
Daily Ooos: Monday, May 10


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy Monday to you all! Did everyone have a nice weekend and Mother's Day?
My day was *perfect.* The weather stayed dry until about 3 pm, cold but dry so I went out there for almost 3 hours. Ripped up a bunch of mint, transplanted a few clumps of wildflowers (I can't remember what they are until they bloom, goldenrod possibly?), and moved a bunch of smaller astilbe around. I still haven't gone to the nursery yet and I need to go this week or everything will be picked over.
Gary made homemade pizzas for dinner so it was a good day. My friend who lives across the street was cutting some lilacs and gave a bunch to me, first time I ever got flowers on Mother's Day haha!

My dad is very excited about his surgery tomorrow. I am hoping to go down on Friday for a quick visit.
Today I am taking Cait and the babies to the vet. Evie's lipoma grew back and it is huge and should be removed even if it isn't medically dangerous. I never did make anything for the Moms and never finished my nephew's card. My niece's Grad School grad get-together is this Saturday so I have to add those to my list. I will have to do that when I get back.

The month seems to be flying by. *sighs* Why isn't the weather showing that?



The Loopy-O
@tanteva Unfortunately, I have such a mental block when it comes to TV shows that are overdubbed. If the mouths and words don't match up, I can't concentrate. We watched one episode of a crime drama that seemed to have a fascinating plot but I couldn't get past the dubbing. :(
I am honestly and sincerely impressed with the omelet. I gave up even trying because mine always turned into scrambled eggs too. Now if anyone here wants one, they have to ask Gary.

Kay- the Red Hat Meeting sounds like it was so much fun, must have felt wonderful to catch up with people! I wish I could take the comforter off of the bed but unfortunately, I was freezing my butt off last night between Gart and the dogs stealing it on me. It is so cold and damp here.

@bcgal00 Maybe it is just me being a dork, but thinking of you seeing Bailey gave me goosebumps. How is she doing? Was she in love with Remi (I know she adores Taz!) How is Jen doing? did Bailey ever get the rat stickers?
*claps hands over mouth*
I am just overjoyed for you. I can't imagine how long and difficult this year has been for you and for her.

I hope that the rest of you are able to pop in soon and let us know how you are doing. I don't like it when the O-Fam is away for too long. xoxo


Mistress of Mayhem
I'm a bit grumpy today! Watched the weather forecast last night. Southern parts of Sweden would get sunny and about 77*F today. And here I am ... living in the part of Sweden that was completely covered in a rain cloud - and we have 55*F! A couple of years ago, hubby was looking for a job further south, we wanted to get closer to his family (rather than mine!), but we are still here. Today is one day I wish we had moved. I absolutely LOVE our house, I just hate my hometown.

Anyway, we had a guy here today, removing some old dead trees from our garden. Hubby messeged me and asked if it all turned out well. As if I would know? LOL I'm completely blind when it comes to these things.

Monday is weighing day for me. Today I love my scale. Lost 700 grams last week - that's about 3 lbs. Perfect. I so hope I will get down to about what I was weighing when we got Covid. I worked HARD for that weight loss, and I'm a bit crossed that I gained so much again. But ... you know ... ¤%#& happens!

Today I'm going to make Spaghetti Carbonara. Well, sort of, any way. I'm not sure how it's supposed to be done, like proper Italian. But I make spaghetti and I fry "fakon" (veggie bacon) and scrambled eggs, and mix it all. Close enough for me. Oh, and green peas as well. That's a must.

Can you tell I'm on a diet? I talk about food all the time! LOL


Quick in and out this AM. I did get the mattress on my bed rotated and sheets changed yesterday. Discovered when I was reading in bed last night that I was COLD.... so glad I had not packed my down comforter away. So threw it on top of the decorative comforter on the bed. Will put it back under the decorative comforter when I make the bed this morning. Guess it will be a few more weeks before I take it off again. LOL Chris, I thought of you as I was putting the comforter back on the bed. Guess I was pushing the season too quickly. Glad you got to work in the yard as I know you enjoy that so much.

DD#3 came over yesterday afternoon with her grandson... He is walking now or should we say... running!!! He will be 1 year old the end of the month. Typical curious toddler wanting to explore everything. He kept DD running most of the visit. I enjoyed seeing them - he even let me hold him for a couple of minutes. He reminds me of his dad when he was that age. DD brought me a miniature Lavender tree for Mother's Day. I will need to repot it into a larger/heavier pot as the wind blew it over a couple of times already. Right after she and the baby left, I had a video chat with DD#1 and DD#2 for over an hour. Had a great visit with them. DD#1 told me that she got a notice that my Mother's Day flowers could not be delivered until today. So am looking forward to seeing them. We will be changing the day/time of the family chat sometime this month.

