to see!

Just got home from class. It is going to be a busy week. I will try to check in, but I'm not making any promises until Friday!