
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 9


The Loopy-O
Why do I feel so yucky? I woke up at 4.30, got out a bed a little later. Woke Gary up so he wouldn't have to get up at 5 for Caitlyn. Went to the coffee pot and found a note from Cait that she isn't feeling well. My head is killing me yet again and it is making my stomach icky. So I had to eat something so I could take some Aleve (I can't eat when I first get up usually) and I still feel like crud.
What are you gonna do?:noidea:

I have Max coming at 8 for the bus stop run, then some little things around the house. Maybe it is good that I am up so early. I poop out after lunch every day as it is, so maybe I can get a few more things done. I have to clean out the fridge. It seems like men and teens have no idea that when things get fuzzy it means Throw Them OUT!!!! :eek2:

Double crazy Monday Morning ACK!!!!
I popped over to Accuweather just now, because I wanted to revel in the No Snow Monday and the temps being in the 40's. There is a little picture of a cloud with a few snowflakes and sleet in it. And a Special Weather Statement saying that there might be patchy freezing drizzle and fog. Ugh!!!!!
It won't matter much, but still.....:(

Warmer temps here all week. Yesterday was one of the first days that I wasn't shivering uncontrollably when I got out of the shower, nor needed 3 blankets when watching TV. Some of that was that I had no IV running last night (*happy dancing*) since that makes me colder too.
I am still working on silly crochet stitches, and I found a cute pattern for a slouchy hat. Maybe someday I will make it. Maybe *wink*

QOTD- Cait and I were having a discussion about things you swear you will never say as a parent, before you are a parent. She was making funny faces and I was laughing and telling her that her face was going to freeze that way. She told me when she was little I said that to her and she really believed it and it freaked her out. She swears that she will never say that to her kids. I told her that I swore that too. And I swore up and down til my face turned blue, that I would never, ever say to me kids "Because I told you so!!!"
Oh, the naivete of pre-mom life :pound:
There has to be some Mom Gene that turns itself on when pregnant or in the long-term presence of young children since there is no other way those words could have popped out of my mouth. Nope. No way!

PS: Scott always tells me that one of the things I told him that stuck was the "I have eyes int he back of my head." He says that he wanted to pull back my hair when I was sleeping to check.

So, what did you swear you would never say? If you don't have kids, what did your parents say to you?

Have a happy Monday!!
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The Loopy-O
From Sunday:

Shar- I have mixed feelings about DST. It doesn't make sense to me. The sun is still out the same amount of time one way or the other. I do like having it lighter in the evenings, though. The clock bit- I think that most of our clocks are computer driven and reset themselves. We have a couple in the kitchen, stove and coffee pots!!, and the thermostats, but that is about it.

PSA from a Fire Fighter's DD: Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries too.:)

I bet that the weather made you walk a bit faster as well!
Keep plugging away on Lightroom. I use ACDSee to organize and some days I feel like I will never get it all done. I guess it is like laundry and there is always one more load to do.

haha!! Phyllis!!! I know, I know... I swept the kitchen- all 6'x6' of it the other day and got yelled at. I did rest, I scrapped page with the collab that is coming out for the Birthday party at the end of the month here.

Oops! Did I say party? Here???? :party:

So happy the the G-Kids are all doing well. My mom and dad were babysitting my nephew who kept saying he wanted to talk to Aunt Chris. They called me, and then he just hid his head in my dad's shoulder. Finally, he said Bye Aunt Chris-- but only after my parents bribed him with dessert. Kids!!! hahah!!

ouch!!! Trudy- that bush sounds horrible! I hope you are feeling better still today. But I am jealous about working outside, moving plants and all that. I guess one good thing about all of our snow is that it is preventing me from even thinking about gardening.

Jean, I hope that you are happy dancing about this weather with me! I just hope that the snow melts gradually so we don't get flooded.
Cait opened the door yesterday to let the dog out, and she yelled-- A Puddle??? I see a puddle!!!!! hahahaha!!!!

Gotta get rolling.... call the attendance about Cait, and get ready for babysitting.
TTYL :croc:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Whew my hockey weekend is behind me and now I have a week of no home games. I can now just enjoy the warmer weather and get some stuff done around the house. Yesterday was awesome seeing the 95 Cup team honored before the game and then my Devils went out and defeated the Philadelphia Flyers 5-2. There was almost a fist fight in stands between fans. The Stanley Cup was in the building and as a reward to those season ticket holders who renewed before March we got to have a photo with Cup. It was so awesome to see the Cup. It really is gorgeous! The photographer says to each don't touch it! But stand close LOL. This was an awesome weekend especially since my team probably is not making the play-offs. This week is my son's birthday and so came home and my DH had made Philadelphia Sticky Buns. OMgosh they are just the best especially when just baked and warm. Today is grocery shopping and a good long walk.