Have to get dressed as I am not sure how soon the delivery of the flowers will be. Hate to have to answer the door when still in my PJs. Will try to pop back in later on. CYL


Well-Known Member
Good morning all.I hope every woman had a lovely Sunday Mothers day.
Today I don't feel a day over 70... yet ha ha (Mothers Day baby I was... way back in the 1900's.) To celebrate hubby and I are heading out to photograph whatever might be handy to have in my designing arsenal. He just bought a bunch of new lenses and wants to try them out. Then he is going to cook dinner for me. So sweet.

@faerywings Thanks for the encouragement for the cluster and designing. I have no idea where it will take me. It may be a short road.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

Sounds like the weather is cooler/cold all over! We had to turn the heat on again last night. We're wimps and refuse to be cold. Haha It's only in the 50's today!

@faerywings Chris, good for you for working outside yesterday. We did that all day Saturday. I got all of my herbs planted (well, what Lowe's had available). I still need a few more. Ava had been nursing some mustard, green peppers and a tomato plant so Braden brought them down and we put them in my new tiered planter. The only things I still want are chives and lavender - Lowe's was out of both.

We bought the start for the front garden. Just shrubs for now, but they're yellow and I got some green ones, too. Bought 2 flats of annuals, but need at least 2 more. Boy, the money racks up fast for that stuff - especially shrubbery! I didn't get much and dropped $250! Like I said, it's a start.

The Hummingbird's are flocking to their feeders. We've had to fill them both twice already. The cat sits right in that window and watches them and it doesn't bother them. "Birds on Broadway". Hahaha "Let's sing and dance for that cat!"

Chris, sorry your baby is going to have to have that growth removed. Daisy had her second "growth" - a tick! YUCK!! Her flea and tick collar apparently isn't helping much. Chuck has to pull them out with tweezers then make sure there aren't any "babies" hiding. He's the tick specialist - having grown up in the backwoods of Minnesota!

Eva, @tanteva good luck on "weigh day". I used the laughing emoji because you said you were always talking about food. That's why I gave up WW - all I did was think, record, talk, etc. about food. If I think about it, I want it. Haha

Kay, @BrightEyes sounds like you had an active visit with your DD. Toddlers never stop, that's for sure. Hard to carry on a conversation when they're around. Glad you found your comforter! Stay warm.

Waving to everybody and group hug.


Mistress of Mayhem
Eva, @tanteva good luck on "weigh day". I used the laughing emoji because you said you were always talking about food. That's why I gave up WW - all I did was think, record, talk, etc. about food. If I think about it, I want it. Haha
I do that even when I'm not on a diet. I'm very interested in food and cooking. Hubby thinks I'm a bit crazy, cuz I can sit for hours looking in cook books or browsing internet for recipes. Especially since I ALWAYS change the recipes, and never follow them :D


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

Sounds like the weather is cooler/cold all over! We had to turn the heat on again last night. We're wimps and refuse to be cold. Haha It's only in the 50's today!

@faerywings Chris, good for you for working outside yesterday. We did that all day Saturday. I got all of my herbs planted (well, what Lowe's had available). I still need a few more. Ava had been nursing some mustard, green peppers and a tomato plant so Braden brought them down and we put them in my new tiered planter. The only things I still want are chives and lavender - Lowe's was out of both.

We bought the start for the front garden. Just shrubs for now, but they're yellow and I got some green ones, too. Bought 2 flat of annuals, but need 2 more. Boy, the money racks up fast for that stuff - especially shrubbery! I didn't get much and dropped $250! Like I said, it's a start.

The Hummingbird's are flocking to their feeders. We've had to fill them both twice already. The cat sits right in that window and watches them and it doesn't bother them. "Birds on Broadway". Hahaha "Let's sing and dance for that cat!"

Chris, sorry your baby is going to have to have that growth removed. Daisy had her second "growth" - a tick! YUCK!! Her flea and tick collar apparently isn't helping much. Chuck has to pull them out with tweezers then make sure there aren't any "babies" hiding. He's the tick specialist - having grown up in the backwoods of Minnesota!

Eva, @tanteva good luck on "weigh day". I used the laughing emoji because you said you were always talking about food. That's why I gave up WW - all I did was think, record, talk, etc. about food. If I think about it, I want it. Haha

Kay, @BrightEyes sounds like you had an active visit with your DD. Toddlers never stop, that's for sure. Hard to carry on a conversation when they're around. Glad you found your comforter! Stay warm.

