
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 31


The Loopy-O
This month seemed to go on for-EVER!!! Or is it just me? I had more medical crap in the last 31 one days than I would normally have in... hmmmm. TWO months!! :pound: I was going to say "than in a year" but that wouldn't be true either hahahahah!!!!

Please please let April be a bit easier!!! It will def. be easier on one level. No more snow. I think we should be done with that. I'll take the pouring rain that we had the last three days over snow. I think that Gary would agree-- yesterday he said that pumping out our flooded basement is easier than shoveling all of the snow.

Did all of you have a nice weekend? Hope so! I still firmly believe that weekends should be three days. One day for errands, one day for cleaning and catch up, one day for REST!
The dress shopping went amazing!!!!!! First of all, I haven't seen Cait so happy trying on dresses/clothes in -- forever. The dress itself is GORGEOUS!!!!! And she looks amazing in it. Just stunning. She tried on several different dresses but the purple one just screams "Caitlyn."
The designer, Angela, was super fun and freaking creative and talented like you would not believe. Every dress she had there was just incredible. This is her Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Glamtastik
Cait took a few pics on her phone so the quality stinks but if I can post them, I will.

I am not working today, my client has to go see her MS dr, and we rescheduled for tomorrow. So I hope to use today to catch up on "life" since I am not feeling super-exhausted ATM.

Me Me Monday:
I will take time to do something for me, at some point. Not sure what it will be, but even if it is just sitting quietly, I am gonna do it!
quickies from Sunday :)

Eva- thanks! She really does look amazing in it! Sounds like an awesome weekend, all that Harry Potter. Good idea to see how much it takes you to knit. Although if you are knitting to relax anyway, would it be worth doing just for a bit of extra money? Bt i guess if you are on a time schedule, that takes the fun out of it sometimes.

TRudy- Sounds like a wonderful day with you and YMG! (Your Marvelous Gary heheh!!). I would imagine that Noah on Imax was pretty impressive!

Hi Laurie!!! Did you get snowed on too? I saw on FB that Phyllis was getting snow. Ugh! Ours is slowly melting, still have some piles winding down but the grass is pretty much cleared.

Sara, how was the party? Did you get cute pics? I am with you on all of that divisiveness. It is like the more we have to "label," the harder people seem to dig into protect that label.

Ok, my lovelies! Gotta run!
hi, guys. more eye troubles, so i'm not online much at all. probably going to the opthalmologist today. sigh....

be good. have some fun for me! :becky: on second thought, DON'T be good!!
good morning - got in good walks with the rain drops I am glad I have a good rain coat. I am really hoping the weather man is right and sun comes out this afternoon. Devils play tonight so that will be fun. Got some scrapping done. One of my husbands students needed some paper work done and so I was up helping him with printing. Poor guy is not that tech savvy. Not that I am but I am better than he is. LOL

Chris so glad that the dress fitting went so well. She will look so good. Have a good relaxing day. And yes glad that March is done.

Phylis so sorry the eye troubles will not go away! Take care and do see a doctor!

Trudy how nice to have a surprise date night. And when my Devils finally are eliminated I will be a Bruins fan for sure.

Have a great day all!
Morning ladies... Well after a very rainy weekend (it always seems to :rain: on the weekend) This monday morning is simply beautiful and sunny! Poor hubby never seems to get a nice day on his days off :mmph: I am enjoying my Monday and am going to go shopping for a new top to wear to FIL's 80th birthday party on Saturday. It will be a semi-busy week for me as Wednesday I have to go to the dentist to get a tooth crowned, Thursday I get my hair done and Friday I have to go and help MIL prepare for Saturday. So far my Tues is free, but I am sure I have forgotten that I am doing something on that day too :loco:

Chris - So happy that Cait had fun trying on her dress! She will look amazing in it I just know!! Hope that you get to enjoy and relax today Chris and just catch up on life as you say! I am also happy to hear that your snow is almost all gone!! HOORAY!! now for the spring colours to arrive at your place!! Our Cherry Blossoms are all out in bloom and they are stunning this year!! Hope to get out in the back garden and do some weeding today, wish you could join me!!

Phylis - Hope you get to the bottom of your eye troubles today! We have missed you here! Not only are you MIA but your avatar and other little pics are missing from your post today too, WTH is going on there??? We will have fun and be bad for you today my friend. :becky:

Nancy - I don't mind walking in the rain as long as I am wearing a good raincoat! And as long as its not a downpour!! That is what we have had all weekend!! Making some room for you on the Bruins bandwagon :becky:

Tummy is growling, but no idea as to what to have for breakfast this morning, guess I will go and see what calls to me in fridge. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!! :wave:
ah - Pioneer Woman - I love her! And just looking at those pictures made me craving ... and I left the dinner table 15 minutes ago LOL
Chris I too am glad this snow is about done! I heard we have one more cold snap coming our way and I'll be glad when it's gone and done! I'm sick of snow and cold and want some sun! Today however here was absolutely beautiful and warm! Made for one happy girl!

I talked to my surgeon last week who doesn't want to do the surgery according to what he said but it was like he was talking out of both sides of his mouth. He said basically he didn't think I was a candidate YET but that it was the job of the transplant doctors to convince me to have it. Basically told me that if I bleed out then I'll be a candidate :mad2: <-- That is pretty much how I felt about that day when it was all done, just a waste of my time. If I get to the point of having a bleed it won't be pretty considering I am on blood thinners and have no platelets but what do I know :blah: But for now I'll keep managing things the way I have been and hope we never get to that point. It will all be okay and it will all work out however it is intended!
Holy freaking crap those dresses are amazing. How is that woman not a costume designer or something?

The party was interesting. We were there to be the snarky under voices for our friend - the soon-to-be mother-in-law. We did our job well.

Phylis and Andrea - I'm so sorry for your health issues. I wish I could wave a wand and make all of you better!!

Eva - If you feel like a change...cut it!

Nancy - Rain is better than snow huh? Who is getting winter storm Xenia right now? And I mean, c'mon...when we hit the letter X when naming storms...it's been a sucky winter!

Trudy - Our morning started out decent has declined greatly. By the end of the week we may get our last blast of snow. blech. So, I'm jealous.

All right. I said I was going to work on my paper tonight. So I'm going to go do that. But I had to say hi.

Talk to you later ladies!