
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 24


The Loopy-O
Can you believe that it is the last full week of March? It would be easier to belive that if the snow would go away and that we would be having a high of 33*F today.:pout:

I still hadn't gotten much of anything done this weekend. I did finish my taxes, and updated Scott's financial aid with that info. That was the big thing that had to get done and now it is.Whew!

So for today, I have to get back into some sort of routine. I am going to call the Cancer Center to get an appt for my CAT scan and tattoos. I really did want a new tattoo, but I was hoping for something a little more decorative than dots.:rofl: Hopefully that will get done this week and I can start the treatments asap.

I am off to the supermarket with more food insanity. Cait is now a vegetarian. Not a big change from her, since she didn't like meat (aside from chicken nuggets) as it was and still no fish. But Scott *will* eat chicken on occasion and loves fish. Part of me thinks they do this to me just to make my head spin. :mod:

Me Me Monday
Ugh. NO clue!!



Well-Known Member
Chris - We have a little bit of snow too. It's annoying isn't it? Yay on finishing taxes. I'm glad you are having a sense of humor about the treatments. Maybe if you connect the dots you can make a picture! :)

I'll be honest with you. I hated meat for a long time. I would eat chicken and that's about it. Then, when I started dating Matt - I just found out that I never had meat cooked well!! My dad always dried out the cheap steaks that my mom made. They never marinaded or seasoned anything. My mom's idea of cooking meat came from her Jewish background of boiling things until they were shoe leather. We never went to fancy restaurants that had good meat either. I have come a long way now and love me a good steak! So....maybe they just haven't found what they like yet. (Please note: I am in no way saying that you are a terrible cook!)

Me me me Monday - I'm going out to dinner with my bestest friend. Under the pretense of planning a Family Reading Night for school, but still out to dinner with her and no one else! yay!

Ok. I have to get going. Have a good day ladies!


Well-Known Member
good morning - I too can't believe this is the last full week of March. Hoping this is the last cold snap. Had a fun day yesterday. My Devils defeated Maple Leafs 3-2. It was fun game to watch. There were a lot of Maple Leaf fans in the building too. David Clarkson made his return to NJ after leaving this summer to play for Toronto. So it was fun to defeat his team. Also went in early for dinner with my son. Had fun talking to him. Today will be quiet as everyone is off at work.

Chris glad you made your decision! Sometimes that is more than half the battle.

Sara have fun at your dinner.

Hope everyone has a great start to the week!


Well-Known Member
hey-ho. snow tomorrow. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today a haircut and a nap, i think. maybe. you know those nights when you believe you MUST have slept, but it felt like you were only half asleep all night?? yep. one of those....

hope everyone starts off the week in a good mood!!
enjoy your day.


Mistress of Mayhem
Today it's a year since my sister passed. I've turned off the phones, not opening Facebook, left the blinds down. I don't want to let the world in today. (Ok, I'm letting DH in when he's coming home from work, but that's only because he's bringing me semla)

We have leftover pizza from yesterday, and I plan to scrap & watch Medium all day. And cause mayhem at Oscraps. I've had so many tell me they're happy I'm back here. I can tell you - you are not half as happy as I am. So great to have a place to call hOme! I can be who I am, I can leave for months and still you want me, I can be obnoxious and tease you ... guess you all are suckers for punishment. :rofl:

And you all know I'm The Royal Queen of the Universe :)

Now to come up with something that rhymes with eight. I still have 2 challenges to go.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all! I was MIA here yesterday, but I spent the whole day outside cleaning up the front yard with DH. I hate to tell all of you who still have snow, but it is spring here and we even cut the grass yesterday. Don't hit me
. I even got a sunburn on my face. We hauled away a whole truck full of overgrown bushes and my poor Japanese Maple that I planted when grandson #1 was born. It split right down the middle of the trunk a couple of years ago from the weight of the snow and has been slowly dying, so out it came. :sad: Needless to say we are both very stiff and sore from moving plants around and weeding, trimming etc.

Chris - Hooray you got your taxes done! Stupid tax man!! :becky: I can't imagine having kids that don't like meat?? Mine always loved it, the only thing Heather did not like was pork, she didn't like the smell of it cooking. But then its the only thing that made me nauseous when I was pregnant with her. Wonder if there is a connection there? Good luck with the food shopping insanity! I hate grocery shopping too!! If only we did not have to eat!!!

Sara - Your experience with meat, sounds just like my hubby, he did not really like steak when we first met, but his Mother would cook it so long it dried up into old shoe leather. She was a fantastic baker, but still can't make a decent supper to save her soul! So when DH started eating at my house once in a while he fell in love with beef, my mother was a fantastic cook and even though there were seven of us kids, she could make cheap cuts of meat, melt in your mouth!! I miss her cooking!!

Nancy - Glad you had such a great day yesterday, filled with hockey and good times with your son! Enjoy your nice quiet day today, hope the weather warms up for you today!

Phylis - You night of sleeplessness sounds like my night last night too! But mine was because every time I tried to turn I would wake up as every muscle in my body aches!! Tonight its Ibuprofen before bed!! Glad to see you here again, hope you are feeling better!!

Ok today is more weeding around the front wall of our house between the wall and the sidewalk. The weeds sure don't have any trouble growing do they! Have to get it done today, because its going to be :rain: for the rest of the week. I am off to close the day 4 activity from the birthday bash and choose a lucky winner. Have a great day everyone!!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wave: Hi Eva Queen of the Universe :wave: Have a nice time getting the challenges finished and don't shut out the world for too long, it really is a wonderful world!! :hug:


Well-Known Member
My Monday was full of school and laundry and then a PT visit since my back locked up from the weekend cleaning and dog training (2.5 months & almost 20 lbs so when she suddenly pulls in the opposite direction, my back goes "snap, crackle, pop!"). Plus, DD keeps having some allergic reactions soooooo...we're working our way through that.

Chris: Glad that you've made the decision and can go forward. Vegetarian..hmmm..there are some great websites that Cait might like such as Post Punk Kitchen (sounds goth but they have great veggie takes on all sorts of meat dishes and beyond) and Oh She Glows and Chef Chloe (She's young & hip and makes all sorts of vegan desserts - even won a big cupcake contest a few years back).

Sara - Yay on having girls' time with you BF. I'm sure it was too much fun!

Nancy - Yay on the hockey win and a great conversation with your son. Those really add up over time and create such strong bonds. :)

Phylis - Oh, SORRY about the no-sleep sleep. Hope you can get some rest tonight. What kind of haircut did you get - something brand new or just a sprucing up on your current one? Sometimes spring makes you want to go for something new and different (but then I've had some really SCARY haircuts as a result... ;) )

Eva - Hugs.... Those semlas look scrumptious and I think you should buy a box for all of us so we can munch along with you. And, yes, your posts really add some pizzazz here at the O and we're so glad. Yay on completing almost all of the challenges...me?...ummmmmmmm....someday I'll have some scrap time. Hopefully this weekend.

Trudy - Woohooo on all the outdoor clean-up and soaking up the sun. Spring just makes you want to get outside to do something, anything, etc. :) Booo on the sore muscles. Hope that goes away soon.