
Daily Ooos: Monday,, May 13


The Loopy-O

Will this coffee help you wake up? If you don't drink coffee (And how can you not??? LOL) you can pretend it is tea, hot chocolate, or brown water. Although I am not sure why you would drink brown water... Maybe it can be bone broth, there ya go! Think I covered all bases for you to choose from.

How was your weekend? In a word, mine was a hodgepodge of chaos. (Three words, oops.) I woke up in a funky mood for a reason. :rotfl:

It started with the hike being canceled and the subsequent idea to visit my parents. Then came the news that my dad was back in the ER and I had to wait to hear from them if they needed me to give them a hand or if they wanted to rest by themselves. (Even if I told them I was not expecting them to visit or feed me, if you know anything about my mom, that wouldn't fly). Scott called to say that he wouldn't be in the area to pop in during the day but he was getting out of work early and could come for dinner. Duh!! Of course! but that switched up my dinner plans and I asked Cait and Tom to pick up some ingredients on their way home from his mom's.
Cool. I got this.
I strip my bed, sheets, blankets, and comforter. Run the laundry and went to check on it an hour later. It has the Dreaded 1-minute countdown on the screen. That one minute could literally be one minute left or another 10 minutes of rotating slowly. I go back downstairs to wait and start another ATC. And bang! A transformer blew. No power. That throws all of my dinner plans potentially out the window. If we had to order food, there aren't any vegan restaurants in town so I had to give Cait and Tom a heads-up.
While we were waiting for the power, Gary and I finished the Lego project we were working on. Although we had it all together, one piece didn't look right to him. He pushed a little harder on it and then chunks of Legos were cracking off. The more he tried to fix it, the more pieces broke. But it's together now- finally!
I dusted my office in the dark, which was interesting. When the power came back on a few hours later, my laundry was still on that one minute. I let it run, finally got in the shower and it was *still* running when I got out. :banghead: I had to power the machine down and drain it again. It took me over 8 hours to wash and dry one load! I think I could have done it faster by hand. :laundryline: Bwuahahah!! (Not true, it was drizzly on and off, and it never would have dried!)

Did it feel like Mother's Day? yes- 100%. :nod1:
Trying to schedule and corral family members? Check
Laundry and housework in spite of a power outage? Check
Cooking and cleaning up: Check

Yup. I'd say it was a mother's day- just like every other day! :floorlaugh:

I am going with Gary to his eye doctor appt this morning. He has to get his eyes dilated to check his retinopathy so he won't drive home. We going to stop at BJs to get some stuff for the party as long as we are close by. Yuck, I hate shopping. Once I get back home, I have to keep working on the ATCs- I think I have 3 or 4 more to do, depending on what happened to the one I had open when the power died.

have a very happy Monday! (Tuesday to our Aussie/Kiwi friends!)


Well-Known Member
This has been a good day for me... Monday is nearly over. I worked in the Craft Store in the morning and had a nice time at home in the afternoon. I am enjoying being involved here at OScraps as the challenges are inspiring me to create layouts which is good. So this afternoon I did some shopping as I really do want to take part in the Fantasy challenge. Then tonight I put together my Week 2 in the Art Journaling challenge.

Hope you all have a good Monday as mine was good.


The Loopy-O
BTW-- I had my first wedding disaster dream last night. I am sure it's going to be the first of many.
AHHHH! I just realized the wedding is four months from today!!!
First. Of. MANY!

@BrightEyes Congrats on selling the stamp collection! Wow!!!! That is great news especially since it is to one person. No need to pack things up separately or anything. That is wonderful!! Even better to know they are going to a good home and will be used on future scrap pages.

@Cherylndesigns You always have more cyber hugs from me when you need them, unlimited supply!
I love that you talked to Chuck while you were cooking the casserole. I know for sure that he would be so proud of you and happy that he was part of the entire process. ♥
You undertook this recipe because you love him. You are keeping him alive and part of the family, present in all of your hearts - and stomachs ;) It is such a labor of love and one that no matter how it tastes, is a winner.

@MariJ I'll keep my eyes open for The Miracle Club, thanks!

@AK_Tracy BIG ol' hugs back to you!! :grouphugyay: I spoke to my mom three times yesterday and she was aggravated at my dad but nothing too intense. Or maybe she was just pooped out and didn't have the energy to vent.. hehe
I hope that you had a lovely time while everyone was relaxed/napping after church.
:wehaveawinner: <~ You are rocking the challenges!
Did you know that members can host their own challenge if they like? Just sayin' :devil2:

Cheryl-- see!!! The casserole was delish and your love was baked in! I am glad that you had a good day, I know your family wouldn't have it otherwise.