Chris sorry you are feeling so yucky! Poor Cait hope she feels better too! I know I am going to love daylight savings time. I am so enjoying light late!

Phylis glad you had a wonderful Skype with your family! Glad you are having sun! It so makes a difference to me.

Sharon congrats on getting Lightroom to work. Fun to have a husband change the clocks. My DH was home all day and I today must fix the clocks. How fun to have your potluck lunch. Always fun to try new dishes.

Trudy that is so weird about you and that bush and the allergic reaction. But it sounds like you are going to have one beautiful yard!

Jean I totally agree the seeing the snow melt is awesome.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
a fast fly-by today. i've been doing a thorough cleaning of the family room, where Mr. Woodstove lives. think Pompeii.... this is going to take hours. then i gotta go grocery shopping in the newly "redesigned" supermarket. in other words, no one can find ANYTHiNG!! i get in about 2 miles of walking, i swear, when i grocery shop. the stores are so blasted ENORMOUS, then they keep shuffling things around, so i keep walking from one end of the store to the other. i think Microsoft is running my grocery store: change for change's sake. no good reason, except to befuddle customers. shades of Windows Updates!! :rant:

have a happy Monday. be kind. to yourself. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Can you believe, more sun today and probably 40 or higher. Yesterday DH saw a chipmunk in the yard and last night I saw a rabbit sitting up on the snow near the path DH shovels across the front for the mail carrier (which is down to grass now). So the critters are stirring!!

Chris, so sorry you and Cait are suffering today. At least you'll still be taking it easy and hopefully the weather will be nicer than that forecast. We barely have lows forecast below freezing this week. It is so exciting. A puddle, eh? I guess it's the little things.

Nancy, guess we'll have some super hockey pages to come! Will we see you with the Stanley Cup? That sounds awesome. Enjoy the new weather!

Phylis, boo, hiss on the remnants from Mr. Woodstove. Hope you enjoy this weather anyway. One of my sister's groceries recently rearranged itself and that is nuts. Yup, we get to cover lots of ground there.

Hope everyone is surviving Monday and hopefully good weather.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am feeling groggy and foggy just like the morning outside. I can barely see the neighbours house. Woke up at 3:30 and tossed and turned for ages!! I was determined to get back to sleep!! Then around 5 ish I finally drifted back to sleep and slept like a rock until 8am. But now I feel all sleepy and discombobulated. Hope swimming will loosen me up as I am also very stiff from yard work all day yesterday. Fingers are back to normal and I think I can take my rings off now LOL. DH got stuck good with that bush too and his one finger got very sore, but he sure did not react the way that I did!!

Chris - Sounds like you are not having the best morning either! Hope that you feel better later today and perhaps you can squeeze in a nap sometime later. Hope that Cait feels better soon too!! Its funny but my DH is so worried about eating something that might be bad I never seem to have leftovers in my fridge for very long. He will ask me what needs to be eaten when I ask him what he wants for lunch or dinner and insists that we get rid of anything in the fridge that needs to be eaten up! :becky:

Nancy - You had an amazing weekend!! Now its time to relax for a bit and enjoy the day! So awesome that you got to see the Stanley cup and have your pic with it! My DH is going to be so jealous when I tell him! I don't think I have ever heard of Philadelphia sticky buns?? Are they just a type of cinnamon bun? I just love those! I always tell my family that I think that is what heaven must smell like, the scent of baking cinnamon buns oh so heavenly!!

Phylis - Oh don't you hate when they keep moving everything around in the store!!! Our safeway changed over to a SaveOnFoods store and they totally moved everything in the store :rant: I was furious and I still can't figure out yet where everything is ! Hope you get through your Pompeii mess!! Like I said earlier, the trouble with spring is that there is always lots of spring cleaning to do!! :becky: Hope you find something else nice to do today!

QOTD - I think you took all of the same sayings that my mother used to say to me and I swore that I would never say to my children, but of course I do. I will have to think about this one for a bit and get back to you! LOL

Off to swimming and then some scrapping and making of Ads for the upcoming birthday party (opps its not a secret is it Chris??) :tape: Enjoy the day everyone! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Jean :wave: we cross posted, nice to hear that the critters are making an appearance in your area! The curesed spiders are already making lots of mess on my railings on the deck. An ongoing battle with them all spring and summer and they usually win.


Well-Known Member
Trudy, you must attract us to post when you do. :mrgreen:

Sure hope swimming helped you get your day on track. Maybe if the fog lifts yours will too. And another critter showed up this morning - DH heard and saw a grackle when he left. That's our sure sign spring will come. Just wish their pine trees were still here!