Waving to everybody and group hug.
I do that even when I'm not on a diet. I'm very interested in food and cooking. Hubby thinks I'm a bit crazy, cuz I can sit for hours looking in cook books or browsing internet for recipes. Especially since I ALWAYS change the recipes, and never follow them :D
That's a great pastime! I wish I was that interested in cooking. I handed the reins over to my hubby in the cooking department. He loves to cook and he looks at recipes all the time, too. He's forever downloading them from the internet - as if we don't already have cookbooks here. Haha Of all the cookbooks, his favorite is one from mom's church - it's really old, but has all the "old school" recipes in it. They're just FULL of sugar and salt. We chuckle over that all the time. I can't believe the amount of sugar and salt we used to eat.


Well-Known Member
HI - It has been awhile since I have posted. Lots has happened. Had a great Mother's day! Son and his fiancé and kids came down with donuts. The kids made me a card, which was too sweet. My oldest son texted and glad he remembered. He called the oven repairman so that made me happy. I have been happy as I was on a girls week in Sedona, AZ. OMgosh the weather was perfect for me. It was sunny and 80s with lows in the 60s. It was actually way warm for the area but great for me. Though way hard to came back to 60s and rain. The week was filled with food, chatting and gorgeous vistas. We stayed at the Enchantment resort which is in a canyon outside of Sedona. One day it was a pink jeep tour to an ancient clift dwelling where along the way we saw mule deer and jackrabbits. One day was up early to go bird watching where we saw or heard 53 different species of birds. So fun and it was a glorious walk. That evening went to an evening of sky watching. Sedona is known for its dark skies and there were so many stars it was hard to find the big dipper. One day was shopping in Sedona. One day was a train trip up to the Grand Canyon. For my two girlfriends who had never seen it were shocked at just how amazing it is. At at the famous restaurant there and it was delish. The only bad thing was the shuttle busses to the look out points were not running so because of train schedule we missed some good spots. But the train was awesome as we saw a bald eagle and wild horses with new babies. On the train trip back there was a robbery which was too funny. The town of Williams where the train starts has a population of just of 3000 and of those 450 had jobs relating to the train so they are super happy to have tourists coming back. We had to wear masks and the sat us socially distant. Very safe feeling. Came home Sat. night so home for Mother's day. Now excited to scrapping the trip.

@faerywings Chris glad to hear your dad is finally getting the surgery on his shoulder. I am sure it will be fine but a lot of rehab. Hope the rats do well.

@BrightEyes Kay it seems you had fantastic Mother's day with DDs and a grand baby. I am surprised you are not getting heat from AZ. But nights can get cold.

@Cherylndesigns Cheryl seems that everyone is feeling chillier more than expected. I know that by the middle of May it should be warmer that 62 degrees. So wish we had lots of hummingbirds. We saw Anna's hummingbirds a lot in AZ. You are so lucky.

@Kythe how fun to be out and taking photos. It is such a joy just to be out!

@tanteva Hi Eva. I am so lucky I got to visit your country a couple of years ago. My NJ Devils were playing the Edmonton Oilers in Gothenburg. What a lovely town. We had such fun seeing and eating in the town. Only flew into and out of Stockholm we did not have a lot of extra time for visiting. But would love to go back. Hope your weather warms up!

Waving to all!
Have a great day.


Mistress of Mayhem
@nancyr Gothenburg is a fantastic town. Don't mind missing out on Stockholm, that's not a fantastic town LOL I live further up north, close to the middle of Sweden. A tiny town called Orsa. Not much to tell about that place. Boring really.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi Nancy @nancyr we've missed you. I'm enjoying the hummingbirds immensely. They don't seem to be bothered by anything. The guys were out with this huge machine digging the trench for our wifi cable right behind their feeders. They just kept on eating.

Good to see you.

Chris, @faerywings I forgot to wish your dad good luck with his surgery!!


Well-Known Member
Hope you all had a great Mother's Day yesterday. I did. It was so good to see Bailey after almost a year apart except for facetime. She was so happy to see us and loved meeting Remi. She talks to Remi on facetime every week, Remi knows her voice now and got excited when we got to her place. The hike through the park was lovely, it was a bit hard on my back but I managed. It was not easy taking photos while also holding Remi's leash but I managed to get some. Had an indulgent day foodwise. Had donuts and pizza. Got a mug, tea and two bouquets of flowers from Jen and Bailey. They also got me a large heart helium balloon that broke off the string when B handed it to me and we watched it fly up into the sky. B was devastated, was so upset so we made sure we laughed a lot and joked about it to help calm her down.

@faerywings I gave B the stickers and she was so excited. She says that she remembers me talking about your family but am not sure if she really remembers or not (it's hit or miss with the memory of course, mostly "miss") but she enjoyed me telling her about it all. But she might remember a bit b/c she always seems to know that I have a scrapbook friend whose daughter raises rats.

@Cherylndesigns My hummers are finicky about people around their feeders but let me stand a few feet away now. They are such a joy to watch.

I'd better get to work and then I'll be heading out for a long walk with the dogs. BFN everyone.