@scrap-genie You are a worse enabler than I was! :rotfl:
Excellent ideas!

@bcgal00 A cribbage tournament-- is there anything you can't do/play in your new area? So glad you guys are getting out and about and having a blast! Next time you'll win some $$.*fingers crossed*
I love garden centers too- (well, duh!) and have to get to my local one soon. I can't wait to see pics of the new trees and roses. And the bird babies too :)

Muah! Love to you all!


The Loopy-O
This has been a good day for me... Monday is nearly over. I worked in the Craft Store in the morning and had a nice time at home in the afternoon. I am enjoying being involved here at OScraps as the challenges are inspiring me to create layouts which is good. So this afternoon I did some shopping as I really do want to take part in the Fantasy challenge. Then tonight I put together my Week 2 in the Art Journaling challenge.

Hope you all have a good Monday as mine was good.
we are all thrilled that so many of the SGs found a new home here. Have fun with the AJ Week 2 challenge! I want to work on that one next and I have to finish my prep for the Week 4 one I am hosting. I need more time!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I'll get Mother's Day out of the way first. I envy people who have good memories of their mothers, mine are awful, I'll leave it at that. After his divorce 8 years ago my son decided I was at the root of all his problems & told me I was a joke as a mother. That destroyed me, I hung on for my grandkids, but I descended into a very dark place for a couple of years before clawing my way out. I didn't hear from him yesterday. I'm not looking for any sympathy, it is what it is, we all have things we deal with, I dealt badly, but I clawed my way back & put myself back together. I don't trust easily anymore so I am obviously feeling very safe here. I love the O

I've gotten this crazy itch since I got here and I'm scratching it constantly, yes people I'm scratching my scrapping itch. Honestly, it keeps me awake at night.

My allergies were horrendous last week & I just wasn't feeling chatty, just scrappy. I'm allergic to everything except ragweed, I'm an allergy oddity. Our maple trees were raining pollen I finally told hubs we needed to start the AC. He's very much anti-opening windows, yes, Mr & Mrs Odd. My yellow ladyslippers are about 6 inches high. No sign of the showy pink ladyslippers yet, but they will be later. It's funny because hubs doesn't get too enthused about flowers, but those he worries about. A couple of months ago he told me he's been reading about lady slippers online, yes reading, I've seen him read one book in 45 years. Anyway, he tells me ladyslippers like pine bark mulch and wasn't sure our hardwood mulch was good for them. We went to 3 different places looking for pine bark. I probably won't be outside with my nose in the plant business today. We have air quality alerts because of fires in Canada. There was a spectacular sunrise this morning but I'd prefer less show and blow to move it out. The smoke doesn't usually come all the way down to the ground but it did today and made it look foggy this morning.

Like @A-M I 'had' to shop yesterday so I could do the collaboration challenge and I agree, the challenges here are challenging. Have a lovely day everyone.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Sometimes I talk to much, I really didn't mean to rain on everyone's Mothers Day. I want to be a teeny tiny minority.

@Cherylndesigns see Chuck was guiding your hand, going complicated?? Come on, this recipe is no harder than a pbj, just DO IT, you're going to have a year of doing things the first time. One step at a time, even if it's just a recipe, I've got you, I'm right beside you even though you can't see me, you can feel me in your heart. I knew you could rock that recipe!!

@bcgal00 Wow, you have a game arsenal, that is so cool! I used to love to play games, but hubs family plays everything for blood, I mean, they pay attention to EVERYthing. Me, I like to have a glass of wine and pay enough attention to have fun. So glad you are having fun and garden centers are the BEST place to rejuvenate!


Quick in and out this morning. I am up, dressed, and having my 1st cup of coffee. Got the bed made up and moved the car from the center of the garage over toward the shelving units. That gives us lots of space when we take the boxes of stamps (on the dolly) out to my friend's car. She should be here mid-morning. DD#3 has a stop to make on her way down. Hope we can get everything done by around noon. Then I need to make a dessert this afternoon for the lunch tomorrow. Think I will do a peach cobbler.

I took the time yesterday to print out 12 LOs for Bill's memory album. I had to check my FB page to see which ones were missing. It has been a couple of months since I printed the last ones out. For the new members here - my husband died in January 6 years ago. I print out the LOs with him in them. I have 2 albums of memories of him and of our times together. Think I have enough room to finish up this year's pages. Each album will have 3 years of LOs.

