
Daily Ooos: Monday, March 3


Well-Known Member
Monday, Monday....lalalalalala... (oh, now that will be stuck in my head all day..ugh).

Prepping to teach classes, do some editing and find some patience to correct ZLS in a "positive reinforcement", "calm, assertive manner"as all the many doggie books we've read recommend....BUT she has moved from attempts to chew on us and the table legs to chewing on the tablecloth and whatever is on top of the chairs and her crate and even the screen door! However...I already asked our guests to pick up a bottle of bitter apple spray (it's safe and designed to stop pups from chewing on things they shouldn't) sooooo ZLS may chew her way through our lives today but one Wed after I get the bottle from our guests.......:madgrin: bwaahhaahhaaaa! ZLS will surrender (and probably move on to other targets....waaah)! Okay...any puppy chewing tips are appreciated.

So, how goes your Monday?

Sara - How was the shower? What was the theme? (I was trying to guess with those ogre finger snacks and mention of something else green but went through some wild ideas like - "oh, the guests of honor love the Shrek movies" or "Maybe they're movie buffs" or "Perhaps they're really, really into the green movement." As you can see, my imagination goes a bit off at times. ;)

Trudy - Have you made the lemon cake recipe you shared with Phylis over the weekend? It looked scrumptious so I really hoped someone got to sample a real bite. :)

Phylis- I saw the post you put about dear Chris. That was sooo thoughtful. Just love the family atmosphere here! :) How did the almond bread go? Care to share a slice with us all? ;)

Nancy - Did the cold weather hit or were you able to get in another walk?

Chris - Rest up now and know we're all thinking of you and keeping you close in our thoughts. :hug:


The Loopy-O
Good morning! I am actually doing pretty good. The fact that The Day is here and all is going in the right direction is making me happy.

Thank you all so much for your support and love!!



lOve the O!
Good Morning O fam! I have been lost in real life action-again. The storm "remember the Titan(s)" was a fizzle- only 3-4". It would have been pretty had it not hit when we were on our way to and from church. I have been consistent in my daily workouts. My scrap mojo has all but disappeared,but I did manage to do a few art journal pages this weekend. We are slowly progressing on the second fix the flooded basement brigade. We- my husband- have made a great concrete dust mess making a hole big enough for a sump pump. Have a wonderful day everyone.


Well-Known Member
Chris, thinking of you RIGHT NOW!!

T, almond flour bread sounds a lot better than it is in real life. it's supposed to be a "bread alternative" for those of us who don't eat grain. don't think of some lovely, sweet, light bread tasting of almond extract. think of a dense, moist thing tasting of nothing much. the recipe is from the Elana's Pantry website. http://www.elanaspantry.com/simple-bread/

Laurie, if you get that sump pump in, you'll be glad. did you get any holes drilled in the foundation, etc. to direct the water to your pump? good luck with this. our snowstorm was a fizzle, too. TG!!

Sara, thanks for the link to that recipe. i could probably mess around with it and get the potatoes out. but it sounds yummy. and heavy cream??!! whoa.

i was awake too early. 3:52 a.m. but i felt a bit rested so i figured i'd just get up and get going. i just cleaned out a bathroom closet and the medicine cabinet. i have TOO much stuff. unfortunately, the pile of things to get rid of is still pretty small, though. i'm hoping to get out of the house today. somewhere. ANYwhere! i think grocery shopping and a trip to the junk aisles in TJ Maxx is on the agenda. and maybe to Goodwill, if i clear out enough from some of my closets to donate.

hope everyone has a super Monday. especially Chris, who i can't stop thinking about!!


I love the O!
Hello ... In Belgium the children have holdidays ... spring break ... and when there are no children at school ... I don't have to work ...
The school secretary is closed ... :) time to do some other things .... reading, shopping, time to give our house it a thorough brushing .... :(
backup my pc ..... lots of little jobs ...


Well-Known Member
Good morning all! I have five minutes to post. Think I can get it in?

T - The theme was Fairy Tales, but not just princesses. Dragons, ogres, etc. It was fun and everything went well. Except I was so busy with everything else, I forgot about taking pictures of the people. I took pictures before and then after we took a few staged gift opening ones. LOL For puppy tips, lots of rawhides and bitter apple spray is what I remember using. There's probably better stuff now. That was 14 years ago!

Chris - <3 <3 <3

Laurie - Isn't it funny how all these storms fizzled? I hope Chris's fizzled too!

P - I hope you get some stuff done! It always feels good to get a little cleaned out. 4 a.m. doesn't sound pleasant to me, but if you feel rested, that's great!

Marijke - I can't wait for Spring Break. We have another week or so. :)

Ok. I have 30 seconds to spare! Yay me!


Well-Known Member
Good morning well the newest storm Titan was a fizzle in my part of NJ. Thank goodness! But it has turned really cold and windy. Had a fun hockey day as I attended an season ticket holder State of the Devils meeting. So far is sounds like our new owed is committed to the Devils and making them better. Funny because that is what the previous owner said too! Then the Devils lost to the Sharks but it was still fun as I got to sit in the second row from the glass. And yes I got to walk as it was a warm day, cloudy but mid 30s. My son came down and so it was good to see him. The game ended with about 6 min to make our train or it was sit in Newark for another hour. Well we missed the train by about 30 sec as we saw it pulling out of the station. No problem for me it was head down to MacDonalds for a dinner. I will always love their fries.

Chris sending you hugs and prayers!

Phylis if I got up that early and started cleaning my family would just say be quiet LOL. Hope you get out today and have fun!

Laurie congrats on keep up with your workouts. We have a sump pump and love it!

Tropt your description of you landshark is just too funny!

Marijke enjoy your holiday! Always fun to have time to enjoy your hobbies!

Trudy your lemon cake recipe looks really good! Thank you to Boston for defeating the Rangers!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
CHRIS!!!! So good to see you. <HUGS, HUGS, HUGS>

Laurie - Yay on the daily workouts. Bleh on the no scrap mojo. I've been right there with ya and have wanted to scrap but no time and when I finally carve out some time for that, I just sit...ugh But, hey, you did some AJ ones and they certainly count. :) And the flooded basement - oh, so sorry! but sounds like the sump pump will soon be in. :)

Phylis - Your description of almond bread makes me laugh because I remember the first time I made a gluten-free biscuit or some quick bread. I was all set for one taste and when I took a big bite, it felt like sand in my mouth and no taste or not much. I've since grown more fond of GF foods, especially since I'm supposed to be trying out a modified GF diet next month. Thanks for the recipe. I do like that site and have gone to it several times.

Marijke – YAY for school break! I love those kind of weeks. So many projects and it seems to take forever and nothing is happening and then before you know it (it seems), you can checked a lot off your to-do list.

Sara – oooh, Fairy Tales! Now I get it. Wow, sounds like a very creative shower! And thanks for the advice. I hadn’t thought of rawhides. Been trying the Kong chew toy and she likes that but can’t figure out how to get the treats out so she gets frustrated and bored (and then she has the zoomies – running all around the rooms, sliding across the floor like a hockey player (that image is for you, Nancy!) and just full of TOOOOO much energy. ;)

Nancy – That is so amazing that you get to meet the owner and kind of get the behind-the-scenes. And to have some extra time with your son: priceless!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning everyone, it is a :rain: Monday. But it sure beats :smow:!! Most of the snow we got over the weekend is gone already and we are back to milder temps again!

T - hope you find a solution to your puppy chewing issues! Hope you don't have any really expensive shoes that look appealing to your little fur buddy! :becky: No I have not tried the recipe, although it does look really tasty! I have never really had the gluten problem, but perhaps I should try it and see if it will help me to lose these extra lbs I am having problems losing. I am hypothyroid and I really have to work extra hard to lose any weight, its depressing!!

Chris - Thinking of you and hope that all goes well!! Waiting patiently for word on how things went, like Phylis I can't stop thinking about you today!!

Laurie - Nice to see you here again! Sorry that your mojo has left you, but know that things are stressful for you right now and you must concentrate on making things right again! Hopefully putting in the Sump Pump will take some of that worry away! We had one in our last house and we loved it! Peace of mind!!

Phylis - Uggh, you were awake waaaaay too early!! I woke up around that time too, but did manage to return to sleep, only to dream of 14 years ago, when I rushed my DD to the hospital, I did not realize it at the time, but it is almost exactly 14 years ago to the day, guess my sub-concious remembered?? So I am in a bit of a funk today as I still carry around that guilt, of what if's and should have I's. But
this will pass. I hope you make it out of the house today!! Have fun wandering around the junk aisles!! Wish I could join you!

Marijke- How nice that you have a holiday today, hope you get all the little jobs that you have on your list done and have time to just have fun too!

Sara - Your party sounds like it was fun and busy for you! Too bad you did not have time to take more pics, but I bet it was a great time for everyone, especially the guest of honour!!

Nancy - DH was very happy to see his Bruins win last night!! He was all dressed in his Jersey and his Boston Bruins sweatpants, now he thinks he needs socks and under ware with the BB crest on them. I just rolled my eyes at him and said maybe for next Christmas LOL. Glad you had a good time at your game, so great to be so close to action!!

Ok everyone, I have some scrapping to do, perhaps a journal page to get some scrap therapy today is in order. We will see. Need some breakfast first and then there are the bathrooms to clean today SIGH!! Hope you all have a Marvellous Monday!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi, Marijke! glad you have some time off. unfortunately, why is it that when women get a day off, they really DON'T get a day off? our "free" time always involves cleaning the house!!

Trudy, (((((((hugs))))))). i hope your thoughts move forward to happy stuff. think about DD, but add in the sweetie Mason!! that should make you smile!

Nancy, i had to laugh at your comment about the PREVIOUS owner also saying they want to improve the team. i guess everyone new comes on thinking they have a better idea. then reality sets in. glad NJ didn't get the full blast of Titan. the sun is shining here today. YAAAAY!!! :cheer2:

Sara, i feel rested at 4 a.m. because i went to sleep around 9:30! although i must say that right now, at 1 P.M., i'm starting to sag a bit.... :faint2:

i'm wondering how our Chris is doing. hoping everything went well. can't stop thinking about her!!


Well-Known Member
Like everyone, can't stop thinking of Chris! and hoping all is going well.

Hugs to all and hope it is a good day.