@Cherylndesigns Yes, I think Chuck was talking to you and helping you as made his special casserole. Each milestone/holiday this first year can be a challenge but you are doing the best you are able... and his spirit is with you. I am so proud of you that you look for something good on each of those days. Glad you are making the ATC cards. They are wonderful... such precious memories of Chuck and you together.

@faerywings So sorry about all the things that went wrong yesterday. :hug2: Hope today is a better day... and that the washing machine works like it should.

Time to close this out... my friend should be here soon. CYL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all! I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day, I did get face time calls from both of my children and grandchildren, they are all growing up too quickly! We spent the weekend gardening, running errands, bottling wine and even had a nice visit from my bother and SIL! The weather was great and Sunday afternoon we headed to the In-Laws for a visit and got their address changed on a few things. Today I will work on a few more as it was Sunday and we could not get through to a couple of places. Today I will still have one bathroom to clean and floors to vacuum and wash. SIL Linda and I were going to go out on the Lake in our Kayaks this morning the wind has picked up and it looks pretty rough out there. I am hoping to get a challenge done today as my afternoon should be free LOL something will happen you wait and see!

@faerywings - I did get out for a hike with my sister and I thought it was going to kill her LOL. She hasn't been very active since she retired almost a year ago and it certainly showed. Poor sis had to stop about 20 times to catch her breath, she was dressed too warm and was overheated, I had to poor some of my cold drinking water down her back to cool her off, then convinced her to strip off a couple of layers LOL. I made sure we went very slowly and what should have been an hour long hike, turned into over 2 hours. She did love the views though, but not sure she will go on another one with me. :giggle4: I told her she needs to keep active and then she told me that she is now borderline diabetic, so she really need to get moving and change her eating habits too. All I can do is try to be supportive the rest is up to her. Sorry for venting LOL! Sounds like you had a very challenging weekend with the power outage, doing laundry and trying to gather your family together for dinner. Hope your Dad is ok!!

@A-M - So happy that you had a great Monday Morning! Hopefully tomorrow will be great for you too! I look forward to seeing your Fantasy Challenge layout in the gallery!

@bcgal00 - Wow you are fitting into your new surroundings wonderfully! My Mother used to play Mah Jong and tried to teach us kids how to play, but she kept changing the rules on us and seemed to always win :giggle4:. We all got a big kick out of calling her a Man Jong cheater. She would laugh along with us!

@Cherylndesigns - Yup I think Chuck was right there with you while you made his special casserole! Sorry you were missing him so terribly, but you are allowed and we are all here when you need a shoulder to cry on! Special occasions will be the hardest for you I am sure, but I am sending you tons of gentle hugs my friend! :hug1: .

@BrightEyes - That is such great news that you sold the whole collection of stamps!! Nice to know that it will be going to someone who will get great use and appreciation from them!

@JeanneMN - I am sorry that Mother's Day is not a happy time for you! Sounds like you have picked yourself up and dusted yourself off though! You are one tough cookie!! I am happy to hear that you are enjoying your new home here at the O! You are one busy scrapper that is for sure!

Ok my computer is making way too much noise and behaving badly so I better get off of here and continue the search for a new one that won't break the bank. Ughh I hate this!! Have a great Monday ladies !! :cowwaving:


Well-Known Member
Will this coffee help you wake up? If you don't drink coffee (And how can you not??? LOL) you can pretend it is tea, hot chocolate, or brown water. Although I am not sure why you would drink brown water... Maybe it can be bone broth, there ya go! Think I covered all bases for you to choose from.
:coffeedrinker: :coffeedrinker: :coffeedrinker:It might not help you wake up but it sure does help other people to live. Cause as long as I can have my coffee, I wont be harming anyone LOL This is one of the things I look forward to in the morning. Coming here and seeing what everyone is doing but the humor and fun and :D:D:D Just starts my day off perfectly with my coffee.
Yup. I'd say it was a mother's day- just like every other day! :floorlaugh:
Yes, isn't mothers day funny? Just like any other day but we also get to be happy about planning (cause you know we plan it) and making food and cleaning the house all so we can be "pampered" Yeah its a blast. My daughter brought me flowers Friday and that was fun though. Grands helped me cut the stems and put them in the vase. This year I just enjoyed the moment and forgot to get photos.
:wehaveawinner: <~ You are rocking the challenges!
Did you know that members can host their own challenge if they like? Just sayin' :devil2:
:potstirrer: nope, not happening nope no no no. The AJ intimidates me and you think I wanna come up with a challenge??? Ummmm yeah nope. gonna run and :couchhide:
I've gotten this crazy itch since I got here and I'm scratching it constantly, yes people I'm scratching my scrapping itch. Honestly, it keeps me awake at night.
I'm so sad that Mothers Day is bad for you. :hug4::hug3: I had several years with DD that weren't good but nothing like you have and I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

I love your crazy scrapping' scratchin' Your layouts are so much fun and vibrant. Keep posting and scratching Twin cause its so much fun to see your layouts.
My allergies were horrendous last week & I just wasn't feeling chatty, just scrappy. I'm allergic to everything except ragweed, I'm an allergy oddity.
Oh no! Allergies! They are the worst!!!! I have very very minor seasonal so minor they dont really count. But I do have skin allergies. That's super fun. Nothing like having an allergy to floral, rubber, nylon, spandex, and a few other things. So basically anything man made. Real flowers I can deal with if they're not "stinky" flowers (over scented) but yeah try finding clothes that are all natural and wont break the bank.

Today is less then an hour old, one cup coffee so far, second in my cup. I'm ready to scrap my heart out, but I've finished the challenges. Gonna look at the challenge by KS that @scrap-genie mentioned. Its Monday, so will have to clean house first. I'm hoping the weather app is right and we're just cloudy so I can hang the laundry. :laundryline: Trying to reduce the gas bill and not use the dryer as much. Chris I hear ya on the laundry count down! Its so annoying how long the "minute" can last. Drove me nuts when I had my front load washer. I have since gone back to old school style washer and its much faster and yes it uses a bit more water but I dont have too do second rinse either so it evens out in my book. Okay, better drink my coffee and see what everyone else it up to. And yes, like my Twin, I will say it again, thank you O!!! Best move I've made was finding this little corner of happiness.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning my sweet, sweet friends.

I have to tell you that you've all brought tears to my eyes with your outpouring of love and support (as always). I mean, it was "only" a casserole, right? It was a very important casserole and I did it - it wasn't quite as easy as a PB and J @JeanneMN :rotfl: but not too much harder. Your comment made me LOL.

Chris @faerywings is your dad still in the ER? What happened? Sounds like you had a Mother's Day to remember. Geesh and a power outage on top of everything else. You know what we always used to say "every day was Mother's Day" which you also said. A mother's work is never done. :rotfl: That could have been disastrous for the no vegan food if you'd have had to get delivery. We don't even have any delivery services here, but we have one restaurant downtown that has tofu. That's a start - for a little town like ours. Roger says that tofu restaurants are popping up in Florida - that's all they have. I'm sure they have vegan restaurants too.

Speaking of Roger, he walked with me to see the memorial site he's working on. I took some pictures, but haven't transferred them over yet. It's a little bit of a downhill climb right now, but he's going to level it out and put a walkway up to my house. He showed me where Chuck's tree was going to go and he's going to build benches for us to sit on and meditate. He hauled cement blocks that weigh 1200 pounds each to line the hole that he's digging, then he has to almost treat it like an inground pool, so it won't cave in if we have lots of rain. He said it could withstand a 5" rain right now, but he doesn't want to take any chances.

He took us out to dinner last night and Braden came with us. Alyssa was working at Napoli's (the "Italian restaurant' that is owned by Bulgarians (I think) she laughs about it all the time. They're real characters. Anyway, she waited on us and we always get extra attention because of her.

I'll be back later on. I see that there are new layouts in the AJ Challenge that I'm hosting so I need to go and leave love and drink some more tea, then I'll be back. XOXO


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Ok @AK_Tracy we know which twin is QuickDraw McGraw and which is Baba Looey in the Challenge Department. Since you were the second twin born you are way too young to be familiar. My closet looks pretty much like my layouts. I'm pushing the envelope when I use beige for a background. Not surprising that Boho Summer was the collab I bought ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok @AK_Tracy we know which twin is QuickDraw McGraw and which is Baba Looey in the Challenge Department. Since you were the second twin born you are way too young to be familiar. My closet looks pretty much like my layouts. I'm pushing the envelope when I use beige for a background. Not surprising that Boho Summer was the collab I bought ;)
Ummmmm sorry. Dont know how to make him smaller.
But Hey Twin, I'm the gun totin' smart a*** so yeah we know who's who :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 419008
Ummmmm sorry. Dont know how to make him smaller.
But Hey Twin, I'm the gun totin' smart a*** so yeah we know who's who :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Hi Tracy, if you go into "Edit" and double-click on the image a box comes up. Actually two boxes seem to come up. I x out the first one and on the second one change the number, once you click "apply" or something like that you should see the new size. I keep trying until it looks like I want it to. It kind of works like the SG one did except for the extra box.


Well-Known Member
Hi Tracy, if you go into "Edit" and double-click on the image a box comes up. Actually two boxes seem to come up. I x out the first one and on the second one change the number, once you click "apply" or something like that you should see the new size. I keep trying until it looks like I want it to. It kind of works like the SG one did except for the extra box.
I will have to try again. I did try to double click like we did at SG and nothing happened. But that was probably operator error LOL


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone, stealing my daughters iPad to check in! Yesterday was a nice day, went to church with DD#1 then to lunch after that, then home to help DD#2 and her husband pack for his deployment. It was a nice mix of serving and being served. Today we spent 4.5 hours on the Navy pier, waiting for and watching the ship pull out. If it wasn’t hard enough watching my daughter and SIL say goodbye, watching the little children crying ”Daddy Don’t go!!!” U.n.d.i.d. Me. I took DD#2 out to lunch after that to distract her, and she kindly picked up the tab, and now all three of us are hanging out eating dessert and watching Jeapordy, just being with the girls and supporting one another. Mark is home with the dogs.

This was my first Mothers Day without my mom. I did ok - being with my girls was a big help and they are very supportive. The worship songs at church made me very tearful. I‘m glad I wasn’t home thinking about it and missing her physical presence.

@A-M @MariJ I’m glad you’re here and enjoying yourself as much as I am.

@AK_Tracy @JeanneMN You twins crack me up!

@AK_Tracy I’d do one of your challenges if you made one!

@JeanneMN I’m so happy you feel safe to be yourself here. The acceptance and support here is So wonderful. The O is the best - being here has renewed my inspiration as well. I’m seeing layouts everywhere I look again! Hey - maybe that’s an AJ page for this months topic!

@bcgal00 You inspire me with how active you are!

@Cherylndesigns You’re doing great - now that your casserole was successful you’ll be encouraged for the next “first”. :heartpumpred:

@faerywings it’s so important to keep moving isn’t it? While I’m here at my daughters I’m trying to get them to walk with me! DD#1 will, but under protest! Today when we were getting home from the deployment I had my daughter drop me off a few blocks away so I could finish my steps. She thinks that’s weird. But my steps are done!

Hope you all have a good rest of your evening!


Well-Known Member
I will have to try again. I did try to double click like we did at SG and nothing happened. But that was probably operator error LOL
Haha and yes! It is like SG but different in that another box comes up over the one we are used to. I finally figured out there is an "X" in the top right corner and if you X out that top box, the bottom one is as before! Good luck, my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone, stealing my daughters iPad to check in! Yesterday was a nice day, went to church with DD#1 then to lunch after that, then home to help DD#2 and her husband pack for his deployment. It was a nice mix of serving and being served. Today we spent 4.5 hours on the Navy pier, waiting for and watching the ship pull out. If it wasn’t hard enough watching my daughter and SIL say goodbye, watching the little children crying ”Daddy Don’t go!!!” U.n.d.i.d. Me. I took DD#2 out to lunch after that to distract her, and she kindly picked up the tab, and now all three of us are hanging out eating dessert and watching Jeapordy, just being with the girls and supporting one another. Mark is home with the dogs.
I cant Imagine how hard this had to be. :heartpumppink: I am so thankful you could be there for your DD and SIL. Watching the kids would be so hard.
This was my first Mothers Day without my mom. I did ok - being with my girls was a big help and they are very supportive. The worship songs at church made me very tearful. I‘m glad I wasn’t home thinking about it and missing her physical presence.
:hug4: I am glad you had your daughters there to help you though this mothers day.

@A-M @MariJ I’m glad you’re here and enjoying yourself as much as I am.

@AK_Tracy @JeanneMN You twins crack me up!
:floorlaugh:were double trouble. I've never had so many nicknames and yet here I have several. Its so fun and I feel part of the in crowd. :floorlaugh:
@AK_Tracy I’d do one of your challenges if you made one!
Oh my goodness. I wouldn't even know where to start. All I can think is that's not me but maybe someday.


Well-Known Member
Well, dinner was fun. Made hamburgers on the grill. Went to slice some pickles and ............ dang mandolin won that round. Sliced may thumb so so bad. I have it all taped and its making typing fun. I think I am hitting delete more than ever before. Good thing laundry is done as I am down for the count. LOL Stupid mandolin has gotten me twice now (last year and now) and ugh it hurts so much. Its so sharp it just cuts before you know what happened. USE THE GUARD!! LOL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, dinner was fun. Made hamburgers on the grill. Went to slice some pickles and ............ dang mandolin won that round. Sliced may thumb so so bad. I have it all taped and its making typing fun. I think I am hitting delete more than ever before. Good thing laundry is done as I am down for the count. LOL Stupid mandolin has gotten me twice now (last year and now) and ugh it hurts so much. Its so sharp it just cuts before you know what happened. USE THE GUARD!! LOL
Oh no, Tracy! I hope you weren't hurt too badly and dang, I hope it doesn't impede your digi scrapping. I'm so bad -- see where my mind goes.


Well-Known Member
Oh no, Tracy! I hope you weren't hurt too badly and dang, I hope it doesn't impede your digi scrapping. I'm so bad -- see where my mind goes.
Thankfully I can use my other fingers for the mouse pad abut the thumbs getting in the way of typing LOL I am sure if I untaped it I would find maybe it needs stitches, but I am not looking. Its a bleeder for sure. I had hubs tape its tight too now it throbs and hurts from the tight tape but it will be better soon. Sadly this isn't the first time I've done this. I am a mess in the kitchen. Messing cooking and I usually get hurt LOL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Tracy @AK_Tracy and Marilyn @MariJ the other way you can resize images in the threads:

Upload your image, click on upload, then "full size", then click on the image and use the "handles" to resize. I've been doing that with all of my ATC's in the 100 Days of Challenges. You can resize your image to whatever size you want.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thankfully I can use my other fingers for the mouse pad abut the thumbs getting in the way of typing LOL I am sure if I untaped it I would find maybe it needs stitches, but I am not looking. Its a bleeder for sure. I had hubs tape its tight too now it throbs and hurts from the tight tape but it will be better soon. Sadly this isn't the first time I've done this. I am a mess in the kitchen. Messing cooking and I usually get hurt LOL
Thank goodness! I;m terrified of those things and that's why. I watch cooking shows and those things scare me to death. Hey, I'm THE messiest cook in the world. I can't even believe the mess I make - I used to be a neat cook, but Chuck did the cooking for so many years, that I think I've forgotten how to "clean as i go". I'm SO glad that you can still scrap. :yourock::bowdown3:


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness! I;m terrified of those things and that's why. I watch cooking shows and those things scare me to death. Hey, I'm THE messiest cook in the world. I can't even believe the mess I make - I used to be a neat cook, but Chuck did the cooking for so many years, that I think I've forgotten how to "clean as i go". I'm SO glad that you can still scrap. :yourock::bowdown3:
NOOTHING will keep me from scrapping. Even double letter taps LOL I watch all kinds of cooking shows too and they use the mandolin without the guard all the time. Even Master chef Jr with kids!! WHY do I always get hurt? Oh yeah, I'm a klutz


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
WAIT @Cherylndesigns What is this clean as you go you talk about?? I've never heard of that!!!! :floorlaugh:
That was my mom's "thing". She kept a sink full of sudsy water and every pan, dish, etc. she dirtied, got immersed in the sudsy water and rinsed and put in the dish drainer. That was drilled into my head growing up. UGH. Then I let Chuck take over the cooking detail and I regressed. Now, I just destroy my kitchen when i cook anything. I mean destroy. :floorlaugh: :lol23:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
NOOTHING will keep me from scrapping. Even double letter taps LOL I watch all kinds of cooking shows too and they use the mandolin without the guard all the time. Even Master chef Jr with kids!! WHY do I always get hurt? Oh yeah, I'm a klutz
SAME!! I broke my clavicle a year or so ago and was in a tight sling. Do you think that kept me from scfrapping????? NO. I could still push that mouse around. :lol23::lol23::lol23:


Well-Known Member
That was my mom's "thing". She kept a sink full of sudsy water and every pan, dish, etc. she dirtied, got immersed in the sudsy water and rinsed and put in the dish drainer. That was drilled into my head growing up. UGH. Then I let Chuck take over the cooking detail and I regressed. Now, I just destroy my kitchen when i cook anything. I mean destroy. :floorlaugh: :lol23:
I always say if you didn't make a mess then you didn't have fun. My mom was perfectionist in the cleaning department. I am a rebel. I make a mess and clean after I am done. Which is why at bedtime I am still running the dishwasher for the tenth time. Okay maybe the fourth